In task one a series of research has to be made to understand the concept of how online ticket selling works. This research helps to progress in the assignment. The source of information is to be found from the internet.
The impact of e-commerce, particularly in business to business (B2B) transactions, continues to grow. Customers increasingly expect to be able to deal with suppliers electronically as a matter of course. Growing numbers of businesses are looking at ways to enhance their operations through the use of electronic technology. This is despite the dotcom crash, which has had the positive effect of allaying the hype surrounding e-commerce, particularly online retailing (or e-tailing).
It is important to recognise that the Internet, e-commerce and the demands of a knowledge economy are raising the bar of economic participation for everyone across the economy.
Site No-1
URL Name:
[visit Date and Time-10.05.2008, 4:30 PM]
Futures and Facilities of the site:
Site No-2
URL Name:
[Visit Date and Time-10.05.2008, 4:30 PM]
Futures and Facilities of the site:
Site No-3
URL Name:
[Visit Date and Time-11.05.2008, 3:20 PM]
Futures and Facilities of the site:
Site No-4
URL Name:
[Visit Date and Time-12.05.2008, 1:30 PM]
Futures and Facilities of the site:
Site No-5
URL Name:
[Visit Date and Time - 13.05.2008, 5:10pm]
Futures and Facilities of the site:
From this analysis an idea is received how tickets are sold online. This clears the system and requirements of Sporting Ticket online.
Task 2
The first requirements of this task a project plan is to be done. This represents a time scale required to be allocated for this assignment.
Project Plan
A project plan is needed to complete the assignment. We need to prepare a plan to successfully complete the assignment. Here the suggested project plan for this assignment is given below:
In this task a presentation of the sporting ticket online has to be done to represent the entire condition of the respective topic. This presentation should high light the benefits of implementing e-commerce into this system.
Task 4
In this task a briefing document must be produced of no more than 600 words that describe the various payment options that the site could utilize in order to enable customers to pay for their ticket purchases online. The document should also include recommendation on each options would be most suitable for sporting tickets online, together with the reasons of the choice.
Customers need to pay to the website to buy tickets. There are various payment options for the customers. This task defines some of the payment options.
Various payment options
Every online ticketing Website has different policies, fees, and procedures that may influence where one decide to sell ones tickets. Customer should be sure to familiarize themselves with each site's requirements before posting their tickets. Below are some important things to consider when selling tickets online and making payment also.
Credit cards and e- Checks
Credit/debit cards and e-Checks are the most common forms of payment for third-party ticket vendors, such as Stub Hub. When the ticker sellers sell their tickets on one of these sites, the vendor will collect the payment from the buyer and then distribute it to that institution. This helps ensure the safety of both seller and the buyer.
Pay Pal
Pay Pal is a secure third-party service that allows the buyer to pay you without disclosing their personal information. Pay Pal is EBay's standard method of payment; however, anyone can set up an account to buy or sell merchandise. Pay Pal will withdraw the money from the buyer's credit/debit card, bank account, or Pay Pal account, and put it directly into buyers Pay Pal account. Although sellers will be required to pay a small transaction fee, Pay Pal will protect you from bounced checks and fraudulent payments.
Like Pay Pal, buyers who choose online escrow also submit payment to a third-party. The difference is that the payment is not released to the seller until the buyer receives the merchandise and verifies that it is correct. Escrow will cost the buyer about $20 in extra in fees, at the same time both benefit from the added security.
Note: It's wise not to accept personal checks from buyers you don't know. If a buyer suggests paying by check, suggest other options, such as Pay Pal or escrow.
Check out our Seller Resources page for the best Websites to selling tickets online.
Fixed price
fixed price for tickets can be set and the ticket will be sold on a first come, first served basis. Although the price is fixed, most sites will allow sellers to adjust the price of their tickets after they post them. This can be extremely beneficial if the event date is near and their tickets have not sold.
In an auction format, ticket selling organization set a starting price for their tickets and then allow prospective buyers to place bids until the close of auction. The highest bidder wins the tickets. On most sites, sellers have the option of setting a minimum price for their tickets. In this case, the highest bidder only receives the tickets if the bid is above sellers pre-approved minimum. This can be risky if the event is near and seller set their minimum too high.
Recommendation for payment option:
Escrow is possibly will be the best option of payment because it not only ensure the customer privacy but also give customer satisfaction and certainty of being got the right ticket what has been required.
So here are some of the payment options defined in this task. One option can be chosen for Sporting Ticket Online.
In this task a short marketing plan must be written of no more than 1500 words identifying the ways in which the new sporting tickets online site could be promoted. The plan will be recognized that the site is intended to cater for customers wishing to purchase tickets and for those wishing to sell their secondary market tickets. It will specify the various activities that could be undertaken in order to make potential customers aware of the full range of services offered by the new e commerce site and value to the existing mail order activities that are currently undertaken to the established customer base. It will be also give an indication of how customer data gathered from site visitors could be used for subsequent marketing activities
Executive summary
The goal of this marketing plan is to outline the strategies, tactics and program that will make the sales goals online ticket selling plan in the realty in the year 2006.
the ultimate goal for our online ticket selling business is to get along our country at an international stage for the trade and business which help for gaining for earn currency simultaneously we try to develop a corporate business community in our country and be recognized in the whole world.
We efficient our management in order to get the order from abroad and provide them their expected ticket to their country on time.
We are providing quality product to our consumer what satisfied their needs and wants. We are providing international quality product to our sports lover from all ages and communities which make our country self independent in online ticket business.
Market summary
In our situation online ticket business is a new conception. Some of us have wrong concept that online ticket is only for the corporate persons who remains always busy have no time to go for buying tickets and for high officials and expert internet users but the real thing is that this is not only for those kinds of persons this option is for all kinds of sports lovers because this is the age of science and technology. Peoples prefer buying things through online instead of going physically and some times it is hazardous and time consuming too.
Target market growth
Market analysis:
We make our service suitable for all time of the year. According to designing of the service we emphasize comfort and smoothness first. Then design, color and sizes of the web page also.
Service quality:
We make sure the best quality to the ingredient what can satisfy the consumer expectation and demand. We select the best online expert to design the web page and online facilities what can satisfy our clients.
Brand value:
Our logo, design brand equity our name and slogan intended our brand equity to the online services on individual seller or group of seller and also it make difference from any other online ticket selling company.
Combination of world famous sports company like Nike, Reebok, and Adidas. According to Executive summary the ultimate goal for our business is to get along our country at a international stage for the trade and business which help for gaining for earn currency simultaneously we try to develop a corporate business community in our country and be recognized in the whole world
We efficient our management in order to get the order from home and abroad and provide them their expected service to them on time.
We provide quality service to our consumer that satisfied their needs and wants. We are providing international quality service to our national sports team visitor domestic club sports visitor, individual interests which make our country self independent in online ticket selling business.
Good design begins with a deep understanding of customer needs experience. We use the world's best technology and hi-tech design and fade. We collect design and technology from addidas, Reebok, and different sports club like Manchester united, real Madrid,
We always try to provide quality service with relevant price this is our vision. We determine the price according to the consumer buying ability of different potential consumer. We have targeted our consumer in some parts are written bellow:
International sports and games visitors: we make online ticket buying service for the international games and sports visitors
Corporate and premier league: we always take order from recognized sports club like BEXIMCO cricket team, ACME LABORATORIES, GAZI TANG, EPLION, MOHAMMADAN, ABAHANI, OLD-DOHS, BIMAN BAGLADESH etc with reasonable price.
Students: we provide attractive discount for school goers, college student and for university student by showing their ID cards.
Executives: we charge convenient price for the executive.
Play ground and gymnasium: According to the place we emphasize to open our show rooms near to the both domestic and international play ground and gymnasium of the country in order to purchase our service easily by the consumer.
Capital and rural market place:
After that capital side of the division then we look at to the show rooms situating different districts and the rural market area
Incentive to encourage people for buying stated service and create awareness of people for the services. We stimulate our potential consumer with attractive allowances:
Arranging contest: to make a player professional competent we arrange sports competition both urban and rural area. To arrange this competition we provide all kinds of sponsor to the player. We award the player who makes an outstanding performance in the game.
Public relation: we get near to the public and try to understand them that the sports, exercise is the best way to live a healthy life and fitness and way to be away from diseases on behalf of our company image.
Free goads: we can provide some shorts of free guide line how to use our service and all the rules and regulation and football world cup.
Discounting: we provide discount to whom who purchase
A stated amount
Coupon: in the international trade fare we provide coupon to the buyers, at the end of the fare coupon draw is held and the winner get a magnificent sports bike.
Service: we not only provide online ticket selling service but also provide customer service too so that the consumers can easily access to all kinds of facilities.
MD.ASHRAFUL one of the famous cricket player of the world is our brand ambassador.
Situation analysis
In order to determine the long run performance of an organization, a set of managerial decisions and actions are required. This set of decisions and action is called strategic management. Let us take a look at the corporate level strategy. This is a strategy in which the organization seeks to determine what business it should be in or wants to be in. This strategy includes three grand strategies. They are:
a) Stability strategy
b) Growth strategy
C) Retrenchment strategy.
Now let us find out what strategies manufactures had chosen to stay on top of its competitors. In other words what strategies it had implemented to compete in a market in which the demand of consumers is high and always changing due to the change in culture, economy, demography, politics technological factors.
Swot analysis
Competitors: The competitors of our online football match ticket selling business are sensitive towards the customer demand that is why the manufacturer of online seller can not rest assure and feed back. There competitor are tough enthusiastic and relentless. There are willing to take any measure to pursue excellence and be the highest in consumer demand. The competitors have own the mind of many customer by providing satisfaction and all other means by which customer fell delighted.
In this task three possible domain names has to be stated and it is to be described why they have been chosen.
“A domain name identifies a computer or computers on the Internet. These names appear as a component of the Web site's URL. This type of domain name is also called a hostname.”1
Potential Domain Names:
This is a potential domain name for Sports Ticket Online. This name is the directly reflects the purpose of the company.
This is another possible domain name for Sports Ticket Online. This conveys the message that this site is related to sports. “.bd” represents the country name which is Bangladesh.
This is also a potential domain name for Sporting Ticket Online. Any person can understand by this domain that this site sell sporting ticket. “.bd” represents the country name which is Bangladesh.
Importance of Domain Name:
In this task a privacy statement including security and privacy of the users personal information and payment information must be stated.
Privacy Policies
Information Collection
When some body browses any Web site, they do so anonymously. Personal information—including their e-mail address—is not collected. Some of the Web sites, however, may request that some body voluntarily supply them with personal information.
Collecting only information that is needed and we tell listeners/customers how we use it.
Collection of information about our listeners/customers to what we need to know to manage their membership, to provide customer service, to offer new products and services, and to fulfill any legal and regulatory requirements.
We give listeners/customers choices about how their data will be used.
On a regular basis, we provide our listeners/customers the ability to decline any or all future email communications.
We use information security safeguards. Access to listener/customer data is limited to those who specifically need it to conduct their business responsibilities. We use security techniques designed to protect our listener/customer data—especially that data which is used by employees and business partners to fulfill listener/customer services.
We limit the release of listener/customer information. In addition to providing listeners/customers with the opportunity to refuse marketing offers, we release information only at the listeners'/customers' requests, or when required to do so by law or other regulatory authority.
We keep payment details hidden and secured. The Creditcard number, Visa number, Pal number, etc are kept safe from other users and unauthorized viewers. Any problems or loss caused due to us then we would take responsibilities.
Information Use
If customers provide us with their e-mail address, or have done so in the past, we may send you e-mails offers or newsletters. These offers or newsletters are based on information you provided in your membership application, registration forms.
Information or email address is never sold to a third party. All offers are carefully developed to guarantee that they meet our standards. Our goal is to target offers to listeners/customers who will find them of value.
The data is provided is used to enhance the services As a result of providing personal information, Susquehanna Radio Corp. radio stations can provide a more customized online experience, making your interaction with us more productive, helpful and fun.
Declining e-mail offers. Our organization provides listeners/customers with an easy means to decline receiving e-mail offers and recognizes the importance of providing customers with choices.
In conclusion it is to say that as everything is becoming online based so online ticketing for sport ticket buyers will be more helpful. On the basis of customer requirements i made here our best effort to made online ticketing more available to the potential customer. After all sports lovers always keep on searching to get the right ticket for the right sports on time without facing any kinds of hazard. This is mainly focused here that how every required information reach to the potential customer and evaluate their responses more effectively. More over privacy of the potential customers are importantly emphasized here. Only the information are disclosed here what are suppose to disclose and approved by the customer. To reach all kinds of information available to the customer and their expected product to them so that a well designed marketing plan has been done.
List of References