One of the big problems

Published: November 9, 2015 Words: 712

One of the big problems with the internet is that more people are using it and there is a lot of personal information online that others can get and use. Many big companies, businesses and our government rely a lot on computers. There are people who are not honest and they hack into computer systems to do things that are illegal. They hack in to try to send viruses or stealing personal information from computers.

Only 17% of companies whose computers were hacked report the problem to the police. The companies don't report it because they are afraid of what their customers would say or think. The companies think that if people find out that they have been hacked they will not buy from that company because they are nervous about that company's security. So the problem of computer hacking is probably much bigger than we even suspect because many times no one finds out about it.

90%of Fortune 500 networks have been hacked. In Canada Internet hacking has doubled to 8% in 1998 in just one year. Experts say that if this trend continues then it must be around 32% today. So this data shows that hacking is not just a problem in the United States it is a problem all over the world. Probably the number of hackers is pretty high but the hacking trends that show would make us think that the numbers must be much higher.

58% of computers have detected outsiders trying to gain computer access, and 30% don't know if there have been any attempts from outsiders.

Department of Defense Computer Systems - there have been approximately 250,000 attempts to break into the Government systems in 1995 of which 65%were successful.

In 1998 the Financial Cost to computer security breaches was reported for the 163 companies $123.7 Million. (1999 CSI/FBI Report.)

70% of web sites have security flaws.

To stop hackers you should install a fire-wall program that will act like a bouncer which knows who to let in and who not to let in. one of the most well-know fire-walls for Windows users is Symantec's Norton Internet Security 2000. Now if you run Shield Up, not only are your ports closed, but a hacker won't even know they exist. It's as if your computer were tuned off. You can customize the level of protection the program provides. At least you should have the basic level blocks know threats and closes your ports but doesn't send you alerts when someone tries to scan your system - letting you work without disruption. But if you're more concerned, you can set it up to block all Internets access that you haven't specifically permitted and send alerts whenever someone tries to get in. once you install a fire-wall, make sure you keep it updated, just as you would an antivirus program. Hackers are always finding new ways to get in.

It isn't ok to hack into other computer or to send viruses to other people's computer systems because it is illegal. A person could get in trouble with the federal, state or local governments. In 1995 it was reported by the Department of Defense that there were more than 250,000 attempts to get computer access to their files and 65% of them were successful. If a person is caught hacking, they could go to prison for their actions. When you send viruses or hack you are causing another person a lot of grief. They are using their own time and going nuts because their computer is messed up. It is not ok to use you skills to cause lots of trouble or break the law.

There are more steps that people can take to stop people from getting into their computers. One very good thing to do is going to computer safety classes. Local schools are a good places to look for programs that help people learn about how to protect their computers. At Islesboro Central School students and their parents are required to take this class so that the students can take their computers home and use them in safe ways. If people know about the dangers of hacking and install a firewall on their computers, then there will be fewer people who suffer because of hackers.
