If you staring at someones eyes to see, it means you are interested to someone. But in other country it means you are very rude for someone, it is not good for the start of a new friendship.
If you do a ok sign in The United States of America, it means you agree something. In Japan means money, in France this gesture is considered to be '0', and this is a very rude gesture in Brazil and Germany.
In America a thumbs-up means good or did a good job, but in Nigeria it is a rude sign. But in Japan and Germany, if someone gives you a thumbs-up, it means you are the first.
In many countries, nodding one's head means agree something, shaking one's head means disagree something. But in some place in Bulgaria, Greece, that have contrary means.
So, non-verbal communication is very important in inter-culture communication, grasp this is good for you communication with other country's peoples, also can help you study other country's local culture. Therefore, understanding and using non-verbal communication correctly will promote the communication between people and people, country and country. It is important to do so, and it is essential to do so.
That just body language, "in fact non-verbal communication has five categories: 1.body and facial gestures; 2.eye contract; 3.body contract or proximity; 4. clothing and physical appearance; and 5. the quality of speech.''(懒儿,2010,'non-verbal communication', http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_686afad60100jgnl.html.).We can communication with other people by this ways. However, these just a small part of non-verbal communication, all of our do, all of our sign, and face or the way we sit, which is non-verbal communication. So we should know people's body language, it is very important. For example, teacher teach students, teacher speak in the class and his teacher very good, but students don't study anything, because teacher don't attend: when he teach, all students head down, that means they thing this class is very boring, lead to they are want to sleep. So if you want to make a friend with other people, you will good for non-verbal communication, you should know what he says by his action, eyes, and sign or his facial expression. If you know this thing, you will be a good friend for him.
On the one hand, non-verbal communication is an important thing in business, because we can know people's character by people walking gait. If you walking relaxed and calm, that means you are very natural. And walking gait is dignified and courteous; you will very pay attention etiquette. Walking, lithe gait, their heads held high, and means you are very confidence. Walking pace is fast or slow, fast, pacing up and down, slow, overlooking the ground, the pace is slow, and it means you usually thing questions. If you know this, you will choose a good partner.
On the other hand, body language also can help people in business negotiation. The body language is the outward manifestation of human psychology reflect the natural, for example, stand together with people they do not like to keep distance than those who like to be farther, customers in the queue, he kept the coin in the pocket, lane chink this clearly shows that he was in a hurry: in front of the counter, he picked up the merchandise and put down, showing take indefinite note: When some said he had no fear when his hands are shaking, then we believe he is in fear of. So body language can help you know other side psychological, can help you be a winner in the negotiation. So been growing attention as an important strategy in business negotiations with the increasingly frequent business communication business negotiations, the needs of the body language emphasis on body language real difficult to disguise, a dominant position in the negotiation process, and therefore effective use of business negotiations the body language is very important.
Non-verbal communication also very important in our everyday life, we use it everyday, even every time. Like we shake hand or nod, that is body language, also is non-verbal communication. And we always use body language when we talk with other people, which can enhance the expressive sound language. For example, when someone is walking the street you ask, you side hand pointing direction to help each other neighbor will road direction, to achieve effective information communication. People in working life often can not help but make some moves, can be seen from these actions often a person's mental outlook and state of mind, like people pinch they eyes or ears, it means they don't have grasp to do something. Watch means they don't have patience, want to leave. People play with pen or other things means they be absent-minded. And also have others, so the body is like a can not close the transmitter, every time sent our mood and state. If you want to impress people, must eliminate that negative body language, like don't finger tapping on the table and don't sit in chair shaking or shaking leg. At the same time in work and in life to observe the people and things around, reading the body language, leading to faster, more accurate to judge and understand each other.
Effective use of body language can help you succeed, let us from every act and every move, every word and action.
"In fact non-verbal communication has five categories: 1.body and facial gestures; 2.eye contract; 3.body contract or proximity; 4. clothing and physical appearance; and 5. the quality of speech.''(懒儿,2010,'non-verbal communication', http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_686afad60100jgnl.html.)