In this essay I will be talking about the life of Anne Frank and how she was affected by the Nazi Holocaust. The Nazi Holocaust with Adolf Hitler in the front was trying to persecute all Jews in Europe, resulting in 6,000,000 million deaths(Museum 2009). Firstly I will talk about how the Nazi Holocaust started and how Adolf Hitler came to power and why he disliked Jews. Then, secondly, I will use Anne Frank as an example of how hard life became and how they had to hide to survive. Thirdly, I will talk about how Anne Frank's human rights were being affected during her childhood. As my final point I will look at how many lives were lost just because of this event, and try to answer why they were lost. I will sum up with a conclusion.
In 1920, Adolf Hitler joined the party called the Nazi party. The Nazis wanted to reunite one nation, and cancel the treaty of Versailles. Sometime later Hitler became leader of the Nazi Party and got new members quickly because of his superb way of persuading people. He was against all communists and Jews and therefore supported the fall of the Weimar republic. So, on the 8th of November, 1923, he marched into Berlin with a troop of 2000, but he was later on arrested for five years because of a lot of deaths happening in the area. While Adolf was in prison, he wrote the first volume of Mein Kamph, which later on became one of the most sold books in the world, resulting in him being a very rich man. But, in 1930, Germany was hit by a depression and so Hitler promised to get rid of the Jews and all the Communists and to reunite Germany giving the Nazis 40% of the votes in the elections in 1932. Hitler's hate against Jews was enormous. Jews were not a part of mankind to him. They weren't good enough and everything that happened to Germany in a negative way he blamed the Jews. He wanted to make a pure race, with only blonde haired people with blue eyes, in other words the complete opposite of all Jews. In 1933, Hitler was selected as chancellor of Germany, giving him the control over Germany. Hitler's plans on getting rid of the Jews could now be taken into action. In October 1938, a gathering of Polish Jews was made, who where later on dumped at the Polish border. A family that was dumped sent a mail to their son studying in Paris, which resulted in him killing a German official. This then led to the beginning of the gathering of all Jews who were later on arrested and put into concentration camps which were located in most countries that Germany controlled (there were around 13 main concentration camps in Europe). The Nazi Holocaust had started.(Bülow 2010) “The holocaust ended when the allied forces defeated Germany and then took over. The holocaust really ended in 1945 after the ww2 was about to end to it also ended when the nazi lost power of Germany, but the official day of the end of the holocaust was at the end of ww2 exactly when all the troops surrendered also. The holocaust ended in certain places when the allies let go of the prisoners in the camps in 1944-1945 after Hitler's death in 1945 the Germans decided to let go of the Jewish prisoners. The Allied armies, theAmericans, British, French, and Canadians from the West, and the Soviets and Yugoslavs from the East. They all came into Germany and let go of the concentration camps and the people. Then forced the nazi to surrender on May 8, 1945.” (
This resulted in many Jews having to hide in order to survive. Anne Frank and her family were able to hide before they were arrested. Anne Frank's parents decided that Germany wasn't safe at all so they flee to Netherlands and managed to find a little “secret” room in the annex of Anne's father's business building. For two years, Anne Frank and her family lived in a little room, hiding from the Nazis. To survive, Anne's father had colleagues smuggling clothes and food into them in the small annex. This both put his colleagues and his family at risk. They couldn't go outside, and basically were imprisoned in the little room in the business building for nearly 1000 days! In 1942, Gestapo finds there hiding place, and arrests them sending them to a concentration camp. Anne's father is the only one to survive, after Anne and Margot (her sister) dying of typhus. They were two of altogether 6 million deaths of only Jews in World War 2. Since the father was the only one to survive the concentration camp, he was able to publish the diary which Anne Frank wrote in while she was hiding and this is why we have got to know about her life/story. (Hurwitz 1998)
Anne Frank didn't live for many years, but her human rights have probably been more violated than a normal adult's rights would have been. At the age of four, her parents decided to move to the Netherlands, just because of a group of people wanting to take somebody's life and doing it just because they are different. Hiding because someone is after you means that your right to freedom is being violated. Everyone has the right to live freely; you shouldn't live hiding from someone. The way the Nazis were treating the Jews is the complete opposite of what all the human rights states. Everyone should be treated fairly, regardless of their race, age, religion or where you were born. The Nazis were directing at one specific race, the Jews. Everyone are maybe different, but we're all worth the same. No-one should be treated unfairly! This human right was probably the one who best explains the Nazi Holocaust. Right to life was being violated, killing innocent people because they were different. They were mal nourished, they weren't given clean water, and they were doing slavery work. They were tortured and hit. Jews were basically having all their human rights being violated! They had right to nothing.
To me, this doesn't look right. It's impossible to think of this as reality. Killing one specific group of people because they were different is completely unbelievable. Even holding a gun and pointing at someone with it to me is impossible. Hitler didn't even mind killing people and he could have stopped it. How can someone even think of killing someone for fun? Jews were animals for Hitler. He killed people for fun. I thought killing people was what they did in ancient time, and that we now have developed so much that killing to get power was ridiculous. Why don't they just make an agreement instead of killing those with different ideas and beliefs? I would never do such a thing, never!
Hitler joined the Nazi party in 1920 who where against communism and especially Jews. When Germany was hit with a depression, Hitler who had become leader of the Nazi Party then took advantage of the opportunity and so he promised to get rid of all Jews and Communists and that he would reunite Germany. This resulted in him and the Nazi party receiving 40% of all votes in the elections in 1932. Hitler was then selected as chancellor of Germany; he had basically control over Germany. Jews were gathered, arrested and so many events started, and Hitler took advantage of them all. Soon WW2 was about to start. Some Jews were able to hide, like e.g. Anne Frank and her family but after some months and years they were found. The Jews were being killed and tortured at concentration camps. Their freedom was taken from them, and basically all their human rights were being misused.