This document describes the procedures, restrictions and standards for the use of mobile devices connecting to Smith Kendon's internal network or related technology resources. The primary goal of this security policy is to ensure Smith Kendon's technology based resources (networks, data, databases, computer systems, etc.) are adequately protected from unauthorized use, damage to critical application, loss of revenue, malicious attack that could result in loss of information, and any sort of damage to company's public image.
This policy applies to all Smith Kendon employees, these includes part time staff, full Staff and third party people who make use of personally or company owned mobile devices to access the organizations' data and networks via any means.
Mobile Devices: These covers any electric or battery operated device that is capable of storing, processing or transmitting data and can be easily transported, including but not limited to the following device classification:
Responsibilities and Ownership
General guidelines
Employees and third parties who by their action violate or do not comply with this policy or its procedures may need to be reprimanded or discharged, may be fined or penalized, and may involve civil or criminal litigation.