Methods of Recruitment used by Sunway ESystem

Published: November 4, 2015 Words: 2828

Nowadays, there are many companies established in this world and are having strong competition with each other. In order to improve the productivity of company, the top management will require to recruits a number of staffs to work in the company. The companies will find and inform the residents in a few ways such as via newspaper, internet, show the vacancy in front of company and etc. Sometimes, they will find a headhunter company to help the company to selecting the candidates.

The vacancy notice that sends by the companies usually will include the brief introduction of the company, the position offer, the location, responsibilities, requirement, contact number and etc. The company must state clearly about the job responsibilities and requirement so that the candidates can understand the requirement of the company before they apply for the job. An advertisement of Sunway E-Systems (M) Sdn Bhd had found and the advertisement is shown in the appendix 1.0.


1.0 Introduction to Sunway E-System (M) Sdn Bhd

Sunway E- Systems (M) Sdn Bhd promotes, distribute and support the product lifecycle management (PLM) which specific in the field of industry which will help customers to control the quantity and quality of the products, give advice and guide the company in the stage of product lifecycle. Sunway E-System is an established seller and distributor which sell the product lifecycle management software and PLM services throughout Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. The company is hiring a HR manager who must fulfilling the job responsibilities and requirements of the company.

2.1 Requirements

There are several requirements for the candidates before they apply the job. The candidates that suitable to all the requirements will just have the chance to get the jib. There requirements of Sunway E- Systems (M) Sdn Bhd are shown at below.

2.1.1 Education level

To apply the HR manager position, the candidates must at least have the qualifications of Primary or Secondary school, SPM or 'O' Level, STPM or 'A' level, Pre-U, Professional Certificate, Diploma, Degree and etc that major in Human Resource Management or equivalent. The purpose for the company to have this requirement is to make sure that the candidates have the knowledge that related to HR so that they can at least understand the basic responsibilities of HR manager's task. Besides that, qualification will also give confidence for the employer to employed the employee as long as the qualification is approve by the government.

2.1.2 Required skills

Besides that, candidates that want to apply for HR manager position will need to equip with some skills in Excel and Microsoft. This is because HR manager needs to use Excel to record and calculate the working hours or days, salaries and overtime pays of the staff so that pays of staff can be calculate correctly. Therefore, HR manager must know how to use Excel because all calculation requires it to solve. In addition, candidates must know how to use Microsoft to solve their task. This is because HR manager requires to uses computerize system to records the employee's data. HR manager use Microsoft words to record the staff backgrounds and performance in company which will make the staff profile looks more clear and tidy.

2.1.3 Language

As a HR manager, language is very important because communication skill of HR manager must be good as he is responsible to interview people, maintain the relationship among staff and act as a consultant for the staff. Therefore, candidates must at least know to pronounce and write in Bahasa Malaysia, English and Chinese. However in this company Chinese is more preferable as the staff in Sunway E- Systems (M) Sdn Bhd usually use Chinese to communicate.

2.1.4 Working experience

Candidates who wish to apply this post must at least have 5 years working experience in related field. Instead of education, working experience is more important as education can be obtains from study while experience require time to learn and train yourself. For example, if a candidate has 7 years working experience as a HR staff compare to a fresh graduate who has no experience in related field. The company will consider the first candidate because the first candidate had done the similar work in other company. Therefore the candidate can adapt to the working environment faster compare to the fresh graduate person.

2.1.5 Residence status

The candidates that apply for HR manager must be Malaysian citizens or holding relevant residence status because foreigners must have the permit from the government if they want to work in Malaysia. The company prefers the candidates who work as a HR manager or equivalent or hold a position in General HR or Organizational Development and Change Management. In addition, the company is offering a full-time HR manager position for the candidate which the working hours is following the office hours.

3.0 Responsibilities

In an advertisement, job responsibilities are very important because this will let the candidates to know the roles of the particular position in order to let them understand the needs of the company. There are several responsibilities of HR manager that list by Sunway E- Systems (M) Sdn Bhd for the candidates who interest in this position.

3.1 Capable to undertake all function of HR manager

Candidates who apply for HR manager must able to perform all the responsibilities of HR manager so that the operation of the company can be maintain. There are several roles for HR manager which are recruitment, termination, discipline of employees, training and development, employee performance, consultation and etc. These responsibilities are important because HR manager are controlling the whole staff in the company and staff is the most precious asset for the company. Therefore, candidates apply for HR manager must equip with good communication and had experience in maintain the relationship among staff. For example, if 2 different department staffs are ague with each others because of different of opinion in works, the HR manager must take action solving this problem by having consultation so that the problem can be solve and the operation of the company won't be affected.

3.2 Co-ordinate recruitment activity

Candidates are requires to contain the skills of coordinating the recruitment activities which including the ways of advertising, interview and selection process. HR manager needs to plan the ways and times to do the above activities in order to help the company to save cost. For example, HR manager can post the vacancy in internet such as which can post the vacancy for free compare to newspaper or magazine. Besides that, HR manager must set the time for one meeting and the questions that want to ask so that able to test the knowledge of candidates about the position they apply. In addition, HR manager must able to select the best candidate from interview based on his education, working experience, personality, knowledge, grooming and etc so that the person able to contribute to the company. HR manager also must plan when to hire more employee so that the manpower in company is sufficient and won't have too much of employee which will burden the company.

3.3 Well-versed with law

Furthermore, candidates must familiar with the acts and sections in Labour Laws and Industrial Relations Law to ensure all the staffs are enjoying the employee's benefits. The employee's benefits include EPF, SOCSO, bonus, annual leave and etc. These benefits are stated in the labour law which must be followed by the employer. Therefore, candidates must familiar with the law so that the employees are satisfied with their benefits and able to work hard for the company which will directly increase the productivity of the company.

3.4 Training and development

Moreover, HR manager needs to train the employees in order to improve the performance of staff. Therefore, the candidates must understand the most efficient way to train the staffs so that staff able to face more challenger job after training. For example, HR manager can send their staff to train in other branch in order to learn the management of other branch and build a good relation with the staff at there. After the training, the staffs able to use the new skill they learn to improve the software of product life cycle (PLC) system which make a competitive advantage for Sunway E- Systems (M) Sdn Bhd.

3.5 Conduct induction program

At last, candidates needs to know the way to conduct induction program the new staff so that they can understand more about the company rules, cultures and company strength. A good induction will leave a memorable time for the new staff and the new staff will feel that the company is look up for his services in the future. Induction able to let the new staffs know more about their work such as the company's newest products before they go to their offices so that they can at least have the idea of their job and able to prepare for it.

4.0 Conclusion

In conclusion, Sunway E- Systems (M) Sdn Bhd promotes, distribute and support the product lifecycle management (PLM) which specific in the field of industry which will help customers to control the quantity and quality of the products, give advice and guide the company in the stage of product lifecycle.

The company consists of several requirements and responsibilities which must be follow and have by the candidates before they apply the job. These requirements and responsibilities are stated in the vacancy advertisement. The requirement in the vacancy is the common requirement which can be seen in any vacancy adverrisement.

HR manager is an important role in the company. Therefore, Sunway E- Systems (M) Sdn Bhd must select and hire the candidates carefully so that they can hire a candidate who suitable for the company vision and policy. If the company is lack of the professional in hiring people, the company can hire headhunter companies such as Adecco to interview and find the most suitable staff for the company. This action not only will help the company to hire effective HR manager, but also help the company to cut down the cost.

1.0 Introduction

Nowadays, there are many companies established and compete with each other in order to survive in this competitive world. Every company will have different types of processes in project layout which depends on the company structure, operation, products and services. There are four types of processes which are project process, batch process, line process and continuous process. In this assignment require to discuss about line process and batch process only. There are several benefits for the firm which adopting these two process which enable the firm to stay competitive in the market.


2.0 Line process

The companies that used line process will need to produce a large volume of standardize product in a mass production. Line process is a cyclical activity which all the procedure must be followed step by step and are used to produce standardized product. Industries that practice this process are IT companies, automobile, consumer electronic and food product companies. McDonald is the company that practices the line process. Line process also known as flow shop, flow lines or assembly lines.

2.1McDonald's company background

McDonald is the largest fast food restaurant that majoring sell hamburger to more than 58 million daily.(Wikipedia,2010) McDonald restaurant is operated by franchisee, affiliate, or its own corporation. McDonald gets its revenue from rent, royalties and the fees paid by franchisees and the sales of the McDonald operated restaurant. McDonald sells burger, fries, chicken and etc. It usually will have lunch time promotion and weekday breakfast promotion which will offer cheaper price for the customers in that time of period.

2.2 Benefits of Line process

Line process has brings several benefits for the firm which uses this type of process as their layout. These benefits are shown as below.

2.2.1 Standardize products

Line process is a process that set the procedure of operation into several step and must complete the steps one by one. All steps must be done base on the priority and any step cannot be skipped. McDonald had separate the operation procedure into several steps which will start from the order from the customer, preparing raw material, prepare bread, use machine to prepare the ingredient inside the burger, packaging, French fries, drinks and them serve to the customers.

If the staffs are following the steps of the operation, the staffs able to produce standardize and quality maintained product. Besides that, McDonald also trains their staffs to be pleasant to customers so that the customers can feel the welcome from McDonald. This will make the customers can taste the same taste of food in every restaurant of McDonald and will help McDonald to build a good reputation for the customers based on their standardize products and services.

2.2.2 Competitive advantages

Line process enables McDonald to have competitive advantage compare with other competitors such as KFC, Pizza Hut and etc. Line process enable McDonald to produce standardize burger and fries which the quality can be maintained. While for McDonald competitors KFC, the taste of chicken sometime in different who show the products is not standardize. Besides that, McDonald able to produce burger in large quantity will able to get more customers because the products are available all the time. Therefore, McDonald will have competitive advantage in the market by practicing line process.

2.2.3 Improve sales

Line process will help McDonald to improve their sales because McDonald able to standardize the products and able to produce in a large volume. Besides that, McDonald can also produce new types of burger through line process by modifying some of the steps. After modifying, McDonald had come out with Double Mcvalue Burger, Spicy Chicken McDeluxe and etc. These burger will attract customers to eat and will eventually increase McDonald sales.

3.0 Continuous Process

Continuous process is focus on continuous operations which generate high volume with standardize product. It usually uses single output of raw materials but generate gigantic volume such as electricity, liquid, gas and etc. ASTRO is the company that uses continuous process.

3.1 ASTRO's company background

ASTRO ALL ASIA NETWORKS plc (ASTRO) is Malaysia leading cross-media group with major presence in DTH TV services, TV programming and commercial radio. ASTRO consist of four major languages which are Chinese, Bahasa Malaysia, English and Cantonese. ASTRO provides several packages which suitable to all types and age of customers and nowadays consist of 2.93 million household throughout Malaysia and Brunei.

3.2 Benefits of Continuous Process

Continuous process had brings several benefits and the benefits are shown as below.

3.2.1 Competitive advantage

ASTRO can obtain competitive advantage through practicing continuous process in their operation. ASTRO had offer several packages for the customers and the packages included sports, entertainment, cartoon, drama, movies, learning and etc. These packages had shows that ASTRO had a wide target market which focus on all level of communities which make ASTRO had more competitive advantage compare to their competitors. In addition, ASTRO operates 24 hours which enables the customer to watch movie in anytime. This is the reason why ASTRO able to survives in the market and very popular among household.

3.2.2 Focus on Customer needs

Continuous process enables ASTRO to focus on the customer needs. Customers nowadays usually like to watch drama, sports, news and new movie. These demands can be founded in ASTRO package such as ASTRO on Demand, High Definition Service, Sports, News and etc. Therefore, ASTRO able to understands the customer's needs and able to uses it as a base to come out with the packages which suit their favorites. Unlike the other competitors such as TV3 or NTV 7 which won't have the chance for the customers to choose the programs and movies that they like.

3.2.3 Company Growth

Furthermore, continuous process enables ASTRO to achieve the growth of company. ASTRO that practices continuous process provide 24 hours TV programs and provide different packages to let the customers to select their favorites. The products and services provided by ASTRO able to attract more customers to purchases their packages. In addition, ASTRO also come out a new package recently which is known as ASTRO on Beyond. The new package will help ASTRO to increase sales value and will directly increase the company growth.

4.0 Conclusion

Line process and continuous process are the processes that used in different companies. Both processes bring benefits to the companies. Line process will need to produce a large volume of standardize product in a mass production. While continuous process is focus on continuous operations which generate high volume with standardize product.

Line processes helps the company to get competitive advantage, improve sales and standardization of product. While continuous process helps company to understand customer's needs, competitive advantages and improve company growth.

These two processes play an important role and therefore McDonald and ASTRO must make use of these processes in order to stay competitive and able to build a good reputation for the company so that the company able to established in the business world.