Mathematics in everyday life education essay

Published: November 21, 2015 Words: 1122

Although the lesson was well planned, prepared and delivered, it had some short falls, such as, I did not assess the mathematics capabilities of my colleague learners in the classroom and assumed that each student was qualified to at least GCSE in maths, and therefore be able to grasp understanding of basic mathematics. The assumption I made during the preparation of the lesson was not a correct one.

Even though the basic concept and use of calculator was explained before the session, together with some examples, it still showed that, the learners were having some difficulties with the concept. √

During the formative assessment, I soon realised additional help was needed to perform further tasks. I had to change my teaching strategy quickly during the lesson and start to use the flipchart to explain what was required from the learners, and how to go about finding the answers. √

It is pointed out by (Gravell & Simpson, 2008 page 46). "There are many different strategies for and methods of teaching and learning. Depending upon the subject being taught, you need to choose methods which are appropriate to the topic, subject level and the abilities of your learners. You should take into account, the resources available to you and any prior knowledge and experience of your learners. Once you know the subject you are teaching, you also need to decide the approach you will take. It could be formally, or informally." √

As it is mentioned in the above quote, I made full use of the resources, and utilised each one of them in my lesson, these were; PowerPoint, to display the visual aspect of the lesson, handouts and the calculators, wipe board and flipchart for the students to draw their waveform during the lesson. √

The lesson was prepared in such a way that each one of the learners could get involved from the start of the session; hence having maximum time for their participation during the lesson.

Within the lesson plan there was an exercise for the learners, which they had to complete, it was successfully done. It assured me that, the student understood the concept of the lesson. √

There was a disruption early in the classroom, may be someone was bored, or not fully understood the concept of mathematics. I could have dealt with this more firmly, by getting them more interested in the task, or by giving the reason why it was being done. I think more resources would have prevented the situation, and they could have been fully occupied in resolve the question. √

The final exercise was brain storming, which took place at the end of the session. It was specifically designed into the lesson to give the learners the opportunity to explore the possibilities of the use of maths in everyday life. It surprised most of the learners to find out how maths was so deeply involved in every subject in the scientific revolution. √

If I had known the limited understanding of the learner about the subject, I would have started the lesson with brain storming and made the topic more interesting. This could have been done by providing hints within the exercise, and also getting the students to explore more possibilities where maths is used. √

The students were happy, how the lesson was planned, prepared and delivered, however, showed some concern about the complexity of the subject and limited time available for the delivery of the lesson. Most of them indicated half of the example would have been enough for such a complex subject, and I do agree. √

On reflection, I believe it was a good idea to split the class into two groups, the first reason was to get each and everyone to participate and contribute to their findings to the results of the table provide in the lesson plan, and the second reason was that, I had limited resources (like the scientific calculators) to go around the classroom. √

My other observation indicated that, the topic was too hard and complicated for this class of learners. I should have assessed learner's ability and understanding of the subject before embarking on planning and preparing this lesson. I took a risk and hoped it paid off. I will try different methods to ensure it does not happen again.

The method I preferred to apply in my teaching session was informal, as I wanted everyone in my classroom to be fully involved in contributing and participating in the lesson. I was also making sure, if I needed to change my strategy during my session I could do so without any problems. √

I have achieved the goals in my lesson, but will always remember to assess my learners in future and make sure I understand their capability of the subject being taught. The other thing I will change be the group size in the classroom, it needed to be smaller, and more resources should be available for the practical work. √

In the view of (Clarke 2005, pg 5). "Formative assessment consists of four basic elements, underpinning by confidence that every learner can improve and awareness of the importance of learner's high self-esteem:

Sharing learning goals

Effective questioning

Self-and peer evaluation

Effective feedback"

I used these four elements as the basis of my teaching strategy. I wanted to make sure that all the class was effectively involved from the beginning of the lesson. My role changed from tutor to the coordinator during my lesson, it was achieved successfully. √

Peer evaluation and feedback is very valuable, it encourages assessing the class at regular intervals and allows one to check their work against the success criteria, or look for places to improve. √

I believe strategy I chose during the session worked and was successful. When students were asked to draw the waveform on the flipchart and the wipe board, they had no difficulty in performing this task; it therefore demonstrates that the students understood the subject being taught. √

In the final exercise of the lesson, students were asked to fill in the blanks, in the table provided in the lesson plan. The assessment of this exercise was monitored and continuously checked throughout my micro-teaching lesson; I was making sure that everyone was contributing to the task. √

My Key strength is my sound knowledge in Mathematics, in which I like to specialise in. I can plan, prepare and deliver the lesson comfortably, and capable of changing the strategies during the lesson without any difficulties. I am comfortable to teach students of all ages as long as I know the abilities and knowledge of the students in the subject. √

The area needed ing development is the initial assessment of the students.