Management Is An Organizational Process Business Essay

Published: November 4, 2015 Words: 1826

In our view all of us have experience, heard or work in the organization for one time or other. But will you be able to understand it? Management is the the management we find age and hard working. Management is a human activity to finish the task done through people.labor,capital and raw material cannot be produce without substance of is group activity business and management is important. Team work and team spirit is important in the organization. I the organization wastages and inefficiencies are reduced to a minimum. The good job done by the people and motivation level should be good.

Management is a very huge area surrounding wide range of activity. It is uneasy with improving the effectiveness of any kind of work done. There is no work or human activity to which cannot profit from successful management. The advantage of management spread with the density of work managed, and number of people employed in doing the work. Some skilled, state that management is valid only in activities worked together by more than one person. But the fact is that means of management are useful to educating effectiveness of work done by just one person plus yourself.

Koontz and Weihrich have defined management as:

The development of why and maintaining an environment in which person, working together in groups, well do selected aims.

The many activities of management can be mostly divided in four broad functions of management.

Planning (Decision making)

Organizing (and staffing)

Leading (Motivating)


Planning is finding to management role of setting objectives and deciding on actions to be taken to achieve these goals. It covers decision of different types. Some of the kinds of plans are policies, objectives, strategy, budgets, schedules, and procedures.

Organization refers to designing, developing, and maintaining structure of relationships between members of team or group gave to carry out the planned tasks. Organization relay a stylized, planned structure of roles and position. The organization structure defines task to be ran by individuals, their responsibilities, and authority for decision making. Organization also includes the staffing task, which is concerned with filling and keeping filled place in the organization structure.

Leading involves motivating and otherwise making people undertake the task taken to them and hold them out efficiently and effectively. Thus leading implements the decisions taken as per planning function. This caring out is done by people as per the organization structure. Each manager has the responsibility to make sure that the subordinates carry out the work as given to them.

Usually the work does not always proceeds as planned. There are changes from plans because human failures in application, changes in environmental condition making it difficult or, sometimes, even unwanted to continue to implement part of the plan. Operation problems can also happen out of mistaking in the original plans. To ensure that the plan is implemented most effectively, and when necessary, mid-course correction is made in plans, it becomes necessary to display actual work being done, compare the same with planned and likely results, and when necessary take helpful action. This is controlling function of management.

Question 3

Every organization, anyway of size, has developed and implemented its own management ideas in order for it to run smoothly and accomplish the dream, goals and objectives it has set forth. As such, the basic functions of management, broken down into four different areas, allow for it to handle the strategic, tactical and operational decisions for the organization.


Planning is the area of all the functions of management. It is the substance upon which the other three areas should be building. Planning needed management to asses where the company is now, and where it would like to be in the future. From there a right course of action to make the company's goals and objectives is firm and implemented.

The planning process is ongoing. There are wild, external factors that always affect a company both positively and negatively. Depending on the setting, these external factors may cause a company to become used to its course of action in accomplishing certain goals. This is referred to as calculate planning.


Acceptance organized is the second function of management. Management must organize all its income in order to implement the course of action it determined in the planning process. Through the process of getting organized, management will determine the internal organizational structure; found and maintain relationships, as well as deal necessary resources.

In responsible the internal structure, management must look at the different divisions or departments, the direction of staff, and what is the best way to handle the necessary tasks and payment of information within the company. Management will then divide up the work that needs to be done, find out correct departments, and agent authority and responsibilities.


The third function of management is directing. Through directing, management is able to hold and oversee the behavior of the staff in achieving the company's goals, as well as assisting them in accomplishing their own personal or career goals. This impact can be gained through motivation, communication, department dynamics, and department leadership.

Employees that are highly motivated normally go above and outside in their job performance, there by playing a vital role in the company for getting its goals. For this reason, managers have a habit to put a lot of focus on motivating their employees. They come up with reward and reason programs based on job performance and geared toward the employees' needs.


Controlling is the last of the four functions of management. It involves founding piece standards based on the company's objectives, and evaluating and reporting actual job performance. Once management has done both of these things, it should compare the two to uncover any necessary corrective or preventive action.

Management should not lower standards in an effort to solveconcert problems. Rather they should go to the address of the employee or department having the problem. Neatly, if limited resources or other external factors prohibit standards from being realized, management should decrease standards as needed.

Question 4

What is planning and why you need to plan

Planning is very important project management and time management system. Planning is preparing a run of action steps to achieve some limited goal. If you do it effectively, you can decrease much the necessary time and effort of achieving the goal.

A plan is like a map. When resulting a plan, you can always see how much you have gained towards your project goal and how far you are from your target. Where you are is needed for making good decisions on where to go or what to do next.

Even more reason why you need planning is again the 70/30 Rule. It is well proven that for unstructured activities 70 percent of the effort give less than 30 percent of the important outcome. You either spend much time on key what to do next, or you are taking many unnecessary, unfocused, and inefficient steps.

Planning is also necessary for meeting your needs during each action step with your time, money, or other resources. With careful planning you often can see if at some point you are likely to face a problem. It is much easier to adjust your plan to avoid or smoothen a coming crisis, rather than to deal with the turning point when it comes unexpected.

Action plan techniques

try to learn the plan efficiently. Simple and powerful techniques to change your goals and ideas into an effective case plan.

Get Organized Now!

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Time management skills and techniques main page

Firstly Time management lessons with an in-depth discussion of the important time management skills, techniques, and activities.

Personal time management and goal setting guide main page

Practical information and advice on various personal time management and goal setting topics.

Question 5

In the organization the manager administers but the leader innovates.

In the organization the manager is a copy but again the leader is an original.

In the organization the manager maintains and the leader develops.

In the organization the manager focuses on systems and structure than the leader focuses on people.

In the organization the manager relies on control next the leader inspires trust.

In the organization the manager accepts reality than leader investigates it.

In the organization the manager has a short-range view but the leader has a long-range perspective.

In the organization the manager asks how and when and the leader asks what and why.

In the organization the manager has his or her eye always on the bottom line next the leader has his or her eye on the horizon.

In the organization the manager imitates after all the leader originates.

In the organization the manager accepts the status quo than the leader challenges it.

In the organization the manager is the classic good soldier next the leader is his or her own person.

In the organization the manager does things right you see the leader does the right thing.

In the organization the manager maintains but the leader develops.

In the organization the manager focuses on systems and structure next the leader focuses on people.

In the organization the manager relies on control but the leader inspires trust.

In the organization the manager has a short-range view after all the leader has a long-range perspective.

In the organization the manager asks how and when but the leader asks what and why.

In the organization the manager has his or her eye always on the bottom line and the leader’s eye is on the horizon.

In the organization the manager imitates than the leader originates.

In the organization the manager accepts the status quo next the leader challenges it.

In the organization the manager is the classic good soldier but the leader is his or her own person.

In the organization the manager does things right next the leader does the right thing.

Question 6

Hygiene Factors

Hygiene factors are based on the need to for a business to keep away trouble at work. If these factors are well thought out short by employees, then they can cause unhappiness with work.

Hygiene factors include:

We seeded to see Company policy and administration

Wages, salaries and other financial remuneration

Always be in a good supervision

Condition of inter-personal relations

Working conditions

-Always be free to Feelings of job security

Motivation always will help him achieve his personal goals.

If an alone motivated, he will have job satisfaction.

Motivation will help in self-development of individual.

An alone would always gain by working with a dynamic team.

The more motivated the employees are, the more empowered the team is.

The more is the team work and individual employee doing, more profitable and successful is the business.

During period of changes, there will be more compliance and creativity.

Motivation will lead to an hopeful and challenging way at work place.