Hydropower is energy that comes from the force of moving water. Hydropower is called a renewable energy source and green power generation because the water on Earth is continuously replenished by precipitation without using any combustion. The electricity is generated by the flowing of water from reservoir through large tube called penstock. Then, the water with the high velocity spins the blades of turbines which are connected to the generators. The generators generate the electricity continuously as the water flowing down the penstock. Electricity is transferred via huge transmission lines to a local utility company.
Malaysia has substantial hydroelectric resources. Based on the research did by Abdul Rahman Mohamed and Lee Keat Teong, from School of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia, the hydropower potential is estimated at 29,000 MW, of which only 2,000 MW is currently utilized. In the hydropower plant the potential (gravitational) energy in water is transformed into kinetic energy and then mechanical energy in the turbine and further to electrical energy in the generator. The energy transformation process in modern hydropower plants is highly efficient, usually with well over 90% mechanical efficiency in turbines and over 99% in the generator. The inefficiency is due to hydraulic loss in the water circuit (intake, turbine and tailrace), mechanical loss in the turbo generator group and electrical loss in the generator. Old turbines can have lower efficiency, and efficiency can also be reduced due to wear and abrasion caused by sediments in the water. The rest of the potential energy is lost as heat in the water and in the generator (Kumar, A., T. Schei, A. Ahenkorah, R. Caceres Rodriguez, J.-M. Devernay, M. Freitas, D. Hall, Ã…. Killingtveit, Z. Liu, 2011: Hydropower. In IPCC Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation [O. Edenhofer, R. Pichs-Madruga, Y. Sokona, K. Seyboth, P. Matschoss, S. Kadner, T. Zwickel, P. Eickemeier, G. Hansen, S. Schlömer, C. von Stechow (eds)], Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA).
This method is considered sustainable because hydropower is flexible. Hydro is a flexible source of electricity since plants can be ramped up and down very quickly to adapt to changing energy demands. Next, hydropower is suitable for industrial applications. Most of the companies needed high supply of electricity to their factory operation. Hydropower could supply high electricity since the average hydropower potential is estimated at 29000MW. Other than that, hydropower is renewable and clean energy. No fuels or coals are needed to be burn in utilising the electricity. The flowing water with the attraction of gravity force helps the turbines to be function. It also has acted as catalyst for economic and development of social by providing energy and water management services. Most of the area could be develop to a better infrastructure. Many dams are used to control flooding and regulate water supply, and reservoirs provide lakes for recreational purposes, such as boating and fishing. With growing concern over greenhouse gas emissions and increased demand for electricity, hydropower may become more important in the future.
The various energy policies included the National Energy Policy (1979), National Depletion Policy (1980) and Fuel Diversification Policy (1981 & 1999) while the various energy related programs are the renewable energy and energy efficiency program. From the 3rd Energy Forum on 12th July 2011, led by Dr Kamariah Noruddin, Director of Energy Section Economic Planning Unit, hydro plants is one of the 3 supply side initiatives (generation capacity) which 3 projects are still in progress. Most of the projects located at Sarawak since the geography is suitable for this kind of renewable energy. Malaysia always continuously reviewed The Fuel Diversification Policy to ensure that we are not only dependent to one source of energy, namely oil. In 1973 and 1979, two international oil crisis and quantum leaps in prices cause the Malaysian energy sector has been guided by the four fuel diversification strategy which was formulated in the aftermath of two crises. Faced with the possibility of prolonged energy crisis, the government called for the diversification of energy resources away from oil, to develop more hydropower and to use more natural gas and coal. To ensure sustainability of energy resources, 8th Malaysia Plan (2001 to 2005) had changed the four-fuel policy to the five-fuel policy with the addition of renewable energy as the fifth source of fuel in 1999. The aim of the program was to generate 5% of the country’s electricity from renewable sources by 2005. At the same time, efforts will be intensified to encourage the utilization of renewable sources for the generation of energy.
There are also some impacts to the environment. Hydro power plant operations may also affect water quality by churning up dissolved metals that may have been deposited by industry long ago. Hydropower operations may increase silting, change water temperatures, and lower the levels of dissolved oxygen. It is also jeopardize natural habitats upon the construction of the dam. Damming rivers may permanently alter river systems and wildlife habitats. Fish, for one, may no longer be able to swim upstream. But, these impacts have solutions. Some of the problems can be manage by constructing fish ladders, dredging the slit, and carefully regulating plant operations. The government should make an act that will ensure the operation of generating the power follow the 8th Malaysia Plan.
Hydro power plant stations are built on rivers where the terrain will produce an artificial lake or reservoir above the dam. In Malaysia, Sarawak and Sabah are the most suitable place to build the dam. There are also a few dams in construction such as Bakun which has been commissioned in August 2011, Ulu Terengganu and Ulu Jelai which are to be commissioned by 2016 and 2017 respectively. Hydro power plant is clean energy rather than current method. The current electricity generation in Malaysia is mainly achieved by consuming coal or natural gas. But, hydro power plant is using water from lake to produce the electricity. Thus, no combustion is needed and safe for environment.
Conclusion, Malaysia is still consuming the non-renewable fuel such as fossil fuel and natural gas as source of energy. These sources are going to end one day as gradually depleting. Hydro power plant is need to be develop as it can be the main source of energy one day. Thus, non-government and government agencies should take more proactive steps to ensure that the sustainable development is always upgraded for future generation needs.