In this assignment I will be discussing human resource management, the external factors that affect an organisation and how to adapt to these factors in question one. In question two I'll be discussing the link between strategic planning and human resource planning and the two possible recruitment sources. In question three the two possible interview questions related to the job, and one training approaches that will be beneficial.
Question 1
Human resource management involves the acceptance and submission of the policy and processes of all the employees and how they are managed by the organisation that they work for. It also includes the human resource management functions such as recruitment, human resource development and rewards and rules at work. The managing part of the organisation embraces on advertising, educational structures that involve management,manufacturing, investigation, improvement and investment and accounting.Human resources are well thought out strategies functions. It also makes sure that the employees accept their responsibilities and productivity level as well as to make efficient decisions. Theplain is to achieve a well off organisation, that doesn't only concentrate on the production of goods and services but also the happiness and satisfaction of the employees. The organisation has to employ new staff and train its existing employees. This helps the employees work more efficiently, resulting in rewards, and at the same time human resource managementhelps to improve the safety of their working environment. If the employees work more effectively than all the organisations goals and objectives can be achieved.Human resource management also makes sure that the employees use their time well to have successful productivity. Human resource management consists of three approaches.
Scientific management approach- This method was mainly used in the past. It included a process called the time-and-motion study which indicated the performance standards. This process was used to distinguish the amount of goods that could be produced in a definite period. The employees earned a weekly wage according to the amount of goods that were manufactured above the performance standards; this was known as the piece-rate system. The problems with this approach are that the employees were treated as if they were only interested in money; their personal satisfactions weren't concerned about only the amount that they could produce and it didn't allow the worker's to use their knowledge as they had to stick with the same routine.
Human relations approach-Employees used to be treated as if they were machines so they designed this approach to treat employees like humans, to consider the workers mental state and what affected it. To their findings their mental state was affected by the certain social and psychological factors such as work conditions, relationships between people in the organisation, leadership as well as support from the managers and decision making.Job structure and accountability are factors that also affected the employees' productivity.
Human resource approach- This approach realised that the organisations objectives and the employee's desires should be balanced.It treated the employees as assets rather than factors of production. Theoutcome of this approach is that the organisation was more active and productive, resulting in an increase in returns,as well as the employees were happy and more motivated to work at full potential. The employees will receive an increase in financial payments and acknowledgment when the organisation profits rise.
Entering the world of work(earning human resources)
We should all know the qualifications and necessities that are needed for the job.New employees can get a preview of what is required of them during their orientation. These employees were attracted to the organisation, but now the organisation has to make sure that they are kept in place and perform to their full prospects.People should consider and plan the future resources that will be needed to accomplish the organisations goalseven if it involves investigating, jobplanning, recruiting, selecting and hiring the right people to seal the jobs.Employment is prepared and created through learning, psychometric assessment and interviews. The learning process contains matters of skills, abilities and character assessment of the candidate. The psychometric assessment makes sure that the employees have the correct attitudes for the job. Interviews consist of questions that are asked to the candidate so that their ability to make decisions and their choice of action for a situation can me recognised. The organisation must also make sure that they don't under estimate or over estimate the amount of employees; as underestimating can cause current employees to overwork and lose their motivation while overestimating can cause loss to the organisation.
Growing in the work place(human resource development)
The organisation needs to have employees that have the necessary understandings, expertise and abilities thatare needed and required to do their work. In order for training programmes to begin, the organisations future requirements need to be analysed and the decision of which employees need the training should be discussed. The training programme can then be developed. This process is for employees that were selected for the job but might have difficulty in accomplishing the organisations tasks; it will help them learn the skills to do the job. Training and development programmes must be set up for the employee's attitudes and for their skillsto be improved.Training is not only for the new employees, it is also for the present workers. The existing employees need help to cope and to adjust to the change in technology such as the legal alternatives and the new forms of transport. Successful training programmes are when there are actively involved members. Developing their skills will benefit the organisation as it allows the employees to receive a higher education for the performance of future jobs. This will help in the developing of their career plan.All organisations should have a designed test coursethat considers the knowledge of the employees before and after the training programme. If the organisation fails to adapt and keep up with the employees change in technology it can cause the opposition level to rise.
Rewards and rules at work
There should be intended reward and benefit systems for the employees that have reached high levels of production.Rewards and benefits consist of a package that is given to the employee after preforming well in their work. If the employees are motivated they will work harder and might receive rewards that include vacation deals, a bonus, prises, increase in salary, pension programme, health and life insurance, or promotions. There should be a safety and healthy working environment that are free from dangers. There should be a group within an organisation that have safety check-ups to make sure that there are no surroundings that can cause accidents and poor health. If there are incidences that involve accidents this group will support the people involved and they also design safety programmes.Safety and health consist of four primary foundations namely; chemical, physical, anxiety and biological surroundings. All employees with personal, discipline and grievance problems should be assisted and dealt with. Good relationships are created when both the employees and unions are satisfied. The organisation as well as the employees has to obey the laws and Acts.
The economic environment
This is a demonstration of how wealthy an area is. The economy is influenced by the standard rates of interest, inflation, the stock market directories and the Gross National Production trend. Its available resources, money and investments contribute to this wealth. In order to produce this wealth there needs to be a successful labour productivity. Well-organized productivity can only occur when the employees are motivated and trained. The issues that evolve around economic factors are the amount of people that are jobless, the amount of people that have jobs, the productive rate, thequantity of profit, the amount of employees in an organisation, the rivalry rate, the average wage rate of employees, House prices and costs of living. If there is a downturn in a country, the people spend less money then what they usually do. This means that they will not be buying any forms of luxuries. Luxuries are only bought when success of the people has increased.
The political environment
This deals with how the organisation functions and its conditions created by the government in charge of a country. It falls under the control of the government and not the firm. The government influences the well-being, training and the organisation of a country. Political factors Include in the range between tax procedures, labour and environmental laws, and the trading limits. Their government created training legislations to help improve the development of human resources by creating the acts such as; The Labour Relations Act, The Mine Health and Safety Act ,The Occupational Health and Safety Act, The Basic Conditions of Employment Act, The Skills Development Act, The Employment Equity Act and The Skills Development Levies Act. If the organisation fails to apply to these Acts it can be forced to close.
The Acts above was taken from the handbook, human resource management fresh perspective, Richard Bowker 2006, page19.
The social environment
Social environmental factors are the cultural impacts of time. This includes any matters that affect the society caused by the people living in an environment, HIV/aids rate, diversity and matters that deal with the employee's attitudes towards dress and work, taste, demands, standards, education, age, gender, production, abilities and expectations.The demands for a particular good vary as new products are being produced constantly. As new products are produced the prices and demands of the older goods will decrease therefore the organisation has to create strategies to overcome the older goods successfully.The organisation should analyse and examine these findings as the demands change rapidly.
The technological environment
This factor involves the features of society and the organisation. This includes the improving and the creation of new equipment, resources and procedures that helps to improve the productivity and quality of goodsusing science and engineering.With the creation of new equipment the employees will need to be trained to be able use it. Some well-known technology developments are the internet, semi-conductors, networking, and the forms of communication. If the organisation keeps up with the alteration of technology it can keep its power over the other opponents. As technology changes it affects the prices, value and the invention of older equipment so the organisation has no other choice but to keep up with the new equipment.
Hendry and Pettigrew (1990) defined human resource management as the help tool to develop the organisation cultures and strategies so that it can run properly during the procedures of change.
There is a continuous alteration in the environment which causes the organisations to transform and adjust their employees. The financial alterations are due to the needs of the market, for instance;new forms of technology, the change in theeconomic sequence, thequick change in the economy and the rise in rivalry. The human resource management duty is to measure the change efforts by using the total management amount, the organisations procedure or re-manufacturing or re-arranging the organisation to the changes. The procedure of change begins with the investigation of the existing state and how the state came about. By doing investigations it will indicate to the employees the necessity of change and the most suitable action for it. It is vital for the change management to receive full guarantee and rights by means of their employees. The result of the employees involved in the alterations procedures is that there will be problems in designing and carrying out the human resource strategies.
For the organisation to adjust well to the alterations it needs to have a strategic approach to human resource management. The organisation needs to realise that their employees are resources that ought to be technically advanced to be skilful enough to cope with the external environmental factors as well as to keep ahead of their rivalries. Employees need to be involved in training, therapy, group meetings as well as management in training and performance. The strategic approaches purpose is to make sure that the firm's culture, arrangement and style is combined with assurance, motivation and the value of the employees to accomplish the strategic goals of the organisation (Armstrong, 1998).
The OD change model by Lewin (1951) involves three phases; unfreeze, the move and then the refreeze.The unfreeze phase is about informing all the employees about the importance and benefits of change. It offers the employees the responsibility to forget their past behaviours. The next phase is move. This involves the alteration that occurs. Refreeze is the last phase. This phase involves the assessment and evaluation of the procedure of change. It allows the favourite behaviours to be secure and stable.
Question 2
2.1) The link between strategic planning and human resource planning
Human resource planning uses the data from the strategic planning procedure as feedback to foresee the needs of the organisation in the years to come.The human resource management uses the strategic planning to make the organisations decisions in steps. Human resource management adjusts its planning to the overall organisations plans.
Strategic planning
This is the process whereby the whole organisations goals, purposes and objectives are determined. Different business analysis techniques can be used in strategic planning such as the SWOT analysis and PEST analysis. Strategic planning is a process for the organisation to set out the overall direction, and to overcome all the main activities inside an organisation.
Human resource planning
This mainly involves the concern of the employees of an organisation. It plans to help better the employees as well as accomplish maximum hard work and motivation from the employees.
2.2 Possible external recruitment sources
High school and vacation schools
Organisations need secretarial and entry-level workers
Colleges and universities
These have prospective workers that the organisation looks for.
2.3) Possible recruitment method
This is a cheap method of attracting a mass of people that is interested in a job. The needs of the organisation are expressed to the public through radio, newspaper, TV, magazines and other forms of communication. This method is the most effective as it attracts the right person for the job that is needed. If the graphics in the advertisement is good, the interested people will then apply for the job.
Question 3
3.1) Interview questions related to the job
How do you think you will be beneficial to the organisation?
Do you think that you have experience in this line of work, if so, what are they?
3.2) a training approach that will be beneficial
During my research i found that Human Resource Management is a vital component within a business. It serves the company in many ways and it helps companies control any challenges faced in the environment and in terms of how it can affect the employees. The changes in the environment happen on a daily basis therefore it is vital that the human resource management team responds to these changes.
Bibliography and referencing
Human resource management fresh perspectives textbook, 2006, Richard Bowker