The following journal entries are from the view of a 16 year old Jewish girl in Gurs a concentration camp in France. This young girl named Rachel spent a little over 11 months in Gurs. Here is her story.
Dear Journal,
I'm not for sure what has been going on lately. I do know that things aren't getting better for me, my family and my Jewish friends. The Nazis are gaining control in the area. It truly is a Nazi world with this type of government (H. Littman personal communication Feb. 24, 2011). We have been told by others that the Nazis are soon to capture us and that we need to be careful of what we do. It is hard living life without knowing what is going to happen at any time. Well mom says its time for lights out so sweet dreams.
October 22, 1940 (on the way to Gurs)
Dear Journal,
I am not for sure where I am right now I am for sure that I am on a train, this worries me because this is how most Jews are transported to concentration camps by trains (H. Littman personal communication Feb. 24, 2011). This after noon the Nazis came into our village and arrested everyone. They told us we had one hour to gather anything we wanted and could bring a long with us. Word has been going around that the train we are on is heading to a concentration camp named Gurs. This concentration camp is located in France. It is said that Gurs is supposed to be a free camp where any one can do what they want (H. Littman personal communication Feb. 24, 2011).
October 22, 1940 (later that night)
Dear Journal,
Wow, Gurs is not what I expected it to be. Right now I am sitting on a floor in a cell type area with my great grandma, my aunt, a couple of my cousins, my mom, and many more. We are not for sure we papa is. We all have to sit down it is so hard having to see my great grandma attempt to sit on the ground by herself all the time. Apparently we have to sleep on the floor as well, this should be fun. I really don't have that much else to say so night. And talk to you soon.
October 23, 1940
Dear Journal,
I couldn't sleep at all last night, because all I heard screaming. I don't know what was going on, and I don't plan on finding out. Today has been very boring. There really isn't anything to do. A couple of people were smart enough however to grab a deck of cards when they were packing. We got a note from a S.S. that said papa died of unknown causes (Hillman, 8). Life is really bad here. O no, there is a Nazi soldier with straight cut hair combed to the left is (Farrington, 30) heading my way so I better go.
September 1, 1941
Dear Journal,
It has been forever since I have written in you. I was taken into another part of the camp and I lost my journal. Thank fully it was found and was returned to me. A lot has happened since the last time we talked. Grandma and auntie died. It was a very hard thing to watch. I really had no idea what to do after seeing them die. I am 17 now and I have already been arrested and have watched hundreds of people get killed. Wow, what a life. Right now I am eating my lunch which is not much at all. The usual half a pound of bread and a little soup with three piece of meat in it. This is hard to do (Hutchison, Activity. Fasted for a Day) I also meet a really nice man. He's the same age as me and we are perfect for each other.
September 2, 1941
Dear Journal,
The YMCA came to Gurs today and they "freed" a lot of the kids including me. I'm so excited even though we still have to remain in a specific area. We are in a village called Lechambon. It is really nice compared to the concentration camp (H. Littman personal communication Feb. 24, 2011).
September 3, 1941
Dear Journal,
Wow!! You don't know how good it feels to be in a bed after you haven't for over 11 months. I feel like I am a stranger to everybody I am around. I don't know anyone except for a couple of kids that I meet at the concentration camp. I have a feeling like we are going to be living here for a while. I have also figured out that there is to many things I have missed out on a lot in life. Well, I think I am going to try this bed out so until next time goodbye.
February 3, 1943
Dear Journal,
It has been over two years science I have wrote in you. It has been a long and rough journey but it is all over. I am being freed today. After nearly 5 years of having to be consolidated I can now live my life normal. Right now I am 21 years old. And I have the love of my life right beside me. I feel like I have been given a second chance in life. Because of this I plan to erase some of the memories from the past to make room for new ones.
After being freed from the village Rachel moved to Switzerland where she married the man that she meet while she was in a concentration camp. After they got married they moved to America to start a new life. At the time Rachel resides in New Jersey where she is 85 years old. I am happy to say that she did marry Erik her childhood lover.
The following entries are those of a World War II Air Craft Armorer named Benjamin (Bengie) for short. Bengie's journey begins in the late June when he is drafted to the Air Force, June 26, 1942 to be exact.
December 7th, 1941
Dear Journal,
I am not for sure what exactly has been going on lately. This morning Pearl Harbor was bombed. No one knows right now how many people were killed. This has been a long day so I am going to go.
December 8, 1941
Dear Journal,
A lot has happened today. We found out that over a thousand people were killed at Pearl Harbor and that some men are still stuck in the USS Arizona. President Roosevelt one of the best presidents ever, addressed congress today and declared war on Japan (W. Ropers Personal communication Mar. 1, 2011). President Roosevelt had a very powerful and meaning full speech that started off as so, "Yesterday December 7th a date that will live in emphiney" (Wallace R.).
April 9, 1942
Dear Journal,
Today a couple of hundreds of U.S. soldiers were taken in as P.O.W'S. They had to walk 90 Miles from Camp O'Donnell to Camp Cabanatuan. This is known as the Bataan Death March. (Horan)
June 2, 1942
Dear Journal,
The U.S. bombed Japan today. This bombing operation was called the Doolittle Raid. 16 B-25 plans were led by the famous Lieutenant-Colonel James H. Doolittle (Wallace M., 156). Thanks to Billie Marshal Doolittle was able to have this mission because Marshal was a big supporter for air craft carriers (W. Ropers Personal communication Mar. 1, 2011).
June 1, 1942
Dear Journal,
I was drafted into the Air Force today. 12 hours ago I was sitting at home in Otoe and now I am in Digger Field in Seattle Washington (W. Ropers Personal communication Mar. 1, 2011). Well I got to get up at 5 in the morning for early training so I better get to bed. Night.
June 26, 1943
Dear Journal,
Wow, things have been hectic! Right now I am on the Queen Elizabeth going to Firth Scotland. From there I don't know where I will go our generals said we will find out in the morning (W. Ropers Personal communication Mar. 1, 2011). (Later that night.) Well, we have made it to camp. Right now I am in Horam England, which is right out side of London. Right now my occupational title is a B-17 Air Craft Armorer. I get paid $50.00 a month when I am on U.S land and $55.00 when I am over seas (W. Ropers Personal communication Mar. 1, 2011). I got a letter from Marina today it takes about a week to get here so it is not that recent (Hutchison, Activity. Wrote Letter). She talks about how life is going in the U.S. She also talks about how she got a job as a Secretary for a law firm in Lincoln. She noted that she'll be making about a dollar a day. I am so happy for her. She is such an amazing person I plan to marry Marina when I get out of the war.
June 27, 1943
Dear Journal,
Everybody is pretty friendly most of them talk normal but some use a little slang like bud for friend. (W. Ropers Personal communication Mar. 1, 2011).
Oct. 4, 1943
Dear Journal,
Wow, a lot has been going on. The Battle of Midway took place June 4-7 (W. Ropers Personal communication Mar. 1, 2011). it was a very important battle because who every won the battle would be in control of the pacific pretty much and if the Japanese got control of the land it would be very easy for them to hit U.S. territory (W. Ropers Personal communication Mar. 1, 2011). I got another letter from Marina today. She talks about how she bought a gas stove, washing machine, plus a washer and dryer (D. Ropers Personal communication Mar. 1, 2011). She also sent a picture. In it she is wearing a red dress with long white gloves on. She also has her hair put up in a bun which was in fashion in the U.S. now (D. Ropers Personal communication Mar. 1, 2011). I think that it is going to be hard going home to a place that has changed so much in the technology sense. I am loosing some wait. Most of the time for a days meals we have some eggs, and some type of meat (Chrisp, 15).
Oct. 5, 1943
Dear Journal,
I got another letter from Marina today. She talked about how something is going on in the U.S. but she is not for sure what it is. She also talks about how the war is affecting prices at home. A bottle of aspirin is 76 cents; a pork loin roast is 45 cents a pound (1930's History). Marina also sent me some photos of the house. She got a new wash machine, a piano. The living room picture says looks like any other living room, a chair and a couch (D. Ropers Personal communication Mar. 1, 2011).
June 6, 1944
Dear Journal,
D-day just got over not to long ago. The U.S invaded Germany and gained a lot of power in the war. U.S. Troops were taking to Germany by Higgins Boats to invade by land (Ward, 193). After this troops used parachute jeeps to get around from place to place ( Adams, 33).
June 7, 1944
I am taking this time to reflect of some of the people that have played a major part in world war two. General Montgomery who was a British Commander is a hero for the English. However, he is not liked by most Americans and by the commander of the invasion of France Commander Eisenhower (W. Ropers Personal communication Mar. 1, 2011). One more person that I found to be key in the war so far was Field Marshal Rommel who took control of the African core. (W. Ropers Personal communication Mar. 1, 2011).
November 30, 1944
Wow, we had a good thanks giving dinner last week. It's has become a custom that on Thanksgiving we have turkey, mashed potatoes. On thanksgiving we were also able to be entertained by the Glenn Miller band they were really good (W. Ropers Personal communication Mar. 1, 2011).
August 8, 1945
Dear Journal,
This will be the last time I write in you I am done with the war and I want to preserve this journal for the rest of my life and not use any more of it. The war was ended by the dropping of the Atomic bombs on Japan. (W. Ropers Personal communication Mar. 1, 2011). Aug. 6 and 7 will go down in history and I am lucky to have been part of it.
After getting out of the war, Bengie went back home to Otoe and married Marina two years later. After 30 years of the war being able Bengie was able to buy a Life Time magazine for 10 cents that brought back memories of the war (Unknown, 13). Some including popular songs that were played during the war. For example Rum and Coca Cola, and hit parade (W. Ropers Personal communication Mar. 1, 2011). These things are just memories now and that is all they will remain to be.