Is Money The Best Carrot Commerce Essay

Published: November 7, 2015 Words: 1741

The ability to motivate others comes through discovering how to connect with others and challenging them to be more of what God has created them to be. A very widely known motivational concept is the 'Carrot and Stick' approach. Many Organizations see motivation in terms of this concept and so their efforts to motivate is limited to asking the question; should I bribe people or simply threaten them?

There is also the often asked question of: Is money the best 'carrot'?

The obvious answer to this seems to be yes. People need money to feed, clothe, and house for themselves and their families: this being the basic assumption of Maslow's theory. Hence, organizations have always based their motivational schemes on this premise that the more money you give to employees, the harder they will work. But is this true? Money is important, but it does not lead the fact that there are other factors that may be better motivators at the appropriate times. Organizations and managers who have the knowledge and skills to motivate employees will always be a step ahead of their competitors; as well motivated and happy employees are consistently easier to manage and thus more productive.

Money is appreciated more, at least at the lower levels. Most Employees only go to work so that they can pay their bills. It's really a survival thing. We need money to survive and to thrive. Giving recognition is the number one way to show sincere appreciation. Bonuses, raises, promotions are nice additional ways to express the appreciation of one's work; but, they should not be offered as substitutes for recognition.

The link between motivations and enhanced work performance is very significant for an organization. Motivation can be either of an extrinsic or intrinsic nature. Intrinsic motivations through non-monetary incentives are considered more favorable by a considerable number of motivation theories. The various non-monetary incentives motivate the employees intrinsically and raise the level of their performance.

Our study covers the following:

1 - Incentives as means of promoting the employees' productivity, loyalty and commitment towards accomplishing the organization targets, while helping employees realizing their objectives at the same time. The incentives are deemed significant at all levels starting by the average person, groups, institutions and the State itself. Incentives aim at motivate individuals to stimulate their ultimate performance / productivity.

Examples of monetary incentives include: bonuses and allowances, while non-monetary incentives take the form of attention, training programs and recognition certificates.

The idea of motivation is based on the following: knowledgeable management, employees' attitudes / aspirations, offering employees fair compensations and considering incentives diversity and quality.

2 - Most prominent theories of motivation include: the classical (traditional) theory by Taylor 1911, which presented us with views on monetary incentives. The theory of human relations by Mayo 1924, which emphasized the need to have enhanced awareness of the employees' nature and preferences in order to establish close link between them and their management that leads successfully to the achievement of common goals. The theory of humanitarian needs by Maslow 1943, which dealt with the employees' different needs and probability of fulfilling more than a need at the same time.

3 - Islam encouraged the concept of incentives whether monetary or non-monetary, which was supported by many verses of Holly Koran and prophet's sayings. For example, Islam directed us to appreciate the effort of informal groups of workers and not to underestimate them or pay them less than they deserve. Islam also stressed on charity and consolidation and recommended Muslims to support each other and help in sustaining the poor

4 - Performance is a process of functioning or operating. It consists of several components: 1- Knowledge requirements of the post. 2- The quality /quantity of work. 3- sustainability

Performance can be measured through different ways most important of which is the personal observation (direct), and the oral and written reports. The PAS career is the process of assessing the performance of individual employees during a certain period of time to assess the level and quality of performance. Assessment elements include the following: the individual's contribution in a certain task, the production quality, accuracy / skills, achievement of specific goals, the level of responsibility involved, other elements are meant to reveal the qualities of the individual employee, enthusiasm, reliability , dedication, cooperation, leadership, attendance and attitudes towards work, colleagues and supervisors.

5 - Efficiency is the relationship between the input and output in the production process. The factors influencing efficiency, inter alia include: the technical factors, the quality of materials, and the work approach. The humanitarian factors affecting performance like (knowledge, education, experience and training) these are the factors which influence the desire to work to satisfy human needs and the corresponding factor behind work. The standard cost of the important indicators for measuring the efficiency of the organization reduction in costs is evidence of the improved efficiency on the assumption of maintaining quality, and improving the quality of products within the same cost evidence of improved efficiency.

6 - It was proved that financial and the moral incentives play a major role in improving the employees' performance.

7- In Egypt different perspective most of us in the bottom of the pyramid's need.

So: In order to keep people Show me the money, Show me respect, And show me attention

.. Or show me the door."

3.2 Recommendation for Egyptian market after the revolution, and the economic crisis.

3.2.1 Motivation by FUN

Here are some things managers can do to make the workplace and the experience of working more enjoyable:

To find out which tasks are each of your employee's favorites.

Do something interesting with the lunchroom or break room to give it more personality.

Have company-wide events that are intended to let everyone have fun.

3.2.2 Motivation by REWARDS

Establishing a payment pattern that is very rich with incentives where the less the production is the less the payment will be and vice versa

Supporting competition in the sales area where winners receive valuable prizes

Setting definite targets for employees to fulfill in order to obtain bonuses, no bonus would be granted if the required performance was not attained

Employees should regard salary increases as a considerable incentive to exert more efforts

Superiors should keep encouraging employees to perform better to get be able to receive their rewards

Dedicate incentives for the preset targets/jobs

Setting a favorable rewarding system with seemingly impossible goals to reach and encourage your employees to accomplish these goals

Make sure to regularly reward the most productive employees in a generous way

If your employees performance was not satisfactory, then they have to understand that they are responsible for not getting any rewards

Grant best performers simple rewards like allowing them to have longer holiday vacations, your employees must be fully aware of the incentives from the beginning

You should not be giving rewards to everyone, only for those who deserve it, in order not to frustrate them.

You have to be just because your employees are likely to observe everything that happens in the workplace

Fulfill your promises

Guide your employees towards the tasks which are most likely to influence their performance assessment

3.2.3 Motivation by REPUTATION

Make sure to provide your subordinates with adequate feedback about their performance

Praise them in public (public praise is an excellent motivator)

Negative comments must be made in private

Support / reward your employees when they accomplish tasks that meet your satisfaction

Make your subordinates aware of your appreciation for their work

You should praise all the staff members that did a good job(do not exclude anyone)

Award recognition certificates for best performers who contribute to the organization success

Express appreciation for distinguished employees every time you gather for a meeting

You may create a sort of recognition system in your department where you celebrate the employee of the month for example

Keep your staff photos and profiles in a focal area

Add some funny personal details about your employees and update that every now and then

Suggest serious and humorous "superlatives" in the organization meetings like ( most reliable, cleanest shoes,…etc)

3.2.4 Motivation by CHALLENGE

Do not interfere with the employees' endeavors to accomplish tasks if you find them on the right track

Give them tasks that stimulates them to use their potentials

Be aware of what seems to be their best potentials and urge them to make use of these potentials when accomplishing their task

Discover their week point and encourage them to improve it

Suggest that help them develop their skills constantly

Do not assign routine work for this kind of employees

Challenge them to do difficult tasks

Place them in a challenging situation and see how they will react

Allow them some freedom to perform the assigned tasks in the best way according to them

Do not humiliate them by assigning them simple tasks (let them feel that they are highly qualified)

3.2.5 Motivation by PURPOSE

Inform them about the aim behind accomplishing the assigned tasks

The organization has to have a vision and mission

Keep reminding them of these vision and mission every day

Always highlight the organization purpose when planning its strategies and setting its targets

Always remind them that there are stockholders concerned with the organization success

Illustrate why certain things have to happen (when indulging in a task)

Stress on the importance of the employees' efforts for realizing the organization vision

Show them the relation between their performance and the organization vision, link them to the more comprehensive image

Involve them in developing visions and strategies

3.2.6 General

Start the day right. Smile. Walk tall and confidently.

Walk around your workplace and greet people.

Let the staff know that today is going to be a great day.

Say "please" and "thank you" and "you're doing a good job.".

first is knowing how they are doing at work and sharing it with them.

Set up a daily or weekly schedule and make sure feedback happens.

Hand-in-hand with regular feedback, employees need rewards and recognition for positive contributions.

Employees need a fair, consistently administered progressive disciplinary system for when they fail to perform effectively.

Use whatever access you have to education and training.

Spend time daily with each person you supervise.

Key employee work motivation factor is spending positive interaction time with the supervisor.

Schedule one-to-one on a public calendar so people can see when they can expect some quality time and attention from you.