Internship Report of ASKARI BANK LTD

Published: October 28, 2015 Words: 2793

Doing an internship is a part of BS (Business Administration) course. The main purpose of internship is to getting practical experience of what we have learned from our through out course. I am student of virtual university of Pakistan. They are giving the best education and are offering for specialization, financial, marketing, human resource and information technology and management. And it is necessary to complete BS (business Administrative) degree do six to eight week internship any organized organization.

I completed my internship Askari bank limited Gujar Khan Branch because it is the competing bank nowadays that provided good training to their internee. It is best opportunities for me that I had learned to practice it.

During my internship I found that Askari Bank Limited is the best bank in the region that provided best service in banking sector in Pakistan.

During internship I have work various department of the Askari Bank Limited Gujar Khan branch (0108) such as Deposits, foreign Exchange OBC/Clearing/ Remittances, Accounts, Credits and ATM operation. I clear my concepts to working with different department of Askari Bank Limited and the most importance thing that I have learn in my internship is how to deals with customers and how to retain them for long period.

I describe in my internship report about the history of Askari Bank Limited and it product and service, different department of bank at various level employees, business volume, history of Gujar Khan branch and working of different department of Gujar Khan branch and I also describe the function of management that perform by the top management of Askari Bank Limited and the at the end of report I explain SWOT analysis and give some recommendation for improvement

Table of contents

1. Introduction of banking 3

1.1 History of banking in Pakistan 3

2. Overview of the organization 4

2.1 Brief history 4

2.2 Nature of the organization 5

2.3 Business volume 8

2.4 Head office address 9

2.5 Products Line 9

2.6 Competitors 11

3. Organizational Structure 13

3.1 Organizational Hierarchy chart 13

3.2 Induction of all department 15

3.3 Comments on the organizational structure 15

4. My Internship Activity Plan 15

4.1 Induction of Gujar khan Branch 15

4.2 Employee of Askari Bank Gujar Khan Branch 16

4.3 Starting and ending dates of my internship 16

4.4 Names of the Departments and Duration of Training 16

5. Training program 17

Introduction of banking

Bank is a financial institute that deals with money and things that liquidity equal to paper money, which come of people and lends to other peoples, institute and corporation for personal and business used on interest. Its primary activities providing financial service to customer while increase asset value and creating profit for their shareholder.

The first bank were establishes during the third millennium B.C. Banks invent to deal with money. In the early age there was no concept of money in any form. Initially banking deposit consisted of grain and some other goods that having some value just like cattle, agricultural implements and some metals such as gold coin that was small in size and easy to carry from one place to other.

History of banking in Pakistan

At the time of independence Pakistan there was 19 foreign bank operate in Pakistan with very small numbers of branches their police and operation were controlled by abroad. These banks were solely engaged in export and import of crops from Pakistan. And there are only two banks at the time of intendance of Pakistan , Habib bank which was transferred its head office form Bombay to Karachi after the announcement of partition and one of the Australian bank which have been working in Pakistan territories to June 1947.

After independence it was not possible of government of Pakistan to set up the central bank immediately. To resolve the problem the reserve bank of India worked as a central bank of Pakistan till 30th September 1948. The government of Pakistan established own central bank 1st July 1948. The development in the banking sector of Pakistan was phase by phase and major phase are following

First phase (1947-1974) that know as Establishment of Commercial Banking

Second phase (1974-1979) that know as Nationalization of Banking

Third phase (1979-1991) Introduction of Islamic Banking in Pakistan

Fourth phase (1991-2000) Privatization and deregulation

Form 2000 to nowadays

Overview of the organization

Brief history

Askari Bank Limited was established 19 year ago since October 9, 1991, as a Public Limited Company, and is listed on Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad Stock Exchanges. The Bank has got its business commencement certificate on February 26, 1992 and started working April 1, 1992 and engaged its banking business according to the Companies Ordinance 1962. Askari Bank Limited continues improving its all activities and operation with the pass of time and get new heights in all areas of operations. Due to the high safety and security of depositor's funds, high productivity and optimum use of technology and its corporate strength AKBL earned international recognition as Asia Money Award and the title of "Best Commercial Bank of Pakistan" in 1994 after the starting of 3 year working and after one year 1995, the Euro money declared the best domestic Bank of Pakistan.

Askari Bank Limited has since expanded into a network of 235 branch/ sub branches, including 31 dedicated Islamic banking branches and a wholesale bank branch in Bahrain. A share network 4401 online ATM covering all major cities in Pakistan supports the delivery channels for customer's service. As at December 31, 2009 the bank had equity of Rs.16 billion and total assets of Rs.314.7 billion with 885,764 banking customer serviced by 6442 employees.

Nature of the organization


To be first bank of first choice in region

Mission statement

"To be the leading private sector bank in Pakistan with an international presence, delivering quality service through innovative technology and effective human resource management in a modern and progressive organizational culture of meritocracy, maintaining high ethical and professional standards, while providing enhanced value to all our stakeholders, and contributing to society"

Corporate objectives

To achieve sustained growth and profitability in all areas of business

To build and sustain a high performance culture, with a continuous improvement focus.

To develop a customer -service oriented culture with special emphasis on customer care and convenience

To building an enabling environment , where employees are motivated to contribute to their full potential

To effectively mange and mitigate all kinds of risks inherent in the banking business.

To optimize use of technology to ensure cost-effective operations, strengthening of controls, efficient management information system, enhanced delivery capability, and high service standards.

To manage the Bank's portfolio of businesses to achieve strong and sustainable shareholder returns and to continuously build shareholder value.

To deliver timely solutions that best meets the customers' financial needs.

To explore new avenues for growth and profitability.

Strategic Planning

To comprehensively plan for the future to ensure sustained growth and profitability.

To facilitate alignment of the Vision, Mission, Corporate Objectives with the business goals and objectives.

To provide strategic initiatives and solutions for projects, products, policies and procedures.

To provide strategic solutions to strengthen weak areas and to counter threats to profits.

To identify strategic initiatives and opportunities for profit.

To create and leverage strategic assets and capabilities for competitive advantage.

Business volume

According to Askari Bank Limited financial annual report 2009 the total business volume of bank are following.

Table 1Business Volume


Quantity / Amount

Total No of Branches


Total Islamic Branches


Off shore Branch


Sub Branch


ATM share Network


Total Employees


Total Customers


Total equity

16.0 billion in Rs

Total Assets

314.7 billion in Rs

Award and achievements

Over 20 years of working Askari Bank Limited has achieved several awards for his performance.

Entity Ratings

Askari Bank Limited has got the AA+ and A1+ rating form Pakistan credit Rating Agency limited (PACRA)

Long term AA+

Short-term A1+

Definitions by PACRA


"Very high credit quality: 'AA' ratings denote a very low expectation of credit risk. They indicate very strong capacity for timely payment of financial commitment. This capacity is not vulnerable to foreseeable events.

A plus (+) appended a rating, denotes status within rating categories.


Obligations supported by the highest capacity timely repayments.

Head office address

AWT Plaza, The Mall,

P.O. Box No. 1084



Tel: (92 51) 9063000

Fax: (92 51) 9272455

E-mail: [email protected]


Products Line

Askari Bank Limited offers various product and service according to the customers need and divided into different divisions such as consumer banking service, SMEs, individual savers, farmers etc. some of the product and service that provide Askari Bank Limited are following

Branch Banking

Following are the comprehensive product menu range provides by Askari bank to their customer at branch level.

Deposit Multiplier Account

Mahanan Bachat Account

Paishgi Munafa Account

Value Plus Deposit

Repee Traveler Cheques

Roshan Mustaqbil Deposit

Consumer banking

There are two main type of consumer banking that deals by Askari bank Limited

Consumer Banking Product

Consumer Banking Service

Consumer Banking Product

Personal Finance:

Mortage Finance:

Ask 4 car

Askcard (Askari Debit Card )

Master Credit Card

Consumer Banking Service

Internet Banking service

Electronic Bill payment service :

Cash Management Service:

Investment Certificates:

Call Center


Agriculture Finance service

Agriculture finance service launch by specify for farmers to improve their life style for this purpose Askari bank lunched a separate division Askari Bank Agriculture and Rural Business Divisions (ARBD) that offers following product and service

Kissan Ever Green Finance

Kissan Tractor Finance

Kissan Aabpashi Finance

Kissan live stock development

Kissan Farm Mechanization Finance

Islamic banking service

Islamic banking was launched under the brand "Askari Islamic Banking" following are the product and service that offer by Askari Islamic Banking

Ijarat Bi Sayyarah

Home Musharakah

Deposit Schemes

Declared Weight Ages

Profit rates

Corporate & investment banking Service

Corporate & investment banking service are specially designs for business requirement of region clients and try to meet their expectation through provided customized and to create personal relational base service business sector of different region of Pakistan.

Corporate and investment banking Group(CIBG)

Corporate and investment banking Group (CIBG) further divided into key two divisions

Corporate Banking Division(CBD)

Investment banking Division(IBD)

Corporate Banking Division(CBD)

Corporate Banking has following products and service

Working Capital

Term loans

Structured Trade Finance

Letters of Guarantee

Letters of Credit

Fund Transfers

Bill Discounting

Export Financing

Receivable Discounting

Investment banking Division(IBD)


Syndicated loans

Structured Finance

Leveraged Buyouts

Project Finance

Quasi - Equity Product


Private Equity

Equity Underwriting & Placement


Equity De-Listing

Corporate Restructuring

Acquisitions Friendly / Hostile / Tactical stakes

Alternate Delivery Channels

Internet (I-NET) Banking

Call Center

Auto Teller Machine (ATM)


Competitors are firms or organization that provides the same product and service in the same market at same time. Askari Bank faces many of competitors that provided the same product and services. When competitions are increase other firms not only provide the same product and service but they also at the same place. I have observed most of the banking Branch side by side in different city of Pakistan due to this there are lots of chance to turn of customer to other bank branch if you are not satisfying customer at his desire .These are the followings banks that provided same product and service that provided by Askari Bank Limited.

MCB (Muslim commercial Bank Limited)

Faysal Bank Limited

Habib bank limited

Bank Alfalha Limited

Meezan Bank Limited

Bank of Punjab

United bank limited

Al-Habib Bank limited

National Bank of Pakistan

KSAB Bank limited

City Bank limited

Stander chartered Bank limited

Barclays Bank

Organizational Structure

Board of Directors





President &

Chief Executive



Chief Credit


Country Head Risk Management

Country Head

Special Asset




President Support

Country Head

Compliance &


Group Head

Marketing &

Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning

& Economic


Marketing &


Service Quality



Chief Financial


Country Head



3 Regional

Foreign Trade


Country Head

Human Resource

Training &


Chief Information


Country Head



Country Head




Legal Affairs

Chief Information

Security Officer

Country Head


Global Treasurer


Bank Branch

- Bahrain

Country Head Islamic Banking


Islamic Banking


Country HeadConsumer Banking


Secured Assets





Group Head



Regional General



Regional General



Country Head Agri. & Rural


Group Head

Corporate &



Corporate Head


Corporate Head




Capital Market


Group Head


Country Head

Audit & Inspection

Risk management


Regional General



Corporate Head


Board Members

Direct Reports to the president

Business Functions

Support Functions

Organizational Hierarchy chart

Corporate information

Board of Directors

Lt. Gen. Javed Zia (Chairman)

Lt. Gen. Nadeem Taj

Lt. Gen. (R) Imtiaz Hussain

Maj. Gen. (R) Saeed Ahmed Khan

Mr. Zafar Alam Khan Sumbal

Dr. Bashir Ahmed Khan

Mr. Shahid Mahmud

Mr. Muhammad Riyazul Haque

Mr. Ali Noormahomed Rattansey, FCA

Mr. Wazir Ali Khoja (NIT Nominee)

Mr. M.R. Mehkari - President & Chief Executive- Chairman

Audit Committee

Dr. Bashir Ahmad Khan - Chairman

Mr. Ali Noormahomed Rattansey, FCA

Company Secretary

Mr. M. A. Ghazali Marghoob, FCA


KPMG Taseer Hadi & Co. Chartered Accountants

Legal Advisors

Rizvi, Isa, Afridi & Angell

Shariah Advisor

Dr. Muhammad Tahir Mansoori

Chief Financial Officer

Mr. Saleem Anwar, FCA

Induction of all department

Human resource department

Credit Division

System and operation division

Electronic technologies Division

IT and Computer Department

Corporate and investment banking Division

Procurement Department

Audit Division

Marketing Department

Finance Department

International Division


Legal Department

Risk Management Department

Comments on the organizational structure

Askari Bank limited organization structure are well manage and structured and under the supervision of top management and lower level management flow the rules and police that made by top management. Askari bank are going to centralized it all network now at time it's some decision are taken by lower level management. All departments are design in such a way that achieves goal and objective with in time frame. Askari bank structure is design to achieve goal and objective of bank and the organization well improving and enhancing their day to day activities with the pass of time and increase the employee coordination and job satisfaction.

My Internship Activity Plan

Induction of Gujar khan Branch

As the requirement to complete the degree of BS (Business Administration) to do internship in organized organization for this I completed my internship in Askari bank limited Branch (0108) Gujar Khan. Askari Bank Gujar Khan Branch stared its working 27 December 2006 and easily achieves its target that given by top management and get very good reputation in Gujar Khan Local market due its good customer relationship and good behaviors with walking and permanent customer. I have very well experience to be a part of Askari Bank limited For Six Week internship Program. All staff member good and enough experience in their own filed of banking how to deal with customers and crate long lasting relationship with for achieve the organizational target that set by top management. Bank Staff member start working with the recite of Holy Quran.

Branch Address

Askari Bank limited B-iii-360/1, G.T. Road Gujar Khan -Pakistan

Employee of Askari Bank Gujar Khan Branch

There are14 employees are working in Askari bank Gujar Khan Branch and 5 Security Guards. They names and grade are following.

Table 2 Name of Employees


Designation and Department

Muhammad Ali Junjua

(Branch Manager AVP)

Kamran Ali Khan

(Manager Operation)

Mudassar siddique

(OG1) in charge Deposit department

Gulrez Qadeer

(OG1) in charge of cash department, clearing, remittance

Shabbana Aurangzeb

(OG2) in charge of Accounts department.

Afsheen Altaaf

(OG2) Assistant of Gulrez Qadeer

Mohammad Ameen

(OG2) in charge of IT department.

Omar Inaam

(OG3) Account opening officer

Abdul Shakoor

(COG3) Cashier

Mohammad Jawad Kiyyani

(COG3) Cashier

Syed Muntazir Imam Shah

(Contractual) Agriculture department.

Mohammad Nadeem


Mohammad Saqib

(Tea Boy)

Mohammad Aurangzeb


5 Security guards are servicing in the Askari bank Ltd Gujar Khan Branch

Arshad hussain

Security guard

Nazaqat Hussain

Security guard

khalid Hussain

Security guard

Rab Nawaz

Security guard

Nisar Ahmed

Security guard

Starting and ending dates of my internship

I was start my internship 17-jan-2011 and completed 28-Feb 2011

Names of the Departments and Duration of Training

I have completed six weeks internship in Askari bank Gujar Khan Branch and I have got training six different departments one week for each department.

Account Department duration of training is one week

Remittance & Clearing/OBC total duration of training is one week

Foreign Exchange duration of training is one week

Credit department duration of training is one week

Deposit department duration of training is one week

ATM Operation duration of training is one week

Training program