This paper aims the approach of social and economic dimensions of rural development at the level of North-Eastern Romanian Region, in order to identify the main problems and perspectives of the region, offering suitable solutions for the implementation and improvement of the actual development strategy of the region. The methodology has used SWOT analysis, in order to highlight the actual dimension and perspective of sustainable development of this region. A three years research project developed in the all six counties of the region is providing the scientific support for this article. The research result indicates development of agro-tourism and non-agricultural activities as the main solution for socio-economical problems of the region. The developing of this region, can be assured in the near future by improving the infrastructure of the region, which will assure the support of increasing investments in the rural areas and the development of economical activities, based on reach cultural heritage of the region.
The Northeast Region is the most important part of Romania, in terms of number of inhabitants in rural areas (22.3 % of total rural Romanian population in 2008) (Table 1). It is also The Romanian region with one of the lowest GDP per capita.
The research is trying to explain what are causes that determinate this situation, and what can be the solutions for a better future development in the rural areas in the North East Region of Development.
As Academician Paun Ioan Otiman said "Rural development and planning problem is one of the most complex themes of the contemporary world, because, in essence, means achieving a balance between economic, environmental and socio-cultural conservation of countryside of the country, on the one hand and trend of modernization of rural life, on the other hand". 1) [1]
Dona Ioan also said "The lack of a realistic vision of the future of the Romanian village, of the new occupations and qualifications required in the process of diversification of activities - to establish a multifunctional rural development is becoming more acute" 2) [2]
One important issue in The Northeast Region is rural sustainable development and promotion of agro-tourism which is part of the 5th priority axis in the "'Regional Operational Programme" 3) [3] approved by The European Commission for Romania for the period 2007-2013 whose overall objective consists in supporting the economic, social, territorially balanced and sustainable development of the Romanian regions. (Table 2)
Material and Methods
The main preliminary materials used for the socio-economical analyse of The Romanian North East Region of Development were the statistic database provided by Romanian National Institute of Statistics and The Regional Development Plan 2007-2013 for The North East.
Elaboration of SWOT analyses are based on field research documentation in the region as part of the project „Research On Actual Size Evaluation And The Perspective Of Sustainable Rural Development Through The Elaboration Of Swot Analysis, As Method Of Strategic Planning For The North-East Region Of Romania" conducted by the authors of this paper, under a financial scheme supported by Romanian National Council for Scientific Research in Higher Education for a three years period of time, that started in the summer of 2010.
The methodology is using diagnostic analysis of sustainable rural development social and economic aspects in the region of development, in order to identify existing resources and how they are recovered now. The collection of data, information and formulation of ideas, assumptions and conclusions are done through questionnaires and interviews adapted to this specific region.
The SWOT analysis are structuring the collected data in order to show strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and risks assumed by sustainable rural development in the North-East area of Romania and are offering the development solutions for the region, starting from the objectives of the region's rural development strategy.
Results and Discussion.
The Romanian North-East region of development is the largest region of Romania, with an area of 36,850 (15.46% of the total territory). It has external borders with Ukraine and Moldova. In its composition are six counties: Bacau, Botosani, Neamt, Iasi, Suceava and Vaslui (Table.3)
The economy of the North East Region was supported in the past by forced industrialization in the 1960s and 1970 (primarily petrochemical industry, furniture industry, construction materials and machine building).
Our days, The North East is the most underdeveloped region of Romania - the GDP per capita being bellows national average. (Table.4). Within the region, the poorest areas are the southern part of Iasi county, southeastern part of Neamt county, eastern part of Bacau county, Botosani and Vaslui counties.
The North - East region of Romania has the lowest number of SMEs per 1,000 inhabitants, only 13.1% of the total number being 49 078 SMEs, representing 87.6% of total micro SMEs. At the intraregional level, Iasi (27.2%), Bacau (20.8%) and Suceava (18.8%) have the largest number of SMEs in the west pole being in Vaslui County only (8 , 5%).
The poor infrastructure, the low level of investments in the rural areas, had restricted the development of new activities in the region.
In the present, agriculture is the main occupation in the rural areas, over 75 % of peoples being employed in agriculture.
Sustainable rural development can be achieved only in the context of achieving real economic growth in rural areas. Specific features characterizing the agriculture makes this branch of the economy to record the highest level of subsidies from the state, which had developed in recent year a complex intervention system, adapted to that prevailing in European Union countries.
The rural environment in the North- East region is characterized by a modest level of income achieved by the active population, which can ensure, in most cases, only the minimum subsistence conditions.
This requires analysis of the particularities of the region in the N-E Romanian region of development, from the economic point of view, in order to find alternative activities (handicrafts, agro-tourism, and non - agricultural activities) that can bring additional income for the rural residents.
Agro-tourism activities are supported by the main attractions in the Northeast Region such Carpathian Mountains covered with alpine forest and rich in flora and fauna, famous painted monasteries from the fifteenth and sixteenth century protected by UNESCO, salt mines and spas that has therapeutic use, national parks and natural reservations, fishing lakes and other local tourist attraction.
A SWOT analyses proposed for this region, evaluated the next fields: non-agricultural economic activities and rural tourism
SWOT analyses reveal the next aspects regarding non-agricultural economic activities and rural tourism in the region:
Strengths: Besides agriculture, the main economic activity, there are a lot of other non-agricultural economic activities taking place in rural areas, even if not very extensive; The existence of traditional crafts and activities such as beekeeping, sericulture, woodworking, wool and leather processing, processing of horns and bones, pottery; Rural area in the region has a rich tourist, cultural and spiritual potential.
Weaknesses: Low level of rural population training; Poor structure of tourism marketing policy (advertising and organization); the number of handicraft and decorative activities is falling; the state does not sufficiently support the development of fisheries and aquaculture. It is not yet properly harmonized legislative framework for non-agricultural economic activities and rural tourism; there are delays and poor management in privatisation of lake's surfaces.
Opportunities: Most part of villages from the North East region has a cultural and spiritual tourism potential for domestic and foreign tourists. The increasing number of NGOs that contribute to the development of rural areas and promoting rural tourism through: training courses and seminars, training in the supply of tourist services.
The potential for diversification of rural economy, that has to be supported by legislation, preferential credit systems and developing of specific promotional actions.
Promoting investments to develop and diversify economic activities such as agricultural services, handicrafts, apiculture, sericulture, aquaculture and agro-tourism, which have the potential to increase employment of rural labour.
Threats: The decline in purchasing power for domestic tourists. In Romania foreigners ignore the rural tourism potential. The number of tourists is increasing, in the conditions of inadequate infrastructure.
Developing agro-tourism is part of the Priority Axis No. 5 - Sustainable development and tourism promotion, of the Regional Operational Programme for the period 2007-2013.
So far in this area were funded 32 projects for The North Eastern Region, of which 10 were allocated to cultural heritage, 17 for recreational activities and tourist accommodation and other 5 for tourism promotion, the total allocate budget being of 427 millions lei from 2.915,4 millions representing the total ammount for 2007-2013 period (Table 5).
Analysis of the social dimension considers people as base of rural development.
Even if The North East region is not confronting with rural exodus at global level of population, this problem appear unfortunately for the young category of peoples, which will be a problem for the next generation, the result being aging of rural population.
If the rural space from a particular region (as there is in fact in the N-E region) suffers a massive migration of young people to the city or a large number of farmers have over 60 years is very difficult to realize in short-term a strong growth.
So the stabilization of population in the rural areas it must be seen as a problem which can find answers in measures of attracting the young age category for rural activities that can assure them a decent level of life.
In the North East Region, the percent of rural population in the total population of the region has increase from 56.4% in 2000 to 56.7 % in 2008. (Table 6).
Evolution of the share of population between the two residence (urban-rural) highlights the trends recorded in the region: a increasing trend in the share of rural population by 2003 (from 55.87 % in 1998 to 59.23% in 2003) explained mainly as result of the migration that took place towards the countryside, a result of industrial restructuring in this period followed by a slight decrease in 2004 (56.42%) mostly due to the fact that in 2003 a relatively high number of municipalities have been declared cities, especially in Suceava County, and then a new increasing trend until 2008 (56.7%) [4]
In the same period of time the percent of peoples with age between 0 and 14 years has decrease from 21 % to 17 % and the percent of people with age over 60 years has increase from 18 % to 18.4 %. (Table 6).
The social solutions must involve a diagnosis on the level of education in the rural population from the region, their cultural identity and social structure.
SWOT analyses reveal the next aspects regarding human resources of the region from the rural areas:
Strengths: High share of young population;
Recovery and enhancement of quality human capital must be an essential condition for the successful development of the North-Eastern Region.
Human resources development and their required infrastructure will have direct benefit to the rural population in the region and is a fundamental prerequisite for progress in areas of social and economic rural planning and implicitly on rural sustainable development.