As you know now a days web base system consists of a huge number of smaller computer networks which are jointed together across the world. There is not centralized network or computer in this world who is responsible for the performance. Information and performance is distributed among millions of individual entities and devices. This type of web base system point toward the name of distributed system.
Same like small organization involves in e-commerce like employee may use software to enter customer data into a database, directly installed on each user's computer, these type of software mostly installed on a server computers and shared between thousand of different users via network
Objective of the report
The purpose of this proposal is to investigate and evaluate the range of software applications and mobile connectivity devices which allow individuals and companies to communicate via the internet.
Overview of Business and requirement
TCS came into being in 1983 as a domestic courier company to fill a void that arose due to the Government of Pakistan denying foreign courier companies the right to operate locally. 26 years into its existence the TCS brand has evolved, into a formidable symbol of trust & reliability. TCS provides express and logistics services in the C2C, B2B and B2C segments. This it does through a wide network of 139 offices making it the biggest network in the country, along with over 265 retail outlets and 2000 online and offline locations nationwide ideally located for easy customer access. We have huge number of user and corporate interaction thorough business. So by the help of this report we will see either distributed system packages are good for us. If it is so which one will be best suited for our company
Evolution and Impact of Mobile communication and software technologies
There have been many research don on the evolution of mobile communication and software technologies, and there are many ways we can describe the modernization of today mobile computing but as far as concern about the distributed system or today web base system we will only focus how internet business transform into e-commerce or e-business.
We will start from scratch when use of telegraph was replaced by the telephone system cause considerable change in organizational structure and process. In 1970 Goddard was the first person who studied how the use of telephone led to development of new organization structure (Feng Li, 2007). Then in early 1980 focus was heavily change from voice communication via the telephone to data communication via computer network. So now they can communicate but also they can share, analyze and transmit information specially work related. That way of communication opened new horizon for business.
Back in 1950 mainframe computer were introduced into a few large companies. They were expensive with fewer outcomes. But still it was beneficial for the companies. So in 1960 with introduction of microelectronics memory capacity, reliability and above all costs reduces. Combination of telecommunication and computers made the remote use of mainframes.
Then 1970 minicomputers became more famous because they are cheap and also user friendly which can be available to normal users. Then in later 1980 it became the fully modern-day personal computers. During this period corporate computer network with distributed processing were deployed in number of organization then it accelerate after 1980. The flow of information and data over the internet increased and new technologies like packet switching, timesharing, distributed networking telesoftware open a new gateway for business on the web.
"Corporate networks provided large organizations with new capacity in the control and coordination of various flows and activities by transcending the limitation of space and time for the transmission of information. Such new capabilities are leading to the development of powerful innovations in production. Organization, transaction and management in a wide variety of organizations"
(Feng Li, 2007)
Now companies can exchange information with any customer, supplier or business partner.
Mobile and wireless communication
In 1980s there were very few mobile communication technologies like AMPS, TACS and NMT. AMPS were used in North America later adopted by worldwide. TACS was adopted by United Kingdom and NMT implemented in Nordic Countries.
At that time communication had many limitations which need to be overcome for the success of the industry. Each company were using their own set of standards for communication was very hard to standardize the whole globe. By these boundaries communication between countries was impossible or very expensive.
There are great mobile communication technologies evolved during the late 1990 and 2000. Now communication is standardizing. Currently we have following mobile and internet communication technologies used by different mobile companies in different part of the world.
(Olav Berg, 2008)
E-commerce and its evolution
E-Commerce was first developed in the early 1970s with innovations of Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). The purpose of this to routed the funds electronically from one organization to another. Then new technology by the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) came into being. By this we can transfer document electronically, that widen the electronic transfers from financial to other types of transaction processing.
Later term Interorganizational system (IOS) came, which allows the movement of information to be automated between organizations in order to reach a looked-for supply-chain management system.
Let's have a quick look at the evolution of E-commerce with the year.
1984 - EDI was standardized by ASCX12.
1992 - Online shopping introduced.
1994 - Netscape arrived with Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol.
1995 - and launched
1998 - DSL introduced which led to people spend more time and money on internet.
1999 - According to spending on the internet reaches up to $20 billion.
2000 - Online shopping can be done through handset.
2001 - Ubiquitous computing is come into real world.
(Loke Janice, 2008)
What is distributed system?
"A distributed system consists of a collection of autonomous computers, connected through a network and distribution middleware, which enables computers to coordinate their activities and to share the resources of the system, so that users perceive the system as a single, integrated computing facility"
(Wolfgang Emmerich, 1997)
(John McCarthy, 2009)
Component of Distributed system
There are many different platform of distributed system we have, but most demanding and good platform for distributed system is LAMP (Linux-Apache-MySql-PHP). There are many other good choices like WAMP, WIMP, and LAMA. Why we LAMP is good let's do a small comparison between LAMP and WAMP.
Open source
Low cost
Community supported
Good for enterprise level
Let's have a look what LAMP is. Basically LAMP consists of Linux, apache, MYSQL, PHP.
L - Linux
It is an operating system that runs the application. Linux is specifically noted for its speed, minimal hardware requirements, security and remote administration. Bonus point is Linux is free. Linux can run with our without graphical interface.
Apache Web Server
It is an open source web server solution that is packed with many features. It is extremely fast and work perfect with Linux. By the help of Apache we can create virtual host that will help us to run multiple website on single server. It include items like enhances logging, bandwidth throttling, directory access protection, common gateway Interface (CGI) support, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) support and much more.
M-MYSQL Database Server
It is a database manger that enables you to store and retrieve data with a scripting language such as PHP. Database is compulsory to make dynamic website. It got feature like data replication, table locking, query limiting, user account, multiple databases, persistent connections and much more.
PHP stands for Hypertext pre-processor. PHP is scripting language and best suited for Web development which can be embedded to HTML. With good use of logic we can create dynamic website very quickly and effectively.
( Rosebrock| Filson, 2004) (Distributed Network Infrastructure)
How secure is distributed system
Web application is more interactive and improves the user prospective. It also pushes more code execution from client browser. With the use advance internet technology like blogs, wikis, RSS and social book-marking increased high security to web server. Like remote users' silently makes requests and communicates with the web application in the background. This scenario gives a hacker a opportunity to embed malicious code or threat like HTML code injection, SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS) and session hijacking.
There is huge increase in security attack. Hacker's purpose is to steal private data, hijack web transaction, executing phishing scams. It is much difficult to protect data on client end but with the use these technologies we can detect and protect our organization from security threat.
(Merrick Furst 2008)
Encryption of data in transit as compared to data at rest actually less risky. But mostly organization and security product vendors focus on client side threat.
From a Hacker eye and mind, data at rest is more interested because it has confidential information (credit cards, Social Security numbers, intellectual property and financial information.
By Network Analyzer tool (like sniffer), it is much easier for hacker to capture all traffic from Ethernet switch, Hacker can also convert switch to hub by ARP spoofing(They can connect to network from anywhere not compulsory to connect directly to switch and can see all traffic which is in transit.
Because of our bad configuration of web application, operating system and network, lead to high threat from intruder to gain access data in transit.
The use of e-mail in our organizations for business purpose has become an important critical function. That is why the information carried by such emails is very important and focusing on various intrusions is a challenging task for every organization. That is why; this is a high-risk security area that without proper safeguards can leave the door open to intruders to access an organization's information.
Email Threats
Proper use of e-mail & the internet is the responsibility of every employee. Careless use can subject you and other users to malicious software attacks.
Email is not a fully secure communication method. Deleted Messages still exist in backup folders on remote servers' years after being sent. Intruder can read and modify email in transit, can use our id and password to gain access to our online services, and can steal our id or critical information.
Email communication is heart of our organization communication and at the same on very high risk. Can affect our business very badly, which are the risk or threats are let see:
"In the usual way that people send, read or download Internet email, all message content (including usernames and passwords) is transmitted between their personal computer and email servers in easily accessible "plain text". This means that anyone who can intercept this flow of information can read your email and obtain your usernames and passwords; this is referred to as eavesdropping."[4]
Privacy of individual matter a lot and you know ISP can read our email without permission and they can keep record of our email in their database. From business perceptive it is at very high risk, and especially our customer confidentiality is backbone of our enterprise.
Spam and Unwanted Email
Approximately 70% of all email is spam now days, which will not breach integrity and security but can decreases output and increase the cost. Filtering causes the loss of official email while attempts are made to dig over unwanted emails.
Viruses and Worms
Viruses and worms can damage your privacy very badly. They send your private information to attackers, destroy your hard drive and damage anything by any mean. They are a risk to our privacy and make us suspicious of official email.
Especially in communication, sometime they will not activate until you run exe files in windows or bin files in Linux. Mostly they are attached in email in form script or HTML message.
Email Bombs and Other Attacks
Email bombs occur when you receive a vast number of email messages in a very short time. Alternative name is DoS (Daniel of Service Attack). These bombs are generate by spammers trying to find out valid email addresses at your organization by sending email to thousands of different addresses. These types of attack can bring any organization to its failure posture, your database is jammed, traffic is flooded, email storages are packed and at the end you lost official and important data and emails.
Internal Policy Violations
Unobserved class of email security threats concerns email that may breach corporate HR, legal or IT policies or industry rules. For example, Organization can design a policy in a way that call centre department do not have access to jpeg or .mp3 internally, by this we limit them toward integrity of data but sometime they break the policy and use different way to violate the policy and increase vulnerability to a network, by the help of web browser or removable media.
(Wade and david , 2008)
How we can secure our distributed system from remote access
Distributed system has great impact on business and became vital part of modern business. Nearly all companies uses services of internet, intranet, or extranet. Distributed builds an empire where things get automated, organize and fast. But when we talk about all these benefits distributed system offers to business, it also poses some challenges such as giving access of information or data to users, these users can be companies employees (managers, admin, staff etc.) or external user such as suppliers or customers, We cannot give equal access of information all the users. There are many differences between giving customers electronic access via a private network and an open network, such as the Internet. As mention one of the most essential aspect is management the information flow over the internet as its accessible to everyone, this is the reason transaction performed on the internet is less secure then transaction performed on intranet.
A successful Web site should not only deliver users the data, which they require, but it should also be secure and restricted to business partners. An approach for users access control in business to customer E-Com is proposed by Irina Noninska (2003). According to Irina all users in system should be divided in to different level such as Customers (Level1), managers or company's employees (Level2), system administrator (Level3) and security administrator (Level4). Al the users can require and obtain information, electronic documents and electronic payment systems, products and services from Web sites by using electronic catalogs all on the basis of their access rights. As explained every level of user will be having a certain access of data e.g. end users or customer will be using to view shopping products, place order or make a payment etc so they will be given a limited access. Similar on level 2 system manager and employee come who can have more rights to access the data which fulfils their needs to perform their duties. But on level 3 and level 4 users will be having more access right then all the users, as they will be reasonable to manage the system, data integrity and security. Irina Noninska (2003)
Impact of distributed system on business in recent year
Distributed system becomes a vital part of modern business. Nearly all companies uses an email, all of them have website and many of them offer basic e-commerce services on their website. Distributed system not have role in the function of organization but it build an empire where things automated, organize and fast.
Obviously through the help distributed system and its application organizations can exchange data electronically with suppliers and customer. Organization might need e-business solutions like ERP/CRM system to fully utilize the function of distributed technologies. Some company take it in different level, some at very basic like for using email communication or on their website, but it can be used such as exchange of standardised data with business partners. Distributed computing in some sector had an impact on internal process as well as transforming the entire business model as whole.
Industries which transform completely because of distributed system are tourism, financial services, Logistic, Publishing and many more. In these industries the role of Distributed computing is far beyond improving process and efficiency. Like in tourism internet permits service providers to interact directly with tourism customer who puts enormous pressure on traditional market intermediaries (travel agencies and tour operators
Some basic advantage of Distributed system
Resource Sharing
It is easier for users to access remote resources ant to share resources with other users. It should also make it easier for users to exchange information.
Openness of distributed system is determined primarily by the degree to which new resource sharing services can be added and be made available for use by a variety of client programs.
It hides the fact that the processes and resources are physically distributed across multiple computers. It has various forms which are:
Access - Hide difference in data representation and how a resource is accessed.
Location - Hide where a resource is located.
Migration - Hide that a resource may move to another location.
Relocation - hide that a resource may be moved to another location while in use
Replication - Hide that a resource is replicated.
Concurrency - Hide that a resource may be shared by several competitive users.
Failure - Hide the failure and recovery of resource.
System is described as scalable if it remains effective when there is a significant increase in the number of resources and the number of users
There is a possibility that several clients will attempt to access a shared resource at the same time.
(Rupsee, 2009)
E-commerce package
"These are redeveloped commerce applications provide the tools and technologies to build your e-commerce website quickly"
(Steffano Korper, Juanita Ellis, 2001)
Types of e-commerce package
Open-source ecommerce packages
Company made packages
Open source e-commerce package
There are lots of open source e-commerce packages available online free of cost.
I will take two famous e-commerce software package to do comparison and then suggest which one will be the best suited for TCS company and why. Most famous ones are Os-commerce and Virtue Mart. Lets first have look onto Ecommerce first.
OS-Commerce provide multiple payment gateway to choose like-, Authorize.Net, ChronoPay, iPayment, PayNova, Paypal, PSIGate, SecPay and TrustCommerce. As expected from a platform such as this its jam-packed with features. It is widely pouplar and has a larger support base and forum if you we need help
Supports unlimited products and categories
Multicurrency support
Support for physical (shippable) and virtual (downloadable) products
Object oriented PHP backend
Web Browser Install and Plug-in support
Front end of Os-Commerce is not developed using CSS.
"VirtueMart is an Open Source E-Commerce solution designed to be used with Joomla! (but also works with Mambo). Joomla and VirtueMart are written in PHP and made for easy use in a PHP / MySQL environment".(
Stock Level Control for Products and Item
Ajax-powered Product Overview allows to quickly add Products to the cart
Product Attributes (like Size or Color) can be added to Product
Manage different Currencies, Countries & States
Product Availability: show how fast a Customer can expect delivery
Payment Gateways supported include, PayPal, 2Checkout, eWay, Worldpay, PayMate and NoChex. If you already have Joomla based website. Integrate of virtuemart is very easy minimum take 5 to 10 minutes. Virtuemart uses Joomla's admin interface for store administration. It is implemented inside the Joomla thats why CMS is great and good.
E-commerce software tools
A content management system (CMS) is a computer software system for organizing and facilitating collaborative creation of documents and other content. A content management system is frequently a web application used for managing websites and web content, though in many cases, content management systems require special client software for editing and constructing articles. The market for content management systems remains fragmented, with many open-source and proprietary solutions available.
(Andy McKay,2004)
There are many CMS available in the market, but most famous one and easy to use CMS is Joomla, there are lots of other available on the web lets have look on them.
Wordpress - Drupal - Xaraya - Plone - Zope - PHPwcms - Bricolage - CMSimple - Mambo
It is started as just blogging system, and then later it revolutionized to use a fully content management system and then thousands of widgets, themes and plugins.
Benefit of wordpress
Absolute Control -In your domain name you can install wordpress and can do whatever we can do. Even in
Total Flexibility - we can easily add different functionality with the help of plugins and themes and can be used to restyle your site with just one click.
Easy Promotion - google love wordpress. With the good use of SEO and some additional plugins we increase ranking in google very easily.
No Cost - Wit is an open source so it is totally free and mostly web hosting companies are providing it as a standard with one click installation facility.
Simplicity - by using Microsoft tools such as word or excel wordpress is very easy to use, configure, extend and maintain.
Drupal is also free a software package, it allows an individual or a community of users to easily manage, publish and organize a wide variety of content on a website. Many organization are using including different website including
Community web portals
Discussion sites
Corporate web sites
Intranet applications
Personal web sites or blogs
Aficionado sites
E-commerce applications
Resource directories
Social Networking sites
The built-in functionality, combined with dozens of freely available add-on modules, will enable features such as:
Electronic commerce
Collaborative authoring environments
Peer-to-peer networking
Picture galleries
File uploads and downloads
Although joomla and wordpress has some common areas such as extensibility i.e both can be extended beyond their original purpose with the help of pulgins. But, free word always smoothen our ears. Since Wordpress besides being an open source bogging platform, all plugins are free for wordpress as claimed by its official site. Both have a large user forum and community where knowledge (tips and tricks) are shared and both are open sources and are available free of cost. Although joomla, is good for attractive blog design but should not forget it is considered as bigger learning curve (as Java and CSS become bulky) for many developer. On the other hand, wordpress is better for simpler sites.
As far as concern about this company called TCS, this is a logistic company, providing parcel, letters and prizes delevier to all over the world. We are SME business, we cannot afford company made software package and we cannot hired expert users to manage and build web based component. For TCS we selected Os-Commerce software package, reason why we selected because it provides unlimited support for products and categories, specially providing multicurrency support. Gives support for physical (shippable and virtual (downloadable) products.
For software tools selection we would suggest wordpress as a best CMS for TCS. Reason for choosing this is that first of all it is open-source and then it provided by many webhosting free of cost and in just one click. Especially the import and export through Microsoft tools are very easy and fast and it provides lot of other feature like blogs, forums and newsletter and much more.