Human Resources Management Against Personnel Management Commerce Essay

Published: November 7, 2015 Words: 2733

Hrm and personal management comes under human resource department. Human resource management has two form of existence. First one is academic and the other is activity-finds expression in conference, journals, books, and cources in business school and so on. The other kind is in the form of practise in organisation that employee safety and their relationship. Main role of human resource management is recruiting and selecting people for an organisation. The foundation of every activity in HRM is formed by four different kinds of objectives.

1. Staffing objectives

2. Performance objectives

3. Change management objectives

4. Administration objectives

Staffing objectives mainly aims at recruiting correct parson for the vacancy with highly skilled knowledge. The selected person has to be motivated and committed then we can explore their performance in the different roles. Based on the performance of the employee we have to rank them and give promotion. This is called performance objectives. In the change management objectives the main rule of HR function in frequent changes in managing. It is endemic; continous need to innovate as from definable environment pressure. Administrative objectives in this HR deals with the payment to the employee is made legally and monthly. And their pension funds, deduction of taxation, and national insurance are come under objectives.

Personal management is mainly concerned with the organisation development and its maintenance. However there is a slight difference between both these departments in the working of an organisation. Human resource department is larger than personal management department. Rules and regulation are equal to both the department. The task given to HRM and PM also equal. Personnal management is deals with the organisation improvement and try to solve any problem happen in the organisation. Part of personal management rules involves in employee at work, and their relationship within in the company. The main role of personal management is efficiency and justice. None of these in the organisation successfully achieved without the help of PM. Personal management provides good term and condition that will satisfy the worker who has been employed. PM has more independent in the organisation to work freely.



TESCO is one of the largest retail shops in the United Kingdom. More than 240,000 employees are working in the Tesco group. More than 920 stores are located in all over the Europe. In that 702 stores are located in the United Kingdom. Main advantage of Tesco is the product is cheaper than the other shops like Sainsbury's, marks and Spenser. Tesco now established internet business for grocery. And 90% of UK people are doing that and 70,000 home deliveries are made in every week.


Manager is a higher post in an organisation to run the Tesco Company successfully. There are kinds of manager for a company like floor manager, account manager, marketing manager, and store manager. Every manager has great power and vital role to achieve the goals and dream of the Tesco Company.


Store manager plays a major role in Tesco functioning of an organisation. According to the decision of the store manager has been designed. And he is responsible for purchasing all the required goods that needed for the shop and stocking the goods for the future use. Use the goods before the expiry date. All other staff needed for the shop has been recruited by the store manager depending on the place of the outlet.


According to the place of the outlet the marketing manager have some creative ideas for the sales. This person also takes care of all the marketing advertisement and ads in the news paper, to display our offer in front of the shop. Based on the slow moving product he has to bring some offer in that so that will attract the customer. H e also takes part in selection process with human resource manager. To raise the marketing and to rise the sales he is the responsible for giving gift packs and club cards to the customer.


Account manager plays a major role to lead the account department. His role is not only to maintain profit and loss of the company but also to maintain some money to run the company. He is responsible for the monthly expensive of the company like salary maintains of shop, goods purchasing, travel expensive. He is responsible person to give the opening balance to the sales assistant and they have given him back the closing balance and the credit card slip to the account department. Not only deals with money but also with bank transfer and payment. He is responsible to clear the due payment as soon as possible to have a good deal with company.


Floor manager is mainly responsible for working of every floor. His main role to clear any queries from the customer. He is the one to check all the workers in the floor working properly. And also to check all the fast moving goods and goods which required for the floors have to be report to the store manager regularly. He has to take regular envies of the product and report to the store manager. He has to display the product according to the expiry date and remove the product if it is expired. He has to give the perfect briefing to the floor staff like how to maintain customer relationship. Based on the talent and hard work of the employee. He is one who decides for her or him promotion and the appraisal. He has to give instruction to arrange the product which will be easier to elder people, pregnant women, and kids.


His role comes next to the manager. The main role of supervisor is to supervise the employees whether they work properly in the shop or not. And all the customers' problem has to be cleared by the supervisors. If anything goes wrong in the shop the supervisor have to come forward and try to deal with it.


Sales assistant have to take report about the goods that needed for the hop and for the every floors .If any goods is insufficient then he or she should be reported to the floor manager and he will take further action with the help of store manager.


The main role of the house keeping staff is cleaning and hygiene of the Tesco outlet of the entire store. Without disturbing the customer they have to maintain the shop cleaningly.They has to arrange the trolley which will be easily to collect by the customers. If anything accidently breaks by customer then they have to clean the floor as soon as possible.


There are two kinds of recruitment.

1. Internal recruitment

2. External recruitment


All the vacancy in the organisation is filled internally. Many organisations are preferred to get application from internal candidates. This kind of recruitment method is mostly used in the United Kingdom (UK) public sector. Main advantage to recruit people internally is less expensive, no need to spend more money to employment agency and advertisement in news paper. If we recruit people internally then they are all familiar with business, company rules and regulation. The main disadvantage of internal recruitment is no new idea can be introduced to the organisation.


All the vacancy in the organisation is filled by suitable candidates applied from outside the business. The main advantage of the External recruitment is to get new ideas from the outside candidates. The people have broad range of experience. Most common method to recruit people is advertisement in the local press and in the news paper, job centre plus, word of mouth/speculative application. Recruitment agency is quick and quiet experience .Agency can charge 15 per cent or more of first year salary for finding someone.


Different kinds of selection method.

1. TRY IT AND SEE MODEL. In this we allow all the interested people to work for that job and we select some of the people according to their performance in the job.

2. COMMON SENSE AND EXPERIENCE MODEL. In this method we select people based upon their working experience and the previous work history.

3. QUOTA MODEL.In this method we require people by company policy, law and percentage of post holders .example gender and ethnic group.

4. Most common method to select people is interviews, tests, information from there, curriculum vitae or resume and resume and reference from previous employers.


The human resource management take care of selection and recruitment process of manager. They should be much capable in the field and highly skilled to face all kind of situation. Managers should be highly experienced in this field. They need to come with wide range ideas to achieve our Tesco goals. They should be very talent in dealing with the customers. They should have dominating power to bring the staff under his control. He should have complete knowledge about his field.


We can recruit the housekeeping employers through any agency. We can recruit the hosekeepeeing department for lease in the kind of contract for the few period of time. In the contract we mention that if the Tesco Company is not satisfied with their work then we can change the lease to some other company.


We have to recruit these people based on their working experience in the field. Their role comes next to the manager. So the supervisor will be recruiting according to the manager needs. They must need team work and positive thinking because their work is to communicate with the customer.


Retention ensures that highly skilled and experience employee not to move out of the company to successfully run the organisation. After select a person for a job it is very important to give a complete knowledge and proper training about the job. It is very essential to retain the person in the job after getting proper knowledge about the field. So we have to remain a good relationship with the employee. And we have to arrange caps for the travelling facility that will reduce his travelling expensive. We have to maintain a good relationship with his family and the employee. So the employee won't leave the organisation. We have to provide food and soft drinks to the employee during the working days. So that will reduce his expensive. When he get these many expensive in the organisation. He or she doesn't think about leaving the organisation. For every employee birthday and wedding the company have to give any surprise gift to make good conduct with the employee and to make employee happy. The organisation has to rank the employee based on their talent in the jobs and their performance has to give proper promotion to them. Have to arrange proper environment to the employee to work in the organisation. The employees have to be treated equally in the company if any problem happen to them then we have to solve it as quickly. Monthly salary has to paid on the date it will make employee feel happy. Have to give bonus for the festivals and equal respect to them to make them happy and they will retain with the organisation. Pay rates and benefits packages are very important to retain a good people. And the organisation has to reward the first class employee. If the organisation does all these things to the employee they will not leave the organisation and retain with the company.


Various Kind of legal and ethical issues need to be taken while recruiting people. Many organisations ask the employee to sign in a bond that he or she have to work for particular time period in this organisation. It is very necessary to explain the organisation rules and regulation to the employee. The main rules like

Right to due process: In this we have to deal with promotion, firng and disciplinary proceeding.

Right to participation and association: Organization of worker in workers in work council and trade union.

Right to fair wages: pay has to be done legally, equally and correctly to all employers.

Right to freedom from discrimination: Equal opportunities to all employee, affirmative action, reverse discrimination, and sexual and racial harassment.

These are the main issues has to be taken. The one way to retain the employee after getting the proper training is making a good contract. It is very important the does not tell the key of our organisation success to the other competitors. If the company is hiring a person and giving him complete knowledge in the field, he will be having a capability to solve all kind of problem. As soon as he gets knowledge and experience in the field he will be getting more chances to move from our organisation and join to other company if they give more salary than our organisation. If that situation happens in the organisation then we have to build a relationship with him. And we have to extend his contract.

3(a) Paul Wilkinson a 44 year old supervisor. Recently he comes late to the shop and leaves the shop very early. Although he is punctual to the shop in the earlier days. But nowadays he comes late to the shop and leaves the shop very early.

In this case the first step is to meet him personally and talk him about his problem and find out reason for the disobedient. If he is seeking with some kind personal problem or due to his fitness then management will ask him to take leave for couple of days and finish his problem whatever it is and ask him to come back to the job regularly. Again he is late to the shop then we will conduct a meeting with him. If he is seeing any problem in the organization or any problem with colleague's .If it is like that then we will take further step to solve it and ask him to regular to the job. And this is his last warning. The shop rules and regulation are same to everyone. If he doesn't give any better result then we will allot a person to find his problem.

And finally we find out the reason, he is not regular because he is going to pub every days and drinks lot and he is not regular to the shop. That we find out from the person that we allot for him. As per the contract which he signed he has to work for minimum forty hours a week. If he is not regular then he has to work on the weekend days too to hold his job. Otherwise management ask him to quiet the job.

Sheena Johnson is 28 year old .she is machine operator. Security found her she is stealing some finished parts from the department. She has been told to report to us at 9 am tomorrow morning.

This is very important issue because stealing is not a good one to the company. I am going to conduct a meeting with her in that we are going to find out any other person are helping to her to steal the goods and take the goods away from the company. This is not a small issue to do individually she might be having some support with co-workers and with the security (cctv operator).we are going to ask her any company purchasing the goods from her and making duplication of our product using their company name to sell their product. Then it will bring main drawbacks to the company. And finally in the meeting we find out no other person in the company involved with her to steal the goods. And we got a proof from the cctv recorded video. She is only stealing the goods and no one gives hand to her. She is stealing the goods to make duplicate of our product with the help of our other competitors.

I am going to make report regarding to the company which make duplicate of our product and about her disobedience .I am going to pass this report to the higher authority of our company. She is the main evidence to put a case to the other company and she is temporarily suspended from the company. She might have chance to join the company in the future after finishing the case.