This criticism is an overview of these methods compared to the two studies represents the identification, classification and evaluation of different methods that are used in certain studies. Selected studies, one is a quantitative study and the second is qualitative research, both related to the role of human resource management in call centers.
Purpose or objective of this task is to compare the methods used in two studies, such as qualitative vs. quantitative, different research questions, assumptions, interviews and questionnaire, etc. After a long review of the methodological critique by focusing on the comparison of two research studies, the conclusion and recommendations are made such a study deeply. Some relevant secondary data from recent studies used to justify the different opinions, which has given rise to this task. This assignment includes the objectives, goals of the study, the reasons for study, design used in each study, the advantages and disadvantages of the two study designs, which are qualitative and quantitative research design. At the end of the discussion, recommendations are given.
Principal and basis of this research
Scientists have been through considerable work to classify the ways to use human resource management practices in the exploitation of human capital more effectively. It has been recognized that leadership is a major key factor for effective management of employees. Strategic use of human resource management and leadership literature, we offer a classification of employment status management style is equivalent to the requirements of the different leadership styles in groups of workers. On the basis of strategic human resource management, we recognize that different groups of workers are treated differently and may require different leadership styles. A contingency plan based on the approaches to leadership, we will examine the leadership style most consistent with the objectives and psychological obligations underlying different groups of workers.
Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) and Resource Based Theory
Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) has gained a reputation over the past decade, particularly in relation to its reliability and performance. Within this strategic human resource management literature, researchers suggest that employees differ in the importance of their impact on business success. As a result, companies can take different human resource management practices for different groups based on changes in employment their level of skills, knowledge, abilities, expectations, and psychological contracts with organizational commitment,
It is basically part of the HRM and the relatively new field to the parent discipline of human resource management. Previously discussed the concept of HRM strategy traditionally quite matter. SHRM operational or strategic human resource management is part of Human Resource Management or HRM. It is a relatively new area, which has emerged out of the parent discipline of human resource management. It combines the human resource with a strategic goal and objectives in order to improve performance and to develop innovation and competitive advantage. SHRM in organization acts as a partner with HR to implement company strategies for HR functions, such as recruitment, training and motivation of staff.
How SHRM differs from HRM
HR functions have increased in proportion to its strategy and day to day activities of firms, particularly the last 2 decades, is increasingly aware of HR functions. Most of the writer in the late 1980s highlighted strategic approach rather than the traditional treatment of people. Human Resources Management Program monitors the strategic human resource management long-term goals. In fact, a strategic HRM trend is to solve a problem that affects people, management, long term and possibly the world, not just focus on the internal affairs of human resources. The main purpose of the strategic management of human resources is to increase employee productivity, and strategic human resource management helps to identify the region bin, locates the area where the HR Manager, who identifies a key issue that could benefit the organization to improve employee productivity via motivation.
Key Features of Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)
The key features of SHRM are
There is clear link between HR policy, practices, organizational strategic aims and the organizational environment
There is some organizational linking in individual HR interventions so that they are mutually encouraging and supportive.
The relationship between HRM and Firm performance
The primary scientific research shows that the relationship between firm performance and human resource management has closed linked over the last decade.
That here is linear relationship between organizational performances and HR practices.
That organization success can be judged in terms of financial performance indicators like market share, profit and sales level.
That best practice is universally applicable.
HR practices affect performance as interrelated elements not individually.
Theoretical background
Mid-century, competition between different companies increased in relation to modern communication technology, cultural diversity and the workforce and a large change in the new business trend, which is still continued in 21 century.
Leadership Style in Human Resource Management
Different style of leadership activities in the organization must function originations. Management style, which includes change management, directive, transactional, and empowering management style in which the transactional leadership style is considered more effective, especially the work of the worker, because the commercial style of leadership corresponds to the expectations of the employee after the employee to provide fair compensation, and translate that to achieve the organizational goal of the organization effectively. Instead, other leadership style is not very effective group perspective to these workers. Transactional leadership is usually focused on performance and provides rewards to motivate their employees through incentives. Strength of a suitable commercial leadership rewards the worker to perform the duty commercial leadership. (Sims and Manz, 1996). Transactional leadership style will pay to buy all the efforts of their employees anywhere in the price of what they have to offer them to employees, and generally comply with the director's expectations. Generally, the organization must get decisions quickly and you need a worker's relevant qualifications and abilities because of personnel management perspective, the organization acquired such an employee may take as soon as the organization is wasting time, which is necessary for the success of origination. Skilled worker has its own value and to pay the market price of the Organization and the relationship between the employee and originations remain until the workers and the organizational advantage. (Liu Wei, David P Lepak, Riki Takeuchi, Henry P Sims Jr., 2003).
Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management and the performance of UK call centers to disclose the practice and performance, personal issues in call center industry. In this article factors generated some hypotheses and tests carried out. The method used in this study is the design of the study is quantitative. There are many variables in the problem statement, i.e. the control variable. Theories of Strategic Human Resource Management have been discussed, one is a practical theory of SHRM and the second is a performance theory of SHRM. The sample size of 129 UK based Call Center. The research method of data collection is the mail. The response rate was 20%. Question establishment level though is better than the firm level. To test the hypothesis, the seven areas covered are, the measures within the seven areas: market segment, market strategy, the nature of the customer-employee interaction, work design, performance monitoring, personnel management practices and performance results. To test the hypotheses and statistical correlation is used.
Employment level in Call center
Employment boom is enshrined in call center jobs in the last five years in the UK. A recent study was made to revise the UK level of employment relationship with call centers of the United Kingdom and the result was very interesting that 2 out of hundred people do call center job. U.S. call center employs only 3 percent of the total workforce throughout the state. Since the entire call center is becoming a larger platform in order to employ the unemployed. France and Germany are also known as the largest call center in the world where many people are earning money through these businesses and provide a sophisticated forum for the unemployed. Such an area is to improve economic activity in the world. (Deery.S, Kinnie.N, 2003)
Telephone contact centers are characterized by different types of business activities such as the sale of products or live 24 / 7 customer support, communication channels, etc. Call centers are usually equipped with computer-based applications and headset devices are being used to communicate with customers. Since the telephone is as an intermediate material interaction between companies and customers as people hired for this purpose should be excellent communication and negotiation skills. Such facilitation of customer service centers via telephone, except to entertain them also play an important role to increase your sales organization and the impact on the economic situation. (Deery.S, Kinnie.N, 2003.
Nature of call center's work
The employees of call centres are engaged in inbound or outbound calls which specifically located area wise for each representative. Key activities of call centres include the sales of various products according to the project assigned, telemarketing, information about the latest services and queries and booking of the customers. Most organization outsource their telemarketing activity or customer support service to such private call centres because it can reduce the time of their service workers, reduce cost in terms of expensive communicative equipment etc. These call centres hire excellent communicative representatives around the town to work on the assigned projects from different organizations .Some organizations also have their own call centres to provide the customer support and telemarketing facility to the customers by themselves. (Deery.S, Kinnie.N, 2003)
Human Resource Management (HRM) in call centers
Human resource management practices are also in call center environment and it is imperative that to be effective. Human resources in call center is a key factor to this whole business, because if you do not come publicist who will take surveys to customers. (Deery.S, Kinnie.N, 2003)
Key human resource practices in call centers are, the commission established with a salary, overtime pay. This commission is based on the salary and the efficiency of the entire group participates in contacts with customers. The individual wage systems are not valued in many call centers. Selection of workers is also an essential part of human resource management practices. Call center agent selection is carried out on the basis of a systematic screening test, which has a clearly defined job requirement standards to be followed. Performance evaluation of each employee is also an important tool to enable opportunities for staff and improve the competitiveness of the atmosphere. This activity examines a new way to boost the financial position of the organization and it will also increase sales and revenues. Training and development sessions also work as an ingredient in it. Education is a need of the international standards and the introduction of the latest communications, information technology and new equipment. High salaries are determined Experts call centers, such as health, construction, pharmaceuticals and controlled wages offered insurance, marketing firms and product sales campaign. (Holman.D, Wood, 2002)
Various applications are also useful for reporting often makes calls separately call agent, customer representative to call back and some of its statistics, which deals with the customer and the level of interaction will be monitored so it is useful application. These applications are very critical for effective human resource management HRM practices. (Deery.S, Kinnie.N, 2003).
Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)
Strategic Human resource management is all about the link of strategy with human resource practices because organizations define strategies which are according the goals and objectives to meet the defined target. Human resource management is done on the basis of such strategy which is very essential part of any developing firm. Strategic human resource management in call centers is formulated by the human resource practitioners who are specially hired for the development of strategies related to the human resource management. Basically strategic human resource management SHRM is a sub branch of Human resource management. In any organization, human resource management process involves the recruiting, selecting, training and development of personnel. In strategic human resource management, these functions are implemented with the thought of a real factor strategy which was defined to achieve goals and objective of the organization. These functions of human resource management help to implement the strategy of the organization. Strategic human resource management is a new field which is evolved after the broad study of the human resource management practices.
The main difference between human resource management and strategic human resource management is the approached time frame. As human resource management is specially designed according to the short term approach of hiring people and developing their standards but strategic human resource management is specially focused on the long term planning which is related with the strategy of the organization. (Wood.S, Holman.D, Stride.C, 2006)
Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) in Call Centres
The main aim and objective of the strategic management of human resources is to increase the production of each worker produces, avoiding obstacles related to the roadmap for implementing the project. Strategies involved in the marketing of a product together with the operation of call center. (Smallbusinessbible, 2008)
There are a number of priority actions of strategic human resources director to explore all those areas of Human Resources Management activities where the implementation of these strategies is made. This study of this type of human resource management is not an easy task for strategic human resource manager. This is a long-term process that will lead to improvement of the development of workers and their motivation and their production. The level of communication between senior management and call center representatives should draw up strategies to meet the organization successfully. (Smallbusinessbible, 2008)
Characteristics of strategic human resource management requires a strong relationship with their human resource policies and practices throughout the organization's strategies, which are goals and objectives of the organizations success.
Market strategy, originally developed by the marketers of the organization on the basis of the nature of the business, which all supply chain management, product or services and any other relevant information as it has moved to the operating conditions of organization which classifies the segments into force, including sales and relationship building. Both segments are very vital up growth for any company. Related to production and sales products and relationship building is directly linked to customers. Both segments are interdependent for a successful process of the business. The next process is very important this cycle is to plan the work, which consists of work at the discretion and performance monitoring. Both of these segments to each other term "work requirements". Job discretion to include a description of the work specifically, and the next one is the measurement of the performance of call center workers. The next important factor is the human resource management practices, which are actively involved in management and pay incentives for employees. All these factors affect the performance of the organization. When everything is direct access to all these factors, then the organization is strong and successful. (Holman.D, Wood, 2002)
The relationship between Human Resource Management and Firm performance
This relationship is discussed on many international platforms to understand its effects on the performance of the organization after all it was revealed that both are interrelated to each other or can say that there is a linear relationship between these factors. The performance of the organization is measured mostly by the financial factors like sales, profit, income market share and other performance levels. Human resource management practices should be strong to make the organization more profitable in the future and strategies are very helpful to plan the performance of the organization for the long duration of time.(Smallbusinessbible, 2008).
The main propositions of the strategic human resource management which authors did test in UK call centers SHRM approach where a small number of organizations practice of strategy of human resource management (SHRM).we need to focus on both work and human resource practice. We have to emphasize on work discretion, team working, suggestion customer satisfaction and output. The close professionally as well as naturally link of organization with the clients' contacts is productive effort which leads to key factor that is Performance. On the other hand in call centers ethnographic study focusing on sexuality, internal team dynamics and discipline which leads to regulate the tension between contradictory imperatives faced by workers. Employees are more productive when they are more empowered and engaged with seniors then call centers are better competitive. Arguably however the workplace shows that market demand based on customer service representatives are gendered.