Communication is vital in making everything work out and most would say you need two or more persons to communicate whether face to face or not but I would say one could also communicate with himself or herself. How many times have we heard or read someone saying listen to you? Most likely the answer would be more than a couple of times and yes we do communicate with our own self, like for example when we get infection, our body temperature shoots up which is the way our body communicate to us signalling us that there is something wrong and most often than not, we do try to find out what's wrong with our health. What I am trying to say is that in communication there is a sender and a receiver, it is a process and it is more than important to get something going at the workplace and in the community as a whole. It can make or break a relationship, build or destroy organisation, and make peace or war.
Let's take a look to the world's largest chain of hamburger fast food restaurants serving around 68 million customers daily in 119 countries. Their main way of communicating to customers is through the media, though they also communicate through the following:
television ( centralized way)
Sponsoring the very recent Olympics and Paralympics here in London had been a great way to reach out to several races of the world as people from more than 100 nations had been here to celebrate the competition. Billboards and signage along highways, on buildings or streets are a huge contributor as well because who could miss those gigantic signs and they serve as light source as well at night time. Slogans like "love ko to" used in the Philippines is also a big hit as the slogans stays better in our memories especially if we found other country's slogan entertaining.
Taking into consideration the culture, values, and food choices of each country where they have branches made people love McDonalds. In some Asian countries they serve soup, in the Philippines they serve rice as rice is the staple food of the Filipinos and they even serve beer in Germany as Germans are really beer lover. McDonalds also recognizes the need for internal communication as they know this motivates their own people. They've used a multi-channel internal communication method to ensure that all its messages are delivered to staff. Video conferencing, on print and web or online are some of the forms used. In the UK, McDonalds work in partners with its communication agency, Summersault, to produce employee magazines designed to excite, inform and inspire staff about the company. Summersault managing editor Samantha Tame said they don't just assume what their audiences want; they immerse themselves into the business to ensure that they use the proper communication medium. She is right, communicating properly would result to a real great achievement and poor communication would end up causing chaos or shall we say omnishambles as Ed Miliband was heard saying in a speech to the House of Commons criticising the government 2012 budget.
Barriers to Human Communication
Physical barriers which are often due to the nature of the environment, eg staff shortages are another factor which frequently causes communication difficulties for an organization. Whilst distractions like background noise, poor lighting or an environment which is too hot or cold can all affect people's morale and concentration, which in turn interfere with effective communication; System design which refer to problems with the structures or systems in place in an organization. Examples might include an organizational structure which is unclear and therefore makes it confusing to know who to communicate with. Other examples could be inefficient or inappropriate information systems, a lack of supervision or training, and a lack of clarity in roles and responsibilities which can lead to staff being uncertain about what is expected of them.
Attitudinal barriers which come about as a result of problems with staff in an organisation may be brought about, for example, by such factors as poor management, lack of consultation with employees, personality conflicts which can result in people delaying or refusing to communicate, the personal attitudes of individual employees which may be due to lack of motivation or dissatisfaction at work, brought about by insufficient training to enable them to carry out particular tasks, or just resistance to change due to entrenched attitudes and ideas.
Ambiguity of Words/Phrases- Words sounding the same but having different meaning can convey a different meaning altogether. Hence, the communicator must ensure that the receiver receives the same meaning. It would be better if such words can be avoided by using alternatives; Individual linguistic ability is also important. The use of difficult or inappropriate words in communication can prevent people from understanding the message. Poorly explained or misunderstood messages can also result in confusion. We can all think of situations where we have listened to something explained which we just could not grasp. Interestingly, however, research in communication has shown that confusion can lend legitimacy to research when persuasion fails.
Physiological barriers which may result from individuals' personal discomfort, caused-for example-by ill health, poor eye sight or hearing difficulties; and Presentation of information is also important to aid understanding. Simply put, the communicator must consider the audience before making the presentation itself and in cases where it is not possible the presenter can at least try to simplify his/her vocabulary so that majority can understand. All barriers though could be overcome when the proper method of communication is observed or applied. Communication needs constant attention and adjustment, its on-going and constantly evolving as constant change happens around us.
McDonalds do not allow the use of the company's electronic devices like the computer for the personal use of their employees thus employees have no right to privacy if they've used the company's electronic devices. It is also highly expected by shareholders that McDonald's provide accurate and truthful details or records of all activities or transactions. These details may become subject to government investigations or litigations so being precise on all aspects is of utmost importance.
Open communication is promoted within the company as well, issues and questions even if difficult are raised and being listened to. Internally, they can talk to the supervisor to raise an issue, contact Human Resources or Business Integrity line- a toll free telephone line made specifically for employees to raise issues. Externally, customers can directly talk to the manager or supervisor in-charge, go online to raise their issues or fill up form available from most branches. Globally, McDonalds communicate to a child's nutritional needs to be able to produce food choices that could fit within the needs. Rules are made to be broken as some says and yes even with the policies and procedures of McDonalds on communication, employees will still use the company's computer for personal use and as by doing this they are waving off their privacy which may lead to sensitive personal issues being known to their colleagues and may lead to them being bullied or embarrassed. Their meals may be properly labelled according to the ideal calorie needs of the human body but they can't really stop people from buying a lot and eating a lot so the guidelines are not really observed properly.
Stakeholder is any individual, group or system who/which in any way influenced by the organisation's actions. McDonalds stakeholders would include:
Of all the stakeholders given, my top three in importance would be the customers, shareholders and management. Customer would be the most important for me as they affect the company in going bust or succeeding thus no customers equals no business. It is important then that McDonalds should work the extra mile to reach out to their customers. Reaching out to customers could mean respecting the customer's food choice by putting on the food what was only advertised to the public as in putting only vegetables to their vegetable wrap; it could also mean improving customer service as in responding to complaints in a professional manner and even going the extra mile of compensating the complainant. Customers also would appreciate ways that would show the company giving back to the community and one is the Ronald McDonald Charity House where they give shelter to people who have loved ones confined in the hospital so that they could better take care of their hospitalized relatives. Imagine parents who have to go home very far but is always thinking of their kid who is confined in the hospital. Most of the benefited ones are families with kids confined long term because of illnesses one couldn't imagine how a small child could cope with it like leukaemia or cancer. The parents of these sick children sometimes have to give up work or spend all their savings just so they could be with their ailing kid and it maybe painful to say but maybe just so they could be with their kid for the remainder of his/her tender years. They sometimes lose their house so if Ronald McDonald Charity House could give them a shelter near the hospital where their kid is being treated, it would mean the world for them.
The shareholders or let's say the franchise owners would be the next on my list of important stakeholders because they're the ones who provide money so the business would be of reality. The income they'll make from their investment would benefit them as well as the truthfulness of the management to them.
The management is important as they're the brain of the company; they're the ones who make things work out. They manage what the shareholders have invested in the company and work out to gaining customers and making customers happy. McDonalds do not just let anyone franchise from them, the person who would want to buy the franchise has to learn about the business (that is a must). That is something that is put on place by management and it is beneficial to both the investor and the business as it would mean higher percentage of success.
Strategies to build up effective communication within the company:
Ø Listening: Good listening skills and showing a genuine interest are attributes of a successful communicator.
Ø Use Names- They say a person's name when properly pronounced is music to their ears so when meeting people make sure you hear the person's name and use it right away so you will remember it.
Ø Get to the Point: Show value for people's time by being as concise as possible when giving information. Do not give lengthy, unnecessary details and don't make excuses for your mistakes. Answer the question and give important information only.
Ø Let Others Talk: Don't be a person who does all the talking. What you are saying may be of interest to you only. Keep the other person in mind, giving him/her a chance to be a part of the conversation. Look for signals that you may be boring your listener and ask questions to involve them in the conversation.
Ø Non-verbal Language: eye movement, tone of voice, posture, facial expressions and hand gestures. When talking to someone keeping eye contact without staring shows a sense of confidence. Be aware of non-verbal communication and keep it consistent with your message.
Ø Vocal Cues: Do not use an excessive amount of 'filler' words (sayings or words repeated often), sounds such as "uh, um" or use lengthy pauses during conversation. The listener will lose interest in what you are saying and will become bored.
Ø Create an Atmosphere of Openness: To establish a good relationship with customers and create a comfortable atmosphere be attentive to the number of interruptions. Give your customer/acquaintance your undivided attention by not keeping physical barriers (such as desks) between you. Avoid trying to communicate in a busy area and keep your focus on the listener.
Technology is of great help in the communication of people within the company as McDonalds is such a huge company with a worldwide scope of customers. This helps franchisee to communicate directly to head office same as it helps people to search the nearest McDonalds to eat when they're new to a place. When introduced to a community which doesn't really use technology that much like fourth world countries maybe detrimental so observing the ways to communicate taking into consideration the advancement in technology of the place should be made in place. It's simple; don't use the television as means to introduce your product to a village where there is no electricity, use posters instead.
Effective communication when observed all the time will make everything easier for us. Communication to be effective though should overcome barriers: physical barriers could be dealt with designating correct number of people to do the job. It is a must also to provide a safe convenient and workplace for staff as this will make them happy which will mean lead to having happy customers as well; one should also be clear of what he/she wants to say, rule and regulations should be well explained and people should also be well-informed. Overcoming obstacles from the above will lead to better understanding of people surrounding us, better job performance for employees as, un-strained relationship of all people at work thereby strengthening relationships, better healthier atmosphere and so forth.
McDonald's had always face criticisms and I believe will always will being a giant food chain. Let's take for example it's name being used to describe a low paying job with no future, that's the "McJob" in the Merriam-Webster dictionary. They have in the past mislabelled some of their product like labelling French fries as vegetarian when in fact it contained beef broth. Animal activists had also been putting pressure on them to have their suppliers use a more humane way to slaughter the animals. In response to these, McDonald's had improved some areas like proper labelling of their food and went as far as properly putting calorie count so people would be guided accurately. They have also shifted into using organic semi skimmed milk. They however, are waiting for more research to find a more humane way to slaughter the animals and they do have a point here because there is no use doing another method when it won't really be more humane.
Change is inevitable so I would hope McDonald's should embrace changes and apply it to their products. I have friends who shifted from eating bread with eggs to bread which are egg free or gluten free, whatever that is; whole milk to skimmed milk; non-organic to organic etc. I myself wonder how anyone is so sure the product is organic but that is the way it is, change is a constant thing and we, people adjust, cater ,and live with it and so should McDonald's. Listening to their customers, observing what ad which is needed by the population then incorporating it to their products and services should keep the business going.
Before starting this part of the paper, the writer want to divulge that she thinks she can never be a good teacher especially in the way of vocalizing or saying the teaching. Speaking is not something that was in her and let's see why. She grew up with a father who lays the rules and expected it to be followed and indeed it was, he was a great believer in one word is enough for a wise man. It did suit her but it didn't cultivate openness within her thereby making her a lousy teacher if she is one.
I did learn to better communicate vocally though, when I have to face patients especially children and realize there is nothing wrong in being open, it made me better understand people and them understand me better. Coming in the UK and having to speak to people from different backgrounds plus infusing myself to the culture here is pushing me to the betterment of my oral communication. Written communication have never been a problem for me as it give me the laxity and freedom to just write what pops up on my head. My IELTS results begged to differ though as I had a higher speaking band score than writing. I am not keen on having to repeat or explain something over and over again and when frustrated i just remain speechless or will talk in a high toned voice which my husband does not appreciate. This is a weakness I ought to overcome and I do and will have to remind myself over and over again to calm down and talk things over so it won't drive me to the point of being speechless and being mad. Note to self in improving my communication includes the following:
Take time to listen and understand the person talking then speak mind as well
Work to being understood
Be observant of other persons gesture or facial expression