Throughout Canada's young history as a country, it has been through many wars. Even before the creation of the country, Canada has fought wars between themselves and its entire identity was shaped by past wars. Canada's efforts in war have led them into the international stage where they are recognized for their contributions and actions. Through modern history they have fought as a colony of Britain in the Great War and also as their own country later on. Through war, Canada has been recognized as an independent nation with more influence over international affairs. Was has not only given a name for Canda, but also helped unify Canada as a nation from within. Even though their military is not as developed as some other countries, they still serve military operations around the world. Canada's military actions in the past have shaped Canada to what it is today.
One of the greatest moments that helped Canada define itself on the international playing field was during World War I when we fought on the many different battlefields. We showed everyone how Canada was not just a small country under the British rule anymore. While at the 2nd battle of Ypres where everyone retreated, Canadians took on the stand and rushed to defend the vital positions from the Germans. Also we distinguished ourselves when we took Vimy Ridge, an area where no other Allied armies were able to take from the German control (Graves 2). This was the first time that Canadians were able to plan and attack as a single unit. We had great planning which at that time has surpassed many other Allied countries. Canadians employed one of the first "shock and awe" (Graves 1) tactics used in battle and as we can see now the United States have became a master in this technique. In World War II Canada proved to the world again that we we're not going to step down just because we were a small country. We contributed to many aspects of the war from putting our pilots in the RAF (Royal Air Force) to defend Britain to joining a joint commando unit between the States and Canada that pulled off special missions behind enemy lines. We were once again victorious in our efforts and now have decided to join a cause that would help prevent future wars. This new union would be called the United Nations. The UN is where countries would get together to make decisions about conflicts so that a new war wouldn't start up. Canada was one of the few founding members of the United Nations and even helped contribute in writing the rights and creating the group. Also we introduced into the UN the concept of peacekeepers. As more and more countries joined Canada's role changed within the group. In the end we are still seen as the country that wants peace and that is how the world still sees our country today.
Since the Battle of Vimy Ridge, Canadians were allowed to form their own fighting force and become one country on the battlefield. No more were they under British rule but free to make independent decisions. This lead to the Statue of Westminster in 1931 where Great Britain granted most of their colonies partial independence from the British Government and the ability to make their own decisions about foreign affairs (Bélanger 2). Finally Canada was free to develop their own independent choices regarding our foreign policies and our policies involving war. This was the start of Canada's slow but steady independence from Britain. When World War II broke out in 1939, Canada would have to make the big decision of whether it should join the war or not. Seven days after the war started, on September 10th 1939, Canada made its first independent declaration of war on another country which led to a feel of freedom from control of another country. We made our own decisions and consulted our own people before this immense decision was made.
Canada is a country unified throughout wars since the American Revolution in 1775. Instead of deciding to join the Americans to rebel against the British Monarchy, the British, French and Aboriginals decided to band together to defend against the American invasion which led to Canada's unity and in the end the creation of a nation. This was the first sign of national unity between The French, English and the Aboriginals and this lead to the cooperation between the historical enemies (Canada In Context 3). If Canada had joined the Americans in the rebellion against the British, they would not be the nation they are today and the English and French would have a much greater divide then it is right now. Even with the cooperation of the English, French and Aboriginals after this that peace was not always achieved between them. There were many wars between the three different nationalities and some of this led to war inside of Canada and a bigger split. In the end the English won and took charge of most of Canada. When Canada entered the period of World War I, a great split between the English and the French was formed. The French people did not support the war and thought that it was purely a British war with no relation to Canada or their French cause. In Quebec there were riots and fights broke out over the conscription issue. The issue nearly "wrenched the country's two families apart" (West 4) and caused a lot of debate on whether this law should be passed or not. In the end this bill was passed and caused the relationship between the English and French to grow apart. Although the conscription policy tore apart the country in both World War I and World War II, these wars helped unify Canada in many ways. In World War I, select African Canadians that were allowed to join segregated units in the army. Also around 3500 Aboriginal soldiers joined and fought as a Canadian unit. Although this was a small number compared to the rest of the Canadian soldiers that fought, this was the first time that Canadian Aboriginals fought in a war outside of Canada. This brought unity of different cultures because they all had the same goal of defeating the enemy. The same situations appeared in World War II but they involved less separation between African Canadians, Aboriginals and other minorities from the majority of the soldiers in the army. Also unseen in World War I was the work of women in the army. Instead of just staying on the home front and helping out, women came out in masses to help on the actual war front. Proceeding from these days on more and more of people from different cultures and genders started to join the military forces and this proceeded to help Canada accept them into our culture and welcome into our community.
Canada's actions in war time have shaped our entire history and we gained our independence through it. If we never proved ourselves on the battlefields, the entire world would still see us as some British colony and we would never gain a spot in the world where we are respected and treated as a nation. It has unified our country because whenever there is a time of war, allies like to band together since we have a common enemy. Instead of fighting with each other we fight together. But if war could kill so many people and wreck so much destruction, is it a good thing for countries to participate in them?