Barcode system has an important role in the process of automatic identification of data. Barcode provide high level of accurate in data acquisition and also is a method of encode information of product simply and cheaper. The purpose of the use of barcode technology is to identification labels containing barcode. Barcode generally used in the application database which contains the index database and information of database is connected completely. The barcode data is connected with computer. The computer system will retrieve data of a product by using barcode reader to scan the code on a product.
Barcode depicted in the form of black lines thick and thin and arranged parallel horizontal rows. There are generally prepared with the barcode encoding "1" to symbolize the black line and "0" for represents a whitespace. For example, 0011001 expressed as a space-space-row-row-space- space-row. To facilitate the reading of manually can combine the numbers or letters in under the code line. Barcode readers translate code with scanning and decoding the sequence line. Scanner emits light that cover all barcode and reflection of light are used to distinguish between the lines and spaces. The reflection of rays captures by a photo detector that coverts spaces into electrical signal and no signal line becomes electric. Thick lines and space of barcode indicated as the duration signal. The height of the barcode does not contain information. The higher the barcode symbol will more easily in scanning and more observations.
There are many methods to create label on barcode, all the method have a differences in encode data on barcode. For example, nowadays most of business is using EAN-13 method. This method create only by using data numeric that consist more than 13 digit which is combined system of code numbers, company codes, product code and a check digit. Another case with 39 code method, which can encode letters capital, numbers and special character to a product. Long encoded data is free as long as not exceeding barcode reader capability.
Along with the rapid use of barcodes, barcode now not only can represent any number of characters but it covers the entire ASCII code. The need for a more complex combination of codes that is what gave birth to a new innovation in the form of two-dimensional matrix codes (2D barcodes) in the form of a combination of a square matrix code.
2.0 History
In 1932, Wallace Flint wants to make the system checks the goods for his retail. Initially, barcode technology was by retail companies, followed by industry companies. In 1948, a local food chain asked a graduate student at Drexel Institute of Technology in Philadelphia to create a system of automatically reading product information during checkout. After that, Bernard Silver and Norman Joseph Woodland, a graduate of Drexel, joined forces to seek solutions but they found that system had problems with sensitive ink under ultraviolet light. Prototype was rejected because it is unstable and expensive.
On October 20, 1949, Woodland and Silver managed to make a better prototype.
Finally on October 7, 1952, they received a patent from the results of their research in 1966. The first time a barcode was used commercially in 1970 when Logicon Inc. makes the Universal Grocery Products Identification Standard (UGPIC).
The first company to produce barcode equipment for retail trade is Monach Marking in 1970. The British company, Plessey Telecommunication was the first industrial companies to use. In 1972, Kroger Stores in Cincinnati start to use a bull's-eye code.
On April 3, 1973, the committee chose symbol UPC (Universal Product Code) as industry standard.
3.0 Type of Barcode
3.1.0 One Dimension Barcode (linear barcodes)
There are many differences types of barcode, only 6 are commonly used: EAN, UPC, Interleaved 2 of 5 (ITF), Code 36, Codebar and Code 128. EAN
EAN stands for European Article Number. There have 2 main types of EAN barcode: EAN 13 featuring 13 numbers and EAN 8 encoding 8 numbers. In this code is used the digit word and not a character. No character alphabet can use in this code. Code EAN 13
EAN 13 divided to 4 groups: 3 numbers for system numbers, 4 numbers for manufacture numbers, 5 numbers for product numbers, and a check number.
System number
The first three digits represent the State in which the barcode was issued; each country has its own number. For example Number 955 provided to Malaysia. This number no other country in the world can use it, except Malaysia. The number is usually known as FLAG. Therefore, no other companies in the world can use the same number in two different countries. This is governed by the EAN International.
Manufacture number
The four numbers following the code is for manufacture number. For example, if the company called "ABC" and published by the number "5522", all the products that should have marked a barcode that starts with a seven figure "995522".So, no other companies to be issued with the number "5522", then this will not have duplicate numbers. This number is unique company number in Malaysia but can be use it by other countries.
Product number
The composition of the next five numbers represents the product code and allocated by the company for unique products. Companies should be absolutely sure that they never issued the same number twice for the product. For example, In the first product of "ABC" company, with the barcode number of a product "00001", it will have a bar code number "955552200001".
Check number
To complete the EAN 13 code (13 numbers), a check figure listed on the last number after the 12 numbers is attached. Check digits arranged in arithmetic from the first 12 numbers. The software design barcode will automatically generate check number to barcode. Check number is used by barcode reader to ensure an accurate of reading the code. Barcode reader will read all the 13 numbers of code from right to left.
3.1.2 Code EAN 8
Barcode EAN 8 encodes similar EAN 13. The first 3 numbers of barcode is Flag, following by 4 numbers is short identifier that consist 2 numbers is for manufacture number and another 2 numbers is unique product number. The last of the barcode number is check number.
3.1.3 UPC (Universal Product Code)
UPC code was created by America representing the Universal Product Code and equivalent with the European Article Number, EAN. Code of UPC code was almost exactly the same as EAN codes, but only will encode 12 numbers (UPC- A) and 8 numbers (UPC - E)
3.1.4 Interleaved 2 of 5 (ITF)
This barcode are known as Interleaved 2 of 5 or ITF such as EAN. This code is simbology that only consists of numbers but the length of barcode can be changing. The only limiting the length of barcode is depends of the ITF code reading equipment will be use to read the code. ITF is used for application industrial where the code is done and to be more sufficient. ITF also used by retailer of jewellery, shoes, clothes and etc because the characters length of barcode that can be altered.
3.1.5 Code 39
Code 39 also known as code 3 of 9, this code is the first encode by using Alpha Numeric (letters and numbers). The code can read all uppercase alphabetic characters and numbers and additional characters such as - $ / +% * and a space. Lowercase alphabet cannot be encoded. Code 39 also begins and ends with an asterisk (*), known as character start / stop and only be used at the beginning and end of the code only.
3.1.6 Codebar
Another commonly used symbol barcode is codebar. This barcode only can be encode by using numbers and special character such as $ - / + only. Alpha character cannot be encoded. Codebar also have to use start/ stop character, which is A B C and D. Besides that, it also can be used in combination: one to start code and one to end it. Nowadays this code is rarely use symbol.
Read phonetically
3.1.7 Code 128
Code 128 is a symbol barcode and ability to encode all ASCII 128 characters. This symbol is also renowned for its ability to encode characters using the code-per-character element to produce the code more solid. This code has special characteristics such as start and stop characters are unique for the encoding and the length can be altered, either bars or spaces parity character or a character check for the integrity of the symbol.
3.2.0 Two Dimension Barcode
This barcode was developed more than 10 years ago, but now this barcode became more popular. Two Dimension barcode has several advantages compared to one dimension barcode (Linear Barcode) because using two dimension barcode can store data or large amount of information in smaller space. For example, “symbology PDF417 can store more than 2000 characters in a space which has size 4 square inch.
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4.0 Reading system
4.1 Fixed-mount reader
Industrial barcode reader used to identify the product during manufacturing or logistics. Often used in the conveyor track to identify boxes or pallets which need to be transferred to another process or to delivery location Another application to join the hologram scanner with check weighed to read the bar code from any orientation or placement, and weight of package. Such systems are used in factories and agricultural automation for quality management and delivery.
The advantage of fixed-mount reader without an integrated light source is that it can be installed in a range of work from various parts. To efficiency of Ethernet network by fixed mount reader can easily be maintained, be arranged, and be viewed.
Read phonetically
4.2 Presentation reader
A presentation reader has been installed in the fixed-mount readers, but operates in a continuous reading cycle; this reader is performing automatically of the decoding task once the operator places in front of the reader. Presentation reader provides a fast way to read the code section in an area where parts are handled manually. A reader can be done well offering fixed-mount readers or handheld readers.
4.3 Handheld readers
This reader is often preferred in environments where the operation is when parts have different widely in size and it is not automatically. This handheld reader normally used in manufacturing job shop operations, quality control test stations, and also in the logistics area. Handheld readers are occurring in either cordless or tethered configurations.
5.0 Type of Barcode Scanner
5.1 Desktop Barcode Scanner
Desktop barcode scanner is the device normally we found in the world. If the cashier wanted to identify the product, the cashier should be held the barcode scanner then pointing to the code of the product and pressing a button on the barcode scanner. This barcode scanner is suitable for goods which require high flexibility motion. And also, is suitable for use in the back office of supermarket and even in storage.
5.2 Stand Barcode Scanner
This type of barcode scanner is a desktop barcode that is equipped with seat-an (stand). Use of the stand is to make the arrangement neater. After used it must return to the position. This barcode normally use for store clothes.
5.3 Omni Barcode Scanner
Omni barcode scanner type is the development of desktop barcode scanner with stand. Radiation emitted by the barcode scanner is only one line. That means user must accurately the position of light closely with the product code. It may occasionally be very hard for the cashier to make the scanner process well and may take same time. In Omni barcode scanner, the light that comes out not just 1 line is about 20 rays with different positions. When the cashier scan the code of product in a position close enough, barcode scanner is going to recognize the product.
5.4 In- Counter Barcode Scanner
This barcode scanner functions almost like omni barcode scanner. The difference of this two barcode is just lying. The omni barcode scanners is placed at the side of counter then the position of the barcode scanner in counter is put in the till and facing upwards. This will help cashier to speed up the scanning of the product. For application are using mini desktop barcode, the assistant had to adjust the position barcode scanners with right place to easily for cashier to scan the code of product because the light coming out of the barcode scanner is a horizontal beam.
5.5 Wireless Barcode Scanner
Nowadays customer required the high-tech of the barcode scanner. To meet customer requirement, they make it either a wireless barcode scanner that use RF technology and Bluetooth technology. Without cable of barcode scanner, it may more flexible and easy to carry in a certain radius. This type of barcode scanner can be used for supermarket, fashion stores, back office, warehouse, or even industrial. However, this barcode scanner type is quite expensive, so be careful to use at the checkout.
6.0 Method of connection
There are many types of methods to connect with barcode reader:
6.1 Early serial interfaces
An early serial interface is the first connection methods are using of barcode scanner, of all formats, almost universal used then-common RS232 serial interface. This is a simple means electrical connection and software to access it is also relatively simple, although it needs to be written for specific computer and their serial ports.
6.2 Keyboard wedges
PS / 2 keyboard and mouse ports
With the popularity of the PC and a standard keyboard interface, it becomes more easy to connect the physical hardware to the PC and so there are commercial needs together to reduce the complexity of software-related. Keyboard wedges was installed with PC and a keyboard, with the characters from the barcode scanner appears similarly if they were typed at the keyboard. With adding of simple barcode, to ability of the reading to the existing program easily, without change anything. It is requires some of the maintenance by the user and also it can be restrictive the content of the barcode but that can be handled.
6.4 USB
After that, the barcode reader started using USB connector instead of a keyboard port, because USB connector more convenient choice of hardware. In existing program, USB connector is must easily to maintain integration. Besides that, can be used a device driver called software wedge, is to mimic the behavior of keyboard. In many cases the choice of USB interface types (HID, CDC) are provided. Some have powered USB.
Read phonetically
6.5 Wireless networking
Modern handheld barcode reader is operated in a wireless network according to IEEE 802.11g (WLAN) or IEEE 802.15.3 (Bluetooth). However, such a configuration, the operating was limits the time from the battery or a rechargeable battery and recharging it takes at least after the shift of operation.
7.0 How a barcode scanner works?
Each of barcode rods has different of thickness. The thickness of barcode is translated to a value. The thickness of rod of barcode is to determine the time trajectory for the light emitted by the barcode reader. The sides of the trunk should be upright and straight bar code, and there are no holes or stains in the middle point of its surface. Meanwhile, readers beam spot size may not exceed the gap between the rod barcode. Currently, the beam spot size commonly used is 4 times the points that generated the printer at a resolution of 300dpi.
According Carolina Barcode (2010) discuss that the barcode scanner began with red lights illuminating the code. From the barcode scanner sensor detects the reflected light from the illuminating system and generates an analog signal by varying the voltage representing the intensity of the reflections. Change analog converter into a digital signal is fed to the decoder. Decoder interprets the digital signal, whether it is math needed to confirm and verify that the barcode is described camp, turning them into format text, ASCII text and send it to a computer scanner installed.
7.1.0 Illumination Systems
There have several types Illumination systems used in barcode scanners, namely: Point LED, Linear Multiple LED and laser
7.1.1 Single Point LED
Single Point LED technology is exclusive to stick the barcode reader and barcode reader slot. The barcode illumination will produce either from a pair or single LEDs and focused via a ball type single hole. In the scanned barcode, this technology required physically touching the ball.
Because the lighting at one point, the supplier must provide the movement with a barcode and then the light sources. In the case of barcodes sticks, dragging the ball lighting suppliers in the barcode. To scrub or slot reader, barcode is usually printed on the credit card-like media. Pull the card through a slot suppliers and equipment, through the illuminating head.
7.1.2 Linear Multiple LED
Expanding the single-point illumination system, put some LEDs on the barcode line gives the ability to change entire width of the barcode. The scanner CCD and linear Imagers is used in method of Linear multiple LED illumination.
When used in a CCD scanner, the LED is paired with a line Photocells for detecting light reflected from the barcode. Because of relatively low-power LED, and Photocells low sensitivity, CCD barcode scanner range is generally limited due to contact with the barcode for 1 away
7.1.3 Laser
Laser of illumination method uses a single point red laser diode same as to a laser pointer. The point of light is expanded into a line by oscillating the laser into a stationary mirror, or projecting the point into an oscillating mirror. . Typical working distances are from 1" to 18". Range of this illumination method over 20feets can be obtained by upgrade the power of the laser and decreasing the angle of oscillation
7.1.4 LED Imager
Leigh Simpson Cognex UK Ltd, Journal of Tracking part for life. According of the journal, To CCD device, full image and linear is similar, have several significant changes. In linear imagers, to improve the illumination of the LED imager, it can be use high light LED and use more sensitive photocells sensing. Linear imaging technology is to emulate the coverage and give more concentrate of the laser scanner.
In full imagers, high intensity LED illuminates scan square "target". Light sensor on the monochrome camera same as light sensor in the full imagers. The sensors search the scanning square target for a valid barcode. With a pair of the square target by a sensor that target square search for a valid barcode, LED full imagers is Omni directional who do not have to line up the barcode in any way in order for it to be translated. Target or the snapshot method gives the ability to read LED imagers 2 dimensional barcodes as well.
7.2.0 Sensor and Converter
A photo detector senses the reflected light and produces a different voltage by an analog signal. The fluctuating voltage on the sensor to see the light reflected from the white space as a black bar absorbs red light
The technology used in the sensor may vary depending on the method of illumination. Output is always the same - a voltage wave form with a peak for white space, and the valley to the black space at the barcode
In the imaging barcode scanners, sensors cover the entire target scan and produce 2-dimensional wave form .By these both of methods, analog signal is send to the converter. After that, the analog converter will change it from signals to digital signal. This signal was called digital representation of what the sensor from reflected light. Now, Barcode scanners have a digital signal; the signal is transferred to the decoder barcode scanner
8.0 Use of barcode
8.1 Purchasing Store
Currently, almost all shops sell item, department stores and retail stores have the UPC barcode on it. Barcode reader is very helpful in reduces cases involving nibble swapping price and keeping track a large amount of products in the store, although shoplifters can now make their own barcodes. With by using of barcode reader, both customers and retailers have benefited from the savings generated. Barcode is widely used in shop floor control software application to the cashier to scan work order and enter the time spent on the job
8.2 Membership Card
Membership cards issued by many retail chains and specialty retail stores "great place" to retail outlets such as sports equipment, office equipment and pet shops to use barcodes to uniquely identify the customer. The retails benefit to be able to offer customized and have a greater understanding of individual customer shopping patterns. Customers usually get special offers at the coupons, sales discounts, and offers specialized marketing products through the e-mail addresses or address that provided during registration as member.
8.3 Patient Identification
Barcode system may also used in patient information identification, barcode clinical staff permission to directly access the wealth of vital patient information, including allergy warnings of patient , the patient health and other medical information potentially life-saving medical. For example, patient information identification wristband.
8.4 Document
Document Management tools frequently allow barcode sheets to indexing of documentation and facilitate separation that has been imaged in batch scanning applications. An enterprise resource planning (ERP) system manages the data while barcode scanners collect the needed information and pass it on up to the ERP system.
8.5 Keep Tracking
Barcode system also used in tracking of item movement, such as parcels, rental cars, express mail , airline luggage, nuclear waste and mail
9.0 Benefit of Using Barcode Reader
Data input process is more fast because barcode scanner can read and capture data more fast compared with the data input process manually.
Data input process is more accurate because technology barcode scanner have high accuracy in data search.
Data input process more accurately in finding data because technology barcode scanner have accuracy and precision is very high
Reduce the cost because it can avoid the loss of data recording errors, and reduce the work done manually over and over again.
Improved Performance Management because the data input is more quickly, precisely and accurate so decision making by management will be much better and more precise, which will be very influential in determining corporate policy.
Have ability to compete with other companies or competitors will be more awake.
10.0 Conclusion
Barcode is the code that using to automatically identification of data. By using barcode, it will bring many advantages and benefits to all people in the world such as fast processing time, save cost and so on. There are have many type of code are using, each of type code are use in different of product and some of code cannot use by retails.
Besides that, barcode readers also have many type such as Omni barcode scanner, stand barcode scanner, desktop barcode scanner and so on. Desktop barcode scanner is the most normally use for item purchasing such as super market, Jusco, and so on. Some of the market, use more than one barcode scanner in a cashier. This is because to make it more easily to use and fast processing. Normally they use omni barcode scanner with desktop barcode scanner.
Barcode system is very useful system in identification of the products and information. Without barcode system, people need to put extra time to do the work. Besides that, it also helps company save a lot of money and time.