History Of The Multimedia Super Corridor Information Technology Essay

Published: November 30, 2015 Words: 3067

There have 10 point MSC bill of guarantees which are Provide a world class physical and information infrastructure.

Flagship application Of MSC

There are seven flagship application had to be performed by Malaysia Super Corridor, which is Electronic Government, Telehealth, Smart School, Research and development cluster, technopreneur development and electronic business.


I have to briefly explain in E-government as whole assignment. E-government is the one of the parts of Malaysia Super Corridor. Firstly, I wish to tell government is the main of control a state, sets rules to the state and provides quality service to citizen and Electronic government mainly controlling, provide services in the internet by multimedia. This mission is launched to lead the country into the information age. It seeks to improve the convenience, accessibility and quality of interactions with citizens and businesses. E-government also creates paperless administration. E-government also improves both how the government operates internally as well as how it delivers services to the people of Malaysia. The objectives of e-Government are offer efficient, high-quality administrative on-line services to citizens and businesses, for example myEG.com supports services to let citizens pay online. Streamlining government's internal process to improve quality of service, reduce cost and increase productivity, this means the government has their own system process to enable to reduce the cost and increase productivity. Strengthen data security and project privacy; these objectives are to protect citizen privacy by using their high technology security. Increase citizen participation in government, this is let citizen to be as a part of government increase job opportunities. Create transparency through good documentation, effective communication, this is means government will let citizen to know more about them in details and good communication with citizen.

Pilot projects of E-Government flagship application

There are seven pilot projects of the Electronic Government flagship application which are project monitoring(SPP II), Human resource Management Information System (HRMIS), Generic Office Environment (GOE), Electronic Procurement (EP), Electronic Services (E-Services), Electronic Labour Exchange (ELX), and E-Syariah.

Project Monitoring System (SPP II)

Project monitoring system (SPP II) is an online system that monitoring the lifecycle of national programs. For example; the project application is used to show implementation, completion and mid-term review. The purpose is to support the entire lifecycle of Malaysia's 5 year development program. With this project, the government to have a quality projects to all citizens. Project monitoring is also to provide a platform for demonstrating best practices models and exchanging ideas in project implementation.

Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS)

Human Resource Management Information System also known as HRMIS is also a part of Multimedia Super Corridor. Human Resource Management Information System is an integrated, technology enabled Human Resources Management Information System for the Malaysian public service, incorporating Global Best Practices in HR that would enable the Public Service to successfully deal with the challenges of the K-economy. The objectives of this project is let citizens to know more of the latest information, automatically human resources and process or current work. Besides that, this project also increase paperless human resources capabilities, everyone will do work on the computer, for example, in year 2010 if citizen lost their I/C they need to go police station to fill up many form and after that need to go immigration center to fill another form to complete and get a new I/C this will increase of paper usage but now e-Government they change this in technology which means citizens can report I/C missing via internet and government had done will ask them come and collect. HRMIS systems are open and flexible meaning that they are easily manipulated and can be used for different purposes within the same organization. It is also a flexible system meaning that it can be used to manipulate and modify data as and when needed without going through too many processes. The last objective of doing this project is government can get a better communication with citizen and a simple window form to let whose don't know computer well citizen to communication with government.

Generic Office Environment (GOE)

The third flagship of e-Government is Generic Office Environment. This project is a very powerful file organization and office management solution, user of using this is enabling manages their office environment and fastest search file. This flagship is a fully web-based system is already development locally. The objectives of this are efficient preparation and storage of data. With this user can get a faster speed to search and checking of the files. Generic Office Environment is effective collaborate and information sharing to others. This is very secure because they having own security system to prevent hackers but administrative people of the file host can track and check the document.


The forth flagship of e-Government is Electronic Procurement system, e-procurement is an electronic buy and sell system. Suppliers sell products via electronic government including services. Suppliers open their shop in World Wide Web and advertise they product via Internet, before this they also can present their price, process order and payment in internet, customers may use PayPal to pay what their buy and it is not necessary have cash in hand to physically bank in. The goals of this project are create more knowledge skill and a better workforce. The workforce using most latest technology will follow up technology of the world.


The fifth flagship of e-Government is Electronic Services also known as e-Services. With e-Services, citizens are able to conduct trading with government agencies such as road tax, summons checking and more services. For example, now they can pay summons services in internet, in many years ago when you get a summons, citizen need to go MPJB to pay the summons, maybe it's not near to home and troublesome, now e-Government had launched a service to enable citizen pay their summons on internet, myeg.com. Besides myeg.com, rilek e-Services is also very famous, it's like a portal to enable billings to booking theory test, check traffic summon and payment, and check bankruptcy status in the Malaysian Department of Insolvency. For this e-services there are 2 coming services which makes TNB bills, and TM bills.

E- Labour Exchange (ELX)

The sixth flagship of e-Government is Electronic Labour Exchange (ELX), is one stop center for labor market. This flagship is provide employees and jobseekers can be communicate in one platform. Employees can look for work on the platform; this platform can check jobseekers profile, graduate situation, working experience and so on. Job seeker also can find the job on the platform, which job suitable and maybe fill up a form submit to administrative and administrative, will process the form and find an employer for the jobseekers. This project can improve employment opportunities to reduce Malaysian jobless of citizens. Employers also can resolve company which is not having enough workers. This project can increase the Malaysian living standard and reduce the number of poor families.


E-syariah is the e-government seventh flagship application, is a case manage system, overall is case manage system which is involves of syariah courts. These objectives are to improve the quality services of syariah courts. Besides that, e-syariah also improve the coordination and supervision of the relevant agencies under its jurisdiction Jabatan Kehakiman Syariah Malaysia (JKSM) results. Another, this project wants to improve whole Malaysia productivity and efficiently management of syariah. The last objectives are to adhere to the use of information and communication technology through the glory of Islam. For example, www.esyariah.gov.my is the main website of this e-syariah.

Implementation of E-government

To achieve the e-government vision there are many implementation strategies introduced to using the integrated method to make a "whole government" to achieve. There are eight non-technical requirements of implementation strategies which are constraints balancing, resource development, buy-in ownership, common understanding of expectations, common standards & framework, focus on outcomes, managing interfaces, and effective management of multiple consortia. To implementation this, there is a way to tender and evaluation. Request for Proposal (RFP) then go to Concept Request for Proposal (CRFP). When request for proposal (RFP), needs technical specifications, business case, financial model required, tell them what you want, too rigid, not open to think out of the box solution, and do not foster innovations. When you request to them then go to concept request for proposal (CRFP). On the part of CRFP they have to desire business capabilities, encourage innovation & creative solution and benefits seeks. The issues of CRFP are more explanation by the bidder, every high education reply, and more working hour will spend on evaluation. In integration framework there have four parts: process, technology, people and program management. The process part is find opportunities to redesign the government process. The technology part is to find suitable technology to support new process and providing message and tools to support user. The people part is make people can help each other to success in e-government. And the last part is program management is making sure development is coordinates.


Multimedia Super Corridor is to transform Malaysia to an information technology hub and multimedia innovation in the global. Under Multimedia Super Corridor had seven flagships which are e-government, telehealth, smart school, research and development cluster, multipurpose card, technopreneur development and electronic business. Benefit of e-government is provide Malaysian convenience to communicate with government by using internet, such as e-services, e-procurement, e-syariah, human resources management information technology, project monitoring, generic office environment, and e-labour exchange.


Blueprint is a paper based to use technical drawing, documenting architecture or an engineering design. Blueprint is usually use as refer to any detailed plan. Since blueprint come to e-government, each of the project must come with a blueprint. The first process of blueprint is vision, team, hierarchy and the last is roadmap. The vision is the goal of project, what want to do and why need to do, after have an idea; we need to assemble a team to do this project, because always come with a big project. Since had make a team, have to establish hierarchy means order them which part they should responsible and the last one is the head of the team will guide them and set the roadmap.

One of the earliest efforts in the coordination and planning for the E-Government project is the establishment of the organization structure for the various implementation teams, the selection of agencies and individuals within the teams and, of course, the scope of their responsibilities.

On the picture we can see that E-Government Steering Committee is the highest position of the whole project which is chaired by the chief secretary to the government. Member of the e-government steering committee include representatives from the economic planning unit (EPU), implementation coordination unit (ICU), INTAN, Treasury, ministry of energy, communications and multimedia, Malaysia administrative modernization and management project unit (MAMPU), office of the auditor-general, public service department as well as MDC. MAMPU also acts as the secretariat to the EGSC. Directly accountable to the EGSC is the E-Government Programme Management Group (PMG) headed by the director- General of MAMPU. E-Government Steering Committee provides the policy direction and approves to the E-Government programmes. The lead implementing agencies of the e-government pilot projects include e-services which are under road transport department, e-procurement under treasury, ministry of finance, Generic office Environment under Prime Minister's office, Human resource management information system under public service department and project monitoring system under implementation coordination unit. For example of the e-services, this project had fully successes completed, this is project of road transport department as you can see at the above picture, "Sub team" had to complete the planning and after that they had to submit to project manager to check and so on until E-government Steering Committee pass the project. www.myeg.gov.my is the website their done, so enable Malaysian pay their summons on the internet. http://home.eperolehan.gov.my/home/ is the website of e-procurement support suppliers to buy goods online with government and customer service support.

Assisting the PMG is the project support group, which provides support for the planning, at the individual project level of the overall project implementation and activities, execution and monitoring of the implementation plan.


Electronic Services is one of the pilot projects of e-government. This project provides citizens are enabling trading with government agencies such as road tax, summons checking and some upcoming services. The advantages of this project are convenience, paperless, and let Malaysian become a technology world. Convenience means, citizens no need to go MPJB to pay their bills and summon, they just can pay at internet with credit card. It's good for the business man, and old people. But some of the citizen doesn't even know how to use computer, e-Services had think about that, and in their website there have a guide to teach them with step by step. Paperless means, this project doesn't need use a lot paper when they processing. In the old time, people need to go their center to pay and need to fill form, after fill the form, then will get receipt, it's very troublesome. For real example, www.myeg.gov.my is the first launched e-Series. This website was incorporated in Malaysia as a private limited company on 17 February 2000. MyEG began by developing online government transactional services for the Malaysian community through its Electronic Government initiatives. In this website, citizens are enable to make driving license renewal, auto insurance renewal, road tax renewal, road tax delivery status, LDL application, PDRM summons alert, top up prepaid account, maid permit renewal, and road tax receipt. Besides that, it does also can download the form such as JPJ booking, e-Insolvency, CDL renewal/LDL application and road tax renewal. In the end of the website, there have 1 logo of Multimedia Super Corridor, this is what MSC done. Besides myeg there have one more famous e-services - www.rilek.com.my, is an electronic transaction introducing RILEK as the revolutionary way to perform all your e-government services such as JPJ, PDRM, TMB, TNB, and DBKL. This portal also can check bankruptcy status Malaysian department of insolvency.


Electronic Procurement system is the flagship of E-government and also implementation of blueprint. E-procurement is an electronic buy and sells system; suppliers sell products via electronic government including services. E-Procurement pilot was chosen based on the high impact delivered by the service and the high feasibility of implementation. Suppliers host their website on the server and advertise their product. On the website they also offer their price, process order and provide internet payment such as PayPal and credit card. It is not necessary to go bank to bank in. The goals of this project are create more knowledge skill and workforce. A workforce using the latest technology to follow up technology world will be a good asset to the country. E-procurement is to ensure best value for money as well as transparency and accountability in line with established procedures. Readily available transaction data will facilitate other agency functions like demand/supply planning, financial budgeting, accounting and inventory management to create an integrated procurement system. Beside suppliers can do business with client, the main goal is supplier to the government. The scope of e-procurement is defined across three dimensions as follows the buyer, the supplier, and the functionality. The buyer is all government ministries or agencies. The supplier is all vendors who supply products to the government. And the last one the functionality is the capability of the electronic procurement system. This system, when fully implemented will deliver cost savings and faster turnaround time, helping government agencies to become smart buyers. For example, http://home.eperolehan.gov.my/home/index.php/en is the portal of transaction between government and supplier. Do register as a supplier, contractor need to go register section to register, before a contractor register they have to download a registration form to know the rules and terms & condition.

Government IT and Internet Committee

The Government IT and internet Committee also known as GITIC is established in 1998 year to facilitate the coordination of ICT development in the public sector. GITIC's main responsibility is to draft policies and strategies and prepare action plans and guidelines on ICT usage and development in the public sector with particular reference to issues relating to standards, security, procurement, human resource development and the use of the internet. Traditionally, internal resources carry out planning efforts were undertaken by a dedicated group comprising the MDC, MAMPU, the various lead implementing agencies and experts from ICT web shaper companies, both local and international as Accenture, AIMS, AT&T, Celcom, Data prep, Digital, EDS, Fujitsu Limited, Hewlett-Packard, Hitechniage, Microsoft, NCR, NTT Data, Oracle, PNB-IT, Priced water house, Renong Solutions, Sapura, Sun and Telekom Malaysia. These all company has make contributions for terms of resources, commitment and expertise towards the project on a voluntary basis. When GITIC came to Preliminary Landscaping, intra and inter agencies process will closely check, enable from government to citizens provide potential services and each service assigned into categories which had been defined as generic functions performed across government ministries and agencies. The citizens & business service categories including lodgment, payment, information, communications, procurement, customer care management, public complain and polling.


Blueprint is a paper based to use technical drawing, documenting architecture or an engineering design. Blueprint is usually use as refer to any detailed plan. Assisting the PMG is the project support group, which provides support for the planning, at the individual project level of the overall project implementation and activities, execution and monitoring of the implementation plan. The e-services application will enable the public to transact more easily with the government. E-Procurement was chosen based on the high impact delivered by the service and the high feasibility of implementation, this project is transaction between supplier and government. GITIC's main responsibility is to draft policies and strategies and prepare action plans and guidelines on ICT usage and development in the public sector with particular reference to issues relating to standards, security, procurement, human resource development and the use of the internet.


Muhammad Rais Abdul Karim, Nazariah Mohn Khalid, 2003, E-Government In Malaysia, Pelanduk Publications (M) Sdn Bhd, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.

Salmah Khairuddin, Malaysian Adminstrative Modernisation Management Planning Unit, n.d, Malaysia-CIO_JAPAN_Version_2, cicc, viewed on 27 May 2011 < http://www.cicc.or.jp/japanese/kunibetsu/pdf_ppt/Malaysia-CIO_JAPAN_version_2.pdf>

MAMPU [email protected] 2011, 'MAMPU OFFICIAL PORTAL, GOVERNMENT IT AND INTERNET COMMITTEE (GITIC), 1 March, Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit, viewed on 31 May 2011, http://www.mampu.gov.my/web/bi_mampu/eng_JITIK#

Hock Lian, 2009, E-Government in Malaysia: Its implementation so far and Citizen's adoption strategies, e-marketplacesite, viewed on 28 May 2011, < http://e-marketplacesite.blogspot.com/2009/02/e-government-in-malaysia-its.html>