Heroism Born To Make A Difference English Literature Essay

Published: November 21, 2015 Words: 2137

Can one person really make a difference in the world? Think back through history. Without Thomas Edison, people would be sitting in the dark. Without Alexander Graham Bell, people would not be able to easily communicate several miles apart. Without Billy Graham, thousands of souls would be lost for eternity. These men and many more men and women have had great impacts in the world. These people can be referred to as "heroes." By defining the term "hero," deciding if Bilbo Baggins was a hero and why, and researching one person who affected change in society, one may clearly understand if one person really can make a difference in the world.

There are several ways for "hero" to be explained. Many people throughout history have been labeled as "heroes." Certain actions may be heroic, people may be heroes; heroism is an admired trait. Who or what determines a hero, or heroism? Most people think that a hero is determined by the world's standards. Is it really? Is there anything else that may determine who or what a hero is? Dictionary definitions and synonyms, closely associated words and their differences, and extended definitions, give a clear explanation of "hero."

Dictionary definitions and synonyms show many points of view of the word "hero." According to Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, a hero is "a mythical or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability." It also states that a hero is "an illustrious warrior," or "a man admired for his achievements and qualities." A hero could be a superhero. Or they may also be "one that shows great courage," according to this same dictionary. Roget's International Thesaurus compares a hero to a brave person, or a famous person. It also states a hero is a god, victor, or good person. Dictionary definitions and synonyms are quite similar to closely associated words, yet quite different.

When looking at closely associated words and their differences, "hero" is explained thoroughly. "Champion" is a related term to "hero," yet a champion is someone who wins something, whereas a hero is someone who accomplishes and saves, although both a hero and a champion are looked up to. Another relative term is "fighter". In some ways, this term is quite similar, but in other ways it is not. A fighter struggles, going through physical and mental pain to accomplish something. A hero may go through these same struggles, but sometimes not. This may give a more thorough explanation of "hero," but extended definitions may give a more thorough explanation.

Stating extended definitions helps one understand the term "hero." In the story The Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins saved his friends, the dwarves, from their fate. He and his friends went through many extremely unpleasant adventures through forests and mountains, encountering many enemies, yet building allies and friendships. At the beginning of this story, Bilbo Baggins is a simple hobbit, who lives a similarly simple life (1). As the story progresses, Bilbo becomes more and more admired by his friends, and slowly starts to become a leader. His hero-like qualities begin to mature. By the end of the book, Bilbo Baggins has developed loyalty toward those around him, built relationships with loyal friends, and has become a hero. The term "hero", should now be understood more clearly.

One can understand the word "hero," by examining dictionary definitions and synonyms, closely associated words and their differences, and extended definitions.

Most people want to be a hero at some point or another. Children have a strong admiration for superheroes, like Batman and Superman. Some people just want action and excitement in their lives. A father loves to be admired and looked up to by his children. Most people love to be admired and looked up to by others. God will always be the greatest hero. He saved His people from their sins by dying for them. In other words, admiration has a huge part to play in a hero. A hero is an admirable being.

How does one identify a hero? Is a hero determined by actions? Words? Or attributes and characteristics? It has been stated that some of the characteristics of a hero are: courage, bravery, and being victorious. If a person's life matches these same characteristics, they may be known as a hero. In The Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins was full of life and character. His life portrays three core attributes of a hero: having admirable traits, showing courage, and saving others.

Bilbo's life was filled with examples of traits that others found admirable. Gandalf must have admired Bilbo, or else he would have not asked him to go on the adventure with him. Gandalf told Bilbo, "I am looking for someone to share in an adventure that I am arranging, and it's very difficult to find anyone" (Tolkien 4). At the beginning of their adventure, the dwarves ignored him, showing no admiration, but as the adventure continued, they began to admire Bilbo's bravery and courage as he showed it, fighting for their lives. Finally, by the end, the dwarves considered Bilbo as their hero. He had shown his heroic attributes of courage and bravery. He remained humble and not focused on himself, in spite of his popularity.

Bilbo showed courage in times of difficulty. When Bilbo and the dwarves were kidnapped by the trolls, Bilbo risked his life, put his life in danger, yet quickly escaped. As Gollum posed riddles to him, Bilbo remained calm until Gollum began chasing after him. Wolves, wolves, wolves! They surrounded Bilbo and the dwarves until the Eagles came to their rescue (101 - 104). Later in the adventure, when the spiders had wound them numerous times in their sticky masses of string, they were about to be eaten, when Bilbo decided to face the spiders and quickly escaped, after a difficult time fighting. Heroism and courage is not always developed immediately. Eleanor Roosevelt declared: "You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do." Every time that Bilbo and the dwarves faced danger, Bilbo grew more courageous. Winston Churchill also stated: "Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm." Courage is not an easily acquired trait, but it is the trait of a leader.

Bilbo Baggins found himself in the role of a leader needing to save others. Every time that his friends were in trouble, Bilbo was always the one who came to help. 1 Samuel 17:51 talks about when David defeated Goliath of the Philistines: "David ran and stood over him. He took hold of the Philistine's sword and drew it from the scabbard. After he killed him, he cut off his head with the sword. When the Philistines saw that their hero was dead, they turned and ran" (NIV). Similarly, although they were kidnapped by the trolls, and extremely close to their deaths, Bilbo helped the dwarves escape. From dragons, spiders, trolls, goblins, and wolves, Bilbo constantly saved the dwarves from danger.

Given that Bilbo had traits that others admired, showed courage in desperate times, and saved others many times, it can be seen that he was a hero. Bilbo's life impacted not only all of his friends' lives, but also the lives of the people across Middle-Earth: from the Shire, to Esgaroth. His actions changed the way that people thought about hobbits. Bilbo had been nothing more than a simple hobbit living an ordinary life, but by the end of the story, Bilbo had changed the view of Hobbits and brought admiration upon them.

Many people take responsibility and step up and proclaim their opinions and affect change. Heroes vary in age and come from different backgrounds. Sometimes it is surprising when one is found a hero. Every child dreams of being a hero. They read the comics and see heroes such as Superman, and Batman. Usually a hero is determined by a person's opinion. Determining if they have attributes that one admires. Pretty much anyone can be a hero. Zach Hunter is one person who affected change in society. By researching his background, what he did to affect change in society, and the result of his actions, one will understand someone who has made a huge impact on the world. (Zach Hunter)

Looking at Zach Hunter's background will give one an idea of what motivated his actions. One day, a few years ago, Zach was learning history about slavery in the United States. In Be the Change, it states that he told his mom, "Man, if I had lived back then, I would have fought for equality and against slavery" (13). As he continued

reading, he discovered that there are 27 million slaves in the United States. He had surprised emotions, but he did not think that emotions were enough. In the year 2003, at the age of 12, he discovered that there are more slaves now, than there were back in the 1800s. Zach felt motivated to actually do something. But what could he do?

Examining what Zach Hunter did to affect change will make it clear why he might be considered a "hero." At age 15, he began an organization called Loose Change to Loosen Chains. Through this organization, people tell stories about slavery to increase awareness. While making people aware, they collect loose change from the people. The organization uses this loose change to give to other organizations that help free slaves and help in the slaves' well-being. Zach has also written Be the Change, Generation Change, and Lose Your Cool. Through these books and his organization he wants to make an impact on the world. So far, these actions have been impactful. When he first began the organization at his school, he raised about $8,500 to rescue victims of slavery. A Bible passage that inspired Zach was Proverbs 31:8 - 9: "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy" (NIV).

Who did Zach Hunter's actions affect? His actions greatly affected slavery and the money his organization has made has been sent to other similar organizations to set the slaves free. Unfortunately, slavery has taken many different forms, such as whole families working in brickyards to pay for medical debts. Some children, when they get sold into slavery, roll cigarettes; the same cigarettes that teenagers today think are cool to smoke! Sometimes parents sell their children into slavery because they need the

money for food and debts. It is not uncommon for a parent to sell his child into slavery just so that he can support his alcohol addiction. Usually people are sold into slavery because there is lack of money. Zach Hunter has made a huge impact in this area and has earned money to support these people (Hunter 15).

To understand about someone who had an effect on society, one must look at Zach Hunter and his background, what he did to affect change in society, and what or who did his actions affect. Some people try to be heroes so they can be popular and earn fame. Others do it for simple recognition. While still others just want to do a humble deed and save human lives. Heroes have an impact on society. They are saving people every day from the fate of their circumstances. What would the world be like without people like Zach Hunter? What would happen if everyone just thought a little less about themselves and put others first? The world would change dramatically! Zach Hunter is a great hero who had an idea, did something about it, and put it into action and has impacted the poor of this world.

Defining the term "hero," deciding if Bilbo Baggins was a hero and why, and researching one person who affected change in society, has shown that one person

really can make a difference in the world. A person who makes a difference in the world is not always a hero. In worldly terms, a hero is usually determined by the way people view them. Men and women, who have fought for freedom around the world, have saved millions of lives. They did not fight for their own personal gain, but for the lives of the people of their countries. But some young people and teenagers do not think that they can make a difference in the world. 1 Timothy 4:12 says, "Don't let anyone look

down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity" (NIV). Any person, any age, young or old, can be a hero, and make a difference in the world.