Gods beloved angel walked down from above, To enlighten humanity with lamp of her love; The Queen who ruled hearts with compassion, A noble soul embarked on a noble mission...
Popularly known as the lady with the lamp, Florence Nightingale devoted the lamp of her life enlightening the world by her selfless service to humanity. Founder of modern nursing, Florence Nightingale was the pioneer who reformed hospital sanitation standards and established nursing as a systematic discipline and a respectful profession for women of all sects and classes. At a tender age of 17, Florence was determined to take the road not yet travelled defiantly beating the dogmas. Beginning with nurses training with Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul in Egypt, and a few months at Kaiserswerth hospital in Germany Nightingale's work reached its culmination in military hospitals during the Crimean War that prepared the ground for her prolific career as a reformer, pioneer, educator and a leader. Nightingale penned the principles of nursing in her book, Notes on Nursing and published numerous reports. While serving patients in military field hospitals, Nightingale was shocked by the dreadful conditions and the number of casualties caused by infection. Florence drove army reform and improved not only sanitation, but housing and diet for British soldiers. She also systematized record-keeping practices in medical care and revolutionized mathematical data analysis to measure social phenomena objectively. She used new techniques of statistical analysis and developed the "polar-area diagram", a graphical display of descriptive statistics to interpret the avoidable deaths that were caused by unsanitary conditions rather than war itself and the need for sanitary reform.
God's servant at the battlefield, Nightingale became the heroine of the Crimean War and the uncrowned Queen of Victorian era who ruled hearts with her passion for her profession and compassion for her patients.
Considering that most Victorian women did not receive university education or pursue professional career, Florence Nightingale was way ahead of her times.
"I have sometimes found in my life that the very hindrances I had been deploring were there expressly to fit me for the next step in my life. To have secured for you all the circumstances we wished for your work, I would gladly have given my life. But you are made to rise above circumstances; perhaps this is God's way - His ways are not as our ways - of preparing you for the great work which I am persuaded He has in store for you some day."
The Nightingales
Florence Nightingale was born on May 12, 1820 in Florence on which she got her first name. Her last name was inherited from her father William Edward Shore who changed his name to William Edward Nightingale on inheritance of property from his mother's uncle, Peter Nightingale in 1821. In 1825 the family moved from Kynsham Court, Presteigne, in Herefordshire to Lea Hurst home a luxurious fifteen room house. Such huge wealth instead of bringing indulgence brought about a rebel in Florence.
Florence's father was a Unitarian and supported Whig which was a political faction then but grew as a major political party of Britain later. Florence inherited her father's keen interest in politics which later attributed to her being well known among statesmen and political arena. She also inherited a concern and profound thoughtfulness on the issues and problems of society thereby an intellectual outlook marked with an attribute of compassion.
Florence's mother Fanny Nightingale was a practical and methodical woman from whom Flo learnt organising capabilities.
Florence was younger of the two sisters. Her elder sister Parthenope later married Sir Harry Verney.
Florence's family used to spend time at Embley and London as well. Flo developed bonding with nature and had a deep interest in natural beauty like flower, pets and birds. She maintained a catalogue of flowers with all necessary details and analysis, very unusual of child of her age. She loved dogs and had a pig, a donkey and a pony as her pets. Florence often cited references for animal companions in her letters and later on said "A small pet animal is often an excellent companion for the sick, for long chronic cases especially."
Flo had a liking for children of her maternal relatives who often visited them for family functions and attributed to her being an emotional being. Flo was deeply grieved by death of Miss Christie, her first governess to whom she was deeply attached.
Flo was often termed as a difficult and premature child as she was introspective most of the times and childlike fun was almost missing in her nature. Even as a little girl Flo showed signs of her caring and compassionate nature as she would nurse and bandage the dolls which her elder sister damaged. At a tender age of six there was the sense of a 'call' of dedication to the service of God and humanity -a mission in life. Later on Feb 7, 1837 at Embley, "God called her to his service" and this day marked the beginning of her true life.
Fledgling's First Feathers:
Lessons & Learning
Mr. Nightingale who was himself a very informed man and favoured education of women took care of his daughter's education which was far more comprehensive than what any other woman in the vicinity had received. Given her excellent grasping powers Flo was quick in learning Languages. In fact her command over Italian, Greek and Latin proved helpful in later years. In 1840 Flo began working hard on Mathematics and took lessons from James Sylvester. The mental sharpness and intellectual prowess that she had inherited from her father came in handy while mastering Mathematics and logic. She developed a keen interest in history and studied Roman, German, Italian, and Turkish history. Not leaving philosophy untouched she analysed Dugald Stewart's Philosophy of the Human Mind and at the same time deeply devoted herself to literature and translated portions of the Phaedo, the Crito and the Apology.
Fledgling's new-fangled flights
Travel and New Interests
From September 8, 1837 to April 6, 1839 were days of relaxed travel. The family extensively toured France then Genoa and Florence .During this, Florence with her keen interest in detailing and analysing maintained details of travel in statistical tables. The late spring and summer were devoted to travel in the cities of Northern Italy, among the lakes, and in Switzerland. They spent the month of September in Geneva, and reached Paris on October 8,1838. She had a keen interest in the politics of the day and sympathized with cause of Italian freedom. Apart from this, City of Genoa La Superba aroused architectural and artistic interests in her. Enjoying Italian opera developed her interests in music and dance and going in depth she maintained notes on performers. She took music-lessons at Florence, and in London studied under German and Italian masters.
During the winter (1838-39) which Flo spent in Paris she was introduced into the brilliant circle of the salons. Madame Mohl or then known as Mary Clarke had gathered round the most intellectual circle in Paris in 1837 and later on became one of the closest friends to Florence. Majorly due to hospitals and nursing sisterhoods in Paris, but partly also in that it was the home of "Clarkey," as Mary Clarke was called, Flo was attracted. Miss Clarke's apartment also has the credit of Flo's meeting with many great men of Paris. Such meetings and being a member of Saloon made Florence outgoing and added to her elegant personality and much before she gave her life to a self-less cause, such incidents inspired her to be of use to society and be known as a good doer.
Nestling's Cage:
Confinement at home (1839-1845)
Good natured and well educated Florence at this point in life was well suited to be a gem in a household and bride of an equally endowed man if she would have thought conventionally. But she shaped her life to be an inspiration to other women rather than being just another 'good' woman. The free air the women after her breathed in was hard earned by Flo, who had to fight a battle in attaining the freedom from a confined life at her home in 1839.
Despite the fact that a lot of families who were Mr. Nightingale's brothers and sisters visited Embley during this period, Florence could mix up and was close to both maternal and paternal relatives but could not find interest in social circle. Her interaction with sister Parthenope though lovable could not find rhythm as both of them were characteristically different.
As early signs showed up, she was greatly attached to her cousin William Smith, and was a nurse, buddy and teacher to him. She was 'sister of mercy' or 'emergency man' of the family and took up the role as a caretaker and nursed her grandmother who was paralysed in 1845. Flo wrote to her cousin from her Grandmother's sick room:
"I am very glad sometimes, to walk in the valley of the shadow of death as I do here; there is something in the stillness and silence of it which levels all earthly troubles. God tempers our wings in the waters of that valley and I have not been so happy or so thankful for a long time. And yet it is curious, in the last years of life, that we should go down-hill in order to climb up the other side; that in the struggle of the spiritual with the material part of the universe, the material should get the better, and the soul, just at the moment of becoming spiritualised forever, should seem to become more materialised."
Flo's management and creative skills were well displayed during family functions and when she would be picked for stage manager to supervise a theatrical production and design accessories.
Somewhere during this time Flo wandered for the purpose in her life amidst interests in politics, literature and astronomy. The quote from a book expressed her aspirations to have a well set goal in her life:
"Blessed is he who has found his work: let him ask no other blessedness. He has a work, a life-purpose: he has found it and will follow it."
During this period she came in contact with enlightened men like Dr. Richard Dawes, Dean of Hereford, who was an educational reformer and Dr. Fowler of Salisbury. But for a zealous conversationalist that Florence had become at this age, expressive and poised that she was she often became an object of attention and attraction.
Lady Lovelace, in her verses entitled 'A Portrait, Taken from Life' emphasises a certain spiritual aloofness in her friend Florence
"I saw her pass, and paused to think!
She moves as one on whom to gaze
With calm and holy thoughts, that link
The soul to God in prayer and praise.
She walks as if on heaven's brink,
Unscathed thro' life's entangled maze.
I heard her soft and silver voice
Take part in songs of harmony,
Well framed to gladden and rejoice;
Whilst her ethereal melody
Still kept my soul in wav'ring choice,
'Twixt smiles and tears of ecstasy....
I deem her fair,--yes, very fair!
Yet some there are who pass her by,
Unmoved by all the graces there
Her face doth raise no burning sigh,
Nor hath her slender form the glare
Which strikes and rivets every eye
Her grave, but large and lucid eye,
Unites a boundless depth of feeling
With Truth's own bright transparency,
Her singleness of heart revealing;
But still her spirit's history
From light and curious gaze concealing...."
Wings of noble aspiration
More than often Florence realised that life of society was a distraction, a misleading path. Doing something for others for which she was always eager was biggest comfort she could get. She would always be missing from the grand evening family dinner so that she could comfort a sick poor villager by her nursing. She was an obedient and dutiful daughter but had hardly any inspiration to get from her sister or Mother and surprisingly not even her Father despite the fact that he was an intellectual and a progressive person.
Flo wanted to devote her life as a nurse much earlier and as a confirmation on May 7, 1852 as she herself admits got a call from God to be a saviour.
During this time all her religious thoughts and feelings were shared by one Miss Hanah Nicholson with whom Florence found a solace in sharing and to somewhat in Miss Clarke of Paris. For her, Communion with the unseen was not fear from God but something more meaningful, positive and richer and what can be called as thirst for righteousness. She had conviction in personal religion and believed in the idea of service of mankind to be of service to God. While she had a respect for all faiths she respected only those who proved to be of service to mankind by their work. She condemned those who failed to serve humanity, for that matter even the principles of church. She never believed in going to church but certainly admired the spirit of service of catholic faith.
Fragile Feathers Flutter to Fly
Kaiserwerth and Nursing - A Disrespected Profession (1846-1847)
Nursing during those times was not a respected profession and was looked down to be a profession vulnerable to temptations, danger and unacceptable conditions. The hindrance was the conventional society raising moral, ethical and illogical questions. Nevertheless, the more abhorrence her parents felt for the profession, the more determined Florence became to make things better. She believed that the will of nurse herself was ultimate for the devotion needed for the work.
She got many new friends and admirers to name a few, Mrs. Plunkett and Lady Lovelace who was Lord Byron's daughter and Miss Archer Clive who all admired her intelligence ,knowledge and nature but all this couldn't hold Florence's mind wandering for something more fruitful. Also she had by now become quite interested in medical and sanitary topics and a report from Institution for Deaconesses at Kaiserwerth (a hospital-school-penitentiary) had come to her via Madame Mohl in 1846, from where women could get an apprenticeship done. Family members by now were not too happy about her mannerisms. Worried about her illness, her parents sent her on a trip to Rome in 1847 with Mrs. Bracebridge. This tour which her parents thought would be a medicine for eradicating morbid outlook of hers instead acted as a catalyst to strengthen her will to serve humanity.
Florence enjoyed roaming in Rome seeing Churches ,galleries and bought mosaics and pearls .Her being methodical and habit of making notes continued and more so in Rome which attracts intelligent minds in a way or other. Apollo Belvedere and genius of Michelangelo hugely impressed her and so did Sistine engravings which in her later life were put to her room's ceiling. While in the same time after meeting Italian refugees at Geneva she could connect herself with cause of Italian freedom.
During her own stay in Rome, however, there was something which interested her more than Roman politics or Roman monuments. It was the philanthropic work of a Convent School and an orphanage attached to it for girls. She summed up her comparative study of the churches as: "The great merit of the Catholic Church: its assertion of the truth that God still inspires mankind as much as ever. Its great fault: it's limiting this inspiration to itself. The great merit of Protestantism: its proclamation of freedom of conscience within the limits of the Scriptures. Its great fault: its erection of the Bible into a master of the soul."
She put to action her thoughts of compassion by supporting a poor girl Felicetta Sensi, for her education and care. She made notes of talks,religious experiences and disciplinary activities which helped her realise that devotion should be the greatest want among nurses.
In 1847-1848 Flo met Mr. Sidney Herbert whom she later referred as her Master, who would be Secretary of War in forth coming Cabinet. Flo also met his wife Mrs. Herbert as they were common friends of Bracebridge couple. Having some leisure then Mr. Herbert was attending to the strategies for the cause of poor .He shared a proposal for a Convalescent Home and Cottage Hospital.
Some relevant work to Flo's future in inspecting the hospitals was done at London and she also worked in ragged school while country house remained distasteful for her. By this time her family was unable to comprehend her state of mind and benevolence. Once again they tried to distract her by arranging another trip but the silver lining was the company of Bracebrige couple.
Flo gladly accepted the offer of Mr. and Mrs. Bracebridge. Commencing with Egypt they toured Athens, Germany and at the end of itinerary, a visit to Kaiserwerth.
She came to love Egypt and understood its dynasties, analysed plans of temple architecture and details of Egyptian mythology. So did her imagination fly during her visit to Greece and she was enchanted by beliefs held in various Greek Gods and mythology, smitten by Aeschylus, statues and unbelievably beautiful architecture.
Amidst all these enjoyments she kept herself updated on Lord Palmerstone's policy which she supported in full faith and objected stern oppressive measures by Sir Henry Ward, High Commissioner of Colony of British.
Flo was impressed by certain Mr. and Mrs. Hill who ran an orphanage and a school.
Raphael's "Sistine Madonna" and the "Reading Magdalen" attracted her in Dresden and Berlin.
Wings grow stronger
The much awaited Kaiserwerth visit which lasted for 13 days included studying the institutions which led to make her more convinced and strong willed as never before. The intended purpose of her parents to distract her proved even more fruitful. Destiny added dimensions to the determination to serve humanity for a soul of pious stature.
Florence declared once and for all her commitment to servicing poor and down trodden by saying:
"Thou puttest into my heart this great desire to devote myself to the sick and sorrowful. I offer it to thee. Do with it what is for thy service."
Being a good writer herself , she rejected being a literary woman which she could have easily commanded .Being a married woman was the second path which she rejected as getting settled in married life she couldn't be a Saint - the conviction in herself to be saviour. She was close to one of her cousins but finally remarked for herself "Cleanse all my love from the desire of creating an interest in another's heart" and it was a result of many of her meditations. The only man she loved was Richard Monckton Milnes, the intellectual and social reformer. She refused to marry him though and found it agonizing.
"I have an intellectual nature which requires satisfaction", she wrote, and that would find it in him. I have a passional nature which requires satisfaction, and that would find it in him. I have a moral, an active nature which requires satisfaction, and that would not find it in his life. I can hardly find satisfaction for any of my natures. Sometimes I think that I will satisfy my passional nature at all events, because that will at least secure me from the evil of dreaming. But would it? I could be satisfied to spend a life with him combining our different powers in some great object. I could not satisfy this nature by spending a life with him in making society and arranging domestic things.... To be nailed to a continuation and exaggeration of my present life, without hope of another, would be intolerable to me. Voluntarily to put it out of my power ever to be able to seize the chance of forming for myself a true and rich life would seem to me like suicide." But she did believe that marriage was a perfect state and she was no vestal ascetic.
In 1850 Florence remarked about purpose to be clear of all obstacles at the age of 30:
"I am 30, the age at which Christ began His mission. Now, no more childish things, no more vain things, no more love, no more marriage. Now, Lord, let me only think of Thy will."
She further noted in her diary:
"Strong passions to teach the secrets of the human heart, and a strong will to hold them in subjection, these are the keys of the kingdom in this world and the next."
Despite her resolution Florence was conscious of her personal duty towards her parents whom she was supposed to obey, sister she was supposed to care. Flo reciprocated love of her parents by loving them, by admiring father for his nature and intelligence and mother for being a master in her own domain.
With her aspirations of founding a hospital, sisterhood and an institution Florence reached Kaiserswerth early in July and stayed there as an inmate of the Institution until October. The institution was still in its elementary stage with a school, hospital and a Penitentiary. Nurses had to take 'consecration' which was a solemn blessing in church, without vows of any kind. They were taught for the education of the young, the ministration of the sick, the art of visiting, the task of rescue and reformation. For the first time Florence realized her deepest desires getting fulfilled and was hopeful that now she could find a better life for woman.
The three months which Florence spent at Kaiserswerth in 1851 were a turning-point in her career as they brought a relief to the distress prevailing till now. She enjoyed this time learning water cure and meeting with renowned men. She also enjoyed the company of her father for a few weeks. Florence met with Aunt Evans, a distant relative, attended her in last minutes and made arrangements for her funeral. Aunt Evans was George Elliot's distant relative and Florence got a chance to meet him. Elliot was all praise for Florence's nature. In August 1852 Florence visited Ireland, and inspected the Dublin hospitals. In September she went to stay along with her father with Sir James Clark, Queen Victoria's physician at Birk Hall and was delighted to share her plans with medical maestro.
Florence's literary creativity blossomed in the same period when she penned Suggestions for Thought which had 'Cassandra' dealing with life of an English Woman. She also carried out visits to one of her friends Mrs. Truelove, resident of John Street, to discover the literature affected by the intellectual men. The conclusion which she arrived was "The most thinking and conscientious of the artisans have no religion at all." And hence her new work was to find a new religion for them in which 'Aunt Mai', her father's sister was her companion. She dotted on the idea of Perfect goodness - an idea in theology. Apart from Nursing some speculative thoughts on religion including forming a new religion was her concern in 1852.
Something important was being cooked at home where Aunt Mai as an excellent Diplomat was trying to carve a compromise between the aspirations of her niece Florence which she herself totally agreed with and as a parent herself, convincing Mrs. Nightingale of an approval for Florence's job. It was for a while agreed that Florence would spend a part of year as she wished and a part as per her parent's. Later her plans to study Hospitals in France and all arrangements were finalised but she preferred to be with her ill mother. Plans were also proposed to her to be at home and start her work but she refused. Later she worked in Paris till October 1854 before gearing up for the Crimean War.
The Fearless Flights
The Crimean War
In the Crimean War a correspondent of 'The Times' , Mr. William Russell exposed the ineffectiveness of the British nursing arrangements which mentioned absence of bare minimum facilities to the extent of soldiers nursing each other. The exposure meant more so because the opposition (French army) had much better arrangements with backing of sisters of Charity. The reaction of Ladies of England was very prompt especially Maria Forester, who immediately offered to help with money. Mr. Sidney Herbert (later a very prominent person in Florence's life) who was then Secretary at War also felt the urge to carry out the experiment, and more willed for it due to his proximity with Florence and was aware of her charismatic prowess, who he thought as the only person in England worthy to carry out this herculean task. For Florence who had been yearning since long for serving humanity, it came as a sign of a 'call from the above'.
Though for different reasons, both Mr. Herbert and Florence clubbed their efforts with immense rapidity towards the common goal of medical assistance. Florence was confirmed to supervise the duty and among others, the important task of selecting nurses. Mr. and Miss Bracebridge were also to accompany her. An instruction letter was sent to the Commander of Forces, the Purveyor-in-Chief, and the Principal Medical Officer to make functioning smooth for Florence. She was to leave London on Oct 21with a team of forty nurses.
The expedition had many problems to overcome. Florence's Team halted at Paris and Marseilles. Florence had plans to recruit nurses from both places which were refused. In Boulogne the team got an enthusiastic reception and gratitude. Though well known in society earlier, Florence by now had become a popular celebrity with a mass appeal of superwoman like stature. Her being young, graceful and rich added to the eagerness. Generosity was shown in money collections as well. Apart from the contribution of Times Fund ,friends ,well wishers and general public hugely contributed. Florence contributed £500 of her personal allowance allotted by her father.
Meanwhile the Nightingale home in Cavendish Square had become a charitable Bureau and taken care by sister and a friend. Florence's long cherished dream was realising but with caution of her reputation and trust of Minister Herbert at stake. She figured out that military chauvinism, professional (medical) envy and religious disagreements were the hurdles to come in her way.
At Scutari
Many soldiers died on the ships coming from Crimea. The British army hospitals situated in and around Scutari were ill equipped, overcrowded and mismanaged with presence of sewer below and lack of ventilation.
Florence and her team of nurses stayed at The Barrack Hospital amidst a beautiful landscape looking over the Sea of Marmora. Though physical discomforts were numerous added by the pain of sufferers, it only added to the skills and strength of Florence and among many virtues she developed, one was becoming an expert rat killer.
Battle of Balaclava and Battle of Inkerman was fought when Florence arrived at Scutari in November 1854 and hence heavy work in nursing had to be accomplished.
A few military officers showed resentment and bad temperament. Florence was too self contained and serene to be affected or discouraged. She displayed exemplary patience. A pleasant voiced and soft spoken, she commanded sergeants and orderlies by replacing their 'it can't be done' by 'it must be done'.
Much to the surprise of Florence, another group of nurses arrived in December 1854 under her friend Miss Mary Stanley. Florence did not appreciate that nurses were sent without her consultation. After discussions in addition to her practical intelligence and better sense a team of ten nurses was added.
Another spontaneous reform initiated by Florence was introduction of "Extra Diet Kitchens" to reduce the serving time in the large corridor. Her dynamism especially detailing and organising capabilities made her a Purveyor to the hospitals, a clothier to the army and a General dealer as well, more than that for others she infused and stimulated them to be a doer. Her Majesty was greatly impressed by the work and sent presents of warm scarves and gifts to the entire team. Florence by now was a Government favourite, written by Press and loved by people.
She recommended a Government store house for affective receiving and storage of goods. For army she proposed sending out warm clothing immediately and requesting Sultan for a military cemetery at Scutari. She did an effective reporting which was well detailed and comprehensive and at the same time she kept on updating Mr. Herbert of effective reorganisations about the evil in hospitals. She kept writing plans and suggestions whether or not they were accepted her zeal wasn't even lowered by even an iota for an accurate brain possessed with undefeatable will and a compassionate heart was at work. Despite all the busy schedule of nursing 8-10 hours on her knees ,sometimes entire 24 hrs at a go of supervising staff and labour, store management, even assisting painful operations, she never missed her writing habit go off and did it at nights. If needed she would attend the serious cases all by herself, feed them so that they were fit for surgical treatment next morning. Her day would not be complete without a final tour to her wards when she would carry a lantern and hence was called 'The Lady with the Lamp', she would speak to one and smile at many, her shadow would be kissed by them ,and the patients would sleep content after her mere glimpse.
Lo! in that hour of misery
A lady with a lamp I see
Pass through the glimmering gloom,
And flit from room to room.
And slow, as in a dream of bliss,
The speechless sufferer turns to kiss
Her shadow, as it falls
Upon the darkening walls
Her sense of humour could bring back any one who was low and she would write the last wishes or messages of any dying soldiers that would reach their family with the sympathetic touch of hers and bring them huge consolation. Emotional Letters flowed from other direction as well addressed to the Saviour of all asking details of their ill brother, father or son. Amidst all this hard work Florence could hardly keep her health and it suffered badly. Though Mr. and Mrs. Bracebridge helped the best they could.
Religious Issues:
Before Florence devoted herself to Nursing, its nature was religious. Most of the nurses were either Roman Catholic or poor servants with little or no medical knowledge and expertise. Being a Unitarian Florence judged nurses on the basis of their work, and not on their sect. She inspired her nurses to look after the patients on psychological and social aspects as well.
In May 1855 ,when things at Scutari improved Nightingale decided to move to Crimea where she was handed over the authority of Almoner of the Free Gifts of all British Hospitals. She set to work at the earliest and visited Lord Raglan, inspected the hospitals, lined up arrangements of sisters and nurses, discussed buildings and construction of kitchens.
She collected tabulated and calculated data and used data as a tool for improving military hospitals. She correlated calculations of the mortality rate with sanitary methods to decrease death rate. According to her data the mortality rate at the hospital was 42.7 percent in February 1855. After Florence implemented sanitary reform the mortality rate declined drastically. In a statistical data represented graphically through polar-area charts that Florence invented the statistics are proportional to the area of a wedge in a circular diagram. Through statistics Florence provided an organized way of research that led to improvements in medical and surgical practices. She also developed a Model Hospital Statistical Form for hospitals to collect and calculate consistent data and statistics.
At times she would complain of fatigue and become ill, the news which would disturb England. She would recover gradually but was not willing to rest .On little pressure from friend circle she could relax a while and go to the shore. She also went to the Graveyard where she wrote :
"They are not here!" No, not beneath that sod,
And yet not far away,
For they can mingle their new life from God
With living souls, not clay.
And they, "the heroic dead," will softly pour
Into thy spirit's ear
A music human still, but sad no more,
To tell thee they are near--
Near thee with higher ministering aid
Thy heart-work to return,
So that each sacrifice that love has made
A victory shall earn!
With everyone impressed, the poets were not left behind who called her "The Soldier's Widow", "The Woman's Smile," "The Soldier's Cheer", "Angels with Sweet Approving Smiles", "The Shadow on the Pillow", "The Star of the East,". Her Portraits, water marks of her home were taken out. Ships were christened on her name.
Nightingale however, took least interest in her popularity, all the pomp and show and also in the public honour done for her appreciation. Nothing could make her happier than work.
On being asked to plan the establishment of British Kaiserwerth, she replied she could do the job but insisted on being the sole care taker for it as she was aware by her experience of the chaos arising in a multi mentor set up.
While at times she would accept some donations as it would help her expand her work like the £1000 from New Zealand, the 'Nightingale Fund' was established to facilitate grooming, survival and security of nurses. To support the fund meetings were organised all over England, though still Nursing was taken as a mockery and jealousy could be traced , people donated heartily. The Royal Family as well recognised the sentiments shown by people and Queen wanted to associate herself for more of direct work. Miss Nightingale received a jewel badge from the Queen which had in reverse the inscription "To Miss Florence Nightingale, as a mark of esteem and gratitude for her devotion towards the Queen's brave soldiers.--From Victoria R., 1855."
Nightingale's reforms continued and she formed an extempore Money Order Office through which soldiers could send money home. In Jan 1856, the Government in view of Nightingale's initiatives established offices for money orders at Constantinople, Balaclava with headquarters at Crimea." It was a huge success with soldiers promising her personally to send money home. Post that she established the "Inkerman Cafe" for the recreation of soldiers. Then she moved to establish and equip reading-rooms and class-rooms which were further supplied by books, maps, games etc. Reading huts were established in the hospitals. The striking aspect of her initiatives was that she got response from all classes from The Royal family to the humble workers.
Nightingale was back to Crimea for her second and third tour in 1855 and 1856. Even in the freezing winter her work never froze and she continued her work on a cart- drawn without springs by a mule. Contradictory in reward she had unending worries of jealousness of medicos and military men to top with religious and racial biasness. At times just as mischief nuns would be transferred without her knowledge, some nasty minds were also planning to get her out of Crimea indication of which hardly bothered her and impede her work even slightly but which she communicated in unofficial letters to Mr. Herbert.
Mrs. Samuel Smith who had now replaced Mr. and Mrs. Bracebridge (who had returned to England) was accompanying her work in Scutari. Another important person Colonel Lefroy, an adviser on scientific matters to the Secretary of War was sent by Lord Panmure. Lord Panmure's trust on Nightingale was mostly because of feedback by Colonel in whom she found a friend and counsellor for many matters thereafter for Army Welfare, hospitals and manpower and was himself an effective contributor on Philanthropy and Science.
After peace was signed in March, Nightingale stayed back at Balaclava and then went back to Scutari for winding up in July-August 1856. In Farewell, Sultan gifted Nightingale jewels and money for nurses and hospitals. She was offered British Man-of- war for her voyage back home. But as expected the offer was declined and she sailed for Athens, Messina and Marseilles with her aunt. She reached home on August 7, 1856. Nightingale was eyeing further work and the world agreed with it .Mr. Herbert clarified it by adding that Diamond has proven itself and now it must not be allowed to return to the mine.
On her future plans and a tribute to the martyrs Nightingale wrote:
"We can do no more for those who have suffered and died in their country's service; they need our help no longer; their spirits are with God who gave them. It remains for us to strive that their sufferings may not have been endured in vain--to endeavour so to
learn from experience as to lessen such sufferings in future by forethought and wise management."