Glees Main Characters And Their Story English Literature Essay

Published: November 21, 2015 Words: 3299

Ryan Murphy, Glees creator, decided that he wanted actors that could identify with theatrical roles. To do this he spent three months on Broadway, where he found; Matthew Morrison (Will Schuester), Lea Michele (Rachel Berry), Jenna Ushkowitz (Tina Cohen-Chang) and Chris Colfer (Kurt Hummel.) The rest of the cast he found through open auditions. In the auditions the hopefulls had to sing, dance and act. Jayma Mays (Emma Pillsbury) sang the song "Touch-a, Touch-a, Touch-a, Touch Me" from The Rocky Horror Show, and Cory Monteith (Finn Hudson) sent in a tape of a '80s music-video-style version" of REO Speedwagon's "Can't Fight This Feeling". The part of Quin was not cast until the day before filming began. Jane Lynch's character Sue Sylvester was only supposed to have a recurring role in the show, but became a series regular when a pilot she was working on fell through. It has also been said that in their contract they have agreed to star in up to three feature lenght films.

Glee's main characters, and their story so far (SPOILERS):

The Glee Club (New Directions)

Will Schuester:

Will Schuester is the Spanish teacher at McKinley High, his old high school. While at McKinley High himself he was a member of the glee club and his now wife Terri was a cheerleader. When the chance to lead the glee club came up he jumped at it. However, opposition came from Sue Sylvestor, she did not want the club stealing her limelight and taking her funding money. Will makes a deal with Principle Figgins that if the club don't win the finals it would be disbanded. This leads Sue to sabotage the club and insult Will at every occasion. When only a few people audition for the club will is forced to convince students to join, such as Finn the school football star.

Will Schuester

Wills wife Terri is very demanding, wanting to live the best lifestyle. When she tells him that she is pregnant he is ecstatic. Things turn sour when he realises that the school guidance counselor Emma has feelings for him, and they he may return them too. He accidently finds out that Terri was never pregnant and his marriage unravels. He beings a relationship with Emma, who decides she isn't ready. He says he will wait for her, but starts spening time with other women. Emma rejects him completely and starts dating someone else. The glee club doesnt win Regionals, and is temporarily disbanded until Sue convinces Figgins to reinstate it. After Emma also tries to convince Principal Figgins to keep the glee club going Will tells her he loves her and that he'll fight for her, even though she's dating someone else.

Rachel Berry:

Rachel Berry definitley loves attention, and makes the most of every opportunity to be in the limelight. When signing her name, she attaches a gold start next to it, because one day she will be a star. She has her award speeches planned out already and to motivate her to exercise in the mornings she has pictures of these future awards on the walls. So when auditions open for Glee club she signs up straight away, knowing that this could be her chance to showcase her talent. She has quit the Glee club twice, the first time was because Tina was given the lead in a song she loved, the second becase she won the lead in the school musical.

Rachel was adopted at birth by her two Dads, whom both support her dream. At school however her drive and determination has not won her many friends. In fact she is constantly bullied by the popular kids, and her dreams of romance are just that; dreams. However, when Finn Hudson joins the Glee club she becomes immedietly smitten. Making it her goal to win him, even though his girlfriend is having his baby.

Rachel Berry

When Quinn learns that the baby isn't his, Rachel thinks the path is clear for hers and Finns relationship, but what she didn't count on was Jessie St. James, the lead of their rival glee team. Jessie is definitley Rachels male diva counterpart, and he manages to win her heart; Jessie leaves his school and glee club to join McKinley High. However, Finn and the rest of the club are convinced that Jessie is only here to spy on their club. His real intentions become clear when he gives her a cassette of a woman singing; her biological mother. She soons realises who was singing in the tape; Shelby the leader of their rival glee club.

When she meets her mother they are eager to have a relationship, but Shelby pushes her away when she realises that having a teenage daughter is not what she dreamed it would be. Rachel realises that her relationship with Jessie was not real, and ends it. At Regionals, Finn tells Rachel that he loves her.

Finn Hudson:

Finn Hudson is the most popular boy in school, that is until he joins the glee club. Will overhears him singing and convinces him to join the club. He realises that he loves performing, but has to decide which he wants more; happiness or popularity.

Finn Hudson

His girlfriend, head cheerleader Quinn Fabray becomes pregnant with his baby, even though they never had sex. Aparently it happened in the hot tub when he got too excited. However, he finds out that Quinn (head of the Celibacy Club) has actually been sleeping with his best friend Puck and that it's his baby. After that he starts dating Rachel.. sort of. Rachel gets swept off her feet by another boy; Jessie St. James, and Finn loses her.

His life gets complicated after that, his widowed mom starts dating Kurt's dad, and they eventually all move in together. Kurt is gay, and Finn knows that he has a crush on him. He becomes uncomfortable in his new home and says some homophobic things to Kurt that he truly regrets. Finn realises that you shouldn't let others tell you how to behave and finds the courage to stand up for himself and for Kurt.

Quinn Fabray:

Quinn Fabray is the most popular girl in school, that is until she becomes pregnant. She used to spend her time making fun of unpopular kids, now she has become one of them. She joins the Glee club to keep an eye on her boyfriend Finn, who she says is the father of her baby. However she has an ulterior motive given to her by Sue Sylvester; to break up the glee club.

Quinn and Will

She gets cuts from the cheerios and gets kicked out of her house when her parents find out she is pregnant. She movies in with Fin but when he finds out he is not the father of her baby and that his best friend Puck is she gets kicked out once again. Quinn has to move in with Puck, which she hates, but when she makes an unexpected friendship with Mercedes she learns that she might have a new place to stay.

She had planned to give the baby up for adoption, that is until Will's wife Terri found out that Quinn was pregnant. Terri, who is pretending to be pregnant to keep Will, convinces Quinn to give the her the baby. Will finds out that Terri is not pregant, so the deal goes under. Puck wants her to keep the baby, so they can raise her together.

Her life takes a turn for the better when mother appears at the hospital saying she has recently left her father. She sticks by her previous decision and gives the baby up for adoption. Baby Beth is adopted by Vocal Adrenaline coach Shelby Corcoran.


Puck is one of the popular kids at school, he spends his time terrorizing uncool kids, dating multiple girls, and hooking up with sexy older women he meets through his pool-cleaning business. He makes fun of the Glee club at first, but after joining the staff made band The Acafellas (mainly to meet hot PTA moms) he finds he loves singing. He joins the Glee club soon after. When he finds out his best friends (Finn) girlfriend Quinn is pregnant he realises that he is the father of the baby. He tries to convince Quinn to tell Finn that he is the father, and that he could help raise the baby. She rejects him though, saying that he will never be a good enough father.


He has dated most of the girls in the Glee club. After his mother urges him to date a nice Jewish girl he dates Raches. Their relationship doesnt work out though, as they both were in love with someone else. He also dated Mercedes, when she was a cheerio, to get his popularity back.

When Finn learns that the baby is not his, Puck and Quinn have a very short lived relationship. He wants her to keep the baby and name her Jackie Daniels, but Quinn wants to give the baby up for adoption. When their baby is born, and Quinn has given her (Beth) up for adoption he tells Quinn that he loves her more than ever.

Tina Cohen-Chang:

Tina Cohen-Chang on stage is confident and brilliant, however off stage she is timid, insecure and stutters. Her interest include speed-metal, emo-core, cutting off her dolls' hair, and hangin' with her speech therapist, Judy.


She develops a relationship with Artie, who likes her because she is different like him. However when she admits to him that she does not really have a stutter, that she faked it to get out of an oral report, and then stuck with it to keep people at arms'length he leaves her. They are soon back together when they realise they really love each other no matter what.

Her gothic style of dressing scared Principal Figgins, who bans anyone from dressing that way

in fear of a "Twilight"-inspired vampire takeover at the school. However, she gets her own way when she convinces Figgins that her father is an actual vampire who'll attack Figgins if he doesn't let her dress how she wants.

Mercedes Jones:

Mercedes is a real life diva, she joined the glee club to be the center of attention, she does not want to be anyones back up dancer. However, there is another side to mercedes, she is insecure and dreams of being part of the popular crowd.


She is hurt when the cheerios, while trying to break the glee club apart, tricked her into thinking her best friend Kurt is interested in her. She is devestated that he turns her down, and wrecks his car. They both become friends again when he confides in her that he is gay. They both join the cheerios after feeling overshadowed in the glee club. She has to fight with Rachel for every solo, and Sue takes advantage of this and lures them to join.

She finds an enexpected friendship in Quinn, who used to be the most popular girl in school.

Quinn helps Mercedes when she is struggling with Sue's extreme diet routine. After Quinn gets kicked out of home, she invites her to stay with her

Kurt Hummel:

Kurt Hummel loves fashion, which makes him stand out at McKinley High, this makes him an easy target for bullies. When he joins the Glee club he develops a crush on Finn Hudson, who isn't gay. Kurt's interest incluce singing, fashion and promoting and marketing his new fragrance, "Hummel." His best friend is fashion diva Mercedes Jones, who for a while had a crush on Kurt even though he was gay. They both join the cheerios after feeling overshadowed in the glee club.


He lives with his widowed Dad, Burt, and no two people could be so little alike. His dad is a sports fan, and since Kurt will do anything to win his fathers approval, he joins the football team. When he finally comes out to his Dad, Burt tells him that he will love him no matter what.

Kurt comes up with an elaborate plan to get closer to Finn by trying to get a romantic relationship between their widowed parents. However his plan backfires when his Dad bonds with Finn in a way they never have. When they all move in together Kurt is excited to share a room with his crush, however Finn finds it very unconfortable and says some things that he truly regrets. His father overhears what was said to Kurt and throw Finn out of the house.

Artie Abrams:

Artie Abrams is paralyzed from the waist down due to a childhood accident. However, he does not let his wheelchair stop him for player guitar, popping wheelies, beat-boxing, or playing Dance Dance Revolution with his hands. This doesn't make any differene with the school bullies though, who think of him as easy pickings.


He joins the glee club, but doesn't really feel part of the group when the club rejects the idea to raise money for a handicapable bus so they can all ride together to Sectionals. Will orders everyone to be in wheelchairs for a week, to see what its like. They start to understand him better and choreograph a special wheelchair-bound routine of "Proud Mary" in his honor.

He starts dating club mate Tina because he belives they have something in common; a disability.

However, when he finds out that Tina lied about her stutter he breaks up with her. They get back together soon after when he forgives her. His dream is to becomd a dancer, but believes it will never happen because of his wheelchair. Tina urges him to have special spinal chord treatment, but when it doesn't work he realises that some dreams were never meant to come true.

Britney and Santana

Britney and Santana:

Britney and Santana are best friends and are both members of the Cheerios. They are never really seen apart, and have often hinted that they have a relationship. They joined the Glee club on a special mission from Sue Sylvester; to destroy it. Santana dated Puck, and became very jealous when he starts dating Rachel. Britney is known for not being very intelligent, and has claimed that she has made out with nearly every single male in the school.

Other Cast:

Sue Sylvester:

Sue Sylvester is the "esteemed" coach of the McKinley High cheerleading squad, known as the Cheerios. She likes to make sure that people have not forgotten that she was named Splits Magazine's Cheerleading Coach of the Decade. Sue does not like to lose, at all, to anyone.


When Will Schuester re-establishes the glee club Sue becomes worried that the team will steal some of their spotlight, plus their funding money. She goes to extreme lenghts to try and break up the club, including recruiting her cheerios to infultrate the group. She also takes delights in insulting WIll, especially his hair. "I just lost my train of thought because you have so much margarine in your hair." "I thought I smelled cookies from the tears of elves weeping that live in your hair." "You have enough product in your hair to season a wok."

We find out that Sue has another side to her when she welcomes a disabled girl into the Cheerios. It turns out that her sister has Down's Syndrome and that Sue visits her sister often to read to her.

In a final attempt to stop the glee club from winning she leaks their set list to the competition and becomes a judge at the finals. However, she has a change of heart and votes for them anyway. They don't win, which means the deal to keep the Glee club open falls through. This means the end of the Glee club. Sue mysteriously forces Principle Figgins to give the team another shot, telling Will she did it so she could continue to torment him.

Emma Pillsbury:

Emma Pillsbury is the guidance counselor for McKinley High School, however she is not free from problems herself; she has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). This means that she obsessively washes her hands, she straightnens the fringers on rugs and, she's a charter member of the Western Ohio Disinfectant Society


It is obvious to everyone, maybe except the man himself, that she is in love with Will Schuester. However, football coach Ken Tanaka has a crush on Emma, which leads to a strained relationship between him and Will. Ken manages to persuades Emma not to waste her affections on Schuester and to go out with him instead. They get engaged, but Emma changes their wedding day to go sectionals with the Glee club. On their actual wedding day Ken doesnt turn up.

When Will ends his marriage, he comes running to Emma. However, their relationship starts off rocky when she confesses that she is a virgin. She decides that she is not ready to be in that type of relationship, and Will says he will wait until she is. When she finds out that Will has been spending time with Vocal Adrenaline coach Shelby Corcoran and April Rhodes she rejects him completely and starts dating her dentist.

Will wont give up on her: "I love you, Emma. And you love me," he says. "Dentist or no, this thing isn't over between us."

Principal Figgins

Principal Figgins:

Figgins is the McKinley High School's authoritative yet open-minded principal. He allows Will to take charge of the glee club, after having fired former director for inappropriate conduct. However, he makes a deal with Will that the students must come first at Regionals, or use of the theatre will be instead given to the local branch of Alcoholics Anonymous.

He is blackmailed by Sue Sylvester into hiring Sandy (the old Glee club leader) as the school's Arts director, when she uncoveres internet footage of him appearing in a support stocking commercial for Mumbai Air. However, her plan backfires when he bravely put the footage on YouTube himself, it receives only two hits.

Figgins hires Will's wife Terri as the new school nurse, even though she has zero health qualifications, however he fires her after he discovers she has been giving the students pseudoephedrine tablets. As a result, Figgins appoints Sue as co-director of the glee club.

When he finds out that Sue attempted to sabotage the glee club's chances at Sectionals, he punishes Sue by removing her as captain of the cheerios and suspends her from the school. However, he reinstates her after she blackmails him by inviting him to dinner, drugging his drink, taking a photograph of her and him in bed, and threatening to tell his wife and church group about it.

He disbands the glee club after they fail to win at regionals, however Sue (for reasons of her own) convinces him to reinstate them again.

Music and Merchandise

Each show contains several songs, which are usually available to buy after the episode on I tunes. The show was responsible for bringing back Journey's Don't Stop Believin back into the charts. Both the glee version and the original version stayed in the charts for a long time. The show has released 5 albums so far; The Music: part 1, The music: part 2, The music: part 3 The SAhowstoppers, The music: The power of Madonna and The music: Journey to Regionals.

There has also been a series of novels released, the first being Glee: The Beginning and the second Glee: Foreign Exchange. Separate to these Sue Sylvester will write her autobiography, and Jane Lynch the actress who plays Sue will go on tour acting as Sue.

A Glee karaoke game will also be released, along with a line of clothing at Macys and accessories at Claires.