I consider myself extremely fortunate to be here in the United Kingdom earning my education because I know how easy it would have been for this never to take place. Moving here all by myself from Lahore to attend University was the most difficult thing I have ever done. I had never been away from my family before, I hadn't even travelled outside of Pakistan without my family prior to this trip, and I knew I was in for a big change. At home I was known as a very social young man; but once I got to the UK, I was so nervous about using my English, and so afraid that I would do or say something out of place in this unknown culture, that I became rather reclusive. I knew what I was doing was foolish: I was here to make new friends and learn about British culture as well as to study, so I forced myself to start socializing more. Fortunately my roommate was very helpful in making me feel more comfortable speaking English, and with his guidance and encouragement I started to branch out. I am still working on improving my English, but I now see it as a "work in progress" rather than something to be embarrassed about if I make a mistake. Now, when I hear words I don't know, I write them down to look up later and make myself use them in sentences when I get home so that every day I feel myself becoming more confident.I have even found part-time work as a Service Supervisor in Burger king. I find that it is very easy for me to work on my own language skills with them since I am very comfortable in their presence and the people around me like to feel that they are teaching me something.
It has been a remarkable experience thus far and I can say that I have made some good new friends, and hope to make more before my studies are through, but perhaps the best part has been my new confidence in my abilities to succeed in this culture as well as my own. My grades have been excellent, and are evidence of my commitment to academics. I am now seeking a Master's degree in business because of my strong desire to go back to Lahore armed with the necessary knowledge to grow my family's business all around the world. When I was growing up my parents were very poor and my father worked in low paying position, but he had a strong work ethic and an enterprising spirit which led him to start their own business. Through the years it has become profitable and I now hope that upon my return I will be able to move the company to the next level. Pakistan's future is bright and I hope to add to that lustre with my hard won education. I know I won't be ready for that challenge without this next crucial achievement and if I am admitted in MBA at Portsmouth University I will work diligently to prove my abilities. I will also be able to offer a unique perspective to the class with my knowledge of Asian business practices.
My job admin experience at Spell Industries, coupled with my short-term goal of success in administration, will build the solid foundation needed to reach my long-term career goal of playing a leadership role in a company. I am particularly interested in customer focused marketing and I am confident that my determination, perseverance and tenacity will lead to the successful achievement of this personal vision.
Why is an MBA a critical next step toward my short- and long-term career goals?
One of the many reasons why an MBA is a critical next step toward my short- and long-term career goals is that I have a strong desire to improve the management system and business operations of my fathers' medium-sized companies, which is wholesale company importing furniture from Italy and China, and a construction company dealing with GRC. Ever since I graduated from college, I have been seriously involved in my fathers' companies; after all, I was a Management and Finance major and enjoy business a lot. After several years of closely assisting my parents make big and small business decisions, I have a full understanding of what our company is capable of. Now, I strongly believe that, without a better education, we will be ill-equipped to tap into the many lucrative opportunities that are present at our doorstep. It would be such a waste to miss out on such opportunities, especially now that we have established a strong reputation of our business in our city.
Another reason I believe that an MBA is a critical next step for my career goals is that, based on a personal principle, one should not rest on his or her laurels too early in life. I am young, optimistic, and have so much more to learn. I want to make the most out of my life and to experience as many eye-opening moments as possible. I studied from a very good college, but I refuse to believe that my learning's and experiences back in college represent the limit of what I can do. But more than what I can do for myself, I want to do something for the many people who need help and education.
The MBA program offered by Portsmouth University focuses on meeting global standards and introduces new business perspectives. These standards and perspectives will help business man like me face business challenges in a more enlightened view and to implement solutions that are more helpful and effective. Finally, an MBA from Portsmouth University will help me to become a business leaders to participate in the global business arena with greater confidence and a more profound life perspective.
What I am after the Completion of my 1st Semester of MBA International from Portsmouth University
I got lot of knowledge form the university Residential period we do lots of mistake but I feel very happy because I learned from our mistakes for Example in Pin pong Team roles we have no leader in our group that's why we are late from the required time.
My performance in group activity is very dominant because I give orders to other members and in game I change the whole strategy which saves our team and getting good results all team members are very cooperative, understanding and respect the values of other members.
From leadership in cross cultural context I learn what types of leaders are susses full in life. Because on one day we will be the leader in our future life.
Now career development is obviously a major factor in choosing to do an MBA. And Portsmouth University has a careers service that supports you right through the year. I have a dedicated careers coach and access to all sorts of opportunities and resources. And of course the content of the courses will help me in my career.
But I hadn't realised the stuff I learnt on the MBA would provide careers advice in itself. For example:
Strategy - lots of careers advice here. Firstly industry analysis techniques suggest that I should be finding professions with high barriers to entry - so I need to go places where my MBA is valued and people without MBAs find it difficult. What kind of strategy should I follow? Well I don't want to be a cost leader - no one wants that I guess, but I need to be a differentiator. But the best advice from strategy class is to focus on your core competences (similar to the comparative advantage point) and also focus on preventing imitators through a hard to copy approach.
Marketing - well the focus on shareholder value in marketing emphasises long term, durable cash flow, and a focus on customer satisfaction. I think this means that I shouldn't operate a slash and burn strategy, hopping from job to job - but build long term customer (employer) relationships that will reduce the cost of sales (job hunting) and open up new opportunities.
Finance & Accounting - what does accounting have to tell me about careers? Well it's all about depreciation - the cost of assets should be depreciated across their working life. The cost of my MBA, including opportunity costs is into six figures. But discounted across a long period it becomes much more realistic. Key lesson - renew your assets to meet future challenges.
Organisational Behaviour - well there's been so much careers advice here I don't know where to start.
I'm beginning to think I need to do something much more interesting than the usual opportunities. I would rather shoot myself in the knee than drift into bureaucratic nonsense. Hmmm, need to think harder about what I want to do when I finish…
It's got very busy. Half way through the first term we've started six new courses. For marketing and International Integrative Management we have to prepare a different case study before each class. In any of those classes there may be a presentation that dose not counts for our overall assessment. Every Week Before every finance class we need to have submitted a decision for vapourseal game (also assessed). As well as keeping up with the reading we have five exams at the end of this term, then I think another four at the beginning of the next. Oh and two major coursework deadlines just before the four post new year exams.
Why is it so much work?
1) it's good to learn stuff! Why else would we be here? It'll be useful and good for its own sake too.
2) One year MBAs need to assert that their courses are just as credible as the two year ones.
3) It's a badge of honour - at the end of it (hopefully) we'll be able to say we got through it.
But at this point I have to decide on my strategy - do I just want to pass, do really well, or somewhere in between? What do employers care about? Will breaking my back to try and get a distinction really make a difference? Is it worth it considering the very high probability I don't get one? Could I spend the time I save by not going for a distinction on something useful like learning a language or careers development or networking?
Is it worth doing really well on some papers? (and badly on others) Will I care? Will employers care?
I have to admit to being very lazy during my first degree (2 years ago). I think my main driver to do well want to do it differently this time. In subsequent years after my first degree I felt a bit silly for not making the most of the opportunity to learn from some very clever and learned people. So that's why I'm going to do as well as I can.
I'll let you know if I actually follow through on this.
Future Plans
Having an MBA from Portsmouth University is a privilege that not many people may enjoy. Many are in poverty and do not even have the means to buy bread and decent clothing. But, man like me who come from families who can afford pleasures must take advantage and make the most of what we have. I am one of the man who been given the privilege of a better education and I will use this privilege to help improve the lives of our workers and other people eventually.
I want to provide a life that my future family will enjoy. I want my children to enjoy the best schools and to keep working for the best. I also want my children to grow up being responsible and generous toward others. So, to accomplish all of my goals, I need an MBA from Portsmouth University, which will help me be successful financially and personally.
I am confident that an MBA degree from Portsmouth will not only give me the tools that I need in order to succeed, but the necessary personal insight into my own inner workings. I will maximize my MBA experience by taking advantage of Portsmouth's cross-functional curriculum, the study abroad opportunity, and the corporate / community network the program has established. Through perseverance and consistent awareness of the obstacles that lie before me, I hope to fulfil my career dream of becoming a true leader.