Get Rid Of Negativity In Your Life English Language Essay

Published: November 21, 2015 Words: 8922

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Table of Contents

The Basics

You Must Grow

Visible vs. Invisible


Finding Out The Purpose Of Your Life

Get Rid Of Negativity In Your Life

Do Not Restrict Your Mind With Boundaries

Decide On How Much You Want To Earn

"Attraction" A Powerful Tool


Goodwill and Benevolence

Believe That It Is Easy To Make Money

10 Distinct Differences of Rich People from Poor People

The 4 Essential Wealth Skills

7 Vital Steps To Changing Your Tomorrow, Starting Today

About the Author


The Basics

As soon as people reach the age of 20, their eyes start to see dreams of a prosperous and bright future. I was also among those people who started their career in the age of twenty. Whenever I started a new business I thought it would help me achieving my goals, but in return I was just getting disappointments from each one of them. I kept on working but I was getting no profit from any business.

I realized that I was not getting success because I was on the wrong track. I started to believe that first I would have to choose a correct business for me then I would be able to make profit. This idea had not worked for me and I had not got any benefit from my businesses. I was amazed that other people were getting richer and richer form the business that I was doing and I had not been able even to pay my bank loans. What was the exact problem in my case? By keeping this question in mind I started to investigate the matter. I took a close look on my aims and I discovered that I had a strong desire to be rich and wealthy. I found some issues in my mind and thinking.

I remained skeptical about the future whether I would be able to succeed or I would face another failure. This situation was getting more and more critical. Even I had the feeling that I had got the potential to be rich. But for a reason or more I was not getting it right. There was a conflict going on in myself and I was not sure what I was doing and what I was capable of doing.


At that time I was living separate from my parents and I was resident in a basement. I believe it was my luck factor that when I visited my parents' home for the third time after I had started to live separately. I came across with a rich friend of my father. He was there in my home and was playing cards with some boys. I thought my father had not discussed with him that I had left the home. When he saw me; his eyes were showing a sign of sympathy for me as someone shows sympathy when he visits someone's funeral.

He told me that his career was also started as was mine. He also got failures in the beginning. I got a great feeling after knowing this fact. Although I was showing him that I was busy looking at the walls and the bad condition of the paint. But he didn't stop and said that someone gave me advice which completely changed my life. I would want to share it with you. This has made me a little curious and started to show attention to what he was saying. Then he finally told me the secret of my failure. He said that it was all about lack of understanding due to which I was unable to achieve your targets.

I was very nervous. I believed I had all the knowledge and understanding but my bank account was showing opposite results and did not provide me the proof of my success. I started to pay attention to him. He asked me if I know that 80 percent of the wealthy people really think in the same manner as I was thinking. I replied, "No, I had never thought like that."

After knowing my answer he said, "It is only the thinking which differentiate a wealthy person from a poor person. The wealthy person thinks in a manner that is totally different from the way of thinking of a poor person." He asked me if I had the trust and assurance to be rich if I started to think in the way as wealthy people think and do what the wealthy people did. I answered him in rather confusing language and said, "I hope so." He gave me advice that I had to follow the way of thinking of the wealthy persons.

So I readily followed his advice. As he was also a wealthy person so I started my study of wealthy persons' thinking from him. I asked him what he was thinking that day. He replied that my thinking was wealthy people always fulfill their commitments and his commitment was to my father that day. He had left the home by saying that the boys were waiting for him. But what said had a deep effect on me.

As I stated earlier that nothing was going in my way so I thought I should take a chance and follow his idea. I started to do research on the behaviors of the wealthy people. I studied their minds, their ways of thinking, their way to act in a certain condition. After I had done enough observation I came across with the fact that what my father's friend told me was 100 percent true. It was the thinking pattern of the rich persons which was making them rich and different from the other two classes of the society.

At last I discovered the main problems that were causing my failures. In addition to it this research had also taught me some great tricks and ways to properly configure my mind and bring it to the level that it could think as the wealthy people think.

Finally I said to myself, "Let's start a new beginning and put my learning into practice." I started another business. I had a lot of techniques and ways this time that wealthy people use to start their business. So by putting all those in practice I had given my business a new shape and structure.

First of all the most important thing which I gave this time to my business is that I remained committed this time for a long term. Previously my thinking remained focused for a short time only. I used to start a business and did not remain committed. Whenever I got an alternate opportunity or whenever the previous business started to be complex I used to left that business and jumped into another. This time I used to take oath before doing any business that I would not leave this business until I got reward from it. I likewise started challenging my mental approach whenever I started thinking in financially damaging or counterproductive ways. In the past, I trusted that what my brain said was truth.

I learned that in a lot of ways, my brain was my biggest obstruction to success. I decided not to entertain thoughts that didn't empower me towards my vision of riches. Did it work? Yes!

The new business was so much successful that I started to involve all the individuals with consultation. According to my thinking it was very beneficial for individuals as they kept bringing acquaintances, partners, and associates to our sessions. I observed something unusual: You could have 2 individuals sitting side by side in precisely the same room, learning precisely the same principles and techniques. One individual would take these tools and rocket to success. But how could you determine the effect of it on the second person who was sitting with that first person? This question could be answered as you could not determine a lot about it.

I came across with the fact that having strong tools did not guaranty you the success. Even a little problem in the tools could create a big issue. I also came to know the fact that what I realized earlier that all of my failures were caused due to the lack of knowledge was wrong understanding. The actual problem that was keeping me away from success was the knowledge I had got. So this book mainly tells you how to forget your old understandings. It is not all about teaching you something new. It is of great importance that you realize how your old ways of believing and acting have gotten you precisely where you are today.

If you're truly wealthy and truly happy, it's great. But if you are not wealthy and happy, I offer you to think of some possibilities that might not match your frame of mind as what you currently believe is right or even appropriate for you.

You will have to be confident and remain confident while reading it. You will have to trust the information because thousands of people have already got their goals by utilizing the knowledge given in this book. While I'm talking about the trust I can recall a pet story.

This story is about a man who is roaming around a small hill and is slipped. But he does not fall down as due to presence of mind he catches something on the hill. He remains hanging with that thing to save his life. After hanging for a while at last he starts calling loudly, "Is there anyone up there who may help me?" There's no reply.

He continues calling and calling, "Is there anyone up there who may help me?" At last, a louder and shocking voice comes back, "I am God. I will help you. Just leave this thing and fall down and have belief." After that you hear if there is anyone else up there who may save me."

This is an easy lesson that if you want to get success you will have to leave conventional ways of thinking and acquire fresh ones. The results will finally speak for themselves.


You Must Grow

Everything in two life has double aspects if you may succeed you may also get failed. If at some point of time you are in the light then a certain shadow may also be there to follow you. If you are growing and going on at a high velocity then there may also be some speed breakers where you may get struck for a while. If there are hot deals going around then there may be a cold session where your deals got minimized. In short everything in this world has a dual effect and both of these opposite poles go side by side.

For one pole to live, the other pole must also live. It is impossible to have a right lane without a left lane. Therefore, even as there are some external laws of cash there must be some internal laws of cash.

The external laws consist of matters like business knowledge, revenue management, and investment strategies. These are crucial. But the inner game is even as crucial.

A brilliant example of it would be an engineer and the machinery.

As machines are very important for the work to execute but the mind of the engineer is even more important because an intelligent engineer can masterfully utilize these machines and can get maximum out of them.


I've a saying: "It is not adequate to have a suitable place and suitable time for you. But the real secret lies in the fact that how good you are as an individual to get benefit from the suitable time in a suitable place."

So as mentioned above everything depends upon your ability so you must analyze yourself and your ability. First of all know about yourself completely, then know about your thinking patterns and then determine your aims. Then determine your talent and behavior. Determine your expectations about yourself. Determine the level of confidence you have got. Determine your ability in respect of other people's ability? How easily do you trust other people? Do you really think you are capable enough to be rich? How good is your power to act despite fear, despite worry, despite inconvenience, despite discomfort? Do you have the ability to respond even if you are not mentally powered? In short the real success rate depends upon your nature, your ideas, your attitudes, thinking patterns and your beliefs.

The ultimate goal can be achieved by raising your power; when you do, people will automatically come towards you due to charm in your personality. When they start paying attention to you, get your incentives from them! Have you heard of individuals who have "exploded" financially?

Have you noticed how a few individuals have a lot of cash and then lose it, or have excellent chances which are very beneficial in the start but gradually start to take U turn? Try to analyze the problem with the things you have learnt from this book. The one side of the picture shows a bad fortune, recession cycle, an inactive partner or anything else. But the other side of the picture shows a completely new story. On the interior, however, it's a different matter. It's because of this reason when you are not intentionally prepared for the big opportunity the chances for you to avail that opportunity and get success is minimum. The huge majority of individuals plainly don't have the inner capacity to produce and hold on to large sums of money. They don't have the guts to deal with the complexities related to large amount of cash and success. That, my fellows, is the main reason they don't have much cash. The person who won a lucky prize has the same case.

Observations and thorough study has proved over and over that whatever the amount of lottery you have won, ultimately the prize money goes to the fiduciary departments. They can easily handle those sums of money.

On the other hand, the situation is totally different in the case of the richest persons who do not regret over their loss. Instead they get another experience in their expertise and apply their skills and experience to get their money back within a short period of time. There are many examples of millionaires who had nothing left with them. The only thing which they got left was their brain, a brain of the rich person, a brain with the thinking of a rich person. And they had got everything back in a short term period with the help of their worthless mind and approach. So you may lose everything but you would still be able to get rich if you have a responding brain.

It's all about setting your targets and goals if you set your targets as billion dollars net wealth then even the million dollars would make you feel of your failure. Consider the example of Donald Trumph. His targets were set on billions not on millions. Majority of the individuals set their financial thermostats to generate 1000s, not millions of dollars; a few individuals financial thermostats are set for generating 100s, not even 1000s; and some individuals financial thermostats are set for below 100s. They don't know anything about how important is it to set high targets.

The truth is that most individuals don't accomplish their full potential. Most individuals are not successful. Research shows that majority of people will never enjoy financial freedom as they would desire to have and mostly people will never claim to be really happy.

The reason is not very difficult to understand. Most individuals are unconscious. They are a little numb at the wheel. They work and believe on something that they are capable to see around them. They live strictly in the seeable world.


Visible vs. Invisible

Envisage a tree. Let's think this tree constitutes the living tree. The tree's ultimate output is known as fruit. In practical way we treat our targets as our fruits. So we view our goals in terms of the qualities of the fruit that is produced on a particular tree. If we don't achieve our goals we say that the production of the fruits is not enough or we can say that the quality of the fruit is not as good as it should have been.

How do we respond to the above problem? Majority of the people try to analyze the outcome that is they start paying close attention and care to the production of the fruits. There is hardly 10 percent of the people who actually pay attention to the root cause of the problem that is from where the problem was started. As a whole tree and its fruits grow with the food that is provided by the root which it gets from the soil. The above part of the tree is the visible part but its growth and output depends upon the root which is under the ground and normally invisible to us. In the same way a career or business grows if its start is strong and is based on right ideas and thinking. So we can conclude from this example that if we want to change our future into success. We should have to take right start with the right mind. That is if we wish to alter the visible we must first alter the invisible.

It is the human nature that they believe the thing which they can see. So I would like to ask a question from that frame of mind people that why you are being charged for consuming electricity. While you can't see the electricity, you may certainly recognize and utilize its power. If you've any doubt as to whether it exists, simply hold a bare electric wire while standing on ground bare footed, you will get confirmation of the presence and the power of electricity. Your doubts will disappear certainly.

The Roots

In my experience, what you can't see in this world is far more potent than anything you may see. You might or might not agree with this argument, but to the extent that you don't apply this rule in your career you must not get success. Because you're going against the natural laws and rules of the nature, as below the ground part is responsible for the production what is below the ground produces the ultimate plant and its fruit because anything that we cannot see produces what is visible.

Being a human being we cannot do anything that is against natural laws as we are from the nature while nature is not from us. Therefore, if we follow the nature and make the base of our life strong our life will go on smoothly. When we don't, life will get harsh.

In each forest, on each farm, every garden follows the same rule. As what the outcome in all these cases depend upon the root. Therefore focusing your attention to the output that is already produced is of nothing use. Because you cannot do anything about what has happened and produced. However you can change future outcomes. In order to get the future desired outcomes you must have to dig beneath the ground and fortify the roots. Among the most crucial things you may ever understand is that we don't live a life which is controlled by a single factor. We exist in at least 4 different realms at once. These four factors are the physical factors, the mental factors, the emotions and the soul factors.

Majority of the folks never recognize is that the physical realm is simply an appearance of all the other factors. Suppose you have just typed a letter into your computer. And you select the option print the page and eventually the same text written on a paper comes out form the printer. However when you closely observe the text written on the paper you discover a typing mistake. You select the eraser from the option and erase that mistake in the typed letter then select again print option the printout on the paper shows again the same mistake. You consider this as there is a problem in the eraser and you study all the guides of the eraser. When you get enough knowledge about how to erase, you erase the mistake with the techniques you have got through your study and take a copy of that on the page with the help of the printer. What you see on the page that there is same mistake appearing in the text. You get worried as well as exclaimed. You don't know the real cause of this problem.

You do not realize that printout form is the physical appearance and the trouble you are facing cannot be solved by altering the physical factor. It can only be solved by altering the other three factors discussed earlier. Revenue, economic condition (rich or poor), physical condition (illness or fitness) and weight these all are the outcome. The world in which we live depends upon the effort or procedure and its outcome.

Have you ever heard somebody assert that a lack of cash was a bit of an issue? Now hear this: A lack of cash is never, ever, ever an issue. A lack of cash just shows a signal of what is the outcome. It is a result and the main reason behind this result cannot be solved by just observing the result and altering it. It comes down to this. The only way to alter your "outer" world is to first alter your "inner" world.

Whatever results you're acquiring, be they rich or poor, great or bad, positive or damaging, always remember that what you are achieving is the effect of the effort you are doing. If you are not getting the desired outcome, it means that there is certainly a problem in your effort. This logic is as simple and easy.



In my seminars, we utilize "accelerated learning" strategies that let you learn quicker and pick up everything. The key is "participation". Our approach follows the golden rule that you may forget the thing which you've listened. You may recall the thing which you have visualized. But what you do, you comprehend. So I'm going to ask that whenever you get a main concept from this book, you first take a deep breath and then check your heartbeat then you next turn will be to try making a "proclamation", then touch your head with your forefinger and make another verbal "proclamation". What's a proclamation? It's merely a favorable statement that you make emphatically, aloud.

Why are proclamations such a useful tool? As energy is the basic unit of everything. The energy makes waves during travelling by vibrating at a certain frequency. Hence every statement that you say has its specific value of frequency and has vibrations. So whenever you make a proclamation loud, the energy makes a big wave with high amplitude because of the high number of vibrations. In order to make this high energy wave your whole body contributes the energy. As this wave travels in air it also gets in contact with your own body. As a result of which your body feels its singular resonance. Proclamations not only send a specific message to the universe, they likewise send out a potent message to your subconscious.

Proclamations and affirmations are not very different from each other. But in reference to the intentions and purpose of making any of these we can say that there is mighty difference between them. The definition of an affirmation is: Anything said with a positive intent to confirm that whatever you want to achieve is happening for you. While proclamation is defined as to make a strong statement with an intention to follow it officially to tackle a particular course of action or acquire a particular status. An affirmation says that a goal is already occurring. I'm not crazy about this as, frequently so as we make an affirmation of the thing which has not been proved true till that time, the little voice in our head commonly responds with "This isn't real."

While a proclamation isn't stating something is real, it's saying that we want eagerly to get our results. It is a certain feeling that is achieved by saying something loud, as we're not saying it is real for the time being. It is sign of our desires for the coming life. Proclamation, by definition, is likewise official. It's an energetic voice that we produce in the surrounding and it has also effect on our own body.

A different thing from the proclamation's definition is of much importance and that is action. You should take all the actions essential to make your intent a truth. I advocate that you state your proclamations out loud every morning and every evening. Making proclamations and seeing your image during saying certainly lift up your spirit and motivation. I want to accept this fact as in the start when I know about proclamation, my words were, "No way. This proclamation thing does not exist practically it is limited to the books." As I was a loser at that time, I determined, "What the hell, it can't hurt", and began doing them. Now I'm wealthy, so I really think that declarations truly work for me.

Either way, I'd instead be truly hokey and truly rich than truly cool and truly broke. How about you? That stated, I recommend you put your hand on your heart and then make these statements.

 "My inside world produces my outer world."

 "What I heard about cash is proved wrong. I decided to follow new ways of thinking that can help me achieving my targets and goals."

 "All the changing I had made about income was their way. I pick my way."

 "I release my non-supportive cash experiences happened in the past and build a new and rich future."

 "I observe my thinking and filter out the thoughts helping me achieving my goals."

 "Set up financial targets for myself."

 "I set my objective of earning millions and even more than that"

 "Make a strong commitment to be wealthy."

 "I think big! I decide to help 1000s and 1000s of individuals!"

 "I explore my importance to the world with great joy and energy."

 "Being an excellent receiver. I'm open and willing to receive massive sums of money into my life."

 "I decide of getting payment according to my outcomes."

 "I use to think about each of the two."

 "My focus remains of building my net worth!"

 "I'm a great money manager."

 "My cash makes a great effort and help me getting even more cash."

 "I also show commitment towards getting more knowledge and going forward."

Place a hand on your skull and say. "I've a millionaire mind!"


Finding Out The Purpose Of Your Life

In absence of a goal in life, you will not know what to do. It is important to understand the importance of your existence. When you try to think about what is the mission or purpose of your life, you may not get a clear picture of it. We lack clarity and intelligence for finding our real purpose in life. It is possible that you may have many goals in your life and may not be able to identify the real one, specific to you. How to bring that one thought out of your mind that will lead you to success. What will happen if you are not able to relate to your dreams? What is next?

Your connection with reality may be the foundation of your purpose. Not having decided purpose in life does not mean you do not have one. It is not something you will just wake up to, one day. You have to work hard to determine it. You may not have the option of choosing it, as you have many choices. Many of the choices may not even be genuine.

While targeting your purpose you will have to exhibit the ability to perceive it. You need create a method to achieve your purpose, steps that will lead you to your purpose of life. These methods and processes get you the answer for you question and make you say, "This is it!"

Once you determine your goal, you work towards achieving it passionately. So the first step is to go with your emotional intelligence because it will help you identify your purpose correctly.

Here is how you go about it:

1. You need something to write down, like a piece of paper or word processor in your computer.

2. At the top of the page jot down, "What is the real purpose of my life?"

3. Whatever answer comes to your mind write it down. It may be a short phrase and not a properly framed sentence as an answer.

4. Keep on repeating step three, until you have written everything you can think of on finding purpose of your life.

This is what you have been struggling to find. Your profession will not matter. To some this may make sense and others may find it to be senseless. The purpose of our life may not be clear to us because of social training. Your unconscious and conscious mind will send false messages. However, once you have found the true purpose, you feel like it has come from the inner most voice.

Applying logic and reasoning to find out what your views on life are is another method. The other way is to use logic and reason for your situation. It will be easy if you are more logical in your thoughts.

Apply your total life experience to find out your real purpose in life. Try to understand where you stand in your present reality.

This is a very simple technique to follow and hence easy to miss. What you are doing is, understanding your view on your approach of life and turning those into what you see for yourself. Where you stand in your present interpretation on life, will help you discover your goal, so you need to find out. Your reality represents yourself and this helps you understand your purpose of life.

The ideas you have about life makes up your personality, if you have a negative attitude towards life that means you are negative person. When you are clear about your ideas, you will find a purpose in life which is achievable and reasonable. It is like a hologram. When you cut a piece of it, the entire picture is still in the smaller piece. You are like a piece and the whole of the hologram is reality. You will find that something is wrong when you have wrong ideas about yourself in your mind so this technique will uncover what problems you have and show you reality.

These techniques will help you find out your purpose and to know where to go from there. If you have a healthy outlook, you will get results by applying the techniques. You will find out that the rational and emotional intelligence will point out to your purpose of life in different ways but they will be saying the same thing.


Get Rid Of Negativity In Your Life

Most of us have problems achieving what we desire. Have we ever given a thought, as to why it is unachievable? Instead of looking for problem within us, we keep blaming everybody around us for our failure. You will blame your country's economic system, parents, siblings or even the president but will not try to see what are you lacking?

Could there be a simple way to achieve what you desire, have you ever thought about it? Basic and honest answer is "When you believe in something, you get it". This is applicable for every facet of your life. It includes your, relationship, physical wellbeing, career and so on.

Many of us do not realize that, by changing our thought pattern we make positive changes in our life. In addition, because of this they are facing problems throughout their life.

Most of you perceive yourself as what others like to make you believe. If you keep on listening to the negative feedback, you will end up making a practice of letting people judge you. You have to listen to your inner voice to follow the correct path and not what others tell you. You are responsible for your life and not others.

Try to understand what you really want and work towards accomplishing it. Get rid of all the negative thoughts and bring positivity in your thoughts. Make all this changing the right away. Always manifest the best for yourself and your loved ones. Here is a technique for you to try:

1. Think about something/some situation in your life that you would like to change instantly. Lead all your thoughts to this situation.

2. Following the above keep thinking about you and start believing in what you want. Recreate the details and circumstances by forming an image of it in your mind.

3. Whenever you are in a calm state of mind, concentrate on that change. You should do this as often as it is possible for you. Your unconscious mind will develop a habit of imaging the situation which you desire.

4. With this positive thinking, you will observe the changes that occur in your physical world.

Once you put positive thinking in your life, money, people and thoughts and so on will help you reach your goal as if by some magic. Positive change's show their power in this way. Once you start thinking positively, keep tab of every little change that is happening in your life. Therefore, you can see, it is very simple.

Therefore, you have stopped negative thoughts from entering your mind. However, this may not be very easy because people around you can bring the negativity in your life and in your thoughts, this people may include your spouse, relative, your friend or so. If possible, try to bring some change in them by showing them what changes have positive thinking has bought in your life.

The best way to take advantage of positive thinking is by using all the methods for leading a satisfying and blissful life. Get yourself a like- minded friend or a guide.


Do Not Restrict Your Mind With Boundaries

Whatever goal you set, you can achieve it, this you need to keep reminding yourself to be successful. If you have some restricted thinking about money you will never be able to accumulate wealth.

Here we will try to find out, what your restricted beliefs about money are, and how it is hampering its influx in your life.

You will find out about the negative thoughts that do not allow free flow of money into your life and stop you from gaining wealth, with help of the theories that I am going to put forward in this book. It you use them in your life nobody can stop you from being affluent.

You have strong resistance towards money if you are not at ease following any of the few suggestions. You will have to ask yourself why you are not comfortable carrying out the suggestions, as this will help you come out of the limited thinking beliefs about money.

While going through the steps, you may not be comfortable doing some of them. To get comfortable with those steps keep repeating them until you develop a comfort level. This will help you remove all the restricted thinking you have about money. In addition, you will welcome wealth into your life and get out the no money status in your life.

As you go through the steps, you will find them to be very simple. However, actual implementation may not be that easy if you have strong limiting belief about money. Find out the reasons for such feels and try to eradicate them permanently from your mind. You will be able to check your feelings, when you try to visualise what you want in life. This will help you to put it into practice whatever changes you need to bring about in your life.

For example, when you are walking down the street and you see a luxurious car parked outside a shop. You ogle at the beauty of the car. You are staring at the beautiful exterior of the car. Even the exclusive interior of the car is visible to you.

What thoughts that are running in your mind? What are your feelings at that moment? Get to know them as they occur in your mind so that you can write them down. If you are thinking as mentioned below that means your understanding about money is restricted.

1. "The person driving the car is such a show off."

2. "The person driving the car could have donated the money to the needy instead of spending it on the car."

3. "It is out of my budget."

4. "Some homes may cost as much as this car, so what's the use of buying such costly car."

5. "The driver is an attention seeker, so it is not something I look up to."

6. "People, who are filthy rich, will be able to buy such a car and so it is not something I can afford."

7. "It is cool car, but I do not have that kind of money.

8. "Even if I work all my life I will not earn enough to purchase such luxurious car."

If you have positive thinking about money, you thoughts will be as follows:

1. "Wow! This is one of my favorite cars."

2. The money flows into my life so easily that I have to only decide when I need to purchase the car and the car will be mine.

3. "I am sure this person has the ability to fulfill all his wishes."

4. "What a groovy car! I know I will be have one of those in the future."

5. "It feels good to know that people can afford such cars."

6. "If I let this car come into my life through my positive thinking, I will definitely have it."

7. "If you say to yourself that you can afford it". (It may not be possible immediate future but because of positive thinking you may)

8. "I can already feel that the car is in my life."

Try to understand your feeling, when you get what you desire after thinking positively about the situation. Your feelings about money will be clear as soon as you are in tune with the source.


Decide On How Much You Want To Earn

We all dream about increasing our income but without a proper plan and its implementation, it's not possible to achieve it. In this section I will teach you how to arrive at your goal and earn more, so that all your dreams can come true.

Start creating an image in your mind of what you want in life. Think in detail, what environment you want to be in, what people you want to be surrounded with. Choose a business, which is realistic and will earn you sufficient income. Visualize all details minutely. Then set a goal which is difficult to achieve but not impossible. Initially, think of what you want to achieve, in one year.

Work out the strategies for achieving your target for the year. Think about all the problems you will face and how to tackle it. Think of all the bumps that you have on your path of success and learn ways of avoiding it. Find out what additional training or qualification you need for achieving your target. Remove all the negative thoughts that enter you mind. Try to combat all the negative thoughts about your income and business. Keep moving towards your target by fighting with all the negative thoughts that discourage you.

Write down all your plans, you want to reach in one year's time, what steps you are going to take. Plan each step and follow them religiously. If required take guidance from the person whose position you desire to be in.

People who are successful, though not in your line of business will be able to guide you too. Have a positive outlook and keep reading motivational books for encouragement.


"Attraction" A Powerful Tool

In our day-to-day conversation, we have all come across the theory of law of attraction with use of words like "positive thinking" and so. The theory may be new for us, but spiritual thinkers have had belief in these theories for many years.

Our power of thinking is very strong. It attracts whatever we want into our life. All of the universe will work towards achieving what we desire whenever we think or talk about it.

If we think negatively, we will be uttering negative words often. "I will not be able to perform" or "I am not capable of this". The Universe will pick up these words from your thoughts and give it back to you. Negativity will keep you away from your goal.

You can bring changes in your life by being positive about everything in your life. Your life will not change overnight it will take time. Once you seed positive thoughts in your life, it will bear the desired fruit for you eventually. Start by feeling good about yourself and love yourself. As you water your seed of positive thoughts, it transforms your life and brings about necessary changes.

Be sure of what you want in life. Once you have decided on that, you can ask the universe to help you achieve it. Try to create a clear image of what you desire. Concentrate on your thoughts and watch what you say about your object of desire. Act and feel that what you are asking for is on the way. You will have to trick yourself into believing that what you desire is on its way and you need to feel the feeling.

Listen to your instinct, co-relate to them and understand what the universe is saying. Receive all the messages with an open mind. Universe is giving assurance to you that what you want is on its way. You will gain financial success as soon as you are able relate with the Universe.



Wrong notions in your mind will lead you nowhere. You will never be able to attain the kind of wealth you want. Many people believe that they do not have the ability to earn the kind of money that is needed for living luxuriously. They have negative ideas in their mind. What others think about them has become the basis for analyzing their self. They strongly believe that however hard they work they will not succeed. These negative thoughts become the vision of your life.

Do not believe in something just because everyone shares the same notion. Keep questioning those ideas. Do not follow the herd blindly. If large numbers of people believe in something that does not necessarily certify it to be true. People in the old days believed that the earth was flat and the sun moved around it. Today, we all know this is not the truth. Even though everybody believed this, that did not mean it was right.

Constantly question yourself. It is easy and tempting to take comfort in these beliefs when we are facing hardships in life. These beliefs give you a sense of security. You are right to accept that they can be false.

If you are clear in your thoughts you will find that real belief will stand the test of time and the wrong notions will not. Hence, remove these notions from your life. Keep asking yourself, "Can this be trusted?" What is the guarantee that this is the truth? "Is this really the truth?"

Beliefs, which have not been tested, are like fairy tales, they may comfort you at time, you may find them to be pretty, find them funny, and as it is what you wanted to believe but not necessarily be the truth.

Are these your notions about money? Do you mention these ideas about money often, seriously or casually? If you do, that means unknowingly these notions are influencing your relationship with money.

$ Many of the rich people have acquired money through illegal ways.

$ All the evil in the world is caused by money.

$ I am not worthy of being rich.

$ Money is generated by money. As I do not have money, I cannot become rich.

$ Rich people are not as honest as poor.

$ When it is about money, some people have all luck.

$ Outrageously rich.

$ Wealthy people are atheistic.

$ I am not supposed to be rich and that is why I am not.

$ Rich people are exceptionally creative, gifted and intelligent.

$ All the rich people have inherited wealth.

$ Rich people are rude and antagonistic.

$ All rich people are corrupt.

Whether you will have an abundance of money or eke out a living will depend upon your perception of money. You have to decide how much money you want to earn for a lavish life and make plans accordingly.

Do you go through lots of hardships to earn money; are you doing your job, which you truly hate? Wealth gets attracted to you easily or you earn money without any difficulty if your notion of wealth is correct.

Your feel good factor about money depends upon your idea about money.

If you are comfortable with in your subconscious mind, this is the richest area of emotions. Your previous experience with money will decide how comfortable you are with finances.

You can experience financial well being and generate as much wealth as you wish if you try to remove all the negative feelings you.

â-Š Think about money as energy you move and live with, and that letting this energy into your life will bring wealth into your life. See what difference it makes in your life.

â-Š Believe that money can come to you as easily as the air you breathe and see what difference this notion makes in your life.

You are determined that having all the wealth you need will make you uncomfortable with the above notion. Decide to change your notions about money, which are negative and are stopping the influx of money that you are entitled to..


Goodwill and Benevolence

Benevolence is very important, whether through your physical work or by emotions. It is not only beneficial to the person at the receiving end but also to yourself. Selflessness can be shown through various ways.

When you concentrate on others instead of yourself, positive energies build up and situations are created for success. They unravel themselves in form of unexpected and abundant positive responses. This may include a change of behavior from being a miser and mean to selflessness. Good luck with inflow of abundant money may come your way with such kind gestures.

A miserly man decided to pay for the education of his friend's son, whose financial background was not so strong. This gesture is out of his character. Next day all of a sudden he receives payment for the invoice, which has been pending for a long time.

(In the above circumstance, the miser understood the link between forgetting his stringiness and the positive response he got from life. He also noted that the amount, which he generously gave, was almost equal to the amount he received from the unexpected payments)

Benevolence and generosity

You can bring good luck in your life by being kind and generous towards others. When an individual sends appreciation and goodwill to his friends and different customers he was showered with good news in the form of money, sales and other good luck. Have goodwill at work.

To attract money you need to have goodwill towards the other people around you as well as circumstance and situation around you. Goodwill in your work will attract lots of money into your life. Out flow of surplus goodwill will create inflow of surplus money. For example if a salesman puts his 100% effort in his work, it is possible that he will experience good luck in the form of more demand, more work and more opportunities etc.

This example shows you that the use of goodwill can be directly related to money and success. Why do goodwill and benevolence attract money?

Think of money as a force and not a thing. The force believes in encouraging, mutual advantages and relationship between individuals. Money is the power for human interchange and communication.

Money can be compared to language. Language enables humans to interact with other humans. Think of a person who decides to remain silent and wants to keep all the words to him.

Will this decision help him? Definitely no! Language itself is for communication. Language grows and is beneficial only if we use it for communication. The more you use it the more you understand it and are able to relate to it. Language enables a single person to communicate with the whole society. We do not store language. Therefore we can conclude that the more people that use our language, the easier it is to relate with others. This can be applied to money.

Money is similar to language. When we relate through money with others, money grows. When we help others to prosper and try to encourage success in individuals around us, we will attract money. Goodwill and benevolence will attract more money into our life. The more you give, the more you receive.


Believe That It Is Easy To Make Money

We have some time or the other heard that we could achieve what we truly believe in. Having faith in something will help you achieve it. Many people will discard this theory, while some may have tried doing it but may not have actually done so and still others who have tried it and have tasted success through it.

However, gaining success is not very easy, as you have to follow the steps in this believing process and use it in your favor.

Answer a few of the questions:

â-Š Do you believe with all faith that there are various ways to reach your goal and you just need to find them?

â-Š Do you have total faith in yourself and your ability to achieve whatever you desire financially and personally?

â-Š Do you completely believe that you will be shown the right direction at right time and no matter where you are now, you will reach your destination?

If your answer for many of the above questions is in negative then it will not lead you to where you wish to go.

You need to completely believe that everything will work for you. The belief that you can find an answer for every question that arises while knowing and believing that you can and you will.

How to gain such a high level of self-confidence

Start with small steps. Start by targeting small problems in your daily life like, if you are not able to find the keys, keep telling yourself that you will find them.

When you really find them, you will start believing in this process. While doing a project with a strict deadline keep assuring yourself that you will finish your project within the deadline and when you have finished the project you have developed confidence in yourself. By bringing this change in yourself, you will learn to be confident about yourself.

Stop worrying, because worrying is like not trusting yourself. Sentences like, "I worry because I may not be able finish the exams", show your lack of confidence. By worrying, you cannot change the situation.

As you start believing yourself in making small decisions, it will become a habit with you. Therefore, when you face bigger problems in life, you know what to do. You have stopped worrying and are facing challenges with lots of self-confidence. You know what to do and have the ability to achieve what you wish for.

Steps for making self-belief a practice might look easy but you will take some time to achieve this habit. Financial success depends highly on self-belief. Without this, nothing will make sense.

Everybody wants to be rich. Some of them have already achieved this and some are trying to achieve. Many paths will lead you to financial success and the meaning for wealth is different for each of us. No matter how you define wealth, your notion of wealth will help you achieve financial success.

Having correct attitude towards money helps you accomplish financial success. It has its own presence, identity and power.

Understanding how changing your notion about money in your situation is very important.
