CMMI is a process improvement that provides organizations with the especially elements of effective processes that ultimately improve their performance. It can be used to guide process improvement across a project, a division, or an entire organization and improve and appraise a group's capability to perform that discipline. It helps to interpret traditionally separate organizational functions, set process improvement objectives and priorities, provide guidance for quality processes, and provide a point of reference for assessment current processes. It is also a reference model of mature practices in a specified discipline.
CMMI is used to plan, define, implement, deploy, benchmark, and improve processes in an organization. Other than that, it enables the definition of process improvement priorities and goals, based on business objectives and goals, and identification of the activities that and organization has to undertake to effectively and efficiently develop, maintain, and manage software and systems products and services.
The benefits using the CMMI are organization's activities are directed linked to business objectives, other than that is organization's activities are increased to help the product or service to fulfill the customer's expectations and can learned from new areas of best practice.
Model of CMMI
Two basic models of representations Continuous representation process areas are organized in categories (Process Management, Project Management, Engineering, and Support). It enables the selection of one or more process areas for improvement. Second is Staged representation organized by maturity level (ML 2 through ML 5).A maturity level is a well-defined development of process improvement across a predefined set of process areas in which all objective are achieved.
The CMMI framework consists Model, Training materials and Appraisal methods. Model frameworks representing an ideal state that is used as a benchmark, it is not a process.
Comparison of Staged and Continuous Representations
PAs are organized by maturity levels.
Process improvement is measured by
maturity levels.
A maturity level represents a degree of
process improvement across a predefined
Set of PAs.
A maturity level rating, as a single number, may be used to communicate achievement of process improvement goal.
PAs are organized by categories.
Process improvement is measured by
capability levels.
A capability level is the degree of process improvement achieved within an individual PA. An organization may choose to improve any PA or set of PAs and improve them at different rates.
Capability level ratings are used to denote achievements for each PA and may be used for comparing an organization's process area profile to a target profile.
Frame-work of CMMI
The frame-works provides three constellations. There are CMMI for Development (CMMI-DEV), CMMI for Services (CMMI-SVC) and CMMI for Acquisition (CMMI-ACQ).
CMMI for Development CMMI-DEV as part of a process improvement development organization can achieve high quality, product or service on software. These is used for process improvement in model that organizations to improve the effectiveness, development organizations, efficiency, and quality of their product and service development work and supported from appraisal methodologies to help organizations objective knowing their improvement progress.
CMMI for Services (CMMI-SVC) is a guide to help reduce the costs for service provider organizations, improve quality, and improve the expected schedules.
CMMI for Acquisition (CMMI-ACQ) is a model that can improve the own processes. It can be used to manage sourcing of products, increase control of projects, and more successfully to obtain solutions that fulfill organization's needs.
It is has 22 process areas and based on the CMMI Framework. Six from that are specific to acquisition practices and sixteen are shared with other CMMI models. The six process areas that are specific to acquisition practices are Acquisition Requirements Development (ARD), Solicitation and Supplier Agreement Development (SSAD),Agreement Management (AM), Acquisition Technical Management (ATM),Acquisition Verification (AVER) and Acquisition Validation (AVAL).
Continuous representation model of CMMI
Project management in CMMI is one way to manage and control the project from beginning until the end with successful progress. It will cover how we want to plan, monitor and control the project. The area that will discuss in project management are:
Project planning (PA)
Project monitoring and control (PMC) - are use monitor and control the progress project activities until the project are achieving the goal and finish in the dateline.
Supplier agreement management (SAM) - is the processes that connected and deal between the customer and company such as selecting the supplier, executing the agreement, establishing the supplier agreement and others.
Project management (IPM) - it is the advance of project management that use to standardize process with their specific requirement.
Risk management (RSKM) - is use to define if any risk will happen during execute the project. There are a few strategy we can take such as identify the scope of the project, responsibility with any problem will happen and others.
Process management is discuss about the process improvement that include the project activity, planning, resources, monitoring during did the project. The process is include:
Organizational Process Focus (OPF) - is the process to making plan, implements, and deploy based on the understanding of the strengths and weakness of the organization.
Organizational Process Definition (OPD) - is process to establish and maintain the standards of work environment.
Organizational Training (OT) - is to develop the skills and knowledge of worker so that they perform their work with effective. The specific training is needed to train the people who are handling the project that are organizing by outside organization.
Engineering process is the way to develop and maintenance activities such as system engineering and software engineering. The process areas of engineering process is:
Requirements Development (RD) - is process to revenue and analyze customer, product, and product component that requirements. In this process are cover three requirement which is customer requirements, product requirements, and product component requirements.
Requirements Management (REQM) - is to manage and identify inconsistencies between requirement and plan of the project.
Technical Solution (TS) - is to create and find the solution of the requirement which is applicable at any level of the product architecture and each product component.
Product Integration (PI) - is to collect product from the product component and to make sure that the product in well in the function and deliver the product. This process area addresses the integration of product components into more complex product components or into complete products.
Verification (VER) - is to make sure all the work is specified the requirement given in the area involves the following verification preparation, verification performance, and identification of corrective action.
Validation (VAL) - is to show the product is fulfills the requirement are given. Validation activities can be applied to all aspects of the product in any different of environments such as training, manufacturing, maintenance, support services and operation.
Support is the process to manage the project life cycle although it is separate in the different organization and it is cover the activities that support product development and maintenance. The Support process areas of CMMI are as follows:
Configuration management (CM) - is process that makes sure the criteria are maintain using configuration control, configuration audits, configuration identification, and configuration status accounting. There are covers at a few areas which is the following:
Control the changes are made.
Identifying the configuration of selected work products that compose the baselines at given points in time
Create or build specifications work products from the configuration management system
Make sure all the integrity of baselines
Update the accurate status and current configuration data to end user, customers and developers.
Process and product quality assurance (PPQA) - is to provide ability staff and management that fulfill the requirement and objective during the process and work products. This process area are involves the following:
Objective of this process is to evaluate performed processes, work products, and services against the applicable process descriptions, standards, and procedures
Identifying and documenting noncompliance issues
Providing feedback to project staff and managers on the results of quality assurance activities
Ensuring that noncompliance issues are addressed.
Measurement and analysis (MA) - is to produce a measurement that is used to support management information are needs during the progress of the project. The process that include in measurement and analysis is:
Determine the objectives of measurement and analysis all the information needs and objectives.
Specifying the analysis technique, mechanism for data collection, measures, reporting, data storage, and feedback.
Implementing the storage, analysis, collection, and reporting of the data
Providing expected objective results that can be used in making decisions, and taking appropriate corrective actions.
Decision analysis and resolution (DAR) - is to survey the decisions making using a formal evaluation based on the criteria provided. The formal evaluation is:
Identify the other solutions
Determine the criteria for evaluating alternatives
Find the other method for evaluating alternatives
Use the alternative solutions using the established criteria and methods