In this twenty-first-century of digitalize era, many successful corporations and business firms are searching for the optimum way to satisfy their customers, consumers and users through internet access. Some government agencies provide online services, such payments and income tax submission via internet. In education, ignore this golden opportunity to accommodate technologies base education towards students would be a mistake. In today internet society, distance learning creates educational opportunities for students to learn at home through virtual classroom. As a result, this new learning system which contain the fully utilization of technologies facilitates and transforms the university as well as the learning and teaching process into a more attractive learning experience. This significant change is expected to replace the traditional classroom lecture method of instruction by technologies base education process.
In this important paper presents a research based on the factors that affect student's adoption towards the e-learning framework. Flexible knowledge delivery and self-learning system have evident to be one of the best learning approaches among professional project managers within self-motivated corporations. As a result, several factors had discussed in this research through identifying and analyzing. A number of titles have been discussed within this chapter which includes background of study and research problem. Significant and purpose of this study also had been mention.
1.2 Background of Study
Intellectuals in many academic fields and distance learning of the people have increase, but the possibility between the genuine had decrease since many years ago. Expecting of absolute data exchange for real time information transactions and reduction of immeasurable data delivery process are the major factors that to lead the global education system as well as learning system based towards a paperless environment. In this study, Multimedia University (MMU) is an important source of research data. Sixty students are targeted in this research in analyzing and interpreting the factors that influence the student's adoption toward e-learning, MMU education learning system. Besides, three independent variables and one dependent variable are examined to identify the real motivation of MMU virtual classroom. A slogan with 'a virtual teacher with a virtual classroom' is sated make this study purpose to determine the evident of students adoption in this sufficient learning system. Respondents who are between eighteen to twenty-five years old are the main consideration to align the validity of this research.
1.3 Research Problem
Defining a suitable research problem is the energy that drives the scientific process, and is the primary foundation of any research method and experimental design, from actual experiment to proper case study. In this research, gaps and problems which may face by the student is stated and recorded. Investigation about whether the student adopts Multimedia Learning System (MMLS), factors that will affect their perception and behavior toward MMLS and are the student willing to diffuse and innovate toward this distance learning are issues concerned in this research. So, relations to the models of some factors are examining to identify the true motivation of learners to adopt in this distance learning. This directly provides a parallel between the research problems and research objectives.
1.4 Research Objective
Adoptions of e-learning in the university education delivering system are influenced by several factors which include organizational, socio-cultural, technology advances, role of lecture and students, intrapersonal and interpersonal factors and others. However, our particular interest as in the research methodology subject in university level is focus toward the role of MMLS. In this paper we will consider the definitions of three particular independent variables which consist of e-learning, connectivity and convenience. After examine and data computations in this paper, true motivation by students who adopt in MMLS are able to gain. Besides, a numbers of questions are provided in form of questionnaire distribution to ensure the reliability of the data collected.
1.5 Significant of Study
E-learning can offer future potential learners an opportunity, alternatives and innovative learning environment as compared to the traditional learning system. As everyone knows well, this technology base learning system is still a new concept towards many people, especially in Malaysia. It is believed that, this sufficient education deliver able to promote a better understanding in the subjects teach and flexible learning schedule towards the learners. The title of 'A Study of Factors that Affect MMLS Adoption among Students' stated in this paper is significant towards the MMU. The University are able to gain a better understanding and clearer imagination of the current MMLS provided.
Point of view from the student's perspective towards this techno base learning system between educators and learners are able to exposed after analyzing and interpreting the factors and others researcher's studies. Moreover, several effective and efficient alternatives are able to integrate with the suitable implementation. In order to increase the efficiency of e-learning in university, management are capable to transform this system and greater the usability. As a result, MMU is able to make significant changes towards the MMLS and provide a higher satisfaction within the user. By this, adoption of MMLS may increase. In addition, superior course content are able to deliver by the educators and result a better knowledge gain.
1.6 Scope of Study
Boundaries are sets to limit the scope of study in addition to prevent the too broad and overachieving. MMLS is a innovative and alternative way of technology base learning system, it provide a main challenges to traditional lecture room method with its unique advantages content. MMLS which provide only by Multimedia University make this study emphasis within the MMU students. By this, MMU Malacca campus had became the center of attention in this research.
1.7 Chapter Outline
By the following chapters may include others detail information about this study. Explanation of potential studies and findings are stated in Chapter 2-Litreature Review, Chapter 3-Research Methodology, Chapter 4-Data Analysis and Chapter 5-Discussion and Conclusion.
2.1 Introduction
Today, e-learning or electronic learning has become more popular in education institution around the world. Universities, colleges, secondary and even primary school have adopted this new technology into their educational system. Most of the developed country like Singapore has developed and provided online learning system for their school learners including the primary and secondary school. (Hawthorne & Tan, 2005). According to Clark and Mayer, e-learning is a concept that associates learning with the new technologies to the learning process, namely the internet, intranet, satellite broadcast, audio/ videotape, or Compact Disc Read Only Memory (CD-ROM). It occurs in a range of learning situation: web-based training, computer-based training (Clark & Mayer, 2003). MMU is using the software named Multimedia Learning System (MMLS) to deliver their e learning activities. The University offers three difference kinds of educational delivery: an on campus program, an e-learning on campus program and distance learning program. Even so, most students involve in on-campus undergraduate and postgraduate program in faculties in MMU Melaka and Cyberjaya. However, the e-learning on campus program offers educational via satellite/video conferencing. Students involve in this program go online instead of going to the lecture halls/classes. For people who are part-time student, they can attain the distance learning program where majority of this program is computer-base learning.
MMLS is a support system that is user-friendly and quickly accessed. Access to learning via MMLS have made geographic and physical constrain no longer a critical problem for the students. The key features of MMLS are course management by the instructor, intelligent delivery system, question bank, online self test, short notes, course outline, past year exam papers, lecture notes, chat, discussions and references (Jaiballan & Asirvatham, 2005). Apart from that, MMLS maintaining the quality of education since the system is able to provide interactive and active learning. Lectures can constantly modify based on the student's feedback thus enhance the understanding. The integration of MMLS rich resources like Siti Hasmah Digital Library, journals and articles could be easily access by the user. Students are attracted to the convenient way which all sources of journals and articles can be found in the virtual library. Since MMLS is MMU e-learning system, research is carrying out to test the awareness and usefulness of MMLS by the user (MMU staffs and students). In this research, e-learning, connectivity, convenient are the independent variables which influence to the adoption of MMLS of students.
2.2.1 E-learning
Teaching and learning via the Internet, or e-learning has become a trend and more viable in recent years because of the technological growth of mobile, wireless, satellite and the high usage of the Internet. In explaining this style of teaching and learning, they are also call as online learning, virtual learning, distributed learning, network and also web-based learning. Basically, e-learning stands for a virtual style of education which is delivered through a synchronous or asynchronous format. For instance email, video and audio streaming, library access, discussion forums, chat rooms, Local Area Network (LAN), MMLS and etc. This kind of format needs a network environment usage similarly "cyberspace" (Kamsin, 2005). The frequent access to information and communications technologies such as the Internet, television, telephone, and computing devices nowadays is completely related to the updated trend in e-learning.
Moreover, the learning and teaching programs gain much benefit from the e-learning process. This method helps to save money, provide a paperless environment, more mobility and portable, the teaching materials are easily stored, the contents are easily understood, and beyond accessibility of contents according to a research (Kamsin,2005). Today, the Internet presents at a cost saving and easy ways to online education delivery, the bandwidth has become unlimited, it allows communication in the cheapest, easiest and fastest way, Internet is available in most of the countries around the world, students and educators do not have to specialize third party software, portable devices are capable to connect to the Internet and also all types of media like video and audio streaming can be easily transmitted, viewed, edited, and played (Doloi).
In achieving the Paperless Environment challenges, MMU is one of the first institutions that currently carrying out its own e-learning campus engine the MMLS which aims to keep going the human touch of responsiveness found in the lecture hall. Furthermore, e-learning can help to improve the virtual university involvement. Subsequently, the online lecture notes and any announcements made by the lecturers are easily informed and downloaded by students at anytime and anyplace. Besides MMLS, the MMU e-learning networks are vary on the Online System, the Digital Library, and the Teleconference. The Smart Card system use by the MMU boosts the campus one step closer towards its objective which also assisting in the e-learning process (Reaz, Hussain, & Khadem, 2007).
Base on the concept of "a virtual teacher within a virtual classroom", MMU developed MMLS because it wants to focus on the needs of the entire educational enterprise as well as to suit the e-learning system. E-learning is a brilliant management way, which can be assisted as an opportunity in delivering the multimedia which worth messages to its learners. In addition, MMLS is designed as an intelligent, interactive, self-paced, instructor led, web-based teaching, and learning tool within the technological framework. It is user friendly, platform and database independent in maintaining auto-administration. Plus, it is a fully web-based intelligent learner tracking system along with an instructor-led course management. Course management by an instructor, intelligent delivery system, questions bank, online self-test, short notes, course outline, past year exam paper, lecturer notes, announcements, references, e-mail, chat, discussion board, online forum by course for asynchronous interactions, extensive student monitoring and tracking through Short Message Service (SMS) are they key features of MMLS (Jaiballan & Asirvatham, 2005).
To sum up, MMLS can bring explosive impact on the users. The exponential growth of e-learning has changed the way of education is being taught and delivered. The knowledge-era in every aspect of human life will be enriched beyond imagination since the e-learning method is created.
2.2.2 Connectivity
One of the dependant variables for our research project is connectivity. Connectivity is defined as the quality or condition of being connected or connective and the ability to make and maintain a connection between two or more points in a telecommunications system (Neo & Neo, 2004). In MMU, the connectivity between the students and administration is through MMLS whereby students will be updated about the announcements by the lecturer according to the subject course they have taken during the semester. MMLS connects the student and lecturer due to the subject flow or study plan. Besides, it also reminds the student about their homework and assignment that have to be done according to the due date of submission so that students will always be alert, and it connects the students and lecturers without having to see or making appointments due to limited time or hectic schedule. Thus they can still solve their problems in studies.
MMU is an e-learning campus aiming at maintaining the human touch of attentiveness found in classrooms thus enhancing the virtual university experience to its student compare with other university (Reaz, Hussain, & Khadem, 2007). The advancing technology in computer has made online learning accessible and manageable for both students and institutions. Therefore, it also provides tools for efficient and instantaneous communication (Evans, M.Mulvihil, & J. Brooks). The development of MMLS has shown that the quality of system and effectiveness that the outcome can generate from the university (MMU). In addition, it also can help the process and activity work more effectively among the lecturer and the student. MMLS helps students to be engaged in service far from home or campus. The developing of online technologies gives a new ways to tolerate the relationship between MMU stakeholders. The user can always keep in touch with others within the online environment. It enhances social presence and improves the activities collaboration and enriches interpersonal understanding among their participants (Evans, M.Mulvihil, & J. Brooks). Students who have difficulty facing their lecturers about studies would have an alternative of solving their problems through MMLS.
MMLS was developed in the year 1999 (Reaz, Hussain, & Khadem, 2007). In order to ensure MMLS work effectively in the campus, the university provides the wireless internet access that allow student to access to MMLS anywhere, anytime in the campus. MMLS is designed as an intelligent, interactive, self-paced, instructor-led, web-based teaching and learning tool (Reaz, Hussain, & Khadem, 2007). To overcome time and space constraints, e-learning technologies allows students to be more flexible in study time. As such technology promotes convenient communication with mentors or colleagues from any locations. Students could receive advice, feedback or consultation while they meet the challenges presented by their projects (Chisholm, 2007).
Thus, MMLS is a system that has been considered is a key source of connectivity of MMU stakeholders.
2.2.3 Convenient
When we people heard of "convenience", automatically we understand that it was easy, at any time and at anywhere which it makes everything to be possible as said by (Reaz, Hussain, & Khadem, 2007). He also said that e-learning is convenience since students was able to have a flexible study time and more time is safe for other things to be done. Same thing was implied in the usage of the e-learning such as the MMLS. The student can easily access to MMLS regardless of the location and there you go, all the overall information of the subject registered is there. Thus, if students were at their home town during their break, lecturers are able to provide any updates or reminders and communicate with their students easily without any hesitations either through e-mail, chat or even SMS (Puteh & Hussin, 2007). This absolutely makes the learning process becomes faster and smooth without any boundaries. So, destination is not a problem anymore and students cannot use it as an excuse for them to not get any of the updates for that particular subject.
Other than that, e-learning such as MMLS was said to be more convenience since student and staff need not have to worry on their safety and secured every time they log in. This is due to the security system that being install in the MMLS itself. From the link;, the system is secured because a normal link would not have the "http" with the "s" unless the system was secured. In addition, to log in, user need a log on ID which only the students, lecturers and certain staff of the university may log on. This is to ensure that the users with and identification or authentication who wanted to log on are authorized all the time. (Kritzinger & Solms, 2006). E-learning which is the MMLS as we know is entirely a web-based user interface, compatible with almost all browsers and a friendly user (El-Sofany1, Hasnah1, ALJa'am1, Ghaleb2, & El-Seoud, 2006), where it does not require any technical skills to use it. Thus, once again e-learning was proven to be convenient to any potential users.
In the other hand, by using e-learning, it will not only make the user feel more convenient on the learning process but we were able to create a green environment indirectly. This is due to the paperless environment that being practice by using E-Learning. Even companies in the business sector were practicing this method by using intranet among the employee to achieve the paperless benefits to the extent (Reaz, Hussain, & Khadem, 2007). Back to the MMLS implementations, here, the student who already use with the e-learning would not have the difficulties or unfamiliar problem during their new working environment later. This of course bring lots of benefits towards the student who practicing e-learning.
Hence, it is true and crystal clear that the E-learning which is the MMLS in this context is very convenient to the current users and to the potential user life. Once again it is flexible to practice despite the distance, time and location.
2.2.4 Adoption
"Adoption" is another dependant variable to support our independent variable. In this research, we would want to discover either the adoption of e-Learning which is the MMLS is positive or the other way round.
One of the questions that listed in the questionnaire is "does they satisfied with the MMLS system currently". This is to ensure and measure the degree of satisfaction of the users towards MMLS which currently conform towards an international standard called SCORM (Shareable Courseware Object Reference Model); (Puteh & Hussin, 2007). Moreover, by knowing the measurement of e-learning adoption, this indirectly shows the results of MMU vision is successfully achieved or vice versa since this e-learning is being implemented according to the university vision.
E-learning also of course has its very own benefit. There are convenience and flexibility; self-paced; greater range of feedback; more direct control; high level of interaction and as well as it offers individualized instruction (Kamsin, 2005). So, with this benefit, users will fully utilize the benefit of the system. The student may get any other information provided by the other lecturer for the same subject, get any direct updates on real time base, communicate with lecturer for any discussion either through e-mails or chat and as well as prepared for the upcoming chapter for that particular subject despite the location.
With the adoption or implementation of e-learning which is the MMLS, we will get to know the results either the users will continue using this method or vice versa in this research study. In our opinion, with all those benefits mention before, users will definitely continue using e-learning as their medium for the learning process. This is ensured being said because MMU itself has implement the 21st century challenge which is running a paperless administration and was the first university to offer E-scroll; a fully electronic transcript (Reaz, Hussain, & Khadem, 2007).
MMLS had won several awards such as "Best of Smart Learning Applications" from the Asia Pacific Information Technology and Telecommunication Awards (APMITTA) as well as "Best Learning Application" from Asia Pacific Information and Technology Awards (APICTA); (Puteh & Hussin, 2007). In addition, almost all graduated students from MMU get their jobs from renowned companies such as Petronas, TNB, Telekom, Celcom, Maxis, BERNAMA, various banks, overseas companies and etc even before they graduated. Thus, this shows that the e-learning learning process is totally work and was a success adoption.
2.3 Summary
MMLS was developed under the concept of "a virtual teacher within a virtual classroom" which is not only suit the e-learning system, but also focus on the needs of entire educational enterprise (Reaz, Hussain, & Khadem, 2007). Towards a paperless environment, MMLS plays an important role in achieving MMU goals stated in their vision. "To be a premier university that propagates the generation and dissemination of knowledge in cutting edge technologies". MMU is persistently approaching new and innovative methods, besides radically changing the educational outlook to become an internationally prominent institution that is absolutely technology based in the shortest span of time (Reaz, Hussain, & Khadem, 2007). A continuous improvement of online system is necessary for MMU to maintain and even upgrade of its quality of performance of the server and networks (MMLS), and ensure to provide more speedy access to the intranet and internet that help all the user of MMU.
3.1 Research Methodology
This chapter briefly describes the research methods which used for this study paper development. Research methodology is a set of methods or procedures which is used to conduct the research. There are two types of research methodologies which include qualitative methodologies and quantitative methodologies. Qualitative research involves the use of qualitative data such as interviews, direct observations, survey and analysis of documents and material. Questionnaire and documents review are important in this study. These research methods are significant to gather information such as users' preferences, opinions and suggestions.
3.2 Operational Definitions of Research Variables
Convenience of e-learning can be measure in term of internet access availability, access time range, system security Majority of the MMU student owned a personnel computer, however, are all the students able to access to MMLS by using their internet tools. System security is always the major concern when come to hackers and crackers. Students and faculty liked the benefits of time flexibility in blended courses however, they consider finding time to develop such courses was a challenge (Vaughan, 2007). Are all the electrical devices support MMU e-learning system? Is the e-learning system is available at any time? Is the system protected and secured to use?
Connectivity of e-learning can be measure in term of awareness of information, student attitude toward their study, and the student results and performances. Some researchers proved that face to face classroom was the best way to encourage and motivate students (Mentzer, A., Cryan, J., & Teclehaimanot, 2007). Some researchers demonstrated that virtual classroom learning system was the least cost effective (Mackay, S., Stockport, & J., 2006) Students, on the other hand have different needs and challenges. Some students prefer the traditional way of teaching technique. Empirical data identify some of the factors that influence student satisfaction toward online education such as: student control, instructor rapport, enthusiasm, group interaction just to name few (Lee.Y.K., Tseng.S.P., F.J., & Liu.S.C., 2007). Researchers reveal that there are some concerns in student achievement and motivation, and that the level of interactivity plays a major factor in student motivation (Mahle, 2007). Are the students aware of announcements in MMLS? Are the student feel motivated in their study? Are the students performing well in their academic by adopting e-learning system?
E-learning can be measure in term of knowledge about using the e-learning system, users' internet experience and system user friendliness. Many faculty members feel that it is the 21st century, and offering courses via Internet is becoming a strategic necessity among competitive universities (Lee.Y.K., Tseng.S.P., F.J., & Liu.S.C., 2007). They look at the opportunities that distance education may provide universities, such as, increased enrolment, extra grants from different foundations, and most of all, widening the student body by offering global access to courses (K.K.Papp, J.N.Aucott, & D.C.Aron, 2001) . On the other hand, although almost every student owned a personnel computer, however, some of the students perceived as a trend to have a personnel computer in the twenty-first century. Some of students purchase computer for gaming purposes. When it comes to e-learning education, are the users having sufficient knowledge to use MMLS? Are the users having enough internet experience to utilize the system? Do the users know how to operate the system?
3.3 Research Framework
Figure 1: Relationship between Independent Variables and Dependent Variable
*EL= E-Learning / MMLS in MMU
Figure 1 on the above shows the relationship between three independent variables and one dependent variable for our research project on A study of Factors that Affect MMLS Adoption among Students. As noticed that, connectivity, adoption and convenience are all interrelated between each other towards E-Learning. E-Learning as discuss and explain in the chapter before is of course convenience for all users especially for long distance learner. Here, the relationship between the learner and the lecturer can be connected by E- Learning method.
Firstly, the increase of E-learning environment and virtual base education system is believe might bring a significant influence towards the adoption level of MMLS. However, some factors are considering in order to valid the independent variable. Respondents with the available of basic internet access tools are projected to gain a more accurate result. A positive relationship is estimated to gain between the variable. In other words, increase in the E-learning process, will raise the adoption process of MMLS.
Besides, connectivity between the lectures and students or learners is one of the additional factors that may affect the MMLS adoption process. Latest information about the subject is able for the students to gain the accurate and effective learning process. As a result, connectivity is projected that bring a positive relationship towards the MMLS adoption among the students.
In addition, convenience is a significant feature which contain in the E-Learning system. Accessible according to the learners available is estimated to gain the similar relationship as mentioned above. In this data, intervening variables such as self motivation and peer influence is above the consideration. Thus, adoption of E-Learning among students was bloomed and spreader around. Hence, the relationships among all three dependent variables and dependent variable are expected to prove interrelated with positive relationship.
3.4 Research Hypotheses
Test for Association (Pearson Correlation)
H0= There is no association between Convenience and Adoption of MMLS.
H1= There is an association between Convenience and Adoption of MMLS.
Test for Association (Pearson Correlation)
H0= There is no positive relationship between Connectivity and Adoption of MMLS.
H1= There is a positive relationship between Connectivity and Adoption of MMLS.
Test for Difference (ANOVA)
H0= There is no different in the level of E-Learning for Internet Usage Rate.
H1= There is a different in the level of E-Learning for Internet Usage Rate.
Test for Difference (Independent Sample T-Test)
H0= There is no different in the level of Adoption of MMLS for males and females.
H1= There is a different in the level of Adoption of MMLS for males and females.
3.5 Source of Research Data
3.5.1 Primary Data
Source of data involves collecting records about a specified focus straight from the real world. This segment includes information on what primary research is, how to get on track, ethics concerned with primary research and diverse types of study that could be done. It also includes information about interviews, surveys/questionnaires, observations, and analysis. Primary data that is obtained by conducting primary research gives a more modern and current picture of the same area.
In order to attain first hand data for the analysis of this research, focus will be given on assembly primary data, from customers and analysis of the websites. From there, people observation and expectation towards e-learning is recognized and data collected is used for testing hypothesis stated in the prior section. This research is analyzed using survey. Thus, we get the raw data into form that we can manipulate. By using a numerical system or yes/no answer system; this method is obliging to enter the results into a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel. This survey is an imprecise question approach, which means answers can be fit into categories of responses.
A set of Likert Scale questions was used in questionnaire in order to find details of data on the study of factors that affect MMLS adoption among Multimedia University students. These data should be assisted in identifying the e-learning, connectivity, convenience and adoption.
3.5.2 Secondary Data
While primary research is research from scratch, where every steps of the research processes has to be accomplished in order to collect data, but secondary research is another case. It is essentially the study and exploration of all those facts, figures and findings that are already researched and organized in the same line of topics. Basically secondary data gives a past analysis of the area of concern that is being researched. An analytical comparison between the two sets of findings (primary and secondary) could also contribute a great deal in enabling the researcher gain a more inclusive understanding of the relevant subject area that he/she is researching for.
Before proceeding to collect essential field data to complete this research, extensive range functional information was collected, that already existed in the form of secondary data. The sources of data used in this research are collected as in the literature review in which Multimedia University library search involves basic skills of searching on published sources such as periodical journals, books, and newspaper articles relevant for this project. Furthermore, online database search includes Google, Emerald and Ebsco.
3.6 Sampling Design
Step 1
Define the target population
Step 2
Select a sampling frame
Step 3
Select sampling techniques
Step 4
Plan procedure for selecting sampling units
Step 5
Determine sample size
Step 6
Select sampling units
Step 7
Conduct field work
To choose the best sampling technique, it involves choosing nonprobability or probability sampling. Nonprobability sampling relies on the individual judgment of the researcher, rather than ability, in selecting sample elements. Probability sampling, a sampling procedure which each element of the population has a fixed probabilistic chance of being selected for the sample. Probability techniques are simple random sampling, systematic sampling, stratified sampling, and cluster sampling. On the other hand, nonprobability sampling techniques includes convenience sampling, judgmental sampling, quota sampling and snowball sampling.
For the research that been done we are using convenience sampling from the nonprobability sampling techniques and without replacement sample. Convenience samples are useful in exploratory research where the objective is to generate ideas, gain insights or develop hypotheses. It is applicable to our research of factors that affect MMLS adoption among students in MMU. We choose convenience sampling over other methods because we conduct the surveys among MMU students. The selection of sampling units is left primarily to the interviewer and respondent often are selected because they happen to be in the right place at the right time which is suit the respondent convenience in MMU campus. Convenience sampling has the advantages of being both inexpensive and fast. As we just have to distribute 60 questionnaire papers to 60 random students in MMU. It doesn't consume much time as we will get the feedback immediately after the students fill in their answers on the spot and we will collect the questionnaire back. Additionally, the sampling units tend to be accessible, easy to measure, and cooperative.
3.7 Research Instrumentals and Measurement
The research instrument our group use to be collect data is survey form / questionnaire. The title of our research project with "A Study of Factor that Affect MMLS Adoption among Students" had constructs few independent and dependent variable as measurement in the questionnaire. The data type of the measurement is scales because of the respondents are inform to give their opinion in the scale form of strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree or strongly agree base on their personal experience through the question asking in the survey form.
The first independent variable in the survey form is E-learning. We using 4 questions to measure the E-learning there are, "my internet experiences affect familiarity of MMLS" which mean we can measure the differences between people who are a constant internet user will affect the familiarity. Second is "MMLS provide sufficient systematic interactive between me and lecture" which mean we can collect the opinion from respondent whether MMLS provide a good environment to communicate with their lecturer. The third is "I have sufficient knowledge to access MMLS". We can measure that the respondent had enough understanding on how to access the MMLS learning system. The last is "I have basic internet access tools which help me to enter MMLS" which help the researcher to know that whether the respondent had available tools to access to MMLS.
The second independent variable in the survey form is Connectivity. There are 4 questions in the Connectivity part as measurement. First question is "I often get update about the announcements by lectures in MMLS", which help researcher to identify that the respondent recognize the announcements when it post it in MMLS by lecturers. Second question is "MMLS connects me and lecturer about the subjects flow", which help researcher to understand that whether respondent learning with the flow of information and knowledge posted in MMLS. Third question is "MMLS remind me about homework that to be done", which mean researcher can know whether respondent treat MMLS as a note of task work reminder from lecturer. The forth question is "MMLS connect between lectures and students who are different apart", which mean researcher able to recognize whether MMLS are able to stay connect between student and lecture who are geographically different from location.
The third independent variable in the survey form is Convenience. There are 5 questions uses to measure the Convenience data. First question is "I can easily access to MMLS regardless of the location", researcher can indentify whether the respondent living in the environment of capable to access to internet. Second question is "I can easily access to MMLS regarding my convenience time", which mean researcher able to know the respondent are constantly and able to access to MMLS when they are free. The third question is "I find that MMLS is useful for contingency updates". From this question researcher can know normally did respondent recognise the latest emergency announcement posting on MMLS. Forth question is "I can easily access the overall information about the subject from different lecture section". In this question, researcher can know is that MMLS giving a clear situation of subject flow about other group information to respondent. The last question using to test convenience is "MMLS appears is friendly towards students", researcher can know whether the design of MMLS apparent is user friendly and understand to the respondent.
The dependent variable using in the survey form is Adoption. There are 4 question uses to measure the adoption. The first question is "I satisfied with the MMLS system provide by MMU". The purpose of this question helps to know whether respondent satisfy with the useful or performance of MMLS in MMU. The second question is "I will fully utilize the benefit of the system", the researcher from this question can know whether the respondent will try hard to learn and fully utilize the function provide by MMLS. The third question is "I will still continue using MMLS". The question able to test whether respondent will still continuing use MMLS as a tool to learn and support in the university life. The last question is "MMLS creates my intension towards E-learning". The question help the researcher to know whether the respondent had interesting to use E-learning or not after experience from using MMLS.
These four variables had significantly enhanced our research study. Proper grammar and simple sentences is used in order to result a better understanding towards the questions. Compression of questions in only one page make the sense of easy and without scarified long time for the respondents to answer the questions. Thus, ease the data collection process.
3.8 Data Analysis
3.9 Summary