The Project proposal Presented here Describes dealing & functioning between srilanka ports Authority and Lanka shipping cargo Agency. This both department hade ling Goods Export /Import process , Clearing, reservations ,Billing and transactions process very under pressure Level worked both office staff ,So Introduced very good motivated system to reduced both office staff heavy transactions work , Proposed This Container Tracking System using very easy & quick response minimized office traffic.
This Container Tracking system using Language ASP.NET as Front end and SQL Server 2000 as Backend. With Windows operating system,
This project is a Web-based Solution. It is developed to reduce the manual effort of Sri Lanka Port authority and Lanka Shipping Line Cargo Container Agency. The user of this website may be Lanka port authority and Lanka Shipping Line Cargo Container Agency.
The Cargo Container Agency can have a unique section of separate operations functioning and full security department,
The cargo Container Agency should first register them by submitting their Agency details. The Cargo Container Agency can booking the yard warehouse for keeping Container Storage, Clearance for Export & Import
Process as applicable. At the same time we can view the real status of there
The Cargo Agency may Book the Yard warehouse for keeping container storage and also agency can check the day to day status.
The supposing "Container Tracking System" erases all the problems, office staff faced by the manual system and achieves its goal. Very easily
The other types of user are Lanka port authority. They verify the agency details then they are issued the user ID number to shipping line Cargo Container Agency. Then Lanka Port Authority can check the availability of Yard, when can clearance getting to a particular container and the details will qualify to the Cargo Container Agency. They are also giving the yard and rental charging details.
The Project is proposed as "CONTAINER TRACKING SYSTEM". It is developed by using ASP.NET as Front-End as SQL-SERVER as Back-End. It consists of the following modules. The all functions will be hell Between bellow departments
The project handling both office under mentioned
The Lanka shipping Cargo Agency will have a unique department. The Cargo Agency first Will register them by after submitting their cargo agency details. The Cargo Agency may Book the Yard warehouse for keeping container storage.
Clearance for Import/Export process as applicable and also cargo agency can check the status.
Registration of Users
Registration check with user ID
Import/Export items with category
The Cargo agency will submit the details to the port authority for getting the Company's Code number to proceed further such as,
Company name
Central Executive officer (CEO)
Phone Number
Fax Number
Mail ID
Agent Type
Others(Attachments of Prof Documentations )
The Cargo Agency will get the Login ID by using their own Company Code as the key in Register check to precede the dealing with the port authority.
The Agency will seek the permission from the port regarding the Importing/Exporting the materials.
The port authority will verify the details of the cargo agency. They Will be providing the Cargo agency and also checking the availability of the Yards status, getting clearances with the particular container and the yard rentals with other details.
The Port authority will check the details submitted by the cargo agency And provide the specific Company Code.
By using the code given to the agency, the port authority will be giving the specific, secure Login ID. The port authority may hide the particular agency to stop the dealing.
The port authority will be ensuing the Import and Export details of The agency, Number of containers In/Out the port with materials. The port Authority will be furnishing the authorization regarding the Yards and its rentals.
History of Colombo port:
The World Very best country of Sri Lanka, The Capital of Sri Lanka has been very important centre for business trade and pearl fishery business for many years of century. The Colombo largest natural harbor of Asian region with a Rich bag round activated the development of the Port, initially with Oil tanks and iron screw pile pier and connections to the railways. Colombo was declared as a minor anchorage port in 1980. Since then there have been various developments over the years by years.
In 1979 Srilanka ports authority was make a setup by parliament Acts, An administrators & all Operations specified commercial ports in Sri Lanka Colombo became the citadel of the freedom struggle in the early 21th. In 1948 Feb 04, The greatest freedom fighters of Sri Lanka, In 1979 after Created Port Authority Public Government of sri Lanka parliament act launched the first Department of Colombo dock yard Manufactures Swedish ship under the construction & control of sri Lanka Port authority, Now its developing manufacturing Boats, Medium level zips for Industrials & Commercial requirements an other Friend countries inquires,
After Independence, the minor Port of Colombo witnessed a flourishing trade and handled a variety of cargo meant for the neighbouring countries of India, Maldives, and Bangladesh etc. The coastal regions of Lanka. To cope with the increasing trade through Colombo, the Government of Srilanka sanctioned the construction of an all-weather Port at Colombo.
The Colombo Port being premier port in the country has naturally become the focal point of the all port development activities in srilanka, As a consequent of the Government of srilanka policy to development the regenal areas in country .
Construction details:
Colombo Port is an artificial deep-sea harbour formed with rubble mound type parallel breakwaters projecting into the sea for about 5 km. (Length of North breakwater is 4098.66 m, length of South breakwater is 3873.37 m and the distance between the breakwaters is 1275m). The Port was designed and executed entirely through indigenous efforts. The harbour basin extends to about 400 hectares of protected water area and is served by an approach channel of 2400 metres length and 183 metres width.
As same like 2010 November 18th Srilanka Largest sea harbor Created & First visited zip of jet liner arrival towards hambanthota Magampura Port , Now there Built heavy Construction and their Future International Import / Export deles ,
Advantages port :
1. Colombo is the only Port in Southern India to offer a direct weekly container service supply to U.S.A. & Europe countries Window berthing is provided on every Friday and the transit time to arrive America is 22 days. Further, regular weekly direct services to Europe on every Monday, Maldives & India on every Wednesday, and Red Sea Ports on every Thursday are also available. Besides, 26 services per month to Colombo are also available.
2. For the import container from Galle port, and c confessional storage charges at Port area are offered on experimental basis.
3. Port has good road / rail connectivity. Presently two ICD rakes viz. One ICD train leaving Galle on every Sunday and another ICD train leaving on Wednesday are available for connection vessel to Europe and USA separately.
4. Based on volume, Port could facilitate sharing of infrastructure facilities available at Oil Jetty to handle POL products.
5. Port has vast open space within and outside security wall for storage of cargo. Requisition for allotment of land on short term basis for 10 months could be considered within one month time.
Used Storage Facilities:
30,000 Sqm. asphalted area in the berth for the stacking of containers.
60,000 Sqm. fenced area with security guard for the stacking of stuffed containers.
70,000 Sqm. open space for the stacking of empty containers.
15,550 Sqm. covered warehouse area for the stacking of destuffed cargoes.
Lowest transshipment rates in the region
Re-stowing at transshipment rates irrespective of the mode
Attractive rebates up to 22% of stevedore
Free storage concession
Repairing, servicing and Maintenance
a) Salvage / Diving:
Salvage / Diving operations are carried by private agencies.
Fire Service at South Break Water, North Break Water and Extension Port is functioning round the clock & service supply by Government of srilanka.
(c) Meteorological Observatory:
Meteorological Observatory receive forecast for Rainfall, Cyclone and Wind warnings from Regional Meteorological Centre (RMC)-Colombo.
Meteorological Observatory provides data on Pressure, Temperature, Humidity, Rainfall, Wind speed & Direction and Tide level. So Every Factors directly involved for the sea -freight transportations
(d) Sea - Transportation:
Launch service for sea transportation is provided giving priority to shipping movements.
Service charges are levied as per the scale of rates of Colombo Port Trust.
Additional fees of 50% of the charges are recovered for service provided on Sundays , Saturdays ½ day ,Port non-operating days and hours between 18.00 to 06.00.
(e) Water Transportation:
Port does not provide water of its own. Outside Agents transport water through water Barges which is then taken to vessels at anchorage.
Service charges are levied as per the scale of rates of Colombo Port Trust. Additional fees of 50% of the charges are recovered for service provided on Sundays, & Saturdays ½ days, Port non-operating days and hours between 18.00 to 06.00.
(f) SCPMD and Private Survey firms:
Ships calling Colombo Port can carryout Survey through Sri Lanka Colombo Port Marine Department and private Survey firms.
The vessels calling at Colombo Port can replenish their supplies of bunkers through the services provided by the Lanka petroleum Corporation; the largest State opened
The Supply of Water provided to the ships at the Port through private agencies.
The Colombo portautority Department of the Government of srilanka. Under the Ministry of Port & Aviation , Director General of Shipping has its office at Colombo under the charge of the Surveyor in-charge to regulate the ships' operations and survey as per the Government of Lanka Merchant Shipping Act, 1956. This office is also responsible for welfare of the seamen visiting Colombo port. A number of Private Survey agencies are functioning at Government of Colombo port for undertaking cargo, container and other surveys.
Security investigation:
The Weston Province Security Force of the Govt. of Srilanka with adequate security personnel headed by a Srilanka Army & Air force, Navy Officers is combined deployed to man the vulnerable points in the Port area. In addition, Sub contract watchmen of private agencies are deployed for watch keeping duties.
Safety frication :
The Port's Fire section & Srilanka Fire Brigade Service wing is well equipped to handle all fire emergencies on the shore and on board the vessels. The Office of the Dock Safety Inspectorate, which is the regulatory authority to enforce safety, health and welfare of the dock workers, is functioning at this Port.
System analysis focuses on specifying for what the system or the Application is required to do. It allows the individuals task to see the logical elements (what the system should do) apart from the physical components it uses (computers, terminals, Backup & storage system).it is the process of gathering and interpreting facts, diagnosing problems and using the information to recommend improvements to the system.
2.2 EXISTING SYSTEM (Manual System)
The existing system is the manual system.The manual system is prone to error. It is more time consuming. It is very difficult for a person to produce the report. There are chances for changing the scheme report and to malpractice & Old techniques. This system involves a lot of manual entries with the application to perform the desired task.
Manual operational System involves lot of paper & Ink wastage work and cumbersome procedures. Also repeated entries of data in various books of accounting, which leads to data redundancy and data inconsistency.
The papers may get damaged and there is a chance of theft.
Papers may soon worn out & Not Smarter
Papers should be protected from insects.
Maintenance of registers-therefore occupying the space in rooms. & Couple of errors
Increase in clerical work and hence the cost of labors increases.
Difficulty in updation of records.
Reduction in speed of work.
External Firm's have to contact the service centers in person for the required Service. In order to overcome the disadvantages, Container Tracking Systems need full Computerization. System
2.3 Proposed System Tracking System
The proposed system is the system that manages the "CONTAINER
TRACKING SYSTEM" has been designed to eliminate the drawbacks of
Existing system. It is designed by keeping in mind all the drawbacks of the present System, in order to provide a permanent solution to problem.
The automated system will be able to handle any volume of data efficiently and Accurately. The data can be accessed and information can be represented in the form of reports. The system doesn't depend upon any perticuler individual for recovery of information. The status of each job is tracked easily and readily available for information.
The system will provide security as data should not be available for access to all. As the Application is to be applied on the web the number of customers will be large and the Container details can be easily maintained.
I planned the listed below heading are the major modules for the proposed software System.
User ID Allocation
User Local office Details
User Export/Import Details
Gate Details
Yard & Reservation Details
Container Stop /Cancellation verification details
The software is very helpful in maintains the container details and records.
I hope the system give full satisfaction to the Agent and organization.
Scope & Features of proposed System
Handling Less paper work
Speed of data access & produce relevant reports
User with friendliness
Error free Corrections
Satisfaction of the user
User friendly
Improved Security
Submit details
Agent registration
Status details
Cancel booking db
Import/export db
Existing user
New user
Container details
Cancel verification
Deliver confirm
Goods booking
Input design includes data mediums used for inputting data and validations that are to be done during data entry. Different messages and data are given to guide users during data entry. Validations checks are done for each input. Data entry screens are designed so that a system interacts with the uses in providing an effective dialogue. Fields in the screen are logically arranged to help the user.
The design is the process of converting the user-originated inputs into computer-based format. The goal of the input design is to make the data entry easier, logical and free from errors. Errors in the input data are controlled by input design. The application has been developed in a user-friendly manner. The window has been designed in such a way that during the processing the cursor is placed in the position in the position where the data must be entered. If any of the data going into the system is wrong then the process and output will magnify these errors.
Output refers to the results and information that are generated by the system. Output is the main reason for developing the system and based on this, the usefulness and applicability of system are primarily and communicate the results of processing to users. Efficiently designed outputs enhance the understandability of the information.
According to the requirements of the system, various types of output are considered and designed as follows.
1. Internal outputs, whose determination is within the organization and which require careful, design because they are the user's main interface with the computer.
2. Interactive outputs, in which the users communicate with the computer is essential.
Processor : Pentium IV
Clock speed : 2.4 GHz
Hard disk : 80 GB
RAM : 512 MB
Monitor : 15" Color
Keyboard : 107 keys
Mouse : 3 Buttons
Operating System : Windows XP
Front-End : ASP.NET
Back-End : SQL-Server2004
Visual Studio.NET
The product of Visual Studio 2008 is a very User friendly existing and major technology changeable products of Microsoft. While it provide on concepts introduced by COM. it is very quite different from others As anything we have today developing -promising to make us more productive as it bended the Windows GUI base and browser-based Internet development environments closer together.
The .NET framework class library was designed to satisfy level an any conceivable Programming need. It consisting of classes for handling database access, working with the File system, manipulates text and graphics.
The web forms are pieced together out of two building blocks they are the dynamic Portions of the user interface is assembled using controls.
ASP, the most popular development tool today, is fully supported in the .NET environment through ASP.NET.ASP.NET will likely be the most common tool For the new .NET platform, since it offers the smoothest transition for existing ASP Developers, as well as being very accessible to developers who have used other Languages and tools in the past.
The ASP.NET helps the web forms pages are pieced together out of two building blocks:
The Dynamic portion of the user interface is assembled by using
ASP.NET controls.
The Application logic which handles both control and page events.
Improve deployment, scalability, security& reliability.
Provide better support for different browser & devices.
Enable a new bread of web application.
The ASP.NET programming classes designed to satisfy any conceivable programming.
Features & Advanced of ASP.NET
The .NET frame work class library consists of a vast set of classes designed to satisfy any conceivable programming need. For Example, the .NET framework consists classes for handling database access, working with file system, manipulating text and generating graphics. The .Net framework, furthermore, contains classes that represent all the basic variable data type such as strings, integers, bytes, characters, and arrays. Most importantly the .Net Framework class library contains classes for building ASP.Net pages. Any of the .Net Framework classes can be accessed while building ASP.Net page.
The Classes of the .Net framework are organized into a hierarchy of the name spaces. A namespace is a logical grouping of classes. For example, all classes that relate to working with the file system are gathered together into the SYSTEM.I/O namespace.
The Namespaces are organized into a hierarchy (a logical tree). At the root of the tree is the system namespace. This namespace contains all the classes for the base data types, such as strings and arrays. It also contains random numbers and dates and times. Any of the classes in the .Net framework can be uniquely refer to class that represents a file system files, the following can be used:
The classes contained in a select number of namespaces are available in ASP.NET pages by default. The default namespaces contain classes that are often used in our ASP.Net application.
System - contains all the basic data types and other useful classes such as those related to generating random numbers and working with date and time.
System.Collections- contains classes for working with standard collection types such as hash tables and array lists.
System.Collections. Specialized - contains classes that represent specialized collections such as linked lists and string collections.
System.Configuration-contains classes for working with configurations files.
System.Text-contains classes for encoding, decoding and manipulating the contents of strings.
System.Text. Regular Expressions - contains classes for performing regular expression match and replace operations.
System.Web - contains the basic classes for working with the world wide web, including classes for representing browser requests and server response.
System.web.caching -contains classes used for caching the content of pages and classes for performing custom caching operation.
System.Web.Security - contains classes used for implementing authentication and authorization such as forms and passport authentication.
System.Web.SessionState - contains classes for implementing session state.
System.Web.UI -contains the basic classes used in building the user interface of ASP.Net pages.
System.Web .UI.HTML control - contains classes for the HTML controls.
System.Web.UI.WEB control- contains classes for web controls.
IIS is group of Internet servers (web or HTTP, FTP And Gopher) and other capabilities for Microsoft's Windows NT server operating system. IIS is Microsoft's bid to dominate the Internet Server market that is also addressed by Netscape, Sun Microsystems and administering Web Sites. A Search Engine and Support for Writing Web based applications access Databases.
A typical company that buys IIS can create pages for web sites using Microsoft's FrontPage product. Web developers can use Microsoft's Active server pages (ASP) technology, which means that applications including ActiveX controls can be embedded in Web pages that modify the content sent back to users. Developers can also write programs that filter requests and get the correct web pages for different users by using Microsoft's ISAPI interface. Asp's and ISAPI programs run more efficiently that Common Gateway Interface (CGI) and server side includes (SSI) programs for current technologies. Microsoft includes special capabilities for server administrators designed to appeal to Internet Service Provider (ISP).
IIS Includes security features and promises that it is easy to install. It works closely with the Microsoft Transaction Server to access databases. Internet Information Server 4.0 and Windows NT server 4.0 provide the best platform for developing your web Sites.
For applications written in native code, ADO providers a com-based application-level interface for ole db data providers.Similar to ADO.NET supports a variety of development needs, including the creation of front-end database clients and middle-tier business objects using live connections to data in relational databases and other stores like ADO.NET, ADO can construct client side record sets, use loosely coupled record sets, and handle OLEDB's data shaping row sets.
ADO also supports some behaviors not exposed through ADO.NET, such as scrollable, server-side cursors require holding database resources, their use might have a significant negative impact on the performance and scalability of your application. In order to Transmit ADO record sets through firewalls you need to configure the firewall to enable the COM marshaling request, taking into account the associated security ramifications. COM marshaling also limits data types to those defined by the COM standard. Optionally, you can persist an ADO record set in an XML format and transmit the XML text instead.
Data processing has traditionally relied primarily on a connection-based. Two-tier model. As data processing increasingly uses multi-tier architectures, programmers are switching to disconnected approach to provide better scalability for their applications.
The ADO.NET components have been designed to factor data access from data manipulation. There are two central components of ADO.NET that accomplish this is: the Data set, and the .NET data provider, which is a set of components including the Connection, Command, Data Reader, and Data Adapter objects.
The ADO.NET Dataset is the core component of the disconnected architecture of ADO.NET. The Dataset is explicitly designed for data access independent of any data source. As a result it can be used with multiple and differing data sources, used with XML data, or used to manage data local to the application .The Data set contains a collection of one or more Data Table objects made up of rows and columns of data, as well as primary key, foreign key, constraint, and relation information about the data in the Data Table objects.
The other core element of the ADO.NET architecture is the .NET Data Provider, whose components are explicitly designed for data manipulation and fast, forward-only, read-only access to data. The Connection objects Provides Connectivity to a data source. The command object enables access to database commands to return the data, modify data, run stored procedures, and send or retrieve parameter information. The Data Reader Provides the bridge between the Dataset object and the data source. The Data Adapter uses the command objects to execute SQL commands at the data source to both load the Dataset with the data, and reconcile changes made to the data in the Dataset back to the data source.
You can write .NET data providers for any data source. The .NET Framework ships with two .NET data providers: the SQL server .NET Data Provider and the OLEDB .NET Data Provider.
Microsoft is SQL server is high performance client server relational database. It is designed to support to high-volume transaction processing, data warehousing and decision support application and Microsoft Windows NT server based networks.
SQL server is fully operational on all hardware architecture supported by Windows 2000 including INTEL, MIPS R4000, and power pc based systems. SQL server also provides many client tools and networking interface for the Microsoft Windows 95 and MS-DOS operating system.
SQL server has opened architecture and so other system can interface with it as well. At the core is the SQL Server engine, which supports transact. It is a well-known and widely used data access tool. It is a powerful and unique superset of standard SQL.
In transact SQL a cost based query optimizer determines the likely best way to access data. It maintains statistics about the volume and dispersion
of data which is used to estimate the plan most likely to work for the operation requested.
Transact - SQL provides program constraints such as variables, conditions such as variables, conditional operations and looping. This concept can improve performance in a client / server environment by estimating the need the network conservations.
SQL server supports stored procedures for coding complex queries and transactions. They can be invoked directly from the front-end applications.
A unique capability Microsoft SQL server is extended stored procedure, which allows developers to access resources outside SQL server like messaging integration and ability to write HTML files. Extended Stored Procedures can be as external dynamic link libraries.
During the program development, computer programs and program modules are tested. As the programs are integrated into the total information system, overall testing of the system is possible. When individual modules or programs are tested independently, it is called a unit testing.
System testing refers to the cycle of continuous testing of the system for bugs. It is true that there is no software that in hundred percent bug free. The development site the software may be working perfectly. But some bugs can only be observed at actual usage scenario. Only users of application can find out sum bugs. The developers cannot often find this out. So testing continues not only at developer's site but also at the client's side.
Software testing is a critical element of software quality assurance and represents the ultimate reviews of specification, design and coding testing presents and interesting anomaly for the software.
The various types of testing done on the system are
Functional Testing
Integration Testing
Validation Testing
Unit Testing
It is the systematic technique in which each and every module of the software system is tested and validated. Here each and every function performed by the system is tested. The main aim of this functional testing is to detect and correct errors in each and every module.
Strategies for integrating software components into a functional product include the
Integration testing was done to verify the coexistence of the modules and the forms involved bottom-up integration testing was used for this purpose.
After unit testing of the module they are integrated from the Bottom-Up combining each of the into clusters. Dummy driver modules are added to simulate the upper level and the clusters were needed.
Bottom-up integration consists of unit testing followed by testing of the entire system. Unit testing is the goal of discovering errors in the individual modules of the system. The primary purpose of the subsystem is to very operation of the interface between the modules in the subsystem.
Top-Down integration starts with the main routine and one or two immediately subordinate routines in the system structure. Top-Down integration requires the use of program stubs to simulate the effect of lower level routing that are called by being tested.
Sandwich is predominately Top-Down but Bottom-Up techniques are used on some modules and subsystem. This solves many of the problems encountered in pure Top-Down integration at the subsystem and system level.
At the culmination of integration testing the software is completely assembled as package. Interface errors have been uncovered and the final series of software testing is validation testing.
Unit testing is goal of discovering errors in the individual modules of the system. The following where considered during the unit test. The module interface is tested to ensure the data information properly flows in and out of the unit order the test.
The local data structure is examined to ensure the data stored temporarily maintains integrity through the unit life time .Boundary conditions are tested.
All independent paths through the condition structure are excised to ensure that all statements in the module have been executed at least once. All handling paths are tested.
The "Container Tracking System" erases all the problems faced by the manual system and achieves its goal.
The system can be more specifically enhanced for providing information through online. Thus we can minimize the effort taken by the management .It is easy for the users to get information whenever needed.
It also providers the user with variable in exporting. It has been thoroughly tested and implemented.
The development system has the feature enhancement to the advanced application for the organization
This project increases the reliability, efficiency and time delay of various performed. The further Enhancement that can be made are
Online registering the cargo container
This system is actually developed in ASP.NET the existing system is a partially computerized system. In future this system can be future developed in some latest version.
As the databases are maintained in the SQL, it has the facility for accepting changes and accepting new tables according to the need.
Mainly in this system the depreciation is calculated using formulas but in future there are several act and several methods to calculate it efficiently.