Examine How Gender Is Represented

Published: October 22, 2015 Words: 365

Examine how gender is represented across this text.

From the very first paragraph we can see language that relates to gender straight away. For example, she describes the clothes she is wearing a ‘tan-coloured’, this relates to Lakoff’s theory on gender and language because women use precise colours to describe objects. The way in which the women in the story are described as well shows that women are stereotypically quiet and refined. We see this when Nora realises that Lisette has gone into the store too because she is said to have let out a ‘littles gasp’ this is what women are thought of doing otherwise if it was a man it would have been a big sigh. The story also describes women as ‘graceful’ and this is how they should have been seen back in the 1960’s.

The audience of this piece would be for girls of possibly a younger age between 8 and 12 because it comes from the “Bunty for girls annual’ which would have been read by girls that want to be like Nora, who could be a reoccurring character throughout the annual in several different stories all telling stories of girls and what they should behave like in a patriarchal society like it was back in 1960.

The purpose is to entertain girls and gives them something to read and think about, but it could also be to persuade girls to gout and get a job because there are jobs out in the world that want women so they don’t need to stay around the home.

There are also some power issues in the text, for example Lisette and Nora have influential power because they are trying to persuade Mr Pallett to employ one of them. Mr Pallett has personal power because he is the owner of the store and he can employ who he wants.

In the 1960’s it was the time when women were gaining more responsibilities. Before the 1960’s women were seen as domestic objects, they needed to stay at home cook clean and care for the man, women were denied basic rights. This all changed at the beginning of the 1960’s when women were now allowed...