Database stores database contents, allowing data creation and maintenance, and search and other access by the users. Considering there are different types of database, even the same type of database has their unique functions and characteristics, evaluating the scope and structure of a database and the cleanliness of its records are important in wise use of databases. This paper will discuss the unique characteristics and search features of the three database: EI Engineering Village, JSTOR and ScienceDirect Online. Meanwhile, the evaluation and comparison of these three databases based on the common criteria will be provided.
EI Engineering Village
Engineering Village is a Web-based information service with instant access to the latest applied science and engineering research and provide a powerful way to search across multiple databases and resources. Engineering Village's features include access to the top information resources in the applied science, technical and engineering fields. Engineering Village includes Compendex, Ei backfile, Inspec and NTIS totally 13 main database. It has three models of searching (Easy Search, Quick Search and Expert Search) and search assistance from information and industry professionals through the usage of Engineering Village reference services. Engineering Village covers 175 specialized fields of engineering and over 1,100,000 records from more than 5,600 engineering journal, conference, collection and reports.
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive of over one thousand academic journals and other scholarly content. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship.
Currently, there are 1916 titles, including previous titles, as well as other content available. New titles and other materials are being added regularly. It includes 1,856,206 full-length articles across 47 disciplines, and 1,387,437 book reviews. The oldest document in the JSTOR archive was published in 1665. Starting in 2011, both current and historical content will be available from participating publishers.
ScienceDirect Online
ScienceDirect is the world's largest electronic collection which includes science, technology, and medicine full-text and bibliographic information.
As a leading full-text scientific database, ScienceDirect covers 24 fields of science, offers more than 10 million journal articles and book chapters from more than 2,500 peer-reviewed journals and more than 11,000 authoritative books, including reference works, handbooks and book series.
Every year, this database updates at a rate of almost 0.5 million additions, which means around 30% of the whole world's research literature.
The evaluation in this part includes four aspects: interface design, links to different parts, time coverage and update frequency.
First of all, since each database has its own emphasis and specialization, according to different target group of users, the interface design emerge various styles. Engineering Village, as a comprehensive database including 13 databases, its interface is divided into three portions with content area in the middle, the menu of other databases on the left side, and search tips at the bottom. In the content area, there are eight sections, which include tag groups, easy search, quick search, expert search, thesaurus, eBook search, ask an expert and help.
In contrast to Engineering Village, JSTOR interface is well designed and very user-friendly that users can choose or look for articles without any difficulties. Only when they want more specific data or want to perform advanced search, they may need help. Its background colour and spiral designed are well match and make JSTOR looks like a classic database which is also true because JSTOR is a reliable source for back dated journals.
In the interface of ScienceDirect, the most prominent section which links to top 25 hottest articles is surrounded by the search on the top of the home page; browse on the left, quick link below and news on the right. Although contains lots of sections, the interface isn't cluttered. Contrarily, it gives a clear, well-defined links to different features and information of this database.
On the second, all of the three databases are designed with clear and well defined hyperlinks; what's more, everyone has its own characteristics. Engineering Village support the clear and easy handle for navigation. Besides the sufficient links to different page, it also offers the "go back" function and move to one section to another when there is necessary. For JSTOR, one obvious advantage is that support the links to specific page of the search results and "go back to top" function. For ScienceDirect, It is easy navigable you can go back to homepage easily where you are. But at the same page, it doesn't have "go back to top" button. Since 100 records on the screen, users need to scroll up and down which makes it a bit difficult to view the whole information.
Thirdly, as different function each database has, these three have their own fields to cover. However come to time coverage, all of the three databases try to make the users benefit from a unique collection of research by providing information as early as possible. For Engineering Village, some database can provide users with the most comprehensive overview of 120 years of core engineering literature. Also users can find out the oldest document published in 1665 in the JSTOR and access research fundamental to the development of modern science, such as Joseph Lister's 1867 paper in ScienceDirect.
Last but not least, update frequency is one of the most important guideline to evaluate databases.
Engineering Village update the resource by week while JSTOR is inferior to Engineering Village which update periodically. ScienceDirect is updated every single day. What's more, 'Articles in Press' are available to give researchers the advantage of access to articles on average 15 days after they are accepted for publication, before appearance in the print journal.
In conclusion, three databases have their unique interface designed according to the content and feature of their database. JSTOR is simplest and easiest to use. Three databases are comprehensive in the coverage; however ScienceDirect has the best update frequency.
Unique Characteristics
EI Engineering Village
EI Engineering Village is the main information discovery platform which provides trusted sources e.g. Scholarly journals, trade publications, patents, government reports, reference books and so on for the engineering community. Through the usage of that, we find Engineering Village has its unique characteristics as below introduction. In the part of search, Engineering Village provides the feature of "Ask an Expert". This feature provides user the chance to ask the questions to an EV Engineer, the Product Specialist or the librarian of user's organization. User just need to click the "Ask an Expert" tap on homepage then can choose by subject area which "Engineering Expert" want to email for enquiry. For the part of "Product Specialist" is provided for user to enquiry the analysis of the search result, learn more about using Engineering Village, view automated product tours or register for the trainings and so on. "Ask a Librarian" help user to formulate expert search, identify and locate a source of an article or a book. Secondly, Engineering Village provides the feature of "EI Patents". Engineering Village has the patents databases include US and European patents grants and applications. Ei Patents offers sophisticated search and retrieval tools across all 9.5 million patents registered with the US and European Patent Offices. As the display of results, the abstract records include patent classification codes and patent references. Besides, user can find provided links to the full-text documents which can be acquired freely from the relevant patenting authority and the links from a patent to its citations within the published literature. Thirdly, Engineering Village provides the feature of "Tags + Groups". User can use "search tags" to limit the search to search tags in the public, private or "My institution" repositories and also can choose to "rename tags" or "delete tags". Engineering Village offers certain rights for user to manage the groups, e.g. create the group name, invite the members with the same research interests, and share the tags records with a group.
First of all, JSTOR offers the feature of "The Moving Wall". Almost all articles on JSTOR are controlled by "The Moving Wall" which is the agreement between JSTOR and publishers, to delay between the current volume of the article and latest volume of the article. The majority of journals in archive is from 3 to 5 years but publisher may select walls from 0 - 10 years. After that amount of agreed time, the journals can be uploaded for use and the preservation of back file is carried out effectively by JSTOR. The moving wall is designed to help protect the economic sustainability of publishers. Secondly, for the purpose of knowledge of the database, JUSOR provide the feature of "Training Webinar". To be able to use services available from JSTOR effectively, the JSTOR gives training are open to librarians, faculty, and students. Thirdly, JSTRO provide the unique feature of several searches. Images Search which shows the images from the article, very useful for users who need illustration for their research. New search (Data for Research beta) can give visual statistical information for the available or search results.
ScienceDirect Online
ScienceDirect Online as one of the largest online collections of published scientific research, it provided the most update resource to the users. While evaluating the database, we find several unique characteristics valuing to introduce. The feature of "What's new" which help users to perform an image-specific search and find out more and see the recently launch of enhancements. "Top 25 Hottest Articles" which is another popular unique feature offered in the ScienceDirect Online. On the homepage, the database provide the link to the top 25 hottest articles, user can keep track and downloaded the latest trends and discover articles according to what his/her peers and colleagues are reading with ScienceDirect's free top25 hottest articles alerting service.
The Top25 is ranking by the articles have been downloaded the most, either from any of the 24 subject areas and/or from any of the 2,500 journals on ScienceDirect. As the favorable database, ScienceDirect Online provide comprehensive "Customizing" features to the users. "Quick Link to your favorites" is that records the users' favorite websites in the ScienceDirect. "Recent Action" is the feature that when users are logged in ScienceDirect it keeps a list of user recent actions which are also clickable and take user directly back to that page. The "SciVerse ScienceDirect Mobile" app help user to find and read any Elsevier article or book chapter while at a conference, travelling to and from work, or enjoying some rare downtime.
Generally speaking, besides the evaluation from the users' point of view, the forgoing research has various criteria to evaluate the database. In 2002, the committee of "Research Committee for the Evaluation of Databases" conducted studies to identify criteria from the points of database use, based on the preliminary research conducted in the preceding year on the methodologies of database evaluation. In the conclusion of the studies, they conclude 12 elements (Matsumura, 2004). According to the preliminary research and the criteria of "Database Evaluation Criteria Form (Harvard)", we conclude that the criteria should contain these four parts: Search, Display, Service and Help/Training. Therefore, in this part, we will introduce the comparison of the three databases based on these four dimensions.
We think that the main purpose for the user to use the database is for searching the resource; therefore, the search capability is completely important in the evaluation. JSTOR is already developing a Visual Search which displays users' search results or the available resources in Graph. However, ScienceDirect Online can search for subscribed or favorite publications using any search form, except the Reference Works and EI Engineering can limit search by using Tags + Groups" which help user to limit the search according to their interests.
-- Search
EI Engineering Village
ScienceDirect Online
Search levels
3 levels: Quick search; Advanced search and Expert search.
Basic search - full text search, narrow define search; advanced search- both singular and plural search term much be enclosed in quotes, data for research - offers more option for searching data archived in JSTOR.
3 levels: Quick search; Advanced search and Expert search.
Allow to find terms that are within a set number of words of each other by using tilde(~)
Boolean/Proximity operators
Truncation, Stemming, Wild cards
Truncation (*); wildcard (?) to replace a single character. Terms are automatically stemmed, except in the author field.
Truncation (?), (*) and (&), Stemming-(#), wildcards (?) for single character, (*) for multiple character, Boosting term (^), multiple spelling of a term (~).
Truncation (*); wildcard (?) to replace a single character.
Limitation of the search (by format, language, type, etc.)
Support the search limited to: document type; treatment type; language; date.
Can be limited by Type, Data Range, Language, Discipline(s) or Journal title(s).
Every search has some limit field and easy to use, such as: document type, date range, source etc.
Edition and modification to previous search strategies
Support. Can search in the within results and include the function of include / exclude to limited the results.
Support. Can search in the within results and include the function of include / exclude to limited the results.
Refine result
Result can be refined by Database; Author; Author affiliation…
Can search for more specific topics within search results.
Result can be refined by content type; title; topic, year etc.
Search history
Support and provide the details as type; search strategy; autostem; sort; results; year; database…
Not provided but can save citations and searches and can see history of what you have saved.
Support and provide the searching lists, including the search terms and the number of documents found. It also can be saved and recall them to run at any time. But all of these operations can be done after register.
Combine research ;merged results; duplicates eliminated
Support and provide the lists details. E.g. (#1 AND #2)
(#1 AND #2) OR (#3 AND #4)
(#1 OR #3) NOT #2
Not support.
Combine up to five searches from the search history at one time using the Boolean operators.
Search alerts
Three search alerts provided:
Search alerts notify you by email when new documents matching your search criteria become available online.Topic alerts notify you by email when new documents on a particular topic are available.Volume/Issue alerts notify you by email when a new issue of a particular journal or a new book volume becomes available.
Support, browse index create starting from first letter "A" to "Z". Once the index is loaded, user can navigate by either selecting the first letter(s) of the term.
Discipline, Title, Publisher.
Can find publications by browsing the directory of journals and books. Two kinds of browse: browse titles alphabetically, or by subject.
Thesaurus functions (broader, narrower, related)
1. Users can use "Search" to display controlled vocabulary terms that contain the term for searching or the broader, narrower and related terms. 2. User can use "Exact Term" for a controlled vocabulary also with the broader, narrower and related terms as well as scope notes, prior terms and lead-in terms. 3. User can use "Browse" to scan the thesaurus alphabetically.
Not provide.
Not provide.
Natural language mapped to controlled vocabulary
When user input the natural language the database will provide the controlled vocabulary for refining the results.
Browsing fields are arranged by controlled vocabulary.
Not provide.
Other search capabilities
Provide the search "Ask an Expert" and "e-book Search", user can directly browse books by collection or subject. "Ask an Expert" which provides users opportunity to ask questions of an EV Engineer, the Product Specialist, or the librarian. 2. Default option. Customer can default the search page; sorting and database.
1. Can use Quick Search to find images such as figures, tables, photos, and video. 2. Can't add search row.
For the Display, EI Engineering Village has the comprehensive coverage. It even has a mapping tool which is standard in GEOBASE and GeoRef databases which help the user to identify the location of the search result in maps. It allows showing the duplicate search results and provides the patent content to the users. In our point of view, both the three databases are well designed and user-friendly.
-- Display & Output
EI Engineering Village
ScienceDirect Online
Display options (Full/brief/abstracts)
3 formats to manage the result record: Citation; Abstract and Detailed record. Besides, can select the results by: select all on page or select the specific range.
Some full records may be available at external links.
3 formats to manage the result record: Citation; Preview and Detailed record.
Format available
Usually the PDF format.
Html and PDF are available.
Linkage to specific record
Support; eg. When records are displayed in the Abstract format, Compendex, Inspec and NTIS
controlled terms and author names are hyperlinked.
Support, hyperlinks are given for other related articles.
Configurable number of records per page
Fixed 25 records.
User can list 10 to 100 records.
Fixed 100 records.
Sorting / Ranking
Sort by five principal: relevance; date; author; source and publisher.
The default of the search list is sorted by the degree of relevance but it can also be sorted by the journal title or oldest to most recent and vice versa.
Sort by: Relevance, Date.
Limits on number of citations
Not provide.
Not provide.
Only the first 1000 citation + links can be exported.
Graphics / images
Provide the "graph" and "export" on the search result which allow the users to view the faceted result as a bar graph or download a text file.
There is an images search mode for your search results.
There is an images search mode for searching.
Other display features
1. Provide the details of the result that which databases which it is from and the controlled and uncontrolled term from that database.2. View the patent record (if available) such as patent number, assignee…. Also, user can use the patent references view all the patents that are being cited in the patent. 3. Ei can display links to user preferred document delivery service or to Linda Hall Library and/or CISTI at the Abstract or Detailed Records. 4. Ei provide the mapping tool which is standard in GEOBASE and GeoRef databases which help the user to identify the location of the search result in map. 5. Duplication feature is available for certain database.
1. View the abstract of article or article work related to the record searched. This function is also available for image search. 2. Font Size can be changed in the result display. 3. Add RSS Feeds.
One of the useful features of ScienceDirect Online is that it provides the top hottest 25 articles. Users can also bookmark pages. All three databases have the online feedback form to improve the services. EI Engineering has the download function in several formats where the other two only have PDF version.
-- Service
EI Engineering Village
ScienceDirect Online
Easy to login/logoff
On the first page.
On the right upper corner.
On the top of home page.
Output options
User can select the output action for the selected records by: view selections, email, print, download, save.
User can select the output action for the selected records by: view selections, email, print, download, save.
User can select the output action for the selected records by: view selections, email, print, download, save.
Download options
Support 4 format to download: RIS, EndNote, ProCite, Reference Manager; BibTex format; RefWorks direct import and Plain text format (ASCII)
Available but JSTOR's Terms of use prohibits users from download multiple copies of the same article or download a whole journal.
Can download PDF versions of documents.
Personal account
Support. After create the personal account can check the profile and alerts.
Support. Can create a account called MyJSTOR.
Support. After create the personal account can get many personal services, e.g.: add links to one's favorite journals and books to a Favorites list.
User can save the result to personal account and or mark a tag to the result.
Can save citation or searches (can register for a MyJSTOR account and save citations and searches).
User can save the result to personal account.
Option of language
Document delivery: ability to specify service; ability to turn off link to commercial services
At the below of the page provide the item of "feedback" for users.
Online feedback form available.
At the below of the page provide the item of "feedback" for users.
Other service
"Tags + Groups" which can help user to limit the search to search tags in the public, private or "My institution" repositories.
1. Can search for subscribed or favorite publications using any search form, except the Reference Works search form. 2. The Recent Actions section of the home page provides links to the last 100 searches. 3. Provide Bookmarking pages.
4. Modify your details, role, field of interest, and contact information as needed. 5. Automatically log in to RefWorks when you export citations from ScienceDirect, enter your RefWorks account information. 6. Top hottest 25 articles.
EI Engineering and ScienceDirect online have the help in Flash where the JSTOR has the video tutorial. JSTOR also have training webinars sessions for its users which are very effective helping the users to get familiar and then make us of the database to the capacities. SciencDirect Online and EI Engineering have the language options for the Help but only JSTOR and ScienceDirect Online have the FAQ.
-- Help/Training
EI Engineering Village
ScienceDirect Online
Contextual help
Support, e.g. Under the "Quick search" there are the "Search Tips" for searching.
Help options are available right above the search box.
Some part support, e.g. Under the "Quick search" there are the "Search Tips" for searching.
Types of available tutorial documentation
Support. User can also choose the format by PDF; Flash or MS word.
Both text and video tutorial is available as a "How to use JSTOR training material" FAQ also available.
Support. User can also choose the format by PDF; Flash or MS word. FAQ also available.
Training: adaptable user guides
Provide the flash format but not interface.
Provide. ( also have Training Webinars)
Language options
English; Chinese and Japanese.
For a view tutorial, there are 7 languages available.
Live help desk hours (24/7)
Not provide.
Toll free phone number
Fax number
Email address
4. Conclusion
In conclusion, three of the databases are reliable and have their unique designs and functions according to their mission and vision of the database. In term of the search interface, we think the JSTOR is the most user-friendly which is simple to use and require less knowledge of the using of database. For the capability of database, Engineering Village is the most powerful database according to our evaluation. It includes most databases compare to the other two and provides superior features during the search and display. Finally, we believe that for the evaluation of database, we should also refer to the users' needs, e.g. the users' searching behaviors, the type of subjects or articles they need and the timeless of the resource as well.