The growth of the Semantic Web has resulted in the development of Semantic applications such as search engines. The continuous development of these applications has prompted many researchers to declare that the Semantic Web is a solution to the many problems faced by the current World Wide Web. However, there is a lack of proper evidence to prove that the Semantic Web is actually superior to the WWW. In our research, we collected queries from 30 university students and entered these queries into two search engines: Google - the most widely used search engine and Hakia - an upcoming Semantic search engine. Precision was thereafter calculated using a pre-determined formula. Our calculation revealed that Google outperforms Hakia as it has a higher mean precision at 0.64 as compared to Hakia at 0.54. Google also has a lower standard deviation at 0.14as compared to Hakia at 0.25. The results show that Google, which is a keyword search engine, is superior to Hakia, a Semantic Search engine in terms of the first 20 precision. While there is a possibility of this fact changing in the future with the current advancement rates of the Semantic Web, it remains absolutely true for now.
Keywords: Semantic Web, First 20 Precision, Search Engine Evaluation
The presence of large amounts of information on the World Wide Web and the problems associated with searching for information prompted researchers and software developers to come up with a new form of Web technology in order to keep up with the changing times and ensure that the numerous problems witnessed such as query formation and information overload become a thing of the past. Thus, the Semantic Web, also known as Web 3.0, was developed.
According to Ding et al (2005), the Semantic Web provides a way to encode information and knowledge on web pages in a manner that is easier for computers to understand and process. This implies that the Semantic Web simplifies the process of searching for and finding the information you need from the World Wide Web.
It is important to note that in order for human beings to retrieve information from the World Wide Web, it is necessary that the computers or other devices that they are using, not only contain the information, but are able to understand it and relate it to a similar topic. This is the only way that we can ensure that people searching for information will find exactly what they are looking for. This has been a problem because of the vast amount of information and resources on the Web which makes accurate search a problem. This shows that despite the fact that conventional search engines work and are used by millions of people on a daily basis, they still have flaws that can possibly be addressed by Semantic Search engines.
We are slowly but steadily shifting away from first generation Semantic Web applications, towards a new generation of applications, designed to exploit the large amounts of semantic markup languages, which are increasingly becoming available. This implies that the current applications being built are aimed at utilizing the vast amounts of semantic information that is available on the World Wide Web.
Semantic search engines, an example of Semantic Web applications, are used by people from all walks of life to gather information ranging from health issues to social and political concerns. Anderson T. (2004) predicted that the concept and theories behind the Semantic Web could provide an opportunity to expand the scope and ability to provide learning opportunities "unbounded by geographic, temporal, or economic distance."
According to Albertoni et. Al. (2004), the Semantic Web was proposed as a solution to deal with problems such as information overload and info-smog which are responsible for making web content inaccessible for some users. Over the years, it has been developed as an alternative to the traditional World Wide Web. Those promoting it have gone as far as suggesting that it solves the current problems that face the WWW which were highlighted by Plessers P. and Troyer O. (2004) as restricted query possibilities, query refinement and information overload.
However, it must be mentioned with concern that the Semantic Web has, up to today, never been directly compared with the World Wide Web. Furthermore, this implies that applications developed using the Semantic Web have also not been compared with other applications that were developed pre-Semantic Web. Therefore, the notion that the Semantic Web solves the many problems faced by the World Wide Web remains only a theory that needs to be proven true or not.
The overall aim of this project is to provide an authoritative point of view with regards to the user effort required to obtain hits using a web based Semantic search engine. The project seeks to compare Hakia - A Semantic Search Engine with Google - A keyword search engine by calculating the first 20 precision and determining which of the two has a higher precision.
While carrying out an evaluation of web-based search engines using user-effort measures, Tang M. and Sun Y. (2003) came up with a method that was quick and convenient yet at the same time provided useful information. They applied three user-effort sensitive evaluation measures, namely - "first 20 full precision", "search length" and "rank correlation". From the authors' point of view, these measures were better alternatives than precision and recall in Web search situations as some characteristics of web searching require performance criteria other than the traditional methods employed. (Clarke and Willett, 1997)
In the study mentioned above, the authors collected queries from the users and submitted them to the search engines. A common environment was provided to ensure that computers of the same properties and within the same LAN were used. The results were copied onto a Microsoft Word file and the people who submitted the queries were allowed to examine them by clicking on the URLs presented. I have therefore decided to adopt the strategy followed by Tang M. and Sun Y. (1999) in my attempt to evaluate Semantic search engines using user effort measures.
Hakia was selected as the semantic search engine to be used for the experiment A study commissioned by Hakia (company.hakia.com) pinpointed that even in its BETA state, seventeen percent (17%) of users say hakia.com is better overall than their favorite search engine; twenty-three percent (23%) will use hakia.com exclusively or most of the time; and fifty eight percent (58%) said they would recommend hakia.com to friends. It remains my humble opinion that Hakia has positioned itself strategically will be competing with those in the 'big league' such as Google and Yahoo.
Google was selected as the keyword search engine because it is generally considered the most popular search engine across the world. A global search survey conducted by comScore shows that in 2007, Google is the most popular search engine in the world. In fact, Google handles roughly 60% of world wide search. (www.comscore.com)
First 20 Precision
Figure : The formula used to calculate First 20 Precision.
Queries were collected from 30 university students who were asked to rank the top 20 hits according to what they felt was relevant to the information they were searching for. The first 20 precision was thereafter calculated using the formula shown above.
From the table below, we learn that the minimum precision for Google, from the data analyzed above is 0.25 and the maximum was 0.9. For Hakia, the minimum precision was 0.02 with the maximum precision being 1.00.
Std. Dev.
Table 1: Table showing the mean, std. deviation and variance of the precision.
The mean column presents some interesting information. Notice that the mean for Google, in relation to the first 20 precision is higher (0.638) as compared to that of Hakia which is only 0.538.
Equally important is the standard deviation column which shows that Hakia has a wider standard deviation (0.25022) as compared to Google which has a standard deviation of only 0.14471. This implies that the precision of Hakia is spread over a wider range of values from the mean than Google is. Statistically, the fact that Google has a lower standard deviation tells us that all the precisions are tightly packed all and clustered around the mean in the set of data. This however is not the case with Hakia.
The results clearly show that Google, which is a keyword search engine, is superior to Hakia, a Semantic Search engine in terms of the first 20 precision. While there is a possibility of this fact changing in the future, it remains absolutely true for now with evidence provided in the results shown above.
Figure 2: Visual Representation of Google First 20 Precision.
The diagram above represents a graphic summary of the precisions from all the 30 cases that were analyzed. Notice that while the precision fluctuates with each changing case, the fluctuations are not that extreme, save for once or twice.
The minimum precision is seen to be above 0.25 while the maximum precision is about 0.9. Also note that majority of the values for precision lie between 0.65 and 0.75 suggesting that the mean precision is in between.
Figure 3: Visual Representation of Hakia First 20 Precision.
The diagram above represents a graphic summary of the precisions from all the 30 cases of Hakia that were analyzed. There is a clear and visible difference between this diagram and the equivalent Google one in that the fluctuations here are greater. Hakia precisions are extreme - ranging from 1.00 all the way down to 0.25. This highlights the point that even though in some cases Hakia returns exactly what the searcher is looking for, there are a few instances where the hits are totally irrelevant and do not correspond with what the user was looking for.
Hakia First 20 Precision
Google First 20 Precision
The diagram above shows a combination of the Google and Hakia graphs super-imposed on one another instead of separately as previously show. Different colours are used to bring out the disparity between the two search engines.
There were two main concerns that were raised during the experiment that impact on the results obtained. These are: Paid for ranking and dead links.
Paid for ranking enables companies website to be ranked higher in a search engine's hits than it actually is. This means that it is possible for a website to be included in the first 20 hits not because it is highly relevant and many people have visited it but because the organization was willing to part with a sum of money. While this can affect the results of the precision calculation, there is sometimes no way of knowing which website is ranked highly for what reason - an obvious flaw in the experiment. However, it was my sincere thought that the fact that one or two websites in the top twenty hits might be there because of paid for ranking and not because of its relevant content, does not affect the calculation of precision. In short, the inclusion of paid for ranking hits in the top 20 hits was not considered as a critical factor in the calculation of precision.
The second concern that was raised was dead links. These are the links that when you click on them, you receive an error message telling you that the website or webpage is unavailable for one reason or another. While it is a rare phenomenon to come across dead links within the first 20 links, it did occur in one or two instances. My approach to this problem was simple: I instructed the respondent to automatically assign a score of zero to any dead links. While there might be a plausible reason as to why the link is dead, the fact remains that a dead link is not what the respondent was looking for and therefore a score of zero seemed appropriate.
Years ago, Tim Berners Lee envisioned a universal medium for data, information and knowledge exchange known as the Semantic Web. To him, it was possible to create a Web that was readable and understandable by both humans and machines. Needless to say, his vision became a reality and he became known to many as the father of the Semantic Web.
The growth of the semantic web has greatly impacted on information technology and changed the face of e-commerce and web-based research. Numerous applications have also been developed over the years that incorporate semantic technology in them. One key example of such applications are Semantic search engines which were built as a response to the problems associated with searching for information on the World Wide using traditional keyword search engines. With emphasis having been placed on the Semantic Web and analysts predicting that it is the future of the World Wide Web, the question is: Just how good and reliable is it?
The results of the experiment showed that Google is superior with a mean precision of 0.638 and a standard deviation of 0.145 as compared to Hakia whose mean precision was 0.538 with a standard deviation of 0.25. Hakia's precisions seem to be spread out with the maximum precision being 1.0 and the minimum being 0.02 which is a very wide area thus explaining the higher standard deviation from the mean. Google's precisions are generally clustered together with its maximum precision being 0.9 and its minimum precision being 0.25.
While it is possible that, given time, Hakia's Semantic search will pick up and fair better than Google in terms of the first 20 precision in years to come, it remains clear for now that Google still has the upper hand. Therefore researchers and analysts should not jump to conclusions by claiming that semantic technology is the technology of the future but should wait until it has been proven so before promoting it.
While this research has been carried out up to standards that are deemed acceptable and reliable, there are a few ways on which it can be improved on in the future:
Selection of Respondents - while selection of respondents was done on a random basis in this study, I recommend that they be selected based on majors i.e. what course they study in the future. This means, they will be grouped into say social sciences, health sciences and technology. Therefore they researcher will be able to determine whether there is a difference between the keywords used by students who are more technology savvy and whether this impacts on the calculation of precision. In fact, I already foresee a situation where information technology students will use unique keywords thus they will obtain a higher precision rating as compared to students from other faculties. This data can thereafter be used to calculate a more accurate mean precision.
Widening the scope - Instead of just evaluating 2 search engines, I recommend the evaluation of several search engines. Maybe one semantic search engine against three keyword search engines and vice versa. Not only that but widening the number of subjects in the study to over 100. The information that will be derived from the analysis of such an experiment will be rich and very helpful in terms of comparing the different types of search engines.
Albertoni R., Bertone A., & De Martino M., (2004), "Semantic Web and Information Visualization, Proceedings of the 1st Italian Workshop on Semantic Web Application and Perspective, DEIT, pp. 108-114, Ancona, Italy, December 10, 2004.
Anderson, T., Whitelock, D. (2004), The Educational Semantic Web: Visioning and Practicing the Future of Education. Volume 1.
Clarke, S., & Willett, P. (1997). Estimating the recall performance of search engines. ASLIB Proceedings, 49 (7), 184-189.
Cleverdon, C.W., Mills, J., and Keen, E.M. (1966), "An inquiry in testing of information retrieval systems", Aslib Cranfield Research Project, College of Aeronautics, Cranfield, United Kingdom.
Ding L., Finin T., Joshi A. Peng Y., Rong P., Reddivari P., Kolari P., (2005), "Finding and Ranking Knowledge on the Semantic Web", 4th International Semantic Web Conference, November 6-10, 2005, Galway, Ireland.
Plessers P., Troyer O. (2004), "Web Design for the Semantic Web", Workshop on Application Design, Development and Implementation Issues in the Semantic Web, May 18, 2004, New York, USA.
Tang, M.-C. Sun, Y. (2003). Evaluation of Web-Based Search Engines Using User Effort Measures. Library and Information Science Research Electronic Journal 13(2).
Table : A summary of the analysis phase showing the most important information.