Efficient use of energy is called "energy efficiency" and the primary objective of energy efficiency is to reduce amount of energy required to provide goods and services. Energy efficiency refers to the ratio between energy output and input (primary energy). Improving energy efficiency both by reducing quantity of energy consumed and by changing processes, offers a powerful tool for achieving sustainable development by reducing the need for investment in energy infrastructure, by cutting fuel costs, by increasing competitiveness for businesses and welfare for consumers. It can create environmental benefits through reduced emissions of greenhouse gases and local air pollutants .It can offer social benefits in the form of enhanced energy security.
Why energy efficiency is important?
If we see globally energy consumption is increasing rapidly more because the level of comfort of human being is so high so consumption is increasing very rapidly and main concern is limitation of enrgy resources in households the use of airconditioner,heaters is very common another issue comes in picture of carbon emission and the question arrive is"who ultimately bears the burden of carbon tax?"and assessing feasibility of new technology for co2 sequestrations from flue gases?
India needs to sustain a growth rate of 8% to 10% for next 25 years so there is need of sustainability and continue supply of energy .energy efficiency offers apparently impressive promises to for consumers and utilities, profits for shareholders, improvements in industrial productivity, enhanced international competitiveness, and reduced environmental impacts. The technical opportunities of energyefficiency is countless but trade and utilities have so far been slow to invest in the most cost-effective, energy-efficient technologies available. The energy efficiency of buildings, electric equipment, and appliances in use falls far short of what is technically possible . Energy analysts have endorsed this efficiency gap to a variety of market, institutional, technical, and behavioral constraints. Electric utility energy efficiency programs have great potential to narrow this gap and achieve significant. energy savings.
The main aim of energy efficiency is less use of energy and produce same amount of output with desired quality and performance.a reduction in 5% of energy save the equivalent 10 million barrels of oil a day.using energy efficiently can also reduce carbon footprints and carbon emission.with its we can manage resources more efficiently .energy efficiently is not just for money saving but also concern environmental impacts and climate change.
Because Global energy demand will grow 45% by 2030,will requiring ~US$26 trillion investment
n87% of this growth will be occuring in developing countries that time
nIncreasing instability in oil and gas prices and supply
nBy 2030, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions will grow atleast 45% to 41 Gt
Benefits of energy efficiency:
Energy efficiency can help in:
Lower utility bills
Reduce air pollution
Security of supply
Climate protection
Access to resources
It helps in reducing new infrastructure investments while easing bottlenecks.
Lessen for country people who are dependence on imported fuels and fossil fuels.
It will help to Enhance industrial as well as commercial competitiveness.
Reduce environmental risks, both locally as well as globally
So energy efficiency is the major factor to achieve the measures likely to efficient use of energy and we can make environment sustainable.
economic health
with proper implementation Energy efficiency reduces the atmospheric emission of harmful substances such as oxides of Sulphur, oxides of Nitrogen, and smoke. Such substances are known to have an adverse effect on health and are frequently a primary cause of common respiratory ailments.
By implementing energy efficiency there is Improvements in commercial economic performance, and
inspiring the energy efficiency sector itself, will lead to nationwide employment opportunities.
minimise environmental pollution
By adopting Energy efficiency it will reduce the environmental impacts of its production and use. These impacts include the odorous gases and atmospheric emission which are very harmful for health.
Reduce CO2 emissions
The main aim of energy efficiency is to more concern about carbon footprints and reduction in green house effect and as well as climate change.
develop industrial competitiveness
By adopting energy efficiency measures one could maximise commercial profitability..
increase Energy Security
Energy conservation and efficiency helps to reduce dependency On imported primary energy sources, crude oil in particular
set a target we have to down the carbon 450 ppm co2 by about 2050 if is stay as same it is not safe for global there impact is temperature will be rise if it reach around 550ppm.and as well global mission decrease 20 giga tonnes by 2050.the twin goal of economic growth and reducing emissions are formidable challenge and globally the carbon productivity must be increase 10X and global economy 3.1%.so over next 42 years there is need to bring carbon emission down 55 to 20 percent and it is possible if it decrease 2.4%per year and global economy will have to grow 3.1%.if GDP grows faster ,carbon productivity grows faster.in a carbon constrained world economic growth only occur if accompanied by carbon productivity improve .carbon productivity required to reach 20gt by 2050.
Primary Conditions to achieve energy efficiency on following targets
The residential sector is a large consumer of electrical energy
IGBC green homes reduce energy consumption through energy efficient lighting, air conditioning systems ,motors,pumps etc the rating systems encourages green homes which select and use BEE labelled equipment and appliances so the energy saving realised by adopting this rating program can be reduce to 20% to 30
Transport: support the urban mass transport to reduce demand for petrol for personal
motorised vehicles.Improve fuel efficiency of motorised vehicles by a factor through better vehicle design support hybrid vehicles which are now available commercially on cost competitive terms.encoraging blending of ethanol with petrol ,expand electrifical of railway system so that use of diesel will reduce.develop cheap highly storing capacity batteries for hybrid vechiles
INDUSTRIES:industries consumed approx 44% of global enrgy,the industry sector is very varied and involve a very large range of activities like inputs like extraction of natural resources then conversion process from raw material and then manufacturing of finised goods.the five most intensive industries are iron & steel industries,sugar ,pulp,petroleum &refining,cement production the sections account atleast 43%of emergy consumption
India and china has been experiencing a rapid expension in energy intensive
Energy efficiency can be implemented by improving the installed capacity of the industry or by replacing the old components by energy efficient components,and energy investment should be on planning and designing side of new plant and equipment.
Cogeneration also comes in picture if we want to improve the efficiency of the industry.most of the industries implement cogeneration plant like pulp industries.
some of the main energy efficiency technologies for industry:
In combustion equipment, fuel efficiency can be improved through
(a) automatic combustion control systems;
(b) efficient burners;
(c) flue gas heat recovery.
In heat utilization and heat recovery facilities, energy efficiency can be improved through
(a) high efficiency heat exchangers;
(b) improvement of heat insulation;
(c) improved coating on the inside of furnaces;
(d) micro-wave heating; (e) heat pattern control;
(f) high efficiency steam traps; and
(g) heat pumps.
Barriers to energy efficiency
Energy efficiency is priority strategy where energy is scarce and expensive
Distorted energy pricing leading to distorted priorities
Energy pricing not reflective of efficiency and / or environmental implications
Variations by sector or energy forms
Lack of energy efficiency service delivery mechanisms;
Policy and knowledge barriers on specific intervention points
Failure to treat energy efficiency on the same economic basis as new capacity
The power of the NEGAWATT
Policy/regulatory barriers
Energy pricing and collections.
Procurement policies favour of lowest cost
Import duties on energy efficient equipment
Unclear or underdeveloped institutional framework for Energy efficiency
Lack of appliance standards and building enrgy efficiency codes, lack of testing, poor enforcement.
Equipment/service provider
High cost of project development
Limited demand for energy efficiency goods and services
circulate/varied markets
Limited technical, business, risk mgmt skills
Limited financing
End users
Lack of awareness of EE and high disc rates
Higher project dev and upfront costs
Ability/willingness to pay incremental cost
Low EE benefits relative to other costs
Perceived risks of new tech/systems
Concept of energy savings is "virtual" -can not "see"
Mixed incentives
Behavioral biases
Lack of credible data
New technologies and contractual mechanisms
Small sizes/ dispersed widely
high transaction costs
High perceived risks as these are not traditional, asset-based proj
Other higher return, low risk projects are more attractive
Behavioral biases
Why has energy effiency process has so slow?
nInstitutional challenge need for appropriate deliver mechanisms to identify, package, finance and implement EE projects across sectors and end users in an effective and efficient manner
nOther challenges include:
Lack of international consensus on approaches (e.g., regulation vs. incentives vs. information) -i.e., appropriate role of government
Overreliance on Western models -local markets require local solutions
EE is invisible, hard to measure -need for consistent, credible data
Poor incentives -mixed institutional incentives, low prices, behavioral inertia
there is many efforts and benefits of energy efficiency, the various barriers such as technical, financial, market and policy have constrained the implementation of energy efficiency projects in India. Some of these barriers are
The size of energy efficiency markets growing at 10% annually in India, is estimated to be in the range of Rs. 200 to Rs. 300 billion.
In spite of many efforts and benefits of energy efficiency, several technical, financial market and policy barriers have constrained the implementation of energy efficiency projects. The major barriers are:
♦ Need of awareness:
Here need of awareness of energy conservation is the main barrier of among the industry managers who gets benefit from improved efficiency. Industries as well as government are yet to take into consideration factors such as tax credits, depreciation benefits, electricity price escalation, life cycle savings of the investment and the timely release of money.
♦ Need of extensive education and training:
The extensive educational opportunities in energy management and conservation are not available. In addition, the appropriate training facilities, trainers and auditors are lacking.
♦ Economic and market distortions:
The response to conservation measures is irrational because of inappropriate pricing, other market distortions and socio-economic factors.
♦ Lack of standardization of equipments:
The slow rate of progress in achieving higher standards of energy consumption in equipments and appliances is also adversely affecting the adoption of energy saving measures.
♦ Lack of financing
The non availability of sufficient credit facilities and the difficulties in obtaining required finances for energy saving projects are strong deterrents to investments in energy efficiency in India.
♦ Lack of effective co-ordination
In India, the lack of effective national-level coordinat and promotion of energy conservation activities have bee major constraint to achieving energy efficiency.
Policy framework:
With the background of high energy saving poten and its benefits, the Government of India has enacted Energy Conservation Act- 2001 to bridge the gap betw demand and supply, reduce environmental emissions throi energy saving, and to effectively overcome the barriers.r Act provides, for the first time, the much-needed le framework and institutional arrangement for embarking or energy efficiency drive.
energy use demand increasing dramatically ,very excess of electricity Energy resources are limited we are in very tight situation but we tend to look upon an opportunity if this energy will we use in future that means the last amount of infrastructure is yet to be built then if we influence the design of infrastructure it gives opportunity to also influence of amount of demand in years to come.but challenge there are some few reasons first is high first cost and it is very difficult to convience the consumer if i set an example of incandescent bulb .energy efficient bulb is expensive than normal bulb.so it is the major hurdle another example of air condition if we go to buy an energy efficient air condition it is expensive then normal air condition.
EE indicators
Techno-economic ratios
energy consumption per unit (such as per vehicle or per bulb) or per activity or actual output (such as passenger kilometer or lumens)
Aggregated indicator - energy intensity
Ratio of energy consumption and Gross Domestic Product
Energy intensity reflects not just EE, but also level of development, nature of economy, energy basket,
Primary energy intensity and final energy intensity
Is EE critical for India?
1.5 billion people;8% growth in GDP per annum
Nearly 7-fold growth in energy requirement
Coal and oil increase 8-fold and gas quadruples
High dependence on fossil fuels continues
Coal 54%; Oil 38% of commercial energy needs
Very high import dependence
Coal 69%; Oil 94%; Gas 24%
Energy outlook - 2030 (TERI estimates)
Can we afford to ignore ENERGY EFFICIENCY
Primary energy intensity across countries / regions
Energy consumption: s
Why isn't EnergyEifficiency ?
Visible impacts only when EE is on scale
Marginal EE improvements can be offset by lower EE elsewhere or by higher level of activity
EE invariably requires upfront investments which then result in savings on energy costs over several years - benefits not always readily visible
Opportunities are fragmented and scattered
Difficult to measure and value
Principal - agent problem - who will bell the cat?
Looking ahead
Worldwide efforts
Economic incentives
Subsidies, soft loans
Awareness creation
Normative incentives
Mandatory energy audits
India efforts similar
Bureau of Energy Efficiency
National Action Plan on Climate Change - Mission on Energy Efficiency
Reduce the necessity for additional power
generation capacity.
By final end-user energy usage in 2000 the three largest
energy consuming sectors were industry, residential and
transport. The remaining sectors accounted for less than
10% of final energy demand in 2000. [3]
The residential sector having 17% usage makes domestic
housing efficiency very necessary. Since even the users in
the other sectors all have some form of household
residence so the impact of a domestic energy efficiency
programme will automatically improve all other sectors
directly or indirectly.
Energy efficiency opportunities have always been around
us though they are frequently overlooked due to the
simple fact that industry and other consumers are unaware
that they exist. This is particularly true of West African
nations like Nigeria.
This can however be improved through awareness
campaigns, demonstration programmes, publicising
corporate commitment programmes, use of the mass
media and electronic options such as web
THE BEHAVE The behavioural approach to energy efficiency
The behavioural approach to E.E recognises the central
role of people if the desired changes in energy
consumption and GHG emissions are to be achieved.
Two houses may be technically identical, but differences
in the choices and behaviours of the two families living in
the houses may result in significant differences in energy
consumption levels. [2]
In the EU the Energy-using Products directive (EuP) has
received industry backing and will provide a massive
boost to appliance energy efficiency and eco-design. Yet
reducing consumption also requires a concerted effort to
influence behaviour and technology choice through
effective public communication.
Attitudinal studies of energy use and conservation have
shown that general environmental attitudes are not highly
predictive of self-reported energy conservation. In
contrast, studies of energy specific attitudes have
identified four attitudinal dimensions that comprise a
common 'frame of reference' concerning energy
consumption: i) comfort/health, ii) high effort/low payoff,
iii) personal efficacy, iv) legitimacy of energy problems.
'Socialization' has been shown to be another important
factor: if there is a feeling that 'everyone is doing it', then
the individual is more likely to participate in energy
efficiency or renewable energy-related activities. The way
in which participation (or non-participation) in the
activity is 'seen' by the immediate community will also
be important. For low-cost investment and repetitive
energy management actions, personal norms and energy
attitudes can make a difference. The 'interventionist'
research has primarily employed two types of strategies to
change energy consumption: i) information or
consumption feedbacks, ii) incentives or disincentives.
While lacks of knowledge or program awareness are
salient barriers to energy efficiency improvements, simply
providing information has not proven effective.
Information designed to appeal to multiple motivations
and framed in terms of loss prevention rather than gains
has shown to be more effective for behaviour change. The
credibility and trustworthiness of the information source
have also shown to be highly relevant. Information is
most likely to lead to behaviour change when energy
prices or public awareness are high.
An easy to follow guide for households should be
developed, such as energy saving tips, taking into
consideration that changing people's lifestyle is by no
means straight forward. Mandatory standards, appliance
labelling, efficient lighting and standards for non-electric
appliances such as energy efficient coal stoves,
Potential For Energy Savings
The greatest potential for energy savings in the residential
sector occurs for lights that are used for longer periods of
time. Therefore, potential savings are calculated for only
those lights used for 4 or more hours per day. This
analysis also assumes that compact fluorescent lights need
about one-third the wattage of incandescent lights.
Although an 18-watt compact fluorescent light produces
the same number of lumens as a 75-watt incandescent,
issues of light placement and color quality make a higher
wattage compact fluorescent light more suitable.
In 1993, U.S. households used a total of 90.8 billion kWh
for electricity for lighting.
If households replaced all incandescent bulbs used four or
more hours per day with compact fluorescent lights, they
could save 31.7 billion kWh annually, or 35 percent of all
electricity used for residential lighting . [6]
Energy is now considered as one of the primary goods,
and a basic ingredient for proper development.
Nowadays, it is virtually impossible to conceive any
activity, social or economical, which doesn't have energy
consumption as a background (directly or as a
consequence). In fact, the economy dependence on energy
can be witnessed in all sectors, from the transports to the
domestic sector. So far, this global energy-intense
economy has been supported by fossil fuels, which are by
far the largest source of primary energy used world wide,
around 80% of world demand for commercial primary
energy is supplied by coal (~ 25 %) , natural gas (~ 24 %)
and oil (~ 38 %). This paradigm, settled on the
consumption of non renewable and damaging for the
environment energy sources, represents one of the greater
challenges for society these days, where energy security
and long-term environmental management are only two of
the many emerging long-term challenges facing today's
energy system sustainability. To successfully address
these challenges, we have discussed and proposed some
energy efficient measures that will help reduce the
consumption of energy in the domestic sector which
account for a large amount of any nation's energy usage.
Energy-efficiency improvements can slow the growth in
energy consumption, save consumers money and reduce
capital expenses for energy infrastructure. Additionally,
energy efficiency reduces local environmental impacts,
such as water and air pollution from power plants, and
mitigates greenhouse gas emissions. Energy efficiency
standards and labeling programs provide enormous
energy savings potential that can direct developing
countries towards sustainable growth.
Another major benefit of energy efficiency is in Demand
Side Management which aims at improving energy
efficiency in terms of reduction of Kilowatt Hours of
energy consumption for the same service or activity,
The commercial sector consists of all businesses
that are not engaged in transportation or
industrial activity and includes, for example,
offices; retail stores; wholesalers; warehouses;
hotels; restaurants; religious, social, educational
and healthcare institutions; and Federal, State,
The industrial sector includes both manufacturing
enterprises (i.e., businesses that convert raw
materials into intermediate or finished products)
and nonmanufacturing enterprises, such as agriculture,
forestry, fishing, construction, mining,
and oil and gas production. The industrial sector
is characterized by the diversity of energy uses,
equipment, and processes and is the largest
energy sector, consuming 37 percent of U.S. total
primary energy use in 1990. Patterns of industrial
energy use are further complicated by the use of
oil, gas, and coal as feedstocks and for cogeneration.
Figure 4-5 shows industrial energy use for
fuel and power only.
Industrial energy use is variable, reflecting
economic conditions, structural changes, interfuel
competition, and rate of investment. Patterns
of industrial energy use and energy intensity of
industry also vary significantly by region. Price is
the major determinant in most industrial energy
choices, and head-to-head competition among
fossil fuels is intense. Price however is not the
sole consideration-availability, reliability, and
quality also drive industrial energy decisions.
Another trend is the growth in industrial cogeneration,
which is generally viewed as a positive
development for efficiency, but, which in effect
transfers demand and losses between industrial
59 lbici., p. 54.
60 U.S. Congess, office of 'fkChnOIOW Assessment Energy Eficiency in the Federal Government: Government by Good Example?
OTA-E492 (Washington DC: U.S. Government Printing OffIce, May 1991).
61 OW Mdge Natiod Laboratory, supra nOte 16, pp. 45-46.
Chapter 4-Using Electricity More Efficiently: Demand-Side Opportunities I 89
sector and utilities. Moreover there has been a
general trend toward electrifying many process
technologies and a shift in energy and electric
intensity of manufacturing. The relationship of
efficiency gains and structural changes in U.S.
industry was examined in detail in an OTA
background paper, Energy Use and the U.S.
Economy. 62
A companion new OTA report,
Industrial Energy Efficiency, was published in
summer 1993.
There are five major fuel and power demands
in the industrial sector: process steam and power
generation (36 percent), process heat (29 percent),
machine drive (14 percent), electrical services(4
percent), and other (including off-highway transportation,
lease and plant fuel use, and mining)
(16 percent).63 The industrial sector derives 40
percent of its fuel and power needs from natural
gas, 25 percent from oil, 15 percent from purchased
electricity, 9 percent from coal, and the
remaining 9 percent from waste fuels and other
sources. Electricity competes with other fuels,
particularly natural gas, for direct heat applications.
64 For other uses, purchased electricity
competes with the options of self-generation or
cogeneration. It is estimated that in 1989, the
industrial sector produced about 153,270 gigawatthours
of electricity on-site. Surplus electricity
production was sold to local utilities.65 To avoid
doublecounting, fuel used for industrial selfgeneration
or cogeneration is usually attributed to
primary fuels.
In 1990 industrial consumers purchased 946
billion kWh from electric utilities at a cost of $45
billion.66 Sales to industrial users accounted for
35 percent of electric utility revenues from sales
to end-users/ultimate customers. Electricity consumption
in the industrial sector is divided among
Figure 4-5--industrial Energy Use for Fuel and
Power, 1989 (quadrillion Btus)
Natural gas 39%
Cogeneration is the simultaneous or sequential
production of both electrical or mechanical power
and thermal energy from a single energy source.79
On-site industrial cogeneration has grown significantly
since the late 1970s as a result of higher
energy prices, volatile energy prices, and uncertainty
over energy supplies. Implementation of
the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978
(PURPA), which required electric utilities to
provide interconnections and backup power for
qualifying cogeneration facilities and to purchase
their excess power at the utilities' avoided cost,
reduced institutional barriers to the expansion of
cogeneration. PURPA was intended to promote
industrial cogeneration as a means of improving
efficiency especially in the use of premium fossil
fuels (gas and oil) and encouraging the use of
waste fuels.
In most industrial cogeneration systems, fuel is
burned frost to produce steam that is then used to
produce mechanical energy at the turbine shaft or
to turn the shaft of a generator to produce
electricity. The steam leaving the turbine is then
used to provide process heat or drive machines
throughout the host industrial plant and related
facilities. From an energy policy perspective, the
attraction of cogeneration is the ability to improve
fuel efficiency. Cogeneration systems achieve
overall fuel efficiencies 10 to 30 percent higher
than if power and heat were provided by separate
conventional energy conversion systems, i.e., less
energy than if the fossil fuel were burned in an
industrial boiler to provide process heat and at an
off-site utility power plant to generate electricity
to be transmitted to the industrial site. (This
aspect of cogeneration efficiency depends on the
fuel that is burned to produce electricity) Cogeneration
can also be attractive as a means of
quickly adding electric generating capacity at
sites where thermal energy is already being
Industrial cogeneration is concentrated in the
pulp and paper, chemicals, steel, and petroleum
refining industries. Often the industrial cogenerators
can take advantage of waste fuels to fire their
boilers for heat and power. Natural gas has been
the fuel of choice for many qualifying cogeneration
plants under PURPA.
Cogeneration does not always provide significant
efficiency advantages, however. Almost the