eBusiness Xtra

Published: November 4, 2015 Words: 2352

System requirements for eBusiness xtra is a short discussion on the internal Web site that needs to be specified for the constraint Example: time, money, priority) answers you need to address technical and technical problems are not job 24), a short discussion on the priority of resource allocation Specify the resources necessary for your project.

B), a short discussion of the importance of timescales and allocate the time in terms of project planning for your project can allocate timescales for each activity 3 short 6 Summary of features that led a different relationship with the plans of the project as the effective method description can overcome some of the problems that are likely to occur to follow your plan work 4 9 will receive instructions that problems related to project management, will be overcome by way of communication Identify and describe the various types of problems that can occur in your development IS and describes how Communicating effectively can alleviate these problems 5 11 mentoring and training can be a useful tool to overcome the problem. Non-technical identify the differences between the two and state that they can do to overcome non-technical problems in your reference 14

1 specify System requirements for eBusiness xtra is a short discussion on the internal Web site that needs to be specified for the constraint Example: time, money, priority) answers you need to address technical and not technical issues

The Internet is creating a new economy where business must be won on price and service at every interaction. competitions on the Web each business effectively. Must determine for itself as "the Internet company" how it is to take advantage of unique operating processes and expertise in the add new value through digital trade eBusiness success also need a new type of trade system that modify the business between one criteria to the transaction and the next. Available data must be reinvented each encounter that is appropriate for the needs of customers and a unique business Situation thanks to today's technology to market. New production. Methods and technologies are eroding the differences of the product and shortening product lifecycles, which in turn shortens the lives of each product in the past, the company has competed on price maintain profit through The process, but now most companies have realized the benefits of easy Process automation and the Internet, and facilitate the comparison online. Shopping undermining customer loyalty and increase market pressures even more for the entire trade business to consumer and business to business

Web://xtra company medium available Hollywood memorabilia. Although we. See the company do satisfy very profitable in en 90 's company to see a significant drop in sales. The reason the sales drop in business here. Competitive global market, the world that do not use their resources, for example, sufficiently founder found that most of the business to be produced through the post from central offices As if they might have to email the amount of time to save.

With the purpose to solve specific problems above. The company has decided to develop The Internet Web pages to show and sell their own products. In addition, ebusiness system allows the company to gather marketing information and provides Customer service more personal, which create customer relationships.

The eBusiness system requirements for xtra are

Hardware - such as the computer as a server data warehouse for a company that can make the data available for all employees and customers-software, such as the user interface for the user interface to support a variety of The mechanism, including Web browsers for business managers and designers applications on the desktop for developers that are easy enough for all employees. No skill IT to use the system. today, all software technology used to create this is just off the shelf products and can customize content. -content contains database stores the document database product database were 3 things that need to use the flexibility and flexible company can just simply bolt a contact to a database. Separate presentation and business logic layer is enabled to communicate real-time Operation of the business logic can be split between the client and the server platform. To improve performance

Some technical problems.

Different. The type of users have different and computer skills and eBusiness system must be able to manage these The business relation of different security may be another problem because everyone can access the company's database. Many Today's Web site is protected through the security mechanism manually which cannot scale to support the basic and growth numbers of applications that participate in the process of eBusiness new while using growth rate. Changes to the application and user profile becomes unmanageable. eBusiness system must make growth with security mechanism maintainable

Not a technical problem.

The very important issue here is the Bahrain lacking of the knowledge of IT they might have no idea what they are Wednesday to do this can be. remove easily won. Teaching and training to all employees or remove this can be easily won by The use of the interface for users better and easier and today it this will make it easily.

The estimated cost of maintenance annual Web site.

Hypothesis: the business nestled in-house skills to maintain their own website the website allows customers to order products and promotional tool.

Estimated est. total hours cost/allocate Web site. Update-cost if outsourced @ $ 120/hr content. Create professional photographers such as dental write 8 $ 900 graphics. Design (such as dental new navigation home ????? type of font) 16 $ 1920 programming (such as dental section new online form) 32 $ 3840 creation. New features-an interactive map, such as dental animation 16 $ 1920 $ 8640

Marketing & promotions

Register with search engines such as dental expenses and $ 1,000 position.

The Web server and Hosting cost to your ISP's domain name $ 125 every second year $ 65 Web hosting account and email and other $ 1000 $ 1065

Gadgets. Special expenses outside consultant-recommended legal, dental on Disclaimer Copyright $ 1,500 to $ 1,500

Other cost-depending on the complexity of your Web site.

In the last month of the webmaster and cost $ 0 database licensing and maintenance $ 0 security software license is $ 0 e-Commerce Solutions-such as dental license annual fees, and other special insurance $ 0 for hardware and office furniture and equipment $ 0 Web site assessment of $ 0, $ 0 5% Contingency allowances of $ 450. Overhead maintenance $ 12815

Download it from www.e-businessguide.gov.au

2 c), a short discussion on the priority of resource allocation Specify the resources necessary for your project.

The terms of the allocation of resources from the Web: • In computer resource allocation that is required for any application to be run on the system. When the user Open any of this program is an Process and therefore to the computer to allocate some resources for the resource to be run, it may be accessing your computer's memory. The data in a device with at least one buffer. The file or the amount of processing A computer with power Single processor can only process one time regardless of the The amount of load by the user (or default) computer uses a single processor can run several programs at the same time because the processor quickly alternates between necessary processing A very small amount of time This process is known as multitasking or time allocation time slicing. priority automatically, however, higher or lower than might have been Some processes, essentially priority programs more large pieces of time/processor.

On a computer with multiple processors. Processes can be allocated to different processors so that your computer can truly Multitask. some programs such as Adobe Photoshop and YafRay which can require power processing service directed put strong so that they can run On more than once it quickly and efficiently.

To retrieve data from the "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/resource_allocation _ (computer)" • resources allocated. Use to define the available resources in the economy As part of managing resources in Strategic planning is to allocate a resource plan for the use of available resources, for example Human resources, particularly in the last period to achieve goals for the future is the process of allocating resources between projects or a wide variety of business plan unit has two parts: Firstly No basic allocation decisions and secondly with contingency mechanism. decisions to allocate basis a list that will fund in the original plan and what level it should receive and leave unfunded: resources allocated to some, others

There are two mechanisms contingency. with the priority of the items that were excluded from Plan listing investment if additional resources should be available and the priority of some items that are included in a show The list should be sacrificed if all the original must be reduced after all. The priority of resource allocation main object is to smooth resources. By changing the task slack exceed the duration of Max. Some do essentially replication schedule man will do if he. Sufficient time, use the device, or procedure that is designed especially for the computer. The course for the success of their needs and capabilities of electronic computer retrieves from "en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Resource allocation, " in computer resource allocation as a problem in many power of personal computers today can exceed the simple task of ecommerce Web site., but if we want to search to the strategic planning of resource allocation. Seems as important. Resource company is on the staff of their d), short discussion of the importance of timescales and allocate the time in terms of project planning for your project can allocate timescales for each activity have techniques or tools available for planning and evaluating multiple projects, one of them relates to the concept of payback refers to the yield of the investment. In the payback you are concerned with the duration that you can receive all that you Start the project cost but if consider timescales are important factor in determining the value of the project, you may not use this How to alternately compare net value of all project for moving this method, you need to first equate lifespans all. The project, and calculate the net present value. in this way, you set the value of each project and at the same time not taking action. The importance of time. What is important is to have any time series analysis. The project that you do to help you from wasting time and resources on those elements. Project that does not increase revenue. In every project, there are some activities that can be delayed without delaying the completion of the project by searching for the activities that fall into this category. You can allocate the time, people working in various operations for effective activities. Working Important to speed up those activities that are important to the completion of the project, retrieved from "http://www.blurtit.com/q647675.html"

For example, task duration, plan the structure of 1 goals and requirements of music-Cross IS

Financial estimate time and content Division Group members and explains the tasks and duties.

Project review by a team with in 24 hours view that if the goals and plans.

Start project with in 72 hours, gathering and research, and all the information needed by When you need to start system information design content • build The first image of the system status report report every 24 hours. Directing the progress

Projects completed and tested within 24 hours of specialists Check the system.

Resolve problems that appear during the test.

All projects implimentation

Summary of features, which led to different associated with your project. Plan describes how to be effective can overcome some problems. There are likely to occur to follow your plan.

Leadership style as the style and how to provide direction to use the plan and motivating people Kurt Levin (1939) is a group of researchers identified Different styles of leadership and educational previously very influential and define 3 main type of Leadership style guide US army tools 1973):

-authoritarian or Autocratic-participative or democracy-delegative or not charged King


This style is used when the leader says employees of what they want to do and how? They want to be without their instructions. Followers. appropriate to use when you have all the information that will resolve the Short time problems and employees want well motivated.

Some people often think that this is the car for yelling use demeaning language and preceded by threats and abusing their power. This is not a style dictatorship quite style as abusive unprofessional called bossing people around there since there in's repertoire. this style. Typically, should be used only occasionally.

Many people send treats this because of this leadership often autocratic, high level. Absenteeism turnover and staff In addition, the results of the team did not benefit from the creativity and the experience of the team all members so you the benefits of teamwork will be lost. For some steps and unskilled jobs, however, this can still take advantage of the control that outweigh the disadvantages.

This democracy participative/styles like do the "mind share to solve a problem or to find the answer." it involves leader in combination with one or more employees to make decisions. Processing to define how to work and how to work However, leading the power to decide on the final.

While participation time. This style. Can lead to what happens behind the autocratic methods but often end result better than are most appropriate The team is necessary and that the quality is more important than speed. Marketing or performance delegative (not free reign). Leadership that allows employees to decide However, the leadership remains responsible for the decision.

The effective leader can help the project plan goes smoothly, actively and successfully. If you are selecting the appropriate style of leadership to the right. A project of the situation, you must have a high percentage of successful Leadership Effectively plan, that all three styles above. This depends on which enforcement involved between the employee and the flexibility to the situation. If you can use as the appropriate location, check the% 20 ...