Diversity Management In The Presidential Organisations Business Essay

Published: November 4, 2015 Words: 3516

Frequently varying business globe in the framework of globalization has intensified rivalry between the present-day organizations. Similarly, the changed environment in the present age of hi-tech advancement in common and revolutionize information technology in particular has facilitated acquirement and administration of source like monetary assets, base. This model, therefore, offer alike opportunities to all competitors and necessitates accomplishment of the unique kind of spirited frame in favor of continues success of the organization. Thus, it was important to revise the long-established linking in-between the resource utilization by the organizations via their related contribution for the organization unique performance. In such situation, for the last few decades, usefulness of the human resources acquired by the efficient people administration has emerged as an important factor contributing a spirited frame to the companies. Pfeffer (2007) in the same perspective emphasize the time-honored resources of successfulness similar as a prompt entrance to the market, economic superiority and industrial revolution can still be able to supply competitive leverage, however to a minor level at present than in what went before, hence leaving organizational background and capabilities, resulting from how people can be managed, as relatively more fundamental. Therefore, significantly for the last 20 years

The identification of HRM as the most prominent factor on the road to organisational success becomes broadly acceptable. On the other hand, critical analysis of the mentioned statement has proved that the organisational practices in this regard are more oratory rather than reality. CIPD (2001) in this regard emphasize that in-spite the fact of successful performance that is lying under the 'willingness and contribution of people, however, through the hard times organisations apply strategies by means of overall disrespect to the importance of the human capital. These dichotomies thus, emphasize more to highlight the linking between efficient people supervision and organisational success. Therefore, that part became the spotlight of study in the HRM (Purcell and Kinnie, 2007). In the similar framework, CIPD (2001) recognized people management as the medium to combine other factors in-to a victorious blend for superior organisational performance. Similarly, in the last ten years research work undertaken identify the presence of positive relationship amongst the effective people management and the performance of a business. In such situations, Armstrong (2006, p.4) clear people management as a planned and logical move of the organization most valuable assets - working human power, who independently or jointly contribute towards the success of the organizational goals. Finally, most of the winning organisations re-aligned their HR stratagem upright with the trade planning and level with the current organisational functions to attain the utmost profit (Redman and Wilkinson, 2009).

The business world has globalized up to a great extent in the present time of rapid technological advancement. Similarly in this context, organizations by means of power to administer their overall human resource in a professional style have a diverse significance and are capable to get a more competitive advantage on the other competitors inside the marketplace to grab new opportunities, face the changing environment and organize talent to the highest. In the same circumstance resourcing is an important element of human resource management which mainly focuses on the important aspects of recruiting and selection (Stephen and Marjorie (2010). likewise diversity can be known as an agreement to plan to recruit and retain employees from diverse cultural social and demographic backgrounds (Thomas, 1992). So, for the practical implementation and sureness of diverse management selection and recruitment can be taken as initial steps. Since, possibly the importance of selection and recruitment in the context is instrumental for diversity management. Collectively if the functional and strategic parameters of the practices are coincide then they are likely to provide advantageous results. Certainly the procedure of selection and recruitment starts with the proper performance of diversity of planned management. In this context the study aims to analyze the impact of selection and recruitment as a tool for the diversity achievement in a non for profit organization Islamabad Club of Pakistan.

1.2 Research purpose

This case study aims critical evaluation of the significance of recruitment and selection as a tool of diversity management in a non for profit organization Islamabad Club Islamabad Pakistan with the point of view to put forward the most appropriate recommendations in the similar context.

1.3 Research Objectives

Following are the objectives of this case study:

1. To critically evaluates the factual concept of diversity management and resourcing in the modern age human resource management.

2. To critically evaluate the applicability of recruitment & selection as a useful technique for the acquisition of diversity management in the organization.

3. To critically analyze the human resource adapted methodology and strategy by the Islamabad Club of Pakistan to make sure the presence of a diverse work force in a non for profit organizations of Pakistan.

4. To critically evaluate and analyze the resourcing stratagem and practices adapted by Islamabad Club viz a viz similar to that recommended by the academic identical writings.

5. To suggest the necessary steps that an organization should focus on in order to promote the procedure of recruitment and selection which they are previously using for the performance appraisals.

1.4 Background of the study

Recruitment and selection process is defined as 'the activity that matches between the job and applicant. There are three factors which can affect the process efficiency those are; the obvious and exact definition of organizational need, efficient use of recruitment and selection tools and techniques and continues evaluation, assessment and change of the resourcing structure by keeping in view the experience (Stephan and Marjorie, 2010). Good recruitment and selection process always plays a significant role and is a vital in the smooth functioning of an organization. Thus its appropriateness can produce a positive result and vice versa. According to CIPD (2009) the inappropriate recruitment and selection can cost about four thousand pounds for a manager and ten thousands of pounds for a professional. They includes administration cost, time and fee of recruitment and selection, pay roll, induction, training and developing, wastage of time, advertisement, paper work and various other indirect costs because of the dissatisfaction of the customer and loss of business.

The significance of good recruitment and selection increase many folds in the organization like Islamabad Club Pakistan especially in developing countries. Likewise in the human resource, diversity management can be imagined as modern ways with theoretical and conceptual discussion are still considered to be in their early stages (Subeliani and Tsogas, 2005). Keeping in view various dimensions of human resource in an organization the concept of diversity can be illustrated. For example, gender uniformity, values and culture were understood as essential attributes for the organization success. In this context, the modern concepts of globalization has over-ruled the traditional phenomenon, now diversity in terms of values, gender and culture are seems to be the benchmarks of success for the management of human resource in an organization. Since, recruitment and selection in this regard becomes the essential, most influential and efficient tool in diversity management process, in almost every type of organizations.

1.5 Historical Background of the organization

In the context of Islamabad Club Pakistan, the recruitment and selection in the public (Non for profit) organization is the sole responsibility of selection comity of Islamabad Club of Pakistan. Islamabad Club (IC) was established in 1967, and was registered on 22 February 1968 as a limited company, incorporated under the company's Act 1931. In 1978 the IC was taken over the government of Pakistan with Presidential ordinance Number.XXXIII of 17th July 1978 and now the club is administrated under the President of Pakistan, given as Patron of Islamabad Club. The Islamabad Club aims to provide the recreational and sports facilities to its members which consist of government servants, diplomats and high profile businessmen's only. The organization structure of the club consists of President of Pakistan, Administrator, managing comity, Secretary, directors/Manager's and other staff. (History Islamabad Club website 2010). Managing comity is responsible for the recruitment and selection of highly professional and qualified staff for the human resource of the club in contrast with the laws/rules of staffing and recruitment keeping in view the modern way of recruitment and selection provided by the academic literature of contemporary human resource management.

1.6 Rational of the Research:

Good recruitment and selection is always vital, as they contribute drastically towards the efficient performance of an organization and create a positive and smooth relationship between employees. In the similar context ACAS (2006) suggests that the process of selection and recruitment is supposed to be resourceful, fair and effective. The absence of biasness is evident to the well-mannered, unbiased, and sincere dealing of candidates to give a constructive framework that accommodate the candidates from a diverse setting to demonstrate their ability. Process effectiveness can be judged through the appropriate quality and quantity presence of applicants and difference between right and wrong. While, time management and cost effectiveness both are the symbols of the same efficiency. As the study of diversity and cross traditions management is the significant area of the subject of human resource, therefore, the research is exceptionally vital and related to the forthcoming global debates on the human resource. Also this study is effectively highlighting diverse areas of recruitment and selection via diversity management.

Part 2

Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

In the present global business environment organization which effectively organize and administer their human resource via applying intentional practices have a diverse significance and can simply get a competitive advantage in the market over the other competitors. In the same circumstance resourcing is an important element of human resource management which mainly focuses on the important aspects of recruiting and selection (Stephen and Marjorie (2010). likewise diversity can be known as an agreement to plan to recruit and retain employees from diverse cultural social and demographic backgrounds (Thomas, 1992). So, for the practical implementation and sureness of diverse management selection and recruitment can be taken as initial steps. Since, possibly the importance of selection and recruitment in the context is instrumental for diversity management. Collectively if the functional and strategic parameters of the practices are coincide then they are likely to provide advantageous results. Certainly the procedure of selection and recruitment starts with the proper performance of diversity of planned management. In this context the study aims to analyze the impact of selection and recruitment as a tool for the diversity achievement in a non for profit organization Islamabad Club of Pakistan.

2.2 Recruitment and Selection as a tool of diversity management

Good recruitment and selection is always vital, as they contribute drastically towards the efficient performance of an organization and create a positive and smooth relationship between employees. In the similar context ACAS (2006) suggests that the process of selection and recruitment is supposed to be resourceful, fair and effective. The absence of biasness is evident to the well-mannered, unbiased, and sincere dealing of candidates to give a constructive framework that accommodate the candidates from a diverse setting to demonstrate their ability. Process effectiveness can be judged through the appropriate quality and quantity presence of applicants and difference between right and wrong. While, time management and cost effectiveness both are the symbols of the same efficiency. As the study of diversity and cross traditions management is the significant area of the subject of human resource, therefore, the research is exceptionally vital and related to the forthcoming global debates on the human resource. Also this study is effectively highlighting diverse areas of recruitment and selection via diversity management.

The process of recruitment and selection are vital for almost every organization as the human resource is consist of those who offer their services to the public and citizens. If the process of recruitment and selection is done and planned poorly, then this could be the fault of personal managers with selection process being attended by less than qualified candidate's pool. Similarly, selection challenges focuses on the process of making sure that the criterion used for the selection have relevance with the job and are applied consistently, thus helps in identifying the appropriate candidates for the job (Liou 2001, p.191). First contact of the prospective employees with the organization is recruitment and selection, while the term recruitment is refer to as short listing of the candidates and selection is concerned with the individual selection from the pool of shortlisted candidates via group activities and interviews. The most significant aspect of this process is to ensure that the right candidates are selected and that they are most likely to overcome the requirements of the organization. Recruitment difficulties are faced by almost 84% of the organizations. These cumbersome situations leaves HR managers with a very little choice while selecting appropriate applicants in a short time thus they rush in the recruitment process. There is only one line manager in various organizations who is responsible for the overall recruitment and some of them are not aware about the standard practices of HR or they don't have sufficient formal training while recruiting (Torrington et al, 2008). In the process of front-line recruitment of the employees, organizations must make use of standard and ground-breaking recruiting process of HRM. Combination of job in-line with person oriented approaches should be used by the organization in the front line staff recruiting. Prospective applicant should be endowed with the right core psychological skill and enthusiasm for the job. While for the best recruitment process psychometric tests can be considered as the best approach.

Systematically, selection and recruitment are two different measures. The process of recruitment aims to attract the right person for the specific job who conveniently enough skills. While, selection is a course that involve the use of suitable techniques for the purpose of appointment, induction and selection of a proficient recruited applicant (Stephan and Marjorie 2010). The concept of recruitment and selection can be regarded as the steps of the same process or they may be considered two different procedures. According to (Dipboye and Johnson, 2007) thinking recruitment and selection both as the same process involves five stages of recruitment and selection. In the initial phase recognition of the attributes and standardized requirement compulsory for a position or task are outlined to set up the applicant requirements for the job description. Personal qualities may be defined as behaviour, personality, mentality, logical thinking, temper and demographic details. 2ndly recruitment involves gathering necessary information about the candidates. Third and forth phases are concerned with the applicant judgment in connection with the job requirements to make decisions for the hiring. The last but not the least is to assess usefulness of the method through technical checks to make sure legitimacy, justice and the efficacy of the practice.

Part 3.

Research Methodology

This part of the study is concerned to define the research methodology being used. This research is primarily based on few of the academic aspects related to the research and some of its types, while, later on significance of the research methodology being used in this research is discussed briefly.

3.1 Meaning and types of Research Methodology

Research can be defined as "the process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data in order to understand a phenomenon" Leedy, P. and Ormrod, J. (2001 cited in Williams, C. 2007). Broadly speaking there are three common ways in which research can be categorized i.e. qualitative, mixed methodology and quantitative (Williams, C. 2007). Research usually select the quantitative approach to answer the research questions requiring numerical data while, qualitative approach of research required theoretical data, and both textural and numerical data is used in the mixed methodology. Positivist and interpretive are the two types of research methodology. In this case study interpretive type of research method is used as this research is mainly based on human behaviour, emotion and feeling rather than numerical data. As the research process in this case is mostly based on the descriptive type of questionnaire and telephonic interviews taken from a sample size of five employees from the HR department Islamabad Club of Pakistan.

Part 4

Data collection and analysis techniques

4.1 Data Collection

Data collection is the most important aspect of the research which is consists of two parts i.e. primary data and secondary data. This study is based on a combination of primary and secondary data. Primary data is collected through the questionnaire and personnel interview of a sample size of five employees, while for the secondary data organization web site, trade journals and other official documents are used.

4.2 Primary Data

Primary data in this research is presented Semi structured interview and Questionnaire in line with HR manager and other concerned staff of the organization. The well known fact is that there is always a fare of loss of respondent in the questionnaire (Creswell, 1994). Therefore, the importance of clear indication of the purpose is not neglected in this process. Interviewers were clearly asked in the questionnaire about the strategies and techniques used by HR department for the motivation and improvement of the process. Another primary source that is used in this case study is face to face and telephonic interview and the job is mostly done on the telephonic interviews as the student is studying here in UK while the organization is located in Pakistan. In this study HR manager in line with five other concerned staff are interviewed.

4.3 Secondary Data

Use of secondary data is important in a research as it saves both the time and money. In this study research articles, journals and magazines concerned to the organization are used to get the secondary data. For the sake of academic approach of the study online journals from university of Wales and the library of London College of business is used physically.


Data Analysis is a course of thought which ensures the realization of the nature of what is being investigated; it shows the correlation between dependent and independent variable in the situation and their likely outcomes of specific actions or interventions (Anderson 2007). Information collection and research based activities are analyzed with great care in line with the literature reviewed and outcomes of the research carried out by other in the same field. While the opinion and remarks in the course of interview offer grounds for the improvement of the structure for the issues related to diversity management through selection and recruitment in the Islamabad club a public sector organization administered under the presidential government. The analysis in this study is highlighting multi dimensions in contrast with strong relation to diversity management including, purpose of diversity management in public sector of Pakistan, effectiveness of selection and recruitment to achieve diversity, assessment of recruitment and selection course in Pakistan via modern-day practice of the same in the modern world.

4.5 Reliability and Validity of data

The numerical or statistical data validity and reliability is significant for the effective results of the research. In the similar context (Leedy, P. and Ormrod, J. 2001) signifies that "validity and reliability are vital components that influence correlation coefficients". In this case study the purpose of both validity and reliability of the information is ensured via previous reliable data basis i.e. data from official website of Islamabad club of Pakistan, data from OECE publication, for the academic purpose data from the university of Wales web site and data from the HR department of Islamabad Club Pakistan.

Part 5

Conclusion and Recommendation

The availability of data collected through different sources details of which are given in data collection and data analysis successively and interviewing of HR manager of Islamabad club in line with five other staff, the organization practices concerned in the overall process of recruitment and selection through which empirical job have accorded a chance to critically assess the use of different HR concepts and practices being under-taken in the context of the public organization of Islamabad Club of Pakistan. There are some other serious issues which need special attention of the HRM one of the most important out of them is upon advertisement for recruitment Islamabad Club members are in their best positions to pressurise HRM in the vague way of recruitment. Secondly the present hierarchies stricter in the above mentioned organization is rigid in its kind, therefore it resist all efforts towards diversity. Selective system in the organization is old enough to convey the actual benefit of the present HR practices like diversity management.

Keeping in view the improvement of diversity management in a presidential government organization some recommendations are offered. In this regard first of all the conceptual parameters of diversity management are need to be redefined in line with the modern trends of HRM by surrounding the present attitude of diversity based on political motives and elimination of all types of unfairness in government organization. There is a need to develop such an environment where employees are accepted and respected in their work-place with the freedom of race and socio economic status. There is also a need to review the existing process of recruitment and selection in such a way that the political motive of diversity is achieved in line with evidence that it is beneficial to the most deserving segment of the society.