5.1 Introduction
In this chapter, the findings of the study are discussed and inferences are made based on the results obtained. The discussion is divided into three parts. The first part (Section A Part Two in questionnaire) discusses about the magnitude of construction thefts in commercial construction sites at selected sites for first objective of this study. Data were collected on the extent to identify the effective site theft prevention measures commonly in place on commercial construction project sites (Section B) for the second objective of this study. Finally, the discussion focuses on the third objective of this study, to identify the factors compromise the effectiveness of the theft prevention measures regarding the finding in second objective (section C).
5.2 Discussion on Finding for First Objective
The discussion for this section will focus on the magnitude of the construction site thefts within the selected commercial project. The findings based on the result shows that averages every commercial construction project has at least 5 incidents with estimated losses of RM 18,000 due to theft incidents in every year. This number is considered significant enough to alarming the construction parties to pay attention on the theft on construction industry.
The result show the average value of loss per incident machinery and equipment (RM 4,600), follow by construction material (RM 4,200) and tools (RM 1,500). Among the theft incidents above, construction material is more prevalent thefts in site which had contributed 74 %.
Majority respondents indicated that copper wire is the most prevalent construction material to been stolen. Since the price of metal and copper keep raising which raise the copper wire becomes the primary target of theft ( Williams, T., 2011). In addition, the size and shape of copper wire which is easy to hide and steal, thus copper become the primary target in the construction sites.
Based on the description from one of the respondents, the value loss in copper wire is may not be the major loss but the indirect extra work will be very costly. For example, cut and steal wire that had been installed can cause loss in over thousands. According to the respondent, electrical cable not allow any connection or any jointing point based on the safety regulation in construction industry. Thus, once a scrap installed wire been cut-off, the whole cable requires take off and replace with new cable, this cause the value of loss become more significant which may even affect the progress of overall works when extra repair works required.
Although the actual number of cases is hard to appraise, where lots of respondents are restrict to provided actual information. However, this information is lack in Malaysia, thus this findings may able to provide a reference index and notion on the magnitude and dynamic of thefts at commercial construction site in Malaysia.
5.4 Discussion on Finding for Second Objective
Second objective of this study is focus on the theft prevention measure at construction site that commonly use within the commercial project. This finding is important to identify the popular practicable theft prevention measures. The experiences of the respondents may offer insights to others for dealing with theft on their projects.
In the finding of section B Part One, Relative Frequency Index (RFI) uses to identify the measures which are frequently in use and Part Two is to identify the measure which is effective in preventing thefts by using Relative Effectiveness Index (REI).
Table 5.1: Ranking for Theft Prevention Measures according Relative Frequency Index (RFI), Relative Effectiveness Index (REI) and Severity Index (SI)
As show in the Table 5.1, the measure are listed in the questionnaire had been rank according Severity Index and the Top 5 ranking measures which have the Severity more than 0.5 are chosen for discussion on the results. In additional, the top 5 ranking also show those solutions are applicable for majority parties for commercial construction projects.
From the Table 5.1 shows that RFI and REI ranking have the similar result. Both of the top five measures ranking are focus on the first defendant line against outsider, thus the findings show that most respondents are tendency to prevent outsider theft.
5.4.1 Fencing around Site
Fencing (or hoarding) is the first line in the defense to detect an intruder ( Rolf and Cullity, 2004) which is an enforcement under Uniform Building By Law (UBBL) (UBBL 1984, Part VI-Section 98/ DOSH-Guidelines for Public Safety and Health at Construction Site 1994) for every construction project. Majority respondents agreed that fencing not only help to mark the boundary but also makes access control easier, delaying tactic by to slow down the intruder. In additional, fencing around site does serve to control vehicle and pedestrian traffic access to the site (Y. Setiani, 2008). Thus, most of the respondent are prefer to employ fencing as the first line to defense thefts.
5.4.2 Security Guard
Majority respondent agree that security guard is effective in the effort prevent theft incident especially during night time. Security guard are multitasking who responsible in defend the entrance, look for anyone attempting to enter the site without authorization, who also enhance the chances of detection and apprehension of thieves (City of Casey, 2003). Some respondent indicate that available of guard station at the entrance of site able to reduce likelihood of theft. In addition, security guard is visible high profile in pro-active deterrent (City of Casey, 2003).
5.4.3 Access Control and Locks and Key Control System
In the third and fourth rank included measure of access control and locks and key control system which means enforce to locks gates and storage when not in use.
Access control included to reduce the construction site access point which are effective in control and close monitoring of comings and goings from the site. With minimum access point, the supervisory and doubtful point can be minimized. Majority respondents understanding about this concept and indicated that which is bound to apply and been consider during designing site layout plan. Access control system like access control lists, personnel recognition, ID cards, badges, and personal escorts also contribute to an effective access control system. However, some of the respondent indicated that those are not strictly applied at their jobsite.
Locks are the most widely used security device to help protect facilities and property (Arata, 2005). Most of the respondents indicate locks gates and storage when not in use is a usual practice enforce among worker or the key personnel. Even though the locks may not going to keep the thief out of the property but which have a delaying device.
5.4.4 Security Lighting
Majority respondent had agreed that security lighting is a great effort in reduce the intent of theft to site especially at night which create a psychological deterrent to intrusion and to enable detection (Fennelly, al et, 2004). All the respondent had indicate that security lighting is enforced installed at site which not only provide sight for security force to observe site condition and also gives the impression an intrusion has been detected, may also warn neighbors of potential intrude. Respondents also indicated that lighting is a cost effective deterrent and which must be enforced install at every site.
5.4.5 Least Ranking: Alarm System
Alarm system is least employed in construction jobsite and most of the respondent agreed that alarm system not have significant performance in preventing thefts. Majority respondent indicate that alarm system is sensitive in detective break in thefts in contrary which also bring dispensable troubles. As know that construction site sometime require work overtime especially when casting concrete, alarm system at storage may cause inconvenient to the workers. Construction site is large sometimes uninvited animal like cat may intruded arouse the alarm system. If the alarm is designated connect to local police department then more trouble will arise. In addition, the location to install alarm also one of the hang back consideration for the contractor.
Besides the measures indicate in the questionnaire for this study, 25 of the respondents had provided additional information on other techniques that they had utilized to reduce thefts on their jobsites. The breakdown of responses is as follows:
Table 5.2: Additional information of measure respondent employed to reduce site thefts
Additional information of measure respondent employed to reduce site thefts
Guard dogs, aware outsider, best for night security (4 respondents)
Time to time monitoring and precaution measure/ site check (3 respondents)
Ensure all the security system are in place(2 respondents)
Toolbox meeting everyday (2 respondents)
Instruction of work in BQ must be complete and explicit stated (2 respondents)
Security Guards to conduct more patrol checks.(2 respondent)
Use just-in-time storage strategic on ordering construction material.
No to store valuable material on site for long period. (2 respondents)
Placing material / equipment / machinery at locations away from site boundary to prevent easy theft by lifting from outside the site boundary. Ensuring only authorized people enter site and record the vehicle number entering & leaving site to deter as well as to narrow down the suspects for investigation.
Monitoring and checking the availability of material & equipment frequently according to the inventory checklist
Gate pass system: anyone from site with material should get clearance from PM / store keeper.
Cooperate with local police force to patrol site area
Train security personnel by police
Provide reward to workers who caught anyone stealing
Heavy penalty system & strict enforcement
store at designate & lock rooms
maintain private eye
There are four respondent had recommend use of guard dog is effective to intimidate pilferer and stranger, especially during night time. However, guard dogs are usually not recommended on the construction job site. The guard dog may not be able to differentiate between authorized or unauthorized persons. For applied at job site, guard dogs better be contained within a strictly off limits area (Canton Police Department).
Besides that, tool box meeting is also another effective measure in preventing theft, especially the internal thieve. Two respondents have suggested that tool box meeting should be carry out everyday which able to enhance the awareness between the labour and employees. Three respondents indicated that time to time monitoring, inspection and checking within appropriate time about implementation of theft prevention practice and condition of physical security is effective to ensure all the theft prevention practices are functioning in place.
Some of the respondent suggested alliance with local police is a very good way to secure the project site. Cooperate with local police force to patrol site area able to alert the surrounding and pilferer that this area is in the concern of police. This may strike off the attempt of theft and reduce the changes be targeted by pilferer.
5.5 Discussion on Finding for Third Objective
Third objective of this study is focus on the factors compromising the effectiveness of theft prevention measure at construction site. This finding is important to identify the cause of theft in a construction site in order improve the performance of the measure employed in site stimulate the optimize effectiveness in prevent theft incident. The experiences of the respondents may offer insights to others for dealing with theft on their projects.
Table 5.3 show the ranking of the factors compromise the effectiveness of the theft prevention measures obtained in Section C from the questionnaire based on the experiences of respondents.
Table 5.3: Ranking for Factors Compromise the Effectiveness of the
Theft Prevention Measures
For the third objective, the discussion is focus on the factors may compromise the performance of measures regarding the findings obtained in second objectives. The discussion focus follow the priority at findings in questionnaire Section C with regarding to the effective measures commonly uses in commercial construction sites obtained in second objective.
Factors compromise fencing around site.
Based on the findings obtained at second objective, majority respondents had indicated fencing is the most common and effective employed in prevention theft. From the finding in questionnaire Section C, irresponsibility of security guard is the majority factor compromised the effectiveness of the measures to prevent theft at site. Analysis from both findings can study that Fencing is a physical security measures which focus on secure for first line deterrent at sites but which is not a pro-active deterrent. Thus, without pro-active personnel like security guard to oversee the fencing and responses at time, still cannot effectively deter theft incidents.
Another factor the compromise the performance of fencing is improper erect study fencing which is ranked at top 3 at the factors ranking. Finding show that respondents are contrast indicated that fencing is effective at the same time improper fencing are the factor compromise cause the theft incident on their site. This can show that respondent had fencing around site but does not put much effort on erecting the fencing. Fencing is categories as temporary works which is erect by contractor not by fencing specialist. Contractor may lack of knowledge about the standard for proper fencing which included fencing at site must with minimum 7 ft height and minimum 5ft clear zone at the both side of fencing as a defensible space.
Sturdy fencing in term of security means the fencing are proper erected, not easy fall over a wind or by break by intruder. To ensure the effectiveness of fencing, all cuts and breaks must repair in timely manner. Thus, maintenance and inspection fencing regularly, inspection or checking within appropriate time by security procedures and condition of physical security is essential to ensure the effective performance of fencing in preventing theft incidents.
Nevertheless, in the findings, failure in maintenance and inspection fencing regularly is ranked out of top ten in the factor ranking. Part of the respondents had agreed lack of those practices may be the factor compromises the effectiveness of fencing in prevent theft incidents.
Factors compromise Security Guard
Majority respondents had indicated that security guard at site is an excellent pro-active deterrent. However, the attitude of the security guard had compromise this practices and become the major factor contribute to theft incidents on site. The results show the contrast match between the actual practice and the major factor cause thefts on site. Irresponsibility of security guard cause this practice become unreliable and constitutes biggest threat for the construction site. The initiation of this threat may due to management policy of the company. Management should have the responsibility to investigate and proper consider during employment however the findings shows the management lack of consideration during employment.
When engaging a security guard company, management should prepare a written list of requirements and agree how the work should be carried out, including (City of Casey, 2002):
Clearly define the scope of the security task.
Provide a thorough brief to the security company.
Agree what supervision arrangements are in place.
Establish an effective communication and reporting chain - ask for activity reports at agreed intervals.
Agree to review the deployment of the patrols in the light of theft activity and other factors as appropriate.
Poor access control also one of the factors compromise the effectiveness of security guard. As quantity compromise quality, a construction site with more than 2 or 3 accesses but with limited security guard station at the site, this is reasonable that the guard cannot give attention to two or more things at same time. The situation directly reduces the effectiveness of the guard. Besides that, a site with insufficient lighting also compromises the performance of guard to oversee the site condition at night. Insufficient lighting had dim down the vision and reduces the efficiency of guard which indirectly exposes the guard at an inferior position contrast with thieves.
Management should entitle authority to the station guard to check all the vehicle and person entering and leaving the site. Besides that, provide proper equipments such as security rod, guard dog and tough light to night guard eliminated handicap guard. This sense of secure and care provided by company able enhance the loyalty of guard when carry out duty. One of the respondents had suggested that paying more is necessary if required for a reliable security companies and together with qualified trained guard. As say 'honestship is not cheap', the quality of guard may also depend on the willingness and investment by company.
Factors compromise Access Control Practice
Access is the main target for pilferer. Even thought the access to site had minimized to one or two access, irresponsible of security guard who station at the entrance of site fails to execute his/her job to check every vehicle entering and leaving the site, close and lock the gates at night or non working time also create the chances for thefts. Examples quoted included security guards being found asleep on the job and incidences of theft occurring right under the guard's nose and not being detected (City of Casey, 2002). Few respondents had admitted that some of the theft incidents are cause by irresponsible security guard who colludes with outsider. These may of course be isolated incidents and it is not suggested that all companies suffer the same issues however the possibility still exist which may the factor compromise the access control system in any site.
Improper erect of sturdy fencing also one of the factors support my majority respondents that which had compromise access control practices. A construction site with improper erected the fencing is like making an invitation to pilferer to make their own access through the weak point at the fence.
Access control also included the access to storage and workplace at site. The access of tools and materials storage should restrict to designated worker only in order scope down the area to investigation possibility of thieves.
Factors compromise Locks and Key Control Practice
Majority respondents had applied locks and key control practices at site. However which may be compromise by personnel neglect and irresponsibility attitude. Irresponsible guard who forget to lock the gate when after working time, poor inventory control and irresponsibility of workers to secure their tools and equipment are the factors compromise the practices of locking system. Even thought available of adequate and proper lock system, without cooperation of workers to responsible to store the material, tools and equipment in storage, locking system is useless in preventing theft and loss at site.
There also partially of the respondents agreed that poor quality of locking (ranked at 12 in factor ranking) hardware also the factor compromise the effectiveness of lock system in preventing theft. If the lock at material storage is impropriate and poor in quality, the lock deterrent is nothing for the prepared pilferer who can cut the lock with simple tools (eg. pliers). According to Arata Micheal (2005), the intent of locks is not going to keep the thief out of the property but which have a delaying device. Thus, some lock system such as case hardened chain, unique key or high security padlock is require to improve the effectiveness of locks system. In the other hand, control of keys should be issued to as few people as possible, who should maintain a record of issued keys which included in this record or log should be a listing of the type of key issued, to whom, on what date and for what purpose (Canton Police Department) in order to minimize duplicate key and minimize the chances misuse the key by workers. Since mobile equipment keys and locks are of a common design, equipment becomes an easy or "soft target" that is ripe for theft. To help combat potential problems it is recommended that contractors perform background checks on all workers allowed on the site, including employees of subcontractors (Vista Training, Inc. 2003).
In additional, the policy of company against employee theft also one of the factors should take in consideration although which may not the significant factors compromise the theft prevention practices (rank out of top 10 in the factor ranking). Policy should enforced and explain to every worker in order encourage the responsibility towards their own tools and equipments; any violation must have penalty from management as a stern warn for all workers.
Factors compromise Security Lighting on site
Lighting on site is also one of the requirements in UBBL for construction site. Lighting is essential for security at site during night time when is the peak prior for prevalent theft incidents at sites (Fennelly, 2004). However, without physical presence of guard patrol at night or proper fencing around site, the lighting is incapable to intimidate pilferer contrary assist the theft activity.
Insufficient of lighting at site are contrast with the lighting system. Majority respondent applied lighting system on site at the same time respondents also agreed that insufficient lighting had their theft prevention measure on site. This can show that respondents do not pay much attention in applying lighting system at site. Many appliances may lack of alertness on the requirement and maintenance for lighting system at site. Based on the security standard ( Micheal J. Arata Jr, 2006 and City of Casey, 2002) for lighting system on site had stated:
the illuminate of lighting shall be 0.2 foot-candles,
backup power supply should enforced and been protected,
correct install the lighting point at important area like storage, trailer and area place equipments,
regular interval inspection especially at night
are require to ensure lighting system able function properly and maximize the deterrent value. In additional, the numbers of lighting point at site also have to be take inconsideration which may depends on the area of the construction site. Lack of those procedures can be the factors compromise effectiveness of lighting system in preventing theft.
Besides discuss about the factors compromise the performance on the practices above, poor site storage and poor check in/out system for tools and materials also one of the factor should be take in consideration. Poor site storage and poor check in/out system for tools and materials had rank as second top rank in the factor ranking in the questionnaire Section C. Majority of the top ranking is focus on physical practices while this factor which can be categories as in house practice.
Materials storage and tool rooms should be established, along with a standardized check-in and check-out procedures and accountability systems. This is very important that contractor can identify any loss of property at site immediately in order can supplement the losses on time without affect the progress of works, minimize the loss as much as possible. Otherwise the contractor may confuse on the losses material is either due to theft or construction wastage. Few respondents had indicated that some of the workers who have intention of steal will hide the materials (eg. copper wire) bit by bit, accumulated day by day with stratagem and then sell the booty for personal bonus without aware by employer. With tight inventory record, the management can scope down the area to investigate possible pilferer from internal worker to outsider.
Well-organized and tight check-in and check-out procedures not only can reduce the likelihood of theft, but also improves efficiency of works and inventory control (National Equipment Register, 2002). In additional, the policy of company should focus on employee theft. Responsible supervisor should communicate on security policy to all employees and workers, explain the consequences associated with employee, encourage recognizing and reporting theft behavior, provide anonymous way or 'hotline' for co-workers to report in order ensure their personal safe, and of course the encourage reporter through incentive, such as cash rewards (Broomfield Police Department, 2009). Prosecute or terminate the employee theft immediately is also suggested in order set the example and send a message that theft will not be tolerated (Everest).
Besides the factors indicate in the questionnaire for this study, eleven respondents had provided additional information on other factors that contribute in compromise the effectiveness of the measure preventing theft. The breakdown of responses is as follows:
Table 5.3: Additional information on the factors compromise the measure
in preventing thefts
Additional information on the factors compromise the measure in prevent theft
No standard procedures being drafts out and communicate to all site personnel.
The willingness and investment by company
Weak human attitude and ignorance.
Negligence contributed to theft incident in construction site
Ownership of material, equipment, machinery etc.
Internal worker / own company staff who misuse their power
Irresponsible staff (attitude)
Poor material & equipment storage area which allocated in improper site location which cause the difficulty in supervision
No CCTV at all entire building.(only provide at specific area)
Lack of security patrol
Poor lighting, rear of project site, near abandoned land etc
Economic factors such as economy downturn or personal factors such as gambling as well as physical factor such as steel gratings place over drains that are not hinged to the angle plate.
One of the respondents had comment that no standard procedures being drafts out and communicate to all site personnel may cause conflict in implementing the theft prevention practices. Thus, policy by management is very important to ensure all the practices to perform properly effectively.
Another respondent had indicated that poor material and equipment storage area which allocated in improper site location cause the difficulty in supervision and compromise the capability of supervision by guard. There also a comment that early delivered materials are exploring extra loss in theft as also increases the chances to pilferer. Thus, the respondents had suggested the delivery of high value material or those in critical supply should be timed on an as needed basis for delivery. This can minimize the loss at site and also the temptation of theft.
The comments from respondents are very informative and helpful for this research. The practices and feedback based on their experiences is valuable provided other insight to deal and reduce with theft on the construction sites.
Chapter 6
Conclusion and Recommendation
6.1 Conclusion
The aim and three (3) objectives that established for this research has achieved through literature reviews, survey questionnaires and result analysis. The conclusions were made base on research objective, meanwhile the recommendations were based on the research limitation.
6.1.1 Conclusion on First Objective
The first objective has been successfully achieved as the magnitude of construction thefts in commercial construction sites is identified. This study shown that averages every commercial construction project has suffer at least 5 theft incidents with estimated theft losses of RM 18,000 in every year. This number is considered significant enough to alarming the construction parties to pay attention on the theft on construction industry. In the other hand, from the survey on the magnitude of type of thefts, show that construction material theft had occupied 74% among other thefts (tools, machinery and equipment thefts) in the selected commercial construction sites. From this findings can conclude that there are much greater volume of thefts seemed more involved non-specialized and portable items like construction materials.
Although the magnitude of thefts is hard to appraise, many of respondents are restricted to provide actual information. However, the information regarding construction thefts is lacking in Malaysia, thus this findings still reliable to provide a reference index and notion on the magnitude and dynamic of thefts at commercial construction site in Malaysia.
6.1.2 Conclusion on Second Objective
Second objective which is to identify the effective site theft prevention measure commonly use in commercial construction project in Malaysia has also been achieved. The measures in Top 5 ranks are identified as following:
(1) Fencing around site
(2) Security Guard
(2) Access Control
(4) Locks and key Control
(5) Security Lighting
All Top 5 theft prevention measures are physical practices and focusing on first defendant line which can conclude that most respondents is tendency to prevent outsider theft. From the findings for the second objective can also conclude that most of the construction parties are reliable to hardware (physical measure) rather than the software (policy or management) practices. Construction parties are preferred in employ physical measure where their investment can visible around the site and the performance are in sight.
6.1.3 Conclusion on Objective 3
For the third objective factors compromise the effectiveness of the theft prevention measures is identified based on the respondent experiences and factors are focus regarding measure identified in the second objective. The factors ranking are identified as following:
Irresponsibility of security guard
Poor site storage and poor check out/in system for tools and materials.
Improper erect of sturdy security fencing
Poor access control
Insufficient security lighting.
Poor tools and materials inventory control
Poor ability of workers to responsible/secure to their tools and equipments.
Failure to prosecute and report every theft incident.
Not available of CCTV or improper install CCTV.
Lack of inspection or checking within appropriate time by security officer about implementation of security procedures and condition of physical security.
Failure in maintenance and inspection fencing regularly
Inadequate and poor quality of locking hardware
Lack of communication of security policy to all employee and workers.
Lack of identification to tools and equipment.
Slow respond to alarm detection.
Lack of warning sign at entrance
Lack of policy on employee theft
Failure to encourage worker report theft
Failure to disable large machinery and equipment on non-working time.
Lack of consideration during employment
As conclusion, fencing around site, security guard, access control, locks and key control and security lighting are effective practices in preventing theft at site. However, the performance of security guard, management (eg: poor check out/in and inventories system for tools and materials etc) and physical security measure (eg: improper erect of sturdy security fencing, insufficient security lighting or not available of CCTV) can compromise the effectiveness of those theft prevention measures.
As prove in the discussion, every factor are rely can compromise each measure. Thus, the conclusion can be carried in the findings for third objective is the effective theft prevention practice requires combination of each measure, each designed to reinforce one another. Also, any insufficient or improper designed practices may become the factors that compromise the effectiveness of theft prevention practice on site.
Thus, reliable security guard is very important which should coupled with proper physical security measure and a complete construction site security plan in order to optimize the effectiveness of this practice.
Thus, reliable guard supports by management coupled with a proper security plan and then further go through the physical measure are the best theft prevention procedure recommended based on this study.
6.2 Recommendations
Contractors need to be proactive in order to curtail theft on their site, rather than waiting for problems arise. Security guard is an effective practice in preventing theft at site. However, the security guard must be reliable and coupled with a complete construction site security plan in order to optimize the effectiveness of this practice. The company should prepare good budget to back them up, provide proper equipments such as security rod, guard dog and tough light to security guard with is rather than handicap guard with not tools when securing the sites. This consideration from management provided sense of secure and care able enhance the loyalty of employee and to help the company maintain a reliable guard.
The development and implementation of appropriate theft prevention measures can protect construction parties from theft, especially if they are well thought out. As Barker and Bridgeman (1994) argued:
"The most effective preventive strategies use a combination of measures, each designed to reinforce one another. In selecting measures, it is not sufficient to base decisions solely on evidence of past success; what works in one situation may not work in another."
Thus, reliable guard supports by management coupled with a proper security plan and then further go through the physical measure are the best theft prevention procedure recommended based on this study.
In this study, there is limitation occurs on the survey for first and third objective in this study. For the first objective many of respondents are restrict to provide actual information about the magnitude of theft in their jobsites which cause the actual number of cases is hard to appraise.
In additional, the data collected from questionnaire does not fully define the third objective for this study. Further study may require obtain to identify the specific factors compromise the effectiveness of theft prevention practice.
Following are the recommendations study should be explored further:
Seek a larger and more nationally focused sample population. This would prove to be a greater help in understanding the extent of the problem of theft in the construction industry.
Examine specify on construction material theft and the resultant impact on productivity. There a lot of international journal are focus on equipment theft (due to high cost of losses per incident) but this study shown most of the commercial site in Malaysia are encountering material theft.
Develop a jobsite security program regarding theft prevention in Malaysia. There is no universally accepted security program because jobsites in different locations will require different security procedures (Berg. R, 2003).
Carry out case study and observation on actual theft prevention measures in order specify the factors compromising theft prevention practice on site.
Finally, this study relied only on the opinions, perceptions and experiences of the construction parties surveyed. Construction sites differing by region, type of project, and size of project could be observed throughout the life of the project to find out what the potential problems are and what solutions proved to be most beneficial. A large amount of data could be generated and further prove to be beneficial in the prevention of theft in the construction industry.