Discussing Planned Nursing Interventions Health And Social Care Essay

Published: November 27, 2015 Words: 707

The study was supported by other study like Kersting M., Sichert-Hellert W., et.al., (2008) conducted a study on food and nutrient intake, nutritional knowledge and diet-related attitudes in European adolescents. To provide an overview of methods used to assess food and nutrient intake, nutritional knowledge and diet-related attitudes in the healthy lifestyle in Europe by nutrition in adolescence cross-sectional study (HELENA-CSS), with selected results from the feasibility study. To assess food intake in 13 to 16 year old adolescents, a previously developed computer assisted and self-administered 24 hour recall was adapted for international use. Food consumption data were linked to national food composition databases to calculate energy and nutrient intakes. To assess nutritional knowledge in pupils not having any special (trained) education concerning nutrition, a 23-item validated multiple choice questionnaire was adapted. To assess eating attitudes, behaviour and / or putative problems with body weight in adolescents, a validated inventory covering 60 questions or statements was adapted for the study. in a feasibility study, instruments, data collection and processing were tested in one school class in each of the 10 participating European cities. The feasibility study provided plausible results, quite consistent between countries. Against this background and for the first time, standardized and uniform methodology was made available for the main study to assess and characterize dietary intake, nutritional knowledge and eating attitudes.

The study was supported by other study like Eyles, H., Mhurchu, CN, et.al., (2009) conducted a study on nutrition education resources for a multi-ethnic population in New Zealand. A general inductive approach was applied to identify common themes around participants understanding and thoughts on relevance and usefulness of the draft resources. Feedback from focus groups was used to modify resources accordingly. Five themes emerged across all focus groups and guided modification of the resources: (i) perceived higher cost of healthy food, (ii) difficulty in changing food purchasing habits, (iii) lack of knowledge, understanding and information about healthy food, (iv) desire for personally relevant information that uses ethnically appropriate language and (v) other barriers to healthy eating, including limited availability of healthy food. Many issues affect the likelihood of purchase and consumption of healthy food. These issues should be taken into account when developing nutritional materials for New Zealanders and possibly other multi-ethnic populations worldwide.

Objective - 3: To Assess and compare the mean pre-test and post-test practice score on healthy food habits among samples.

In this study the pretest and post-test practice was assessed by check list on healthy food habits among samples. The various aspects of practice includes, washes hands before having snacks/lunch, bringing healthy snacks, bringing healthy lunch, placing the towel on the lap, eating the food without spilling, ate food completely, etc. The pre-test mean percentage practice score was 72.85%. After assessing the pre-test practices Planned Nursing Invention was implemented to the samples. The post-test mean percentage practice score was increased to 93.5%. The paired 't' value for practice was 10.34* and table value is (t39=2.021) it shows that it was significant at p0.05 level.

To examine the Zakdad Zymenia, (2006) conducted study effectiveness of dietary treatment in children a simple obesity on the bans of thorough analysis of their slate of nutrition method of eating habits and impact of other environmental facts. The result showed that simple in children aged 3-15 years is connected familial and environmental factors, including in correct eating habits.

Objective-4: To determines the association between the mean pretest practices among samples with their selected demographic variables.

In this study, the association was analyzed by using chi-square between mean pretest practice among samples with their selected demographic variables.

The finding shows that there is no significant association between pretest practice with their gender, educational status of the mother, and occupational status of the mother at p0.05 level.

The above findings was supported by the study conducted by Elpydes, (2002) study. It included demographic information on age, school and grade, sex, nationality of parents and adults living with the student. The result is satisfactory (2 = 0.64) while its repeatability was tested and verified at an earlier stage in a sub-sample of 50, 5th and 6th grade elementary students.


This chapter dealt with the discussion of the research findings with support study, findings based on each objective.