Director Movies Learning Outcomes Computer Science Essay

Published: November 9, 2015 Words: 5508

This chapter comprises six sections. Following the introduction section, the first section provides the utilization of Sprites and Score in Director Movie. This is followed by the second section on building interface elements to add interactivity. The third section is about Controlling Sprites with lingo. The fourth section is about Controlling Sound with lingo. The fifth section is about controlling digital Video with lingo. The final section explains the creation and declaration of MIAW.

The sprite is an object that controls where, when, and how cast members become visible in a Director movie. Same cast member can be used by multiple sprites and also can switch on the cast members assigned to a sprite while the movie is running. The Stage is used to control the sprites where it appears and the Score to control when it appears in the movie.

Sprites appear on the Stage layered according to the channel in which they are assigned in the Score. Sprites in higher-numbered channels appear in front of sprites in lower-numbered channels. A movie can include as many as 1000 sprite channels. Movie tab of the Property inspector is used to control the number of channels.

1.1.1 Creating Sprites:

Sprite is created by dragging a cast member to either the Stage or the Score as the sprite appears in both places.

Press to select the frame in the Score where you want the sprite to begin.

From the Cast window,

Drag a cast member to the position on the Stage where you want to place the sprite.


Drag a cast member to the Score. A new sprite is placed in the center of the Stage.


To create a sprite of one frame long, press Alt key (Windows) or Option key (Mac) and drag a cast member to the Stage or Score.

1.1.2 Preference of Sprite:

Sprite Preferences dialog box is used to control the sprites behavior that appears in the Score window and on the Stage.

Select Edit and click Preferences and then select Sprite.

Select the Stage Selection option to set the effect of selecting a sprite on the Stage as it has the following effects.

Entire Sprite- selects the sprite in all frames that it occupies.

Current Frame only- selects only the current frame of the sprite.

Select the following Span Defaults options to determine the appearance and behavior of sprites that are yet to be created. These options don't change settings for existing sprites.

Display Sprite Frames- turns on Edit Sprite Frames for each and every new sprites.

Tweening- turns on tweening for each and every property that can be tweened. This option is ON by default. When this option is OFF and when new frames or keyframes are added, sprites are manually tweened.

Select Span Duration option from the following to determine the length of sprites measured in frames:

Frames- define the default number of frames for sprites.

Width of Score Window- sets the sprite span to the visible width of the Score window.

Terminate at Markers-ends new sprites at the first marker.

Select Span Starts option to specify the frame or edit new sprites on the Stage.

Previous Marker- sets the sprite span to begin at the sprite's previous marker.

Current Frame- sets the sprite span to begin at the current frame.

First Frame in Score Window- sets the sprite span to begin at the first frame in the current Score window.

1.1.3 Selecting Sprites:

Sprites, frames within sprites, and groups of sprites in several ways can be selected to edit or move a Sprite. Sprite can also be selected by using the Arrow tool and with the Rotate and Skew tool to enable rotation and skewing. While selecting, the changes that are made to a frame with in the sprite becomes a selectable object called a keyframe.

A chosen sprite appears with a double border on the Stage. When you choose a single frame within a sprite, the sprite becomes visible with a single border on the Stage.

On the Stage, click a sprite to select the entire sprite span. You can change sprite preferences, so that selecting a sprite on the Stage selects only the current frame instead of the entire sprite. In the Score, click the horizontal line within a sprite bar.

To choose a contiguous series of sprites either on the Stage or in the Score, pick a sprite at one end of the range and then Shift-press a sprite at the other end of the range. You can also drag to pick all the sprites in an area.

To choose sprites that are not contiguous, press Control-click on Windows or Command-click on Mac. To choose all the sprites in a channel click the channel number at the left side of the Score.

1.1.4 Naming sprites:

By Property inspector:

Choose a sprite in the Score or on the Stage.

Choose Window and click Property Inspector, and select the Sprite tab.

Enter a name for the selected sprite in the Name text box.

View a sprite in the Score

Choose the Sprite labels menu in Score.

Each and every sprite appears with their sprite names in the Score. choose the required name.

View a sprite on the Stage

choose a sprite on the Stage where its name appears on the second line of the sprite overlay.

Editing name

Choose the sprite and open the Property inspector.

Give a name in the Name text box and edit the name.

Naming sprite channel

Double-click a channel in the Score sprite channel column.

Type name of the channel and press Enter.

1.1.5 Change Sprite's Layer:

Select Sprite in Score and click the channel number at the left side of the Score to select the contents of an entire channel.

Execute one of the following:

Select Modify and click Arrange, and select a command from the sub-menu to change the order of sprites.

Drag the sprite in the Score from one channel to another.

Select the contents of a channel and drag its contents to another channel.

1.1.6 Using Score:

Score provides a view of the movie and movie's timeline. The Score organizes and controls the movie content in rows called channels. The Score includes many Sprite channels for the movie sprites, which are numbered and controlled whenever sprites appear in the movie. The Score also comprises effects channels that control the movie's tempo, sound, color palettes, transitions, and scripted behaviors.

The rows of the Score contain channels and the columns contain frames with its numbers above. A frame in a movie characterizes a single point in time similar to a frame in a celluloid film. A red vertical line, called playhead, moves across the frames in the Score to indicate the point that is to be currently displayed on the Stage in time. The playhead can be moved to backward and forward to go to any specific frame.

1.1.7 Creating the Marker:

Marker channel is the first channel in the Score, which contains markers that identify important points in time like the beginning of a new scene. To create a new frame display the frame that is to be marked and click the white bar in the Marker Channel. Select the new marker and type the new name.

To go to a specific marker in the Score, open the Markers menu and select the name of the marker that you want to go.

1.1.8 Numbering the Sprite Channels:

Keep the Score in the active window and choose the Movie tab in the Property Inspector. Enter a number in the Channels text box on the Movie tab. The numbered sprite channels in the Score increases or decreases, for each the number in the Channels text box.

1.1.9 Turning Channels ON and OFF:

Click the gray button to the left of the channel. If the button is dark, it indicates that the channel is OFF. To turn ON or OFF the multiple channels click and hold the Alt key on Windows or Option key on Mac. Click a channel which is ON to turn the all other channels OFF or click a channel that is OFF to turn the other channels ON.

1.1.10 Score Color:

The Score color assigned to a specific Sprite is indicated by the Sprite property. This property is to be tested before it is set up. This property helps only during authoring and Score recording.


1. Select a Sprite and change the color of the Sprite using Property Inspector.

1.2 Adding User Interaction:

Adding Interactivity involves the audience in the Director movie. This enables the users to perform the interactive operations such as using mouse, key board, downloading information from internet, jumping to different parts of movie etc.

A movie plays throughout each frame in the Score from start to end. Behaviors and Lingo or JavaScript syntax can formulate the movie jump to a different frame, movie, or URL when a specified event occurs. Through script, a simple navigation instructions can be included as part of more complex handlers. You can also place navigation code in movie scripts and scripts that are attached to cast members such as buttons.

The following are some interactive features that can be added to a movie:

Movable sprites enable to move sprites anywhere on the Stage. You can also create boundaries beyond which sprites cannot move.

Editable fields enable to enter or edit information.

Rollovers make certain sprites change in their appearance when the mouse pointer passes over them, even without the user clicking the mouse.

The cursor can be changed based on the selected criteria. Using script, you can provide animated cursors or specify a standard cursor or a bitmap cast member as a cursor image.

Push buttons, radio buttons, and check boxes provide an easy way to quickly create user interfaces for forms or applications.

1.2.1 Adding Interface Elements:

Director offers several built-in user interface elements to put in interactivity to movies. These elements comprise push buttons, radio buttons, and check boxes.

choose Window and open the Tool palette

Choose the Push Button, Radio Button, or Check Box tool in the Tool palette.

Press the selected button and drag it on to the Stage to create the selected button type.

Type a label in the text area next to the button or check box.

1.2.2 Setting Interface Properties:

Select a button cast member and click the Member tab of the Property inspector by using the Graphical view.

Use the Name text box to check or edit the cast member name.

Select an option from the Unload menu to indicate how the Director removes the cast member from memory when memory is low.

To change the type of button, click the Button tab and select Push Button, Check Box, or Radio Button from the Type menu.

1.2.3 Detecting Mouse Clicks:

Users can click the mouse button in several ways, each of which can be detected by using Lingo or JavaScript syntax as follows:

ClickLoc() method to determine the last place where the mouse was clicked.

ClickOn method to determine the last active sprite that the user clicked.

Double-Click method to determine whether the last two clicks were double-clicked.

Last Click () method to determine the time since the mouse was last clicked.

Mouse down property to determine whether the mouse button is pressed.

Mouse up property to determine whether the mouse button is released.

RightMouse Down property to determine whether the user presses the right mouse button on Windows or Control-click on Mac.

RightMouseUp property to determine whether the user releases the right mouse button on Windows or Control-click on Mac.


1. Build the user interface elements to a director movie.

1.3 Controlling Sprites:

The Score normally controls sprites on the stage wherever they turn out to be visible, what cast member they are associated with, etc. Lingo is also used to control a sprite. But if the Lingo commands and the Score disagree with one another Director will automatically takes care of this with the puppetSprite command:

puppetSprite 1, TRUE -- properties of sprite 1 will be controlled by Lingo

puppetSprite 1, FALSE -- properties of sprite 1 will be controlled by the Score

By default, the Score controls the sprites. Any Lingo commands regarding the sprites are unnoticed. But from the time you make the sprite a puppet, Lingo controls that sprite and anything further in that sprite channel of the Score will be ignored.

Make Sprite a Puppet:

Create a new Movie script.

Open the Script window

Press the "+" button to create a new script

Press the information ("i") button. Click the arrow and select Movie.

Create a handler for the startMovie event that makes sprite a puppet. Type the following command in the current script window:

on startMovie

puppetSprite , TRUE


Create a handler for the stopMovie event that returns control of sprite to the Score. Type the following after the startMovie handler in the current script window:

on stopMovie

puppetSprite , FALSE


1.3.1 Setting Sprite Properties:

Basically, a sprite property is set by using the following syntax:

set the <property> of sprite <number> to <value>

Where <property> is one of the property of the sprite, <number> is the quantity of a sprite that you have formerly made a puppet, and <value> is a suitable value. Choose the Categorized lingo button (on the Script or Message window) and scroll down to Sprites, to locate a list (two) of sprite properties that you can set with Lingo.

The first property that you normally give is the trails property and it will be off by default. As the sprite is moved on the Stage, it comes in its new location, with no indication of where it was prior to. When the trails property is on, the moving sprite leaves a trace in every place it has appeared previously. Set the trails property of sprite in the startMovie handler so that the handler looks like this:

on startMovie

puppetSprite , TRUE

set the trails of sprite to TRUE


When you select a sprite on the stage, its properties appear in the Property Inspector window. Most of the properties can be altered for the selected sprite. Each of these properties is available for any authoring purpose you choose using Lingo. For example, if the selected sprite is of 143 pixels wide and 219 pixels height, using Lingo you may either examine the properties or change them. The easiest way to experiment is to use the Message Window.

Enter the following command in the Message Window with the sprite in channel 1 to see the width of the sprite displayed.


To change the width of the sprite, type the following command in the Message Window to change sprite 1 to the desired pixels wide, for example 300 pixels. Run the movie to accept the change.

sprite(1).width = 300

The '=' sign allows to allot the desired value to any property you choose. Use the combination of properties and Lingo handlers to get interesting effects. Here are the examples of how specific properties can be altered to create unique rollover effects. The assigned values in the example are only for reference.

-- toggle the width of the sprite when it's rolled over

on mouseEnter me

sprite(me.spriteNum).width = sprite(me.spriteNum).width + 10


on mouseLeave me

sprite(me.spriteNum).width = sprite(me.spriteNum).width - 10


The above handler adds '10' to the current width of the sprite when it's rolled over, and subtracts the same value when the mouse is rolled way. This minor enlargement works as a rollover consequence without requiring two different portion of artwork.

The handler under uses the same 'mouseEnter' and 'mouseLeave' messages to change the 'blend' property of a sprite. This can also be a good rollover effect.

-- dim the sprite

on mouseEnter me

sprite(me.spriteNum).blend = 50


-- bring the sprite to full opacity

on mouseLeave me

sprite(me.spriteNum).blend = 100



1. Create a puppet sprite and set the sprite properties.

1.4 Controlling Flash Members with Lingo:

Lingo provides an accurate control over the way Director streams and displays Flash content. These scripts are used to verify and control cast member streaming, zoom and colorize the Flash asset, and pan the Flash image.

When a movie is playing, Lingo can change the Flash cast member's properties. A few cast member properties, such as the flashRect and frameRate, are applicable only after the flash content header has streamed into memory.

Director offers the following Lingo or JavaScript syntax that enables to manage how Director uses Flash content.

Set the cast member's broadcastProps property to control the changes to a Flash cast member, which immediately appears in sprites that use the cast member.

Set the linked property to control the Flash content that is stored in an external file,

Set the posterFrame property to control the frame of Flash content that Director uses for the Flash contents thumbnail image.

Use the showProps method to display a list of Flash content's current property settings in the Message window.

1.4.1 Controlling Flash Content Appearance with Lingo:

Lingo can direct how a Flash content comes on the Stage and which part of the Flash content appears in its sprite's bounding rectangle. Lingo can also rotate, skew, scale, and flip the Flash content. Director bears only the Copy, Transparent, Background Transparent, and Blend inks for Flash sprites, and only while the sprite is not played Direct-to-Stage.

1.4.2 Flipping, Rotating, and Skewing Flash sprites

Lingo can flip, rotate, and skew Flash sprites as the movie plays.

To flip a Flash sprite, set the flipH and flipV sprite properties.

To skew a Flash sprite, set the skew sprite property.

To rotate a Flash sprite, set the rotation property.

Set the obeyScoreRotation property to specify whether a Flash sprite obeys the rotation specified in the Score. If obeyScoreRotation is set to TRUE, Director ignores the cast member's rotation property and obeys the Score rotation settings instead.

1.4.3 Colorizing and Blending Flash Sprites:

Lingo is used to change a sprite's color and blend as the Director content plays.

To specify the color of a Flash sprite set the color sprite property.

To specify the blend for a Flash sprite set the blend sprite property.

1.4.5 Scaling Flash content:

Lingo is used to scale Flash cast members and sprites.

To control the scaling of Flash content set the scale and scaleMode properties.

To set the scale percentage of Flash content within its sprite's bounding rectangle set the viewScale property.

1.4.6 Lingo to Set and Test Flash variables:

To set a Flash variable use the following syntax:

spriteReference.myFlashVariable = "newValue"

For example, the following expression sets the Flash variable called myColorSwatch to red on the sprite called myFlashSprite:

put sprite("myFlashSprite").myColorSwatch = "red"

To get the Value of a Flash variable use the following syntax:

put spriteReference.myFlashVariable

For example, the following expression gets the value of the Flash variable called myColorSwatch on the sprite called myFlashSprite:

put sprite("myFlashSprite").myColorSwatch

To execute a Flash method use the following syntax:


For example, the following expression calls the method setColorSwatch on the sprite called myFlashSprite:


You can also use the following two sprite methods to access ActionScript variables in Flash sprites: getVariable() and setVariable().

To return a string that holds the current value of a Flash sprite variable, use the below statement:

spriteReference.getVariable("variableName", TRUE)

The parameter TRUE is the default, and is therefore optional.

To return a reference to the value of a Flash variable instead of the variable's literal value, add a value of FALSE to the end of the method. This allows you get or set the value of the variable simply by using the reference.

myVariableReference = spriteReference.getVariable( "variableName", FALSE)

Once you have created the reference to the variable, you can test it with the following statement:

put myVariableReference

-- value

To set the current value of a Flash sprite variable to a specified string, use the following statement:

spriteReference.setVariable( "variableName", "newValue" )

Note: Be sure to pass the Flash variable's name and value as strings in both the getVariable() and setVariable() methods. Failure to do so results in script errors when the methods are executed.


1. Using Lingo set a flash variable in director movie

1.5 Controlling Sound with Lingo:

Lingo allows to completely controlling the sound in the movie. As a result, sound settings in the Score are not required. Lingo is used to play, stop, and control the sound at your own pace.

Lingo uses the following methods to play sounds:

Playing sound cast members

Playing puppet sound

Playing external files

1.5.1 Playing Sound with Lingo:

You can play sound cast members in Director with the sound (channelNum).play[member(whichMember)] Lingo command. This syntax plays the sound in the desired sound channel. Playing Puppet Sound Director provides a puppet Lingo element that gives a complete control of the object to which it is attached. Director provides one more Lingo element to play sounds. This is the sound Play File command.

1.5.2 Synchronizing a Movie with Sound:

To synchronize a movie with sound, you have to perform various sound synchronization tasks, such as pausing, continuing, stopping, and repeating the sound according to the requirements of the movie. Some of the tasks that enable to manage and synchronize sound with a movie include:

Cue Points: Cue points are similar to markers in a sound file. Cue points are defined in the sound editing program and are recognized by Director. With the help of these cue points, you can move or halt the playback head.

Volume: Using the Volume (Sound Channel) Lingo element of Lingo, you can define different volumes for various sound channels. The Volume (Sound Channel) Lingo element enables to adjust the volume of the sound within the range of the sound level set in the movie. You can adjust the sound to any value between 0 and 255.

Fade: A good way to generate sound effects in Director is to use the sound fade Lingo element. This Lingo element allows you to generate a sound effect in which the sound starts from a low level and increases gradually. There are three kinds of Lingo elements in Director for fading sound:




Pan: Another Lingo element, Pan, enables to decide the balance of sound between the left and right channels. The pan value can be defined from -100 to 100.

1.6 Controlling Digital Video:

Similar to sounds, videos can also be managed and controlled in different ways in Director. Videos have only the following mediums through which they can be played in Director.



Place videos as any other cast member in the Sprite channels in the Score. As soon as the playback head encounters video sprites in the frame, the videos are played. The two Lingo elements used to play and control digital video are:

Movie Rate property allows to manage the playback rate of a digital video in a particular sprite channel. It has different values according to which the video is played. The value specifies the playback of the digital video and are as follows:

s1 = normal forward

-1 = reverse

0 = stop

2 = fast forward

High and low values can be used to generate different effects, but frames can be dropped depending on the performance of the computer.

To start a paused digital video:

sprite(sprite channel).movieRate=1

To stop a currently playing digital video:

sprite(sprite channel).movieRate=0

To play a digital video in reverse:

sprite(sprite channel).movieRate = -1

Movie Time property enables to figure out in ticks the current time of a digital video, in a particular sprite channel. In Director, a tick is 1/60th part of a second. 1 second is equivalent to 60 ticks.

To rewind to the beginning of the digital video:

sprite(sprite channel).movieTime = 0

To rewind the digital video by 1 tick:

sprite(sprite channel).movieTime = the movieTime -1

Note: The movieTime and movieRate properties can only be set on digital video sprites. If the video is not currently on the stage, an attempt to set these properties will result in an error: "Not a digital video sprite".


1. Play digital video using lingo elements.

1.7 Creating MIAWs and Controlling the Director Environments:

MIAW stands for "Movie in a Window". This is used to describe the distinctive combination of window and movie objects.

Making MIAWs is comparatively easy. The tricky part is planning when to make use of them. MIAWs can be formed with one line of Lingo, but to gain full power over the properties, such as MIAW size, location, appearance, it is worthwhile setting all them yourself rather than relying on the default settings.

1.7.1 Creating/Declaring MIAW:

A MIAW first must be created or declared with the following:

Lingo: window().new ("windowName")


JavaScript syntax: new window("windowName");

windowName represents the name and title given to the MIAW as well as assigning a movie with the same name to play in this window. When you create or declare a MIAW, it is added to the player's window list.

1.7.2 Assigning a movie filename to a MIAW:

To have a different name to MIAW from the filename, use the following:

window("windowName").fileName = "movieName"

1.7.3 Opening a MIAW:

Once a MIAW has been declared, it can be immediately opened using the following:

Lingo: window("movieName").open()

JavaScript syntax: window("movieName").open();

or combining the declaration and opening the MIAW

Lingo: window().new("movieName").open()

JavaScript syntax: new window("movieName");

1.7.4 Closing a MIAW:

A MIAW can be closed with the following:

Lingo: window("windowName").close()


JavaScript syntax: window("windowName").close();

Closing a window that is already closed has no effect. Closing a window does not remove it from memory. To remove it from memory use the forget window command.

Closing a MIAW and removing it from memory:

Lingo: window("windowName").forget()


JavaScript syntax: window("windowName").forget();

Listing the current movies in windows

The windowList property displays a list of all known MIAWs in the main movie.

1.7.5 Appearance of MIAW:

Appearance is set via Lingo or JavaScript syntax. Few default appearance properties can also be set by using the Display Template tab found in the Property Inspector.

Setting Type of MIAW

There are three window types - document, tool or dialog. We can change the window type for a MIAW with the following:

Lingo: window("windowName").type = #property

JavaScript syntax: window("windowName").windowType = "windowNumber";

Setting the Title to a MIAW:

The property title window decides the title that shows up in a window's title bar. Giving MIAWs their own title is cooperative if we want a lengthy title bar for the window, but this does not represent the window name of the MIAW. To set the title of a MIAW, use the following:

Lingo: window("windowName").title = "windowTitle"

JavaScript syntax: window("windowName").title = "windowTitle";

Setting Title Bar Options:

The title bar Options specifies the properties of the title bar of a window. Properties include #icon, #visible, #closebox, #minimizebox, #maximizebox, #sideTitlebar (Macintosh only).

Lingo: window(windowName) = value

JavaScript syntax: window(windowName) = value;

Setting Window Size and Location:

Use rect property to indicate the location and size of a MIAW. The rect indicates a rectangle with points in the subsequent order - left, top, right and bottom. This can be thought of as two sets of coordinates x1,y1 on behalf of the top left corner of the rectangle and x2,y2 representing the bottom right corner of the rectangle.

Use the following script to locate and size MIAW,

Lingo: window(windowName).rect = rect(winLeft, winTop, winRight, winBot)

JavaScript syntax: window(windowName).rect = rect(winLeft, winTop, winRight, winBot);

1.7.6 Scaling MIAW:

The rect window property permits you to set the size of the MIAW and crop it by setting the rectangle window to an area lesser than the MIAW. To level a MIAW, you can use the drawRect property. This scales as well as locates a MIAW as in the rec property. This property does not rescale text and field cast members. Scaling bitmaps can affect performance.

Use the following script to scale MIAW:

Lingo: window(windowName).drawRect = rect(winLeft, winTop, winRight, winBot)

You can return a MIAW to its original size and position subsequent to it has been dragged or its rectangle has been set by means of the following:

Lingo: window(windowName).rect = window(windowName).sourceRect

1.7.8 Appearance of Movie:

Use moveToFront and moveToBack commands to control whether a movie appears in front of or behind other windows




The frontWindow is a system property that indicates which MIAW is currently front most on the screen. When the Stage is front most, front window is the Stage. When a media editor or floating palette is frontmost, the frontWindow returns VOID. This property can be tested but not set.

1.7.9 Minimizing a MIAW:

The appMinimize minimize a projector to the Windows Task Bar in windows. On the Macintosh, appMinimize hides the projector. Once hidden, the projector may be reopened from the Macintosh application menu. This is useful for projectors and MIAW's that play back without a title bar.

Communicating between Windows:

MIAWs can network with other MIAWs by entering window's movie property. With this property, you can enter the movie's handlers, variables, members, and so on.

MIAW Events:

Use these event handlers to hold Lingo that you want to run in answer to events in a movie in a window:

on openWindow

on closeWindow

on activateWindow

on deactivateWindow

on resizeWindow

on zoomWindow

on moveWindow

on activateApplication

on deactivateApplication

on trayIconMouseDown (Win only)

on trayIconDoubleClick (Win only)

on trayIconRightMouseDown (Win only)


1. Create MIAW using Lingo script.


This chapter explained about using Sprite and Score and building the interactive elements and setting up interface properties.

This also explained about controlling Sprites, sound, flash and digital audio with Lingo script.

Finally it also taught on how the MIAW (Movie In A Window) is created and different techniques applied to MIAW.

Key Terms:

Director Movie: is a multimedia application authoring platform created by macromedia a part of Adobe Systems. It allows users to build applications built on a movie metaphor, with the user as the "director" of the movie.

Sprite: A sprite is an object that controls when, where, and how cast members appear in an Adobe Director movie.

Score: A score is a timeline in the Director movie

Flash: Flash is a vector animation software, originally designed to create animations for display on web pages.

Lingo: Lingo means scripting language

MIAW: Movie In A Window


True/False Questions

To create a sprite of one frame long, press option key on Windows or Alt key on Mac and drag a cast member to the Stage or Score.

While selecting the stage selection option to set the effect, select entire sprite as it selects the sprite in all frames that it occupies.

The tweening option is OFF by default

When a single frame within a sprite is selected, the sprite appears with a single border on the Stage.

The Score color assigned to a specific Sprite is indicated by the Score property

The '=' sign allows to allot the desired value to any property you choose in sprite

The posterFrame property controls the frame of Flash content that Director uses for the Flash contents thumbnail image.

To rotate a Flash sprite select flipH and flipV

Fade is a Lingo element that enables to generate a sound effect in which the sound starts from a low level and increases gradually.

The Lingo script to play a digital video in reverse is sprite(sprite channel).movieRate = -1

Multiple Choice Questions

A red vertical line called ____________ moves across the frames in the Score to indicate the point that is to be currently displayed on the Stage in time.

a) tempo card

b) sound card

c) playhead

d) color palettes

__________ property determines whether the user presses the right mouse button on Windows

a) RightMouseUp

b) RightMouse Down

c) Mouse up

d) Mouse down

___________ Property is used to control the frame of Flash content that Director uses for the Flash contents thumbnail image.

a) posterFrame

b) showProps

c) linked

d) broadcastProps

Which among the following is not a Lingo element in Director for fading sound


b) Fadeon

c) Fadeout


which ligo script is used to stop a currently playing digital video

a) sprite(sprite channel).movieRate = -1

b) sprite(sprite channel).movieRate=1

c) sprite(sprite channel).movieRate=-2

d) sprite(sprite channel).movieRate=0

The lingo element that enables to decide the balance of sound between the left and right channels is _________

a) Pan


c) Volume

d)Cue Points

The volume of the sound can be adjusted to any value between

a) 10 to 200

b) 0 to 255

c) 10 to 255

d) 0 to 200

_________ Method determines the last active sprite that the user clicked.

a)Last Click

b) ClickLoc

c) Clickoff


The Score organizes and controls the movie content in rows called _________


b) Columns

c) frames


Click _____ button to create a new script.

a) '-'

b) '='

c) '+'

d) '*'


Activity A:











Activity B: