The World Health Organization reported oral health as international pandemic disease(1). Globally, caries prevalence in school-age children at 60-90% and is virtually universal among adults in the majority of countries. Globally the greatest burden of oral diseases lies on disadvantaged and poor populations. In several high-income countries with preventive oral care programs, dental caries prevalence in children and tooth loss in adults has been declined. But in most of the low and middle income countries, caries incidence has increased over recent years with further increase in sugar consumption and inadequate exposure to fluorides. Since oral disease is the fourth most expensive disease so the investment in oral health care is not affordable and low. The resources are mainly allocated to emergency oral care and pain relief.(2)
Dental caries experience significant consequences of pain and dysfunction that impair basic functions of eating, sleeping, speaking, being productive and enjoying general health (3). Mouth is not seen as separately from the rest of the body. Oral disease is the most common of the chronic diseases and is the major public health problems because of prevalence, impacts, behavior controls and stress and effective public health methods. So oral health is integral and essential to general health, and that oral health is a determinant factor for quality of life. So good oral health is the absence of caries or periodontal disease, patient's mental and social well-being (4). In Myanmar, 53.0% of 14 years old students show psychometric properties of oral impact on their quality of life. In Thailand, 74% of 35-44-yearolds had daily performances affected by their oral state: 46% reported their emotional stability was affected. Dental problems that cause chewing to be painful affect intake of dietary fiber and some nutrient-rich foods; consequently, serum levels of beta carotene, folate and vitamin C were significantly lower in those with poorer oral status.
In Myanmar, primary oral health care project formed in 1991 has expanded and covered 87 townships in 14 states and divisions throughout the country. Fluoride project (prevention of dental fluorosis and promotion of affordable local fluoride toothpaste) are ongoing process whish emphasize national oral health promotion. But oral health needs of 70% of the country's population are unmet to a great extent(5). In Thailand, prevalence of dental caries in 3 years old was 61.4% and 80.6% among years old. Oral health promotion through packages of intervention targeting specific age groups is implemented. These services can be used easily by Thai Citizens. But it is not reachable to those people who have been moved from Myanmar and living in Mae Sot.
Mae Sot is one of the districts under Tak Province at western part of Thailand sharing border with Myanmar. People in that area have low socioeconomic status and low oral health care utilization. There has been no study about the oral health status of children in that region. Oral health for those people is underserved even though there are many INGOs giving health care services to them. This study aims to explore the dental caries status of 12 years old migrant children and its impact on their quality of life. The outcome from this study can be used as information for planning oral health care intervention for those people that represent the underserved population as well as for further study.
Research question
What is the prevalence of dental caries among 12 years old children of Myanmar migrants in Mae Sot, Thailand
What are the dental caries impact on quality of life among ??????????
Does dental caries status affect the oral health related quality of life of 12 years old children?
General objectives
To find the association between quality of life and dental caries among 12 years old children of Myanmar migrants, Mae Sot, Thailand
Specific objectives
to assess the oral health related quality of life among 12 years old children
to assess the dental caries prevalence among 12 years old children
to assess the association between oral health related quality of life and dental caries among 12 years old children
There is an association between oral health related quality of life and dental caries
Variables of the study
Independent variables
Dental caries status which measure 3 statuses of tooth surfaces
Filled surfaces
Dependent variables
Oral health related quality of life (OHIP-14) which measure 7 subscales
Functional limitation
Physical pain
Psychological discomfort
Physical disability
Psychological disability
Social disability
Operational definition
Definition of dependent variables
The dependent variable of 12 years old children of Myanmar migrant in Mae Sot conducted on this study will be oral health related quality of life measured by a valid OHIP-14 Myanmar version.(6).which is translated from English version and already done a cross sectional validation study among 14 years old students in Yangon, Myanmar.
Oral health related quality of life is a multidimensional concept that includes patient-driven measures such as perceptions and functional status. (OHIP) Oral Health Impact Profile was related to perceived treatment need, which report dental caries and increased DMF-S index. OHIP-14 was developed as shorter version.
Definition of independent variables
General characteristics
Age (12 years old to 12 years and 11month old)
Gender- male or female
Oral hygiene practice
Frequency of tooth-brushing
Other habits
Dental caries
It refers to localized destruction of tooth structure by microorganisms. The indicator will be measured by DMFS. It describe the prevalence of dental caries in an individual calculated per tooth surface, These scores represent the amount of dental disease that has occurred in the past (filled and missing component) and active disease present (decayed component) that exist in the person or group surveyed. DMFS molars and premolars are have 5 surfaces, front teeth 4 surfaces, and re obtained by calculating the number of
Filled surface
Limitation of the study
This study will be focus only on dental caries status and its impact on quality of life. There may be other contributing factor for increasing oral health related quality of life e.g different age group, different socio economic status, different culture, ethnics and other oral health status like periodontal status, fluorosis. The result of the study may not be generalized to all 12 years old children because of different background and situation.
Expected implication of the study outcomes
The finding of the study will be the information to be based for planning oral health care services for Myanmar migrants in Thailand. As well as it can provide the information for further study.
Conceptual Framework
Independent variable Dependent variable
Oral Health Related Quality of Life
Functional limitation
Physical pain
Psychological discomfort
Physical disability
Psychological disability
Social disability
General characteristic
Oral hygiene practice
Dental caries status
Filled surfaces