In studying of dance influences and its history in the movie "White Nights", dance has developed over the years over passion and desires of every individual who enjoys dance. Through the protagonists of "White Nights"- Mikhail Baryshnikov (Nikolai 'Kolya' Rodchenko) and Gregory Hines (Raymond Greenwood), they conveyed the underline story of the opposition between the two nations of the Cold War, Russia and the United States of America, and also the many emotions evoked in probably many dancers during that period of time. The two actors' related through their body- language and every movement the emotions of desperations, anger and desire for freedom in the society. "White Nights" reflected how human values arise and how many individual's life was controlled by the agreement in the politics. Through the neatly written plot of the movie, we can see how dance progressed through the passion and search of artistic freedom of many dancers.
The struggle of Nikolai 'Kolya' Rodchenko and Raymond Greenwood in the movie was that they were struggling to get freedom to do what they have passion for- dancing. Nikolai was not able to perform publicly, even to go overseas to the West and East because of the political issues during his time in the movie. Raymond Greenwood could not dance freely in America due to the pervasive racism that has
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not allowed his own artistic freedom. This is very much similar to the history of dance, of which how dance started off to be only produced and done in the courts and not in its own rights. There were many boundaries of which how dance should be like and to be done, the restrictions did not stop the passionate dancers from being limited to what could be done but instead they attempted in finding their ways through dance and desire to make it known.
Mikhail Baryshnikov (Nikolai 'Kolya' Rodchenko), was almost one of the most idealistic character in the movie. He left Russia and was with the Leningrad Kirov Ballet Company. In the famous Leningrad Kirov Ballet Company, Nikolai 'Kolya' Rodchenko was able to find more ground to grow and further pursue his dancing passion and career. As a dancer, his development was majorly more towards the modern side of dance. However, it was in the West that is flourishing in that area of dance. The Leningrad Kirov Ballet Company came up with many of the classical ballet techniques, skills and knowledge. However, they did not venture into the modernization of ballet during this period, as it was the post of World War 2.
During this period of time, there was a concept that came about called the "Iron Curtain"1. It symbolizes an ideological and physical boundary dividing Europe into two separate areas between communism and the non-communist. The Soviet Union was part of the communist nations2 and they did not want any relations with the allies, the US. One example of such can be seen in the Berlin Wall that separated the East and West Germany. Due to this concept, there was none, or almost very little exchange of idea and spillovers, even in terms of the development of art (and dance). As there were no influences from the West, it was very difficult to share ideas and culture. Also, the Soviets did not want to give in and hear from what the Allies have
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to provide and say either, and thus these political issues affected many lives that kept their ideas unsaid.
In the movie, Nikolai 'Kolya' Rodchenko thus illegally left the country to venture and progress in his own interest and passion because of these. He, as a ballet dancer knew about what the West was doing and capable of- the modernization of many other various dance forms. If he was to be stuck in the Soviet Russia, it meant that he would be blocked out and away from the West by the "Iron Curtain". Despite having the interest, there was no way for him to further pursue this passion and dream. These are probably the reason why he chose to leave his country at risk to pursue what he wanted truly believed in.
Gregory Hines (Raymond Greenwood), a black American who failed to find his place and revenue to put his heart and interest towards dance in America due to the overwhelming racism. American Racism was a huge mess during that period of time, and discrimination inflicted on many lives that were affected. During the segregation of the Blacks and Whites, the Blacks were often left to feel inferior to the Whites and they did not gain freedom to do many things in public.3 These had always existed although it was informal. However the practice called "redlining" came about and formalized everything. These meant that for many things in America such as - such as banking, insurance, access to jobs, supermarket grocery shopping, health care, or even residents in certain areas, are often racially determined. Many practices such as the National Housing Act of 1934, Fair Housing Act of 1968 and Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 were enforced during the American Racism. With the major segregation, there were little opportunities for the Blacks to have freedom to be doing the desires of their heart.
In the movie, Raymond Greenwood defected to the Soviet Union probably because he was not able to pursue his ideals and passion in dancing if he stayed on in America. Whereas as when he is in the Soviet Union, he did not have to face such discrimination and was in fact more accepted. In the Soviet Union although the rules and regulations were very much communistic and controlled, it was seen to him to be not as bad as being despised and given no freedom. Raymond Greenwood was given opportunities and chances to perform while he was in the Soviet Union as a tap dancer.
When the Russian dancer and the American tap dancer came together, as Raymond Greenwood was to watch over Nikolai, they had different views and opinions. This was mainly due to the fact that both characters came from different backgrounds and the cultures that they faced were rather diverse. However, despite the differences and friction that were caused, both had the same interest and passion- dance. They began to share their ideas and practiced together. Between ballet and tap dancing, they managed to find their common points together, complimenting each dance and combining it to become something different, with no restrictions. This is modern dance, a way for their freedom of expression that developed from the roots of various dances.
The roots of ballet run deep in the Russia history. In 1738, Empress Anna established the first academy. Empress Anna was impressed by the performances of a group of students led by instructor, Jean Baptiste Lande. This school was known as the Imperial Ballet School and later renamed and to be known as the Vaganova Academy. Russian ballet was developed over the years.4 One of the most intense development of ballet in Russia was when Catherine the Great came into the picture.
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She started Directorate of the Imperial theaters and through the theatre; ballet was given a form, direction and control. 5
At the same time, Peter the Great came into the picture and westernized Russia. It was during his influence that ballet was developed to be a common ground for men and women, to dance together and socially. This was when ballet became a stage art and Russia begun to open up to more ideas. Soon after, more academies were established and the European dancers started to come into Russia. There were also large audiences for ballet and it was thus further developed, and ballet later became a professional art.
Tap dancing originated from a series of interpreted Africa's drumbeat put into series of taps and shuffles as a form of communication and eventually developed into a form of dance. People from the Southern States of America usually performed tap dancing, and they are called the Levee Dancers. There are different styles in tap-dancing such as- Buck and Wing, Master Juba's style and the Black Bottom Dance. Buck and Wing was derived very much from the can-can dancing style, in the movements and actions such as kicking upwards. The Master Juba's style was originated by a talented black dancer name William Henry Lane and his nicknamed was Master Juba. In his dances, there was a combination of European Jig, Clog and African Rhythms and Reel steps. It is probably due to Master Juba's dancing that sparked off tap dancing's development in American Jazz and theatre entertainment. The Black Bottom Dance came about from a black blues singer at that time. It is originated in New Orleans brought to stage by Alberta Hunter. The movements of the dance was such of butt slapping, hopping forward and backwards, stamping of
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feet and hand movements as well as occasional "Heel-Toe Scoop"6. Tap dancing later also developed further into modern tap dancing.
There was a scene in the movie when Nikolai and Raymond did a dance together with the song "Prove Me Wrong" by David Pack7. In that dance, they combined the elements of both tap dance and ballet dancing together. This is like the modern dance that did not follow and system of any particular dance style or any specific technique. They were simply using each of their styles to explore an expression of their own. In that dance, they expressed such freedom they desired towards dancing.
In modern dancing, there are no restrictions.8 It is a dance style that is against and rebelling against the constraint of every other dance forms. Modern dance is a more free- styling in which choreographers create movements and steps in the dances to evoke emotions and mood. It is very much in contrast as compared to many other dances, one of which the classical ballet- which has a rather more structured style and steps.
In the dance that they danced together, it expressed their creativity and passion in dance. It was through restrictions and boundaries that allowed them to break out of structures and the norm, but to come up with something out of the box. This is very much like how dance has developed over the years.
Dance is a passion, a lifestyle, an art and an ongoing revolution. It is always evolving over the years and developed with circumstances and situations. Through different situations in life, every dancer breaks out of his/her comfort zone to create something amazing, fresh and new; or either way forced to try something different or adapt to something raw and create something unusual of each personal's
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preference at times. (For instance when Nikolai was challenged by Raymond in the scene to do 11 pirouettes, it was initially seemingly impossible, but due to the fact that he was being challenged, he took it and did it.) Some influence others with their philosophies towards their personal beliefs and ideas. Many times through the exchange of culture and arts over different nations, styles and ideas are developed.
The protagonists in "White Nights" has shown that their passion paid off despite restrictions. This is very similar to the history of dance- from how dance was only produced in courts, how different dances are performed differently in various nations, to how environment affects one's idea and emotions to create an art. These are some of the developments of dance and art that the movie was able to convey such a message of.
In conclusion, dance is an expression of passion and emotions. It is through these main evoking expression of every individual that allowed dance to be developed into what it is today. Dance on its own is a beautiful form of art- performing art and in a way, body art. The development of dance has came a long way from its history, it is nevertheless impressive and captivating in every period of time because they were all developed and danced out of passion.
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