Cybercation Cafe Project Is Interested Information Technology Essay

Published: November 30, 2015 Words: 2950

The Cybercation Cafe Project is interested to build an internet café in Auckland and intended to expand the business to wellington, even across New Zealand and Australia. They are not only providing internet connection but also offer other supporting services and education.

This RFP aims to solicit proposals from vendors who can implement a distributed system that complies with the latest solutions in the industry that meet the provided requirements.

The Vendor is required to quote for the following:

To perform a detailed workshop with the two Stakeholders to finalize on the requirements to

be implemented.

Training for admin and other staff and provide systems support personnel.

Delivery of project and system documentations as required by Cybercation Café, in both electronic and hardcopies.

Six months warranty after operational cutover.

Provision of one year of Application Maintenance Services start from end of warranty period, with an opportunity to extend it each year for the next three years.

The Vendor must have the required knowledge and experience to undertake this project.

It shall be the Vendor's sole responsibility to ensure that they are able to critically assess the level and implications of the ground handling business, and operational and technical requirements, local authoritarian practices, and to offer the most suitable and reasonably priced solution for Cybercation Café.

2. Introduction & Overview

2.1 Purpose

The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit proposals from qualified vendors who are interested in supplying software and/or Hardware solutions to Cybercation Cafe Project.

2.2 Scope

The scope of solution requirements covered in this document is restricted to the following recommended solution:

Membership system

Build a company website

Human resource program

Accounting program

e-learning courses

Training program

2.3 Project Deliverables

The documentation to be delivered are as follows:

Project organization structure, with defined roles and responsibilities.

Project and Risk Mitigation Plans

Interface Control Document

Prototype screens and storyboard (for the website)

Business Design Document

Database Design / Model (in the form of ERD)

Database Scripts

Test Plan, scenarios and results (covering Functional, Integration, Performance)

System Administration Guide

Application Maintenance Guide

Installation and Configuration Guide

Operations Manual

Programs Loading Guide

User Guide / Manual

Training Materials (both hardcopy and soft copy)

Weekly project status reports

Post Implementation Review Report

Troubleshooting Guide

Detailed Infrastructure design and implementation documents.

2.4 Services required after selection

The selected company's representatives will be required to meet with the Cybercation Cafe project team to discuss and plan the project.

The selected vendor will be fully responsible for coordinating and implementing the provided solution with Café personnel and any other third party.

2.5 Structure of this Document

Introduction and Overview

The purpose for the system and the timelines for proposals and evaluation.

Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions relating to submitting a solution response to this RFP.

Current IT Department and System

Solution Requirements

A breakdown of the requirements for the proposed solution including software, hardware, software, and communications that should be included in the proposed solution.

Contract Inclusions

A breakdown of the contractual inclusions relating to implementation, project management, payment, warranties, technical support and maintenance of the solution.

Vendor Responses

A detailed breakdown of items that must be included in the proposal response and other documentation relating to the solution.

Software and Hardware Evaluation Process

A breakdown of the Software and Hardware evaluation Processes.

Vendor Evaluation

A breakdown of the vendor evaluation process.

Closing Statement

2.6 Timetable for Procurement

The solution and vendor selection process will be completed six weeks after the closing date for submitting proposals. The successful vendor will be notified at this time. Documentation will be returned to all unsuccessful vendors at the completion of this process. Our detailed timeline is as follows:



Notice of Intent to Respond is due

Wednesday 06/10/2010

Deadline to receive written questions

Monday 11/10/2010

Distribution of responses to questions

Friday 15/10/2010

Proposals due

Friday 22/10/2010

Invitation to oral presentations

Tuesday 26/10/2010


Tuesday 02/11/2010

Vendor Selection and Notification

Tuesday 09/11/2010

Contract negotiations commence

Thursday 11/11/2010

Contract(s) Signed

Tuesday 16/11/2010

Project start

Wednesday 01/12/2010

3. Terms & Conditions

Vendors should carefully note the terms and conditions below when submitting their proposals.

General Conditions

Any information in this RFP remains strictly confidential until made public on agreement by both consultants and the business.

The Consultants shall take sole ownership of the entire project until completion, and then all the activities will be handed over to the business.

To work inside the proposed budget the Consultants will deal with all payments until completion, and then a negotiated bill payment plan can be worked out.

The Business are requesting proposals with the intent of offering a contract to a vendor that provides the best solution to the proposal contained in this RFP. The Business reserves the right not to offer a contract and also to reject any or all proposals that are received.

The vendor must keep The Consultants updated on the progress of the installation of the system. If the vendor does not meet the agreed delivery date without acceptable reasons, then the vendor will be responsible for any additional costs. These criteria will also apply to any products or services that were promised.

Any costs or liabilities incurred by the vendor in responding to this RFP will be the sole responsibility of the vendor.

Unless otherwise approved by the Business delivery will be made during business hours only and there should be no cancellations or substitutions.

3.2 Format of Proposal

All proposals submitted are to use the following structure:

Title page to include company name, address and contact details including telephone number, e-mail address, and facsimile number.

An Executive Summary before the table of contents page. This should contain a synopsis of the vendor's project development approach and pricing structure.

A table of contents page with a comprehensive breakdown of the proposal.

List of relevant qualifications and work history for all staff that will be working on the project.

Proposed solutions for the system.

Cost estimates for the proposed solutions.

Timetable for procurement and implementation of proposed solutions.

A check list showing each of the proposal requirements has been included.

A covering letter, which must be signed by a staff member who has the authorisation to sign a commitment/signature page form. This must confirm that the statements and commitment made by the vendor are legitimate and correct and may be relied upon by The Business and The Consultants when making a decision.

Any variations from the requirements in this RFP, no matter how small must be clearly indicated.

Proposal sections must correspond to the sections and section layouts of this RFP. Each section is to begin on a new page and begin with a summary of the details that are to follow.

An outline numbering system that matches each response by the vendor to the requirement or request stated in the RFP.

Each response must be printed on A4 paper, one side only, Arial font, size 14 for headings and size 11 for the detail, black ink only.

Each response must be bound on the left-hand side.

3.3 Method of Response

Proposals must be delivered to The Consultants at the following address accompanied by a soft dopy of the proposal on a CD or ZIP disk.

It is the responsibility of The Consultants to stamp the proposal with the date and time the proposal was received. It is the vendor's responsibility to have the proposal correctly marked and delivered to The Consultants on time.

Two copies of the proposal must be submitted by The Consultants. Each proposal should be placed in a separate envelope and appropriately identified with due date, time and the RFP number. The vendor's name, address, telephone number, fax number, proposal number should be clearly shown on the outside of the envelope.

If the decision is taken to withdraw the proposal, this must be in writing, prior to the date and time set for receipt of proposals. Any proposal that is not withdrawn within that time will stand for a period of 30 days until such time as a decision is made by the business on the proposals contract.

Please provide a printed response of all schedules. Include any spreadsheet files if applicable. These must be on the CD or ZIP disk together with the original RFP response.

3.4 Confidentiality

No news or public disclosures pertaining to this RFP shall be made without prior written approval of The Consultants or as stated within this RFP.

The vendor will not release any information other than which is absolutely necessary to any third parties including contractors. The vendor also commits to not releasing any information that has been provided in this RFP or further information supplied by The Business or The Consultants. Confidentiality of The Business' data, files, and other confidential information is extremely important and any evidence of leakage or disclosure will result in legal action. This applies to the vendor, their employees, and subcontractors. Any additional information provided has been done so on the proviso that it is kept in strict confidence and secrecy.

4. Overview and Objectives of Buyer

4.1 Structure of Organisation

Cybercation Cafe

Moksha Shah






Figure 1: Cybercation Café Organisational Structure

As the above diagram shows, Cybercation Café operates a flat structure. Each Director will also work within the business and will have equal say in business decisions.

4.2 Company Goals & Objectives

Customer loyalty system

Establish a customer loyalty card programme providing discounts and specials

Develop a customer database

Establish a membership service between the clients and business

Developing a members section on a website, in which clients can manage their own accounts and services

Develop and maintain customer relationships

Build company goodwill


Providing an online method of communication for the internet market

Establish an interactive website, in which customer can look up or book services online.

A functional and interactive website

Advertisement in website

E-learning System

Providing various methods of course learning

Improve customer skills through the use of citification tutorials

Provide services on a reliable and efficient basis

Accounting system

This modules should provide for the complete accounting activities starting from the

creation of the chart of accounts to the balance sheet -Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivables including Billing, Budgetary and Asset Accounting for future needs.

Other Accounting functions to be considered include -

Bank Payments.

Cash Payments.

Purchase Bills.


Reliable checking out system

Produce various business report

Training system

Training staff

Training Records

Human resource and payroll system

The HR module should consist of basic functionalities like maintaining employee and

contract information, creating and mapping policies to the employees based on their

company. Also, employees' salary structures with earnings, deductions and leave eligibility should be configurable.

Other activities like claims, reimbursements and investment details should be captured for

payroll processing.

Other HR functions to be considered include -

Manpower Planning / Budgeting



Appraisals / Performance Reviews

Licenses and certifications

Training Records

Resignations / Dismissals

5. Current IT Department

Cybercation Café currently has no IT department.

6. Current Systems

There are currently no IT systems utilized by Cybercation Café.

7. Solution Requirements

7.1 Overview

7.2 Hardware Requirements

7.3 Software Requirements

7.3.1 Customer loyalty System

The programme records customer information

The programme allows customer to register

The programme can split customers into different VIP levels in terms of the consumption of the customers.

The programme gift customers credits automatically according to the configuration.

The programme allows staff access, monitor and update customer information

The programme allows staff to configure

The programmes in different Cybercation operate centrally.

The programmes in different Cybercation locations are connected internally

7.3.2 Company website

The website allows users to register as members

The website has all details of services provided.

The website allows customers to book any of services, including rooms for hire online.

The website allows to be updated by staff.

Display digital image in website

Print image for use in report and advertisement.

7.3.3 Human resource and payroll System

Can add, update and delete staff as necessary.

Can record, update and delete staff detail information.

Can record the skill of each member.

Can account the salary of staff.

Manage employee payment

Manage payroll reports

7.3.4 Accounting System

The system can check out

The system can check out by EFTOPS, Credit card.

The system can print receipt

The system can record all transactions into the database.

The system can automatically produce required reports.

The systems in each branch work centrally.

The system maintains the business accounts and the payment

of taxes and other fees.

7.3.5 A database of e-learning courses, and other relevant information.

This database has easy access to let customer or staff to look Up

This database can be updated

The database of information about our services is available to our website

The database images can be used to make sales brochures

7.3.6 Training System

The programme encompasses feature countries' symbols, icons,

customs, norms, values, music and arts.

The programme can let customer to register and log in.

The programme can be updated

The programme is able to training customers as needed.

7.4 Types of Processing (real-time, batch).

7.5 Data Volumes

7.6 Communication, Networking Requirements

7.7 Data Backup, Recovery

7.8 Security (Virus Protection, Firewall)

7.9 Data Conversion

8. Contract Inclusions

8.1 Warranties

The Vendor further warrants and represents that the Software will not, when installed, contain Viruses that will have an adverse effect on the information and networked system including but not limited to all hosts, routers, fileservers, firewalls and/or network appliances.

8.2 Technical Support

As part of their proposal, the vendor will:

Specify the technical support options available.

Detail all products and services that are included under those technical support options.

Clearly define the pricing structure, including payment schedules for each technical support option.

Specifically identify any exclusion from technical support.

Specify the process for requesting technical support, including escalation procedures

8.3 Preventative Maintenance

The selected vendor shall include a preventative maintenance (PM) schedule with a sample Maintenance Report as part of their proposal.

8.4 Upgrades & Expansion

8.5 Implementation

8.6 Project Management

8.7 Training

8.8 Performance & Service Standards

8.9 Acceptance Procedures

8.10 Payment Procedures

8.11 Intellectual Property

9. Supplier Responses

9.1 Executive Summary

The vendor must provide an Executive Summary of its proposal. The Executive Summary should be a general overview of how the vendor proposes to accomplish the requirements of this RFP. The Executive Summary should demonstrate the vendor's understanding of the requirements.

Information about Supplier

The vendor's proposal must provide the information requested below.

Cover page to include: Complete name and address, contact information, fax and

phone numbers, email address and authorized signature and name of submitting

authority must be included.

Vendor profile and New Zealand locations (a short description of the vendor)

A short narrative description of the vendor's organization, including organization charts and indication of vendor officers, if applicable.

Principal type of business.

Total number of years in business.

Number of years providing products and services similar in size and scope to those

requested in this RFP.

Present Clients

The project requires the vendor and its subcontractors to have prior experience in all aspects of the products and services described in this RFP for customers similar to or with relevance in the size, complexity and scope of this RFP.

Describe the vendor's experience as it pertains to providing services similar in size, complexity and scope to those required under this RFP.

Provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers for a minimum of three (3) customers for whom the vendor has provided similar products and services within the last 2 years.

9.4 Compliance with Requirements

Compliance with requirements relating to technical specifications, technical design features and equipment ability to satisfy functional requirements.

9.5 Statement of Costs

Detail your proposed pricing structure for the Services, including:

An itemized budget breakdown excluding GST;

Direct personnel and itemized operational costs;

Organizational overhead costs; and

Disbursements (if any).

Please note the total anticipated cost should also be identified.

Describe any indirect costs to the Commission (e.g. staff time or data needed to undertake the research project) across the duration of the project.

Confirm whether prices are fixed or negotiable.

Detail any assumptions related to the prices proposed.

9.6 Implementation Plan

Develop overall implementation plans:

Timeline and project dependencies.

Staffing requirements

Key deliverables

9.7 Training Plan

Training plan including aspects such as duration, content, medium of delivery, participant size in the courses, logistical services during training, etc.

9.8 Qualifications of firm and staff assigned to project

10. Software & Hardware Evaluation Process

11. Vendor Evaluation

Selection of a vendor and determination of the final decision will be made to the qualified vendor whose proposal is determined to be of superior quality, responsive to the requirements of this RFP and competitively priced. Selection will result from the Project Board's overall judgment that a proposal meets or exceeds its requirements, as measured against the following criteria (not listed in order of importance):

The number of years the vendor has been providing this type of service.

Financial feasibility and cost effectiveness of the proposal.

Qualifications and experience of key individuals proposed and guaranteed as available and committed to this project (including resumes).

The reasonableness of the proposed work plan, including the capabilities and number of personnel and/or personnel hours allocated to specific tasks, a detailed description of each task, and the time frames for completion of tasks to be performed.

Confidence that the vendor has the ability to best deliver high quality, setting appropriate services and any other services consistent with the stated specifications.

Superior responsiveness to specifications, quality of work plan, and demonstrated understanding of the purposes of this project. Specifications for documentation, performance, service or any other deliverables are the minimum requirements for this RFP.

12. Concluding Statement

13. Appendices