Current trends in information technology

Published: November 30, 2015 Words: 1479

Technology plays a vast role in society these days and has developed in such a way that it has become hard for society to live without. This is because technology has made day to day life a lot easier, not only for individuals but also for big companies taking on large amount of work daily. Allowing them to process there work a lot faster and easier.

Information technology is an advanced developing technology that is popular within enterprises; this is because it is mainly computer based information systems. Which is one of the most common information systems used today; one of the main important parts of the computer based information system is the software applications as it allows companies to be able to use these applications according to departments and there needs. For example a financial department in a company is most likely to find having Microsoft excel beneficial for them as it will allow them to work out there companies finances easily, this will also allow them to save past details in which they can then use to refer to in the future. There have been many technological changes in general life that has had a positive impact on businesses as well as individuals.

Technological changes have affected everyone around the world, from children to the elderly. One of the most popular changes in the technological world is social networking. These are mainly websites used where people connect with each other and keep in contact. For example "facebook" this is one of the largest and most used social networks at the moment. Social networks have become a trend, due to most people these days like to communicate and connect with others via social network websites, mainly used by students and employees keeping in touch with there co-workers. This change has affected the working environment as people are now keeping in touch with people out of work in a social aspect; this has now formed a different, atmosphere at work. This has affected enterprises because it allows employers to communicate out of work in there own time, making it much more easier for them to build on discussions if they have any queries or problems related to work as a group. This therefore shows that the development in technology has decreased face to face communication but has made it a lot simpler with other ways to communicate.

Other technological changes include collaborative working; this is when people within the same company are working together, it makes it much easier for them to communicate especially due to the geographical area. This includes communicating methods such as messengers and video conferencing. This is highly useful for big companies because it allows them to be able to share information and have discussions on certain topics related to work. A quote I found from an internet business site says "Video conferencing systems transcend the simple "talking heads" on a screen. The ability to easily share any type of information has added another dynamic to video communications, often previously not even possible in a local meeting. The result? Decisions are made faster; bringing products or services to market quicker; and enabling you to stay ahead of your competitors", this shows that such technological changes have brought a positive vibe to many large enterprises, also helping them to develop as a company much faster.

With technological changes there also comes technological trends, for example in information technology trends include computer based systems and online communication. Z. Perry says in an article that current trends in information technology include "Increased use of wireless technology, higher-speed internet connections" and "desktop-style systems have become slightly more widespread as they were in the past, and many people now use portable laptop/notebook units. More and more homes and businesses are gaining access to high-speed internet services like DSL, satellite, and cable-based systems." This shows that businesses have developed a lot more in the technology area, for example with higher speed internet connections it allows workers to communicate within the enterprise a lot more faster then before again for example video conferencing, which allows one person to be at many different places at the same time. Also with portable laptops/notebooks this allows workers to be able to work anywhere and at anytime, like at home or even when commuting to work. With these technological changes and trends shown, it shows how work is being able to be processed a lot faster and making it a lot more flexible at the same time.

The changes shown above all lead to a discussion on out sourcing, this is when people are made redundant in a company and the same job is available to someone else most likely to be from abroad because it reduces costs for large companies. Out sourcing has become popular especially in IT job roles because of technology changes. Due to these changes IT jobs in general can be done anywhere in the world at anytime. With all the facilities shown above it has made it a lot more easier to be able to employ people abroad as they can now program, discuss, have meetings from where ever they are working. According to a business reference website out sourcing has many benefits and will increase in the future, the website says "advantages of outsourcing is that its cost savings, the staff levels, focus, morale, flexibility, knowledge and accountability", with all these benefits its hard for business to turn away from this opportunity. I personally feel that due to these changes in the future IT will be a lot more flexible and out sourcing will be a very popular route in many companies.

Information technology has become a lot more advanced within enterprises starting from 1965 to this present date, and will develop a lot more in the coming future, with a lot of these technological changes and trends shown above, the question being asked is what will be the future role of IT within enterprise. My personal opinion is that technology will obviously become a lot more advanced then it is now but am unsure of how, this is because with technology developing rapidly it is hard to say what the future may actually hold for IT within an enterprise. In my opinion I feel that information technology developing would just make it much easier for workers to process there work, this may lead to cutting down on some roles or work becoming more flexible for example outsourcing, but in general IT within an enterprise will be a lot like the present, Just a lot simpler.

I personally feel that the Information technology systems used in the future will be a lot more advanced and less complex. They may be no need to employ anyone to do certain tasks for the enterprise as the system can be set up to do it by itself. The main difference that will occur in the future in my opinion will be the fact that many of the people employed within an enterprise will not need to be hired according to "technical skills, expertise and knowledge", because of how simple the systems in the future may be designed and made. For example "cloud computing", even in these present days' knowledge and answers are mostly found on the internet. I feel that in the future most people within an enterprise will rely on the internet or maybe something a lot more advanced to train or look for answers related to there work. The internet is developing faster and is not only available to people via a computer but also many other devices. On BBC news website, they said "Mobile internet will be dominant," he explained. "By 2020, most mobile networks will provide one-gigabit-per-second-minimum speed, anywhere, anytime." This shows that Technology is producing different ways to make life a lot easier.

Taking technological changes/trends into account including the internet being accessible on many other devices such as phones, MP3 players and even TV's, employers working within a certain enterprise are more likely to be able to work from different places in there own time. I think that there is a less likely chance that you will find workers working within an enterprise located in there geographical area. I do feel that employers will be a lot more flexible when it comes to working due technological changes shown above, that are still developing. Overall I think that there will still be space for Information Technology role within an enterprise, just not in the same way it is has been for the past years. I feel that it will be a lot more advanced with the systems and software used like for example the internet, technology plays a huge role within an enterprise and has for the past years. This is why I feel information technology will always exist within an enterprise and will develop along with technology.