Age of customer delight has started where customer satisfaction is no longer considered as Bank success or the service provided by it. Competitive edge is no longer applicable because almost every bank providing the same services in term of quality as well as in quantity. The difference which makes between the banks success are how they fulfill their customer required services at the time when they required the most. Customer delight creates the ever lasting edge for the bank in Red Ocean of banking sector.
Now the question arise how to delight customer when every bank is providing the same services which cannot be distinguish from each other. This question has a unique set of characteristic because it contains the customer delight process which it never been researched yet. Delight a customer is not just a sample question to answer because customer delighting is not just for individual customer; it's for every individual customer of the bank.
It's the time when the Quality of services is no longer the competitive edge for Banks anymore. Any new service can be offered by bank competitors within few days as the competitive edge in banking has been shorten.
This is the age of customer delight where customers get more then they deserved or they have imagined. Customer delight in banking sector was never researched till now as we have found out how the account holder in banks can be delighted not just by there services but the customer receives more of what they ever expected or imagined.
Exploratory Investigation
Till now the literature for customer satisfaction is only studied and proved but the customer delight for a customer is never been researched. For sound conceptual background for investigation customer delight in banking sector, an explorative qualitative study was undertaken to investigate the concept of customer delight.
As all the banks are providing homogenous services , our main emphasis is on the customer reaction to the services provided by them and the experience they faced when they felt excited and delighted from their bank. Focus group interview with the customers was the main part of our research.
Creating the base for our focused group interview we distributed an open ended questionnaire. In which the customer was asked to write the situation where they felt excited or delighted by the service bank has provided them when they really required. We received many situations describe by the customer where they received the service which made them delighted. Every single response was carefully studied and put under same category where situations where same alike.
Focused Interviews
A Total of 8 focused interviews was conducted Focused group were consist of respondents from all walks of life including House wife's, Businessman, Employees, students. Every focused interview was based on the category which responded response in the questionnaires.
Discussion regarding their response to a questionnaire provided the opportunity for the respondent to explain in details regarding its moment of excited or delight from its bank service. Questions asked by the moderator to bring the respondent to exact reason why the customer felt delighted. Every respondent provided the opportunity to elaborate there experience to reach the moment or reason of delight they felt from the service.
Insights from Exploratory Investigation
From the exploratory investigation remarkably is a complete different pattern of customer delight came out, which is totally different from normal services provided by the banks to the customers. Account holders were satisfied from the service provided by the bank as almost all the bank is providing the same type and quality of services but what made the customers delight were the occasion when they were offered or received out the way service from their bank ,which they never expected or never received before.
All the delights of the customers were situation and occasion based as what they have experienced in their daily routine. Outcomes were categorized into the related field as what customer felt delight from the service.
Focused Interviews
Insights from the focused interviews, we summaries the categories of the situation or the time when customer has felt delighted from the bank service.
Outcomes was surprising as the customer felt delighted were not from the homogeneous services provided by the banks but from the acts which customer has received from the banks other then their normal day routine.
Account holders explained in details regarding the situation which they have felt from their bank which caused delight from the bank.Cutsomers replies were investigated to reach the exact moment at the time they received a delightful service from their bank.
Customer Delight Model
The foundation of this model is set by the focused interviews of the customers, at the time they felt delighted by the services of their bank. The determents of the customer delighted by the customer are summarized into the specific reasons for what they felt delighted
Unusual Ambiance mean unique outlook of the bank
Problem solving means willingness to solve any problem.
Caring means Care for the every customer
Giving Undue Favor means providing service more then customer deserves.
Bypassing the system to help means bypassing lengthy procedure for customer relief
Helpful means recognized the problem and Proper Guidance
Prompt Feedback mean on spot Feedback from the management for complains.
Giving a VIP feel means every customer is a king