The students that studying at all universities, They needs for connection with their peer and or learning environment during the first year. The idea that first year students should be supported by acknowledge a role in helping students to get used to new learning and teaching environment,(McInnis,James,and Mc Naaugh(1995,p.3). however the students studies first year has undergraduates who seriously consider dropping out of university during their first year. In case, some of students' experience of interaction with staff in tutorials and with other students through group working, and than specific teaching- leaning process and the structure for the curriculum that university setting related students focus in particular on supporting first year , students through enhancing opportunities for connection with other students as well as staff, the students leave university before the completion of their course can to cause necessary flexible course delivery schedule further reduce opportunities for engagement, in such an environment, an institutional commitment to enhancing and supporting student engagement can be seen as a measure of the quality of a university. The students dropping out at first year cause family is the major early socializing agent in every society, The most important changes affecting family's poverty, Single-parents families, increase in working mothers, pressure on student, overindulged, and homelessness. Education in school, compared with learning experiences in school or peer-group contexts, occurs in relatively formal ways. Students are tested and evaluated; students go 'beyond' the established academic curriculum both in terms of the content to be mastered and in the process of learning. The classroom is generally organized as a group that the teacher treats as a whole "orderly relationship".
In summary three articles, the student attrition has been the focus higher education research for over 65 years over last decade in the United State, United Kingdom and Australasia. Importantly the students need to deepen our understanding of the variable nature of the student experience thought demographic subgroup with a view to promoting persistence in the first year. And support for the argument that academic activity where students engage with teacher and other students are more like to enhance first year student lead learning outcome for students. All data show point to many implications for good practice in teaching supporting and monitoring students. Another one finding related to one particular academic challenge, the students dropping out first year can relating in the context of the tutorial environment in working together with other students in group. However mean while all articles is very important compared for students' experience dropping out first year, but one article hasn't enough meaning for study.
The methods research by mix between three articles focus on quantitative and qualitative. This qualitative of fundamental to the identification and management of the students at risk. Descriptive and performance information. The descriptive data includes course and unit enrolment, equity group data, participation in on line environment, submission and marks of a first piece of assessment. Methods are : provide engaging learning experience through an internationally designed and enacted curriculum(QUT,2002a), facilitate access to practical and timely support services (QUT,2002b) and to promote a sense of belonging (QUT,2002c). another students drop outs cause by demographic differences, finance and resource achievement and self regulation, time management. And it has many methods for to avoid students drop outs first year the such as enrolment and student characteristics (bachelors degree enrollees science…), free arrangements can deferred free payment, commitment and sense of purpose ( university is just
marking time while I decide on my future), satisfaction with the university experience and achievement.
In there are a lot of methods we can evaluations on the issuer students drop outs first year that two articles emphasize on the qualitative end doing something in the works group in there schools; all students studies foundation year in college or university. However one article focus on the quantitative and environment more than .
The results of students can drop outs first year. The first, data of students that not all tutors seemed to value personal connections or peer relationships in the context of tutorials; second, in the context of course related group work, many student reported that tutors left them more or less to themselves to mark their groups work; in many cases little guidance was provided. It saw the benefit of group work as being able to achieve more than they would be able to as individual students. However in this case the group did not get to that point; those who had works on the tasks were too busy; but result another one it show that :
- Changed courses or changed institution after enrolment.
- Withdrew from one or more subjects in the first semester.
- More hours in paid work and course workload too heavy, spend less time on study than the average.
- Have difficulty comprehending material and find it difficult to get motivated.
- Money worries mark it difficult to study
- Not interested in extracurricular activities.
The my assumption seemed to be that students had to respond to the challenges of group work by themselves without much guidance. These finding has number of significant implication
for practitioners, policy makers and researchers in higher education.
Have many theories became discussion on three articles that finding differences resource
For point to the importance of more intensive interaction with first year students in the early part of the year (dropping out first year) .have been shown to be effective in both facilitating students interaction and enhanced learning outcomes. All programmers should such as these provide not only an alternative to more expensive tutorial programmed, but, could actively encourage development of these program and contribute to enhancing the quality of learning in their first yea .Furthermore one research of students achievement first year involved curriculum alignment
or curriculum misalignment don't give student feedback on skill-understanding they need to complete their assessment. It was made by controlling timeliness of call and untracked personal contact with curriculum activities or teaching styles result less or more personal contact from the teachers. But another ones focus on five principles for the fate of those seriously considering dropping out of university in this study first year. If the institutions to which these potential dropouts belonged had know what they were thinking and feeling.
Through discussion of all they can assumption and evaluated that issue have a students dropouts cause by a lot of problems. Whole articles was full description have many differences ideas. However has one article hasn't emphasizes on this problem.
This research on the successful intervention by proactive personal contact with the first year students designated at risk of attrition to provide them with action plan of personal, social
And academic process and resource designs to promote student engagement with tertiary life and study. Kift and Nelson (2005) founded, this type of intervention has emphasize not only for first
year curriculum and pedagogy and strategies alliances between professional and academic.
Therefore the importance of active engagement and personal connection in teaching learning environment for first year students to improve the experience and transition of first year students. Furthermore, (Lewis, O'Brien,Rogan,&Shorten,2005) founded that the institutions could consider creating more opportunities for students to interact with each other, it have shown to be effective in both facilitating students interacting and enhanced learning outcomes.
The finally all articles really has very importance for students' experience that explained lack of another points for the students dropouts first year. And finding resolutions environments for their problems can reform education for the future .