Comparison To Ip Version 4 And Version 6 Information Technology Essay

Published: November 30, 2015 Words: 2432

The transmission control protocols internet protocol was designed by the People called Bob kahn and Vinton clef in 1974 for the U.S. department of defenses advanced research project agency network identified as ARPANET TCP/IP protocol is the main protocol in the internet as transport /network layer. this protocol used by most of the Local area networks and wide area networks because it is reliable and connection oriented. In 1998 TCP/IP has tried to become the most common protocol usin in Local area networks by defeating Novell Netware IPX/SPX. The foundation for the internet was put by this ARPANET agency and it was successful at the beginning it was a dream to build a network which can provide their work even if a segment was lost but in late 1960s many educational institutes had increase their attitudes about developing a network which inter cannot all their faculty systems. In 2000 a large number of Universities had put the computer information systems to their course program and for research studies. Now information systems and internet doing a main part of research faculties wanted to exchange their issues and correspondence work that had done between different part of the universities by transferring date ARPANET was first used in 1971 and create a protocol called network control protocol or NCP which provide the use of IP's Predecessor.

Now the standards are provided by IEEE organization and implementation and compatibility must be on a large scale is necessary. but in 1980 ARPANET tried to convert all the using systems which is compatible with TCP/IP. Because of that ARPANET was divided into two different networks which is called Milnet for military research and ARPANET for continue the ongoing researches ARPANET had decided that all systems which connected to organization must use TCP/IP connection.


TCP/IP V4 had become more poplar as the official RFC's for TCP/IP V4 were designed and documented as a date model. New outlines for the new protocols were documented in RFC's 760 and 761 which was TCP and IP protocols; Some other RFS's like 791 , 792 were written by ARPANET according to new protocols. The first TCP/IP RFC's were contain in IPV4's more development a written standard allowed other educational institutes and universities to begin their research about implementing another since of protocols like TCP/IP V4.

TCP/IP provide reliable efficient and error checking transmission over the networks because it provide error detection foundation It is used to transfer large scale of documents through unreliable networks with great guarantee that the date will come to the receiver without any duplication. TCP/IP is compatible for various date in the protocols which is one reason for became more famous. TCP/IP has two parts which is TCP is the transport layer protocol that combined the application layer to network layer. it consists some useful function like breaking the messages which receives from application layers to small packets and also numbering the packets to ensure that every packet has been uncorrupted delivered to receives and again created the one large message at the end which is receiver. IP Protocol is network layer protocol and provide IP addressing and routing IP software is used at every computer or device which is responsible for transmitting data and message passes IP routes the date to destination but ICP Protocol need only to be active of the sending mode and the receiving mode, because TCP is involves this mechanism at the beginning when data comes from or at the end when date going back problems in IP V4 to application layer IPv4 expend the uses of new technologies by providing 2 hey elements that had allow for extension of IP addresses in IPV4 called Network address translation (NAT) and classless interdomain routing (CDR) NAT is a element provide contain multiple systems on a private network to share one public IP address and it could help to stop the unauthorized access from outside world to the private network. The CIDR element is a one type of addressing method comes with IPV4 that makes use of 131027 prefixes. These prefixes provide more information about how many starting address bits are used to identify the private network. The other bits usually identify the local lost name. CIDR and the NAT were the two hey components when making the IPV4 addressing which it has how. but these CIDR, NAT and BGP had been resulted by the expansive need for large routing tables with more time because of this extensive large routing tables there was a result. affects to administrators by building and maintaining and replacing routing equipments again and again. because of this incident many commercial developing organizations decided that these technologies are no larger needed in IPV5 addressing and routing and also in IPV6 table size will decrease typically.

comparison of IPV4 and IPV6

IPV4 and IPV6 are similar in much of its basic mainframes but there acre many differences according to the developers in IPV4 and IPV6 the main difference is the IP address format in Both version of IP.

IPV 4 address - 193 168.11.45

PIV 6 address - 1938 : 00B3 :2F8C:0000:0000:00FF : EC00 : 93FI

The IPV6 address in 128 bits size and longer than IPV 4. By removing the zeros used in IPV6 can decrease the size of IPV 6 address Zeros can remove when the zeros are leading in and with in any 16 bit block. The example address can be reduced using this following technique. In the example there is block of ECOO does not lose its zeros because zeros are at the end of the block.

IPV 6 address with 1938 : B3: 2F8C :0:0:FF:EC00:93F1 zeros removed

we use another technique to reduce IPV 6 address which is called compression a block of zeros within a 16 bit block can be removed. Then this removed blocks of zeros can be represent by using double colons for a example the IPV 6 address can be like this EE02:0000 :0000: 0000 : 0000 : 0000 : 0000 : 0003 can be reduced to EEO2 : : 3 using compression method.

The above address also can be compressed and shown as 1938:B3:2F8C::FF:EC00:93F1

In a IPV 4 address it contain 32 bits size but in an IPV 6 it has 128 bits. These 123 bits in IPV 6 are normally divided to two parties' network address and host addresses. Then it will be 64 bits for last address and whether 64 bits for network address. Because of this large address size , the number used on address jumps into 4,294,438,197 in IPV 4 to 34 multiply by ten to the power thirty eight in IPV 6. The other difference in IPV 6 address is it is separated by using a different format IPV 4 uses a dotted decimal point and in IPV 6 there is a colon hex format. The advantage of these large addresses used in IPV 6 is the addressing and routing will be more clearer and also provide multiple internals per lost and multiple addresses per inter fall the IPV 6 address format supports three types of Ip address which is unicast multicast and any cast. IPV 6 multicast addressing do the same rule of IPV 4 's broadcasting addresses which is no longer exist. The large charge happened are introduction of anycast address. these anycast addressing allows multiple modes to be assigned title same any cast address. and when the packets sent to the address , routing will decides which is the closest made to the source and exchange network traffic to it. these anycast address can be used in developing a mirror websites with many physical locations being accessible through some anycast address when a user tried to access this site would then be routed to shortest site and then the result will be better.

Addressing types result in reducing administrators worth bad. The terming of IPV 6 neighbor discovery and address auto configuration provide hosts to operate in any possible place without special support renumbering method is made easier, it helps to network administrators by auto configuration and the Manuel attention will be reduced. Renumbering makes transition from from one isp to another isp or network packets to packets will become easier. stateless and stateful address configuration help in making IP configuration and planning easier way stateless configuration works without a dhcp server while stateful is a configuration which had a DHCP server present.

There is a new way of handing name resolution through DNS within the new addressing scheme. The changes in DNS required to support IPV 6 and consists in RFC's with the translation from IPV 4 to IPV 6 it is possible to register an IPV 6 for DNS and the customer would like to use IPV 6 DNS. who is lookup is domain has an IPV 6 address and it can be found through IPV 6 DNS.

Security is a main function of IPV 6. IPV 6 is primarily focused on improved security. that makes it famous as date security because more and more of a little in all areas of it. There are many standards and required security features within IPV 6 without having to make charges to programs. because the improved security features the packet signing to handle authentication date will be confidentially through encryption helps and security within IPV 6.

IPV 6 includes an end to end security model that is designed to protect DHCP , DNS and IPV 6 nobility while IPV 6s implementations in security does not make IP will full of seame from attaches it is only a positive attitude.

The IP routing experience is different with the implementation of IPV 6. smaller routing tables result in more easy routing and less local contains through faster computation. the routing structure makes use of a hierarchical structure that is also more efficient but IPV 6 take major differences to the IP leader. IPV 6 header is more flexible and contains fewer fields the number of fields dropping from 13 to 8. This fewer leader fields result an a cleaner leader and quality of service that as not present in IPV 4. IP option fields in headers have been changed and replaced by a set of optional extension. The user friendly of IPV 6 header could be seen by comparing the address to header size. even the IPV 6 address is four times larger than the IPV 4 address but the header is only twice (large than IPV 4 priority traffic such as real time audio or video can be exchanged from user priority traffic with a priority field.

implementation and transition to IPV 6.

IPV 6 implementation is loco an on going process but some analysts make comparators between the potential shortfall of IPV 4 address and the potential problems feared with year 2000 y 24 problem although there is no special date to fear. it is important that testing and interruption must stare because to change the system and for transition to IPV 6. The transitioning to IPV 6 is full of challenges. larges scale transitions required a high flexibility in the protocol suite software hardware supporting it a successful migration to IPV 6 requires all IPV 4 nodes to communicate with IPV 6 nodes at the migration trial and that IPV 6 technology must in place to allow IPV 6 nodes can communicate over the IPV 4 internet to all other network to meet the different need of network to topologies that are spread throughout the internet. There are many paths for maintaining this change.

The basic steps for an organization to follow for ipv6 migration;

Upgrade applications to support ipv6 addressing ,upgrading of applications can often be difficult and take many years to complete. Simply the cost in new licenses for a product that might work perfectly fine now, is enough to make corporations delay upgrades. if corporations are not interested in upgraded products, than there is little demand for software developers to produce new products.

Upgrade the DNS infrastructure to handle ipv6

Upgrade and implement an ipv6 capable routing infrastructure.

Upgrade hosts to ipv4 /ipv6 compatible nodes.

Upgrade the routing infrastructure to native ipv6 routing

Convert all nodes to ipv6 only

Dual stack

A dual stack technique is carried out with routers in place that handle both ipv4 and ipv6 protocols .with routers handling both protocols. It is possible for a network packet to have both ipv4 and ipv6 hosts. Supporting both protocols eliminates the concern that ipv4 hosts might be unable to communicate during early stages of a transition. A major drawback of using dual stack is that every dual stack host requires an ipv4 address. Even though dual stack is a fundamental method for making the transition to ipv6 , it is not useful as a long term solution.


Another method used to handle the migration is ipv6 over ipv4 tunneling. tunneling lakes an ipv6 packet and encapsulates it in an ipv4 packet to allow the ipv4 infrastructure to handle it. In its basics ,tunneling uses a logical link from source to destination. In the case of ipv6 ,tunneling allows for ipv6 hosts to communicate over ipv4 infrastructures. Tunneling ,as defined in RFC 2893 ,allows for three different configurations ; router to router, host to router, and host to host. The intra site automatic tunnel addressing protocol and 6to4 make tunneling possible.


Consumer upgrades are underway ,but will take a long period of time . consumer products will drive consumer upgrades. Mobile ip devices, home gaming systems and other consumer focused products will begin to incorporate ipv6 ,bringing it into the home. Mobile ip devices are already connecting to 802.11 hot spots that run ipv6.ISP upgrades to ipv6 will likely be consumer driven. As some ISP's begin to upgrade their networks to ipv6, users will see further ipv6 integration in their homes. Business upgrades to ipv6 will be primarily affected by return on investment. Return on investment for ipv6 is increased due to training costs and the actual cost of software and hardware upgrades.

Ipv6 implementation and migration cannot and should not happen overnight. Major changes are required in all areas of industry to allow migration. Countries and companies both large and small, must make the move to ipv6 before overall migration of the internet backbones can happen. As organizations test and complete their migration to ipv6, we move closer to an ipv6 internet. Some estimates that ipv6 will not be fully implemented until 2030 or as late as 2040.while major steps are being made towards implementation of the new protocol completely ipv6 internet is many decades away.