E-Commerce or electronic commerce include those companies that provide products or services of any of the consumers or other companies via the Internet. Can be broken up e-commerce into two main categories:
Online Purchasing: This work provides the customer with these technologies that make it easy for them to find the data and the purchase of goods.
Online Shopping: This includes companies that provide information to customers so they can make a decision and buy a specific product
E-Business or e-business is broader than e-commerce and deals with all aspects of the management of e-business. E-business includes traditional commercial activities, such as working with trading partners and the purchase and sale of products, but usually takes place or electronically via the Internet.
(2) Define Mobile Commerce and L-Commerce?
M commerce (mobile commerce) is the buying and selling goods and services through wireless handheld devices such as cell phone and personal digital assistant (PDA). M of trade enables users to access the Internet without the need to find a place in which to plug and emerging technology behind the trade in the mountainous areas, which is based on Wireless Application Protocol (WAP), has made greater strides than in Europe, where mobile devices equipped with a Web-ready for small browsers are more common than it was in the United States.
(L Business) refers to the resettlement of products and services through mobile commerce and aware of our computing technologies. L- commerce revolves around 5 key areas of service:
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Location: determining the basic position of a person or a thing.
Navigation: plotting a route from one location to another.
Tracking: monitoring the movement of a person or a thing.
Mapping: creating maps of specific geographical locations.
Timing: determining the precise time at a specific location.
(3) Define Mobile Computing, History of Mobile Devices and its Uses?
Mobile computing is a general term describing the person's ability to use technology while moving, as it can be accessed only once from a computer desktop. There are many types of laptops made since the 1990s, including:
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Wearable computer.
Personal digital assistant/Enterprise digital assistant.
Ultra-Mobile PC.
History of Mobile Phones:
Mobile phones have become necessary in our society. In fact, it has been around for several decades in one form or another. And began the formation of technology in the late 1940s, when it launched the idea of a mobile phone.
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Origin of Mobile Phones:
And appeared on mobile phones and modern invention. However, it can be traced back to the invention of the way the phone again by Bill Graham in the 1870s and success in the arrest of a radio. Since these events, these technologies have merged and formed the basis for themselves together in the mobile phone
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Summarize the history of mobile phones, we can say that the phones and was the beginning of the whole system. Radio charted the progress made in wireless communications. Came all of the technologies together to achieve the wireless telephone. Then came the cell phone, which has seen the evolution of popular cellular mobile telephone systems. A digital step that led to the emergence of digital standard, GSM. Helped satellite mobile phones emerge as the preferred means of communication at the global level
Used mobile phones in a variety of purposes, including staying in touch with family members, and the practice of business, and after getting the phone in the event of an emergency. We are able to communicate with them in any place and at any time. Organizations that victims of domestic violence aid offer cell phone company to potential victims. These devices are often old cell phones that are donated and refurbished to meet the emergency needs of the victim. It can be a victim and then the phone is useful when necessary, and WiCell phone sharing is a phenomenon found in all parts of the world. It is very common in India in urban areas, families and groups of friends share in many cases, one or more of Mobile Phones among its members
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Two types of sharing that there is a shared and clear and stealth. Example of the sharing obvious happens when someone calls a friend of the person you are trying to reach and hopes to be able to talk with this person, while an example of this latter type of sharing occurs when the boy takes his father's cell phone without his knowledge. Phone-sharing does not occur only because of the economic benefits.
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A study conducted by Motorola, one of the ten members of a cell phone and second phone, which often kept secret from other family members. And used these phones to engage in activities, including extramarital affairs or business dealings secret.
Other Uses like:
Recording of the entire lectures.
Produce student presentation, assignment and project such iPod.
Support person social life.
Listen to authentic audio materials like music, speech, interview.
Access multimedia materials like movie, photograph.
Produce their multimedia presentation, assignment, and project.
(4) Define E-Malls, advantages and benefits of e-malls?
E-Malls sites that use a single point of entry to provide access to a number of companies that sell products. , Usually associated with stores to participate together through a common theme, such as brand, the industrial sector or even pay.
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Advantages of E-Malls:
It makes our life easier by avoiding going to the malls and by going from store to store looking for the right item.
Saves a lot of time.
Saves money since we won't have to spend fare to go to stores.
To make an informed decision by the product reviews and doing research on the product.
Benefits of E-Malls:
Increased Sales.
Higher level of Repeat sales.
Increased Return on Investment.
Assign savings to other marketing areas.
Allows for ongoing additions and deletions of products and services.
Eliminates your internal workload.
(5) What is a SIM card? What are the services provided by the Etisalat on it?
A subscriber identity module (SIM)
Refers to the SIM card Subscriber Identity Module. A small circle Council encrypted fitted to mobile phones with GSM at the time of the signing of the subscriber. It holds details of the joint, and data security, memory to store personal numbers. Handsome stores information on a card that helps the network service provider to identify the caller. Is it a plug-in type or credit card size, it retains the same objectives. You can store phone numbers and short messages, and it contains a serial number unique to particular
Etisalat provides services to its customers like:
PIN and PUK Code:
PIN is a code used for all GSM based phones to establish authorization for access to certain functions or information. The PIN is provided by the operator with your subscription. The PIN code can be changed.
PUK refer to Personal Unblocking Key code is used to unblock a blocked SIM Card. This comes with your subscription and it is advised to keep the PUK Code safe for use in such a situation. If the customer loses the PUK code he/she has to pay DHS. 50 for unblocking the card.
The Secure of GSM:
GSM has been designed to be a very secure system. Transmission protocols and algorithms are constantly being enhanced and added to the system. GSM remains the most secure public wireless standard in the world.
CLI (Calling Line Identification):
CLI shows the number of the person calling you on your mobile phone display. Your network must support this service to enable you to use it.
Replacing the SIM card online:
You can replace your lost, stolen or damaged SIM cards online, for both Wasel and GSM accounts for just AED 50. Even if it is by cash or by credit cards in order to keep the customer satisfied. For example if you want to replace you a SIM card you have to go to Etisalat online portal and to register by getting your user name and password within few minutes in an easy and simple and in a systematic way.
(6) Give the summary on the revenue generation plan of Yahoo and Google?
Google is the largest source of income that Google was developed by Larry Page and Sergey Brin.
You can imagine how many sites participating in this program, either express or publisher, and also from the Google service to get out and certainly have other sources of income and the owners of Google sites like YouTube recently!
Google made a new way to work in companies that provide most services for free, and benefit only of the ads
The main source of income for images and ads that appear when you search. I thought in order to bring more Google-level, so I decided to show ads on other sites so that, through AdSense, which has doubled its profits in many cases, do not underestimate the profit that comes from advertising, because if we say that the number of searches conducted daily in Google, for example, 100000000 process, and the pressure was more than 15% of the ads, and the cost of advertising is $ 1 and this means that $ 15 million will earn in a day, or about $ 450 million per month, not to mention the income that comes from pressure on the ads that appear in the sites participating in Google.
Yahoo the same thing, but it depends on non-text ads more than that, in addition to programs and services trade. The Constitution provides for example, special services for travelers such as tickets and making hotel arrangements through special agencies, and they take them just the Committee
Adobe, Yahoo! to Deliver Ad Revenue Generating Service
Adobe and Yahoo together Ads for Adobe PDF powered by Yahoo, a service that allows publishers to business on the Internet to generate ad revenue, including contextual ads next to popular local content
To join the program, publishers must register online, then download the content of Adobe PDF so that you can be advertising, and empowerment. Ads are displayed within Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat in a panel adjacent to the content. Each time you look at PDF content, and contextual ads are matched to them. The publisher can monitor ad performance through detailed reports, similar to the way in which ad tracking Web site.
Declaration for Adobe PDF Powered by Yahoo is free and requires no additional software. The program, currently in beta, is open to publishers, based in the United States who produce content in English
Below is the Google and Yahoo Revenue in September 2007/2008:
Google Revenue
Google Net Income
Yahoo Revenue
Yahoo Net Income
Most of the services and Web applications often depend on their profitability:
Direct commercial services.
Agreements with the third parties by providing services and taking commissions.
Google main source is from powerful Ads, Both within the pages of search results or Adsense program on their own websites. Yahoo! and MSN main source is from the income of mail accounts paid. And to create content and sites that can provide all information to the user. That is the great revenue of Yahoo!
(7) Discuss the relationship between market research and advertisement?
Market research is what you can use to create the ad. Find you to generate the data. Marketing tools and include elements such as focus groups, concept testing, product testing, and demography, and patterns of life, and modeling of choice.
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Advertising unconvincing and media and aims to influence the purchasing behavior and / or patterns of thinking to the public. That the use of the Internet and World Wide Web for the delivery of marketing messages and attract customers. Examples of online advertising include contextual ads on search engine results pages, banner advertising networks and advertising and e-mail marketing, including e-mail spam, etc..........
Compared to other media investments such as direct mail or printed newsletters, it is less expensive.
It is instant, as opposed to a mailed advertisement; an email arrives in a few seconds or minutes.
It lets the advertiser "push" the message to its audience, as opposed to a website that waits for customers to come in.
It is easy to track. An advertiser can track users via web bugs, bounce messages, read-receipts, click-through, etc.
(8) Locate recent information on Amazon.com and its battle with Barners and Noble (bn.com)?
Amazon.com, Inc. Is an American multinational company based electronic commerce. Based in Seattle, Washington, is the largest retailer in America on the Internet, with nearly three times the sales proceeds the Internet. Jeff Bezos founded Amazon.com, Inc. in 1994 and launched online in 1995. It also began selling books online but soon diversified to product lines of VHS, DVD and CDs and MP3 music files, software, video games, electronics, clothing,
Furniture, food, toys, etc..
amazon.com attracted no less than the scope 615000000 visits per year by 2008, According to a survey Compete.com. This was twice the numbers of walmart.com. Amazon has established separate websites in Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Japan and China.
Barnes & Noble, Inc is the largest book store chain in the United States, and operated mainly by the Barnes & Noble Booksellers chain of bookstores headquartered in lower Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. Barnes & Noble is the brand in the country my books up for the sixth consecutive year, as determined by a combination of the performance of this brand familiarity, quality, and the intention of buying, selling books, the highest in quality for the second year in a row and number two retailer in confidence , according to a study by the brand EquiTrend Harris Interactive
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Before the establishment of Barnes & Noble location on the Internet, books sold directly to customers through catalogs by mail. I first started selling books online in the late 1980s, but did not come the company's Web site until May 1997. Site now holds more than 1 million titles.
In 1999, Amazon Bookstore Cooperative Minneapolis, Minnesota, Amazon.com sued for trademark infringement. The cooperative was using the name "Amazon" since 1970, but reached out of court agreement to share a name with the retailer on the Internet.
The company has been controversial for alleged use of patents as a barrier competitive. In the "patent 1 - Click" is probably the best known example of this. The use of the Amazon one-click patent against competitor Barnes and Noble at the site of the Free Software Foundation to announce a boycott on Amazon in December 1999.The County Park in September
2002. On February 22, 2000, given the company a patent covering the assignment of Internet-based client in the system, or what is commonly called the "Affiliate Program". The reaction was swift and negative. On February 25, 2003, given the company a patent titled "Method and System for discussions relating to an item on Internet discussion board.
(9) Enter Amazon's site and find the top selling textbooks on EC?
The Complete E-Commerce Book:Design, Build & Maintain a Successful Web-based Business by Janice Reynolds and Roya Mofazali.
Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 E-Commerce in C# 2005: From Novice to Professional by Cristian Darie and Karli Watson.
WEB Design: E-Commerce (Icons) by Julius Wiedemann.
e-Business & e-Commerce for Managers by Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, and Kate Steinbuhler.
E-Commerce Logistics & Fulfillment: Delivering the Goods by Deborah L. Bayles.
(10) Find a review of one of these textbooks?
Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 E-Commerce in C# 2005: From Novice to Professional by Cristian Darie and Karli Watson.
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You will learn how to build a network of Internet and e-commerce site completely, and after the design and construction of the entire process. The site will be created following industry best practices in a modular manner, with a new module was completed and presented in each chapter.
Topics include bulletin online shopping cart, product search, and recommendation, and exit / Jobs payment. The distinguishing feature of this book is that it illustrates the processing of payments through PayPal, Cash data, and the flow of VeriSign Payment Pro. At the end of the book, will have you create e-commerce site and is fully functional, allowing you to sell goods and acceptance of funds from customers and at low cost to you.
About the Author:
Cristian Darie, currently the technical lead for the Better Business Bureau Romania, is an experienced programmer specializing in open source and Microsoft technologies, management systems and relational databases. In the last 5 years has been designed, published, and many software applications optimized data-oriented while he was an adviser to a wide range of companies. For the most part, he indulges in the net and related technologies, and has written many books about. Has extensive knowledge of the sites database-driven programming and has authored on the titles Beginning ASP.NET e-commerce, C # Professional, Second Edition, and professional 1.0 ASP.NET
Book Details:
Paperback: 704 pages
Publisher: Apress; 1 edition (October 17, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1590594681
ISBN-13: 978-1590594681
Product Dimensions: 9.2 x 7 x 1.6 inches
Shipping Weight: 2.4 pounds
Average Customer Review: 4.8 out of 5 stars
Table of Contents:
Starting an E-Commerce Site
Laying Out the Foundation
Creating the Product Catalog: Part I
Creating the Product Catalog: Part II
Searching the Catalog
Improving Performance
Receiving Payments Using PayPal
Catalog Administration
Creating a Custom Shopping Card
Dealing with Custom Orders
Making Product Recommendations
Adding Customer Accounts
Advanced Customer Orders
Order Pipeline
Implementing the Pipeline
Credit Card Transactions
Integrating with Amazon
Installing the Software
Project Management Considerations
(12) Enter www.emarketer.com and find the latest statistics on EC growth .
In 2011, will be 63.7% of Internet users in the United States the use of social networks on a regular basis, amounting to nearly 148 million people. Although the pace of growth will be less dramatic in the next few years than it was in 2009 and 2010, will be used is still strong and shows no sign of decline. Marketers and media companies alike now know that in order to reach their audiences, and must have a presence on social networks
Between the main trends for 2011:
• With fewer new users subscribe, the audience for a social network grows more sophisticated and discerning about the people and brands interact.
• The market for young people under the age of 35 still dominate the use and activity and participation, and can be the older age groups and less acting.
• The battle between e-mail networks and social users time and interest is gaining momentum.
• With the increasing use of smart phone, will consumers increasingly turn to their mobile device as a starting point for social activities.
In 2011, and the social networks need to strengthen its relations with its users, especially people who range from age of 35 and above, in order to keep them, drove them. Can marketers and media companies to contribute to this effort through the creation of compelling user experiences that make people want to stay in touch with social networks so they can get deals and experience or content that may not be able to find anywhere else.