The Chinese civilization is one of the oldest in the history of the world. There is no knowledge of its exact origin, but known evidence dates back to approximately 2500-2000 B.C., the era of the Xia Dynasty. China's history is very long, interesting, and mystical and is full of many significant individuals, events, and reoccurring patterns that have had influence over other civilizations throughout time. Like many civilizations, China also has its own distinct culture that can be seen progressing as time goes on, from tribe like beginnings to an intellectual society. Li Po, a famous Chinese poet 701-762, lived during China's "middle" period, 220-1299, a time where Chinese poetry first saw its existence.
In the beginning of China's "middle" period, which began with the end of the Han Dynasty in 220 A.D., there were a lot of sudden changes. Since its known origin, China had been ruled by a single emperor under one dynasty. By 220, China was divided into three kingdoms each with their own dynasty: Wei, Wu, and Shu Han (Eberhard, Pg 107). This divide was followed by another split in the nation between north and south, "non-Chinese nomad dynasties poured over the north, in the south one Chinese clique after another seized power, so that dynasty followed dynasty until finally, in 580 A.D., a united China came again into existence." (Eberhard, Pg 107). During the split between the north and the south, the north was ruled by Mongol and Turkish peoples whose influences made their appearance in Chinese traditions; the tradition "of feudal nobility with privileges of birth and all that they implied" (Eberhard, Pg 108). Also at this time, Buddhism made its presence known "and offered new notions, new ideals, foreign science, and many other elements of culture, with which the old Chinese philosophy and science had to contend" (Eberhard, Pg 108). Before Buddhism made its appearance in China, the people of China thought that they were only civilized country and everyone else was barbaric.
From the beginning of the "middle" period to the year 580 A.D., China had witnessed the rise and fall of many rulers, dynasties, and empires. By 580 A.D., all of China was united under one rule once again. During those three hundred years, China encountered many struggles but many cultural accomplishments. "The court and the palaces of the wealthy members of the gentry attracted scholars and poets… A large number of the best-known Chinese poets appeared in this period" (Eberhard, Pg 163). This was the first time since China's existence that poetry was introduced. These poems were too advanced for the average Chinese citizen, but were easily understood by scholars and those of higher standing. "They are poems for the small circle of scholars among the gentry and for cultured patrons, spiced with quotations and allusions, elaborate in metre and construction, masterpieces of aesthetic sensitivity - but unintelligible except to highly educated members of the aristocracy" (Eberhard, Pg 163). Besides poetry, music and religion: Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism, also manifested over this time period; and poetry and music collided, "Chinese poets wrote songs in Chinese for this music" (Eberhard, Pg 163). This has a big part of the culture and literature of China.
In 580 A.D., China was in the process of coming together under Wen Ti, 589-604, of the Sui Dynasty, 580-618 A.D. (Eberhard, Pg 169). When Wen Ti came into power the North and the South split, had developed different ways, and no longer spoke the same language. There was also an issue of population; the north was highly populated while the south, though populated in some areas, was not quite as inhabited. This incited rebellion in Prince Kuang of the South, he and his followers murdered the emperor and took control (Eberhard, Pg 168). Kuang changed his name to Yang Ti and was faced with many problems from the Turkish people and the people of Korea. In 615, the Turks had allied themselves with Li Shih-min of China defeated Yang Ti. In 618, Li Shih-min's father Li Yüan was made emperor and established the T'ang Dynasty. Although the Sui Dynasty was short lived, it allowed for China to transition from a separated country to a unified nation.
During the T'ang Dynasty, 618-906 A.D., Chinese poetry reached its highest quality and many poets made themselves known. The two most famous poets of this dynasty were "Li T'ai-po, 701-762, and Tu Fu, 712-770" (Eberhard, Pg 182). Other famous poets, although not quite as famous as Li T'ai-po and Tu Fu, were Po Chü-i, 772-846, and Yüan Chen, 779-831 (Eberhard, Pg 182). Li T'ai-po, whose family was of Turkish origin, was from western China (Norton, Pg 971). In Chinese society, family background was essential for people of certain classes to interact. In high-society, Li T'ai-po was non-existent. To make a name for himself he undertook the task of becoming a poet and gained entrance to the Han-lin Academy, "an imperial establishment for entertainers, intellectuals who did not advance through the normal channels, and interesting eccentrics (Norton, Pg 971)." Li T'ai-po travelled most of his life and indulged in constant drinking. Poetry created in the T'ang dynasty was a vision of the present world; Li T'ai-po took that world and added his own little twists. "Li Po gave it an additional dimension of poetic fantasy, describing the worlds of the Taoist heavens, evoking something wondrous and strange (Norton, Pg 971)." Because his poetry created such wild and exotic imagery, people believed he was something divine, "For such flair and capacity to see the world with fresh eyes, his contemporaries called him the 'banished immortal,' one of those ethereal beings who dwell in the heavens and who, for some extravagant misdemeanor, have been exiled to live out a lifetime in the world of mortals (Norton, Pg 971)." In The Norton Anthology: World Literature book, a few of Li T'ai-po's works can be found: "The Sun Rises and Sets," "Bring in the Wine," "Yearning," "Ballad of Youth," "The Girls of Yüeh," "Dialogue in the Mountains," "Summer Day in the Mountains," "My Feelings," "Drinking Alone by Moonlight," and "Sitting Alone by Ching-t'ing Mountain." Li T'ai-po has written over one-thousand works of poetry, but these were the select few that were chosen for this book.