Setsuko Mura is a normal fifteen year old but with a small mistaken identity, she and her friends goes through tough journeys, heartbreak, secrets and self discovery. See how Setsuko and her friends lead a life as students in a very private school and as protectors of their dimension.
"Wish it was as easy as saying it". A fifteen year old girl with porcelain skin, long raven coloured hair and ruby eyes was listening to DJ on her favourite radio station in a taxi car with her parents. She was heading for her new boarding school in Japan; she had flown from her hometown to study in the one of the best and famous schools on world, Hana Academy. Behind her calm and compose face her was scared to death. Despite the fact this is the ONLY Japanese school that teaches in English, being alone without her family and friends is the fear a lot people encounter when entering a new school.
"Now Setsuko, remember to work hard on your studies, join some clubs, get to bed early, and make sur-",As her mother lectures her daughter about school, Setsuko interrupted her" Mom I get it ok! I'll be fine I won't get myself kicked out of school!"Setsuko was nervous as it is she doesn't need her mother to make it worse.
Setsuko Mura, an average 15 year old Australian girl with a calming voice and personality. She tries to calm people from painful and rough times but that doesn't mean she give a good fight. Setsuko is a sketching artist where she can capture people's emotions while sketching them. Setsuko tries to stay quiet in most situations but she has a unique personality which she becomes a completely different person in different situations but most times is a calm and slightly timid. A simply Jane.
But not today.
"Now don't worry too much. Setsuko will do great in school and she'll make us proud!"Kano, Setsuko's father said with a proud and happy smile on his face. His always knew that Setsuko was mature enough to know what's right and wrong. Mother understood what her father meant she agrees with a nod on her head.
"I know I'm sad that she grown up so fast. It won't be long before she goes to college and get married with children and then..."Asami, Setsuko's mother was crying while talking thinking about her little girl leaving her.
"Well, I'll be going off now. See you during the holidays I'll inform you on how I'm doing", Setsuko said with her usual emotionless expression on her face.
Ok then, we'll be off then take care, Setsuko! "Kano said with a reassuring smile on his face. As Setsuko saw them drive off, her lips curved slightly upwards as she remembers what they said.
"Bye, mom. Bye, dad. I'll miss you too".
She turns around to see a huge building in front of her. Setsuko was in shock for a second but her expression returned to her usual poker face."Whoa it's bigger than I thought ", Setsuko thought as she walked towards her new school along with some other students. Some students walk in groups showing that they're friends."Man! Why didn't Crystal come with me to Hana Academy?!" Setsuko thought, thinking back to her hometown friend while still keeping an emotionless face.
Thirteen year old Setsuko to a taller girl with chocolate brown hair and hazel eyes that were shielded by her glasses.
"Because Setsuko, "Hana Academy" is a JAPANESE school and I can't forgive them for invading our town!" Crystal said with an angered look on her face.
"Because it happened a long time ago and they turned it to an English school!" Setsuko argued back annoyed with her friend's stubbornness.
"I don't care! I am NOT going even if Adam Lambert is there. Wait, is Adam Lambert in Japan?"Crystal asked waiting for answer.
Setsuko shook her head saying no.
"Then NO I'm not going to Hana Academy!" Crystal yelled out.
"Well, it was worth a try" sighed Setsuko, upset that she couldn't get her friend to come with her and now she has to go alone.
"Oh well can't be upset with it now. What happened, happened. "Setsuko thought, as she walked towards the entrance of her new school. On her way, Setsuko noticed a girl fall down flat on her face as she tripped on a rock.
"Ouch! Why must I be so clumsy I hate myself!!",said the girl, rubbing her nose while trying to collect all the books she dropped."Need some help?". The girl looked up and saw Setsuko in front of her offering her a hand."Yea, thank you."
Setsuko got a closer look on this girl. She had long brown hair tied to the side and emerald coloured eyes. She also wears the uniform as Setsuko; A navy blue dress with long sleeves, a white blouse with the collar just above her dress with a blue ribbon and a white handkerchief tied around the waist through the belt slot."Hi my name's Setsuko. What's yours? "Setsuko asks, while helping her with her books."I'm Tsukie. Thanks for helping."Tsukie said, as she collected her books."Come on lets head for school. "Setsuko said while Tsukie nodded her head. Once they got Tsukie's books, they headed straight for Hana Academy.
Setsuko and Tsukie were talking with each other and found that they have many things in common. Tsukie is from Tokyo and has a habit of hiding from conversation. Shes kind and quite timid so not much talking can be heard from her. She has been in a foster home for a long time as her brother has been in a coma for some time now so she doesn't get to see him very often. She also enjoys drawing and using her computer for fun. She and Setsuko have more in common than they realized.
As Setsuko and her new friend, Tsukie, entered the building, they were shocked beyond belief on what they saw in front of them. The school was much bigger than they expected it to be. The school was amazingly, 6 stories high with a fountain right in the center of the school. The pathway to the fountain was rimed with small cherry blossom trees and a few wooden benches. The school has a greenhouse outside with many different species of plants and trees. There was also a giant stage and the school really open-sided so anyone and skate without concern.
"Wow", Setsuko and Tsukie said in unison. Setsuko and Tsukie were amazed and shock on how big the school."Wait do you have the brochure?"Tsukie asked, wondering how big the school really is."I do", Setsuko pulled out the brochure from her bag."Let's see...Wow actually the school is made of three buildings .The left one has the three-leveled staff room, the office ,two store rooms and the bookstore."Setsuko explained with shock plastered on her face."All that in one building??!!!"Tsukie, was practically stunned."I really want to know how people find their way around here!" Setsuko was as shocked as Tsukie."I really regret not reading the brochure!!" exclaimed Tsukie as she went to Setsuko's side to read along with her.
"Come on, we have to get our schedule and dorm room number .We'll read the brochure later." They continued waking to the office. Once there, the teacher instructed them to type their names. They did as what they were told and sure enough, a copy of Setsuko's and Tsukie's s schedule and dorm number were printed out. The teacher gave them their room keys and pointed to the directions of their dorms. Setsuko and Tsukie compared their schedules.
"Sweet! We have all the same classes!"Tsukie yelled out in excitement."I know! What about our dorm rooms?"Setsuko looked at dorm room number then back to hers."Awesome! Your room is next to mine". The girls stopped in front of their assigned rooms. Well, see you at the assembly". They waved goodbye to each other and entered their rooms. Each room has the student's surname written on a plate. Setsuko saw her surname and another meaning her roommate.
Setsuko entered her room and what she saw was a typical room; a bathroom, 2 beds, a table, 2 closets, a ceiling fan, 2 bedside-tables on each side of the room as she expected but there was a girl unpacking her bags.
"Umm...Hi?"The girl turns her head and saw Setsuko.
"Hey calm down, I'm not a burglar or anything!"Setsuko was digging her inside her ears, trying to get her hearing back. Then, the girl changed her scared look on her face and replaced it with a grin. "Then you must be my roomie!! Konnichiwa, my name is Jin Hisuiko", Jin introduced herself. She had brown, shoulder-length hair tied in two low pig-tails and she looked like she has Heterochromia. Her left eye was green while her right eye was blue. She also wears glasses. She offered her hand and Setsuko took her hand and shook it.
"Hi my name is Setsuko Mura", Setsuko then notice something on the bed. " that yours?". Jin looked at what's she's pointing at and smiles.
"Oh that 'tis Polly!"
"Polly?" Setsuko continued to stare at the doll then looked back at the owner. "Yes, Polly! My cute little doll wherever I go I take her with me."
Even in class?"
"Even in class!"
Ok so...I guess the other bed is mine or is Polly taking my bed?"
Jin laughed for a moment and the replied, "No Polly and I are sharing a bed so yes the other bed is yours".
"Sweet so want to see if we got the same classes?" Setsuko asked waving around her schedule list.
"Ya, I wanna see, yeah!"
Setsuko and Jin check their schedule and found they have the same schedule.
"Yayz!!! WE GOT THE SAME CLASSES!!!"Jin yelled out in joy, "Sorry if I'm too hyper, I'm high on sweets now!"
Setsuko smiled as she saw her new friend hyper jumping in joy and happiness. "Hey we better unpack our stuff and head for the assembly".
"Oh right", Jin stopped jumping around started unpacking with Setsuko.
The girls finish unpacking headed out of the room. While chatting with each other, Setsuko and Jin knew more of each other. Jin was from a small island in Malaysia called Penang where they are known for their delicious food. She, like Tsukie and Setsuko is an artist, a sculptures artist.
On their way to the assembly Setsuko saw a door that was different than the rest. She stepped closer and she felt something behind the door.
"Setsuko, what's wrong?"Jin asked with a concerned look. "I just feel there something different about his room."
"Besides the door looking way older and fancier than the rest?"
"Well, that and that it has this weird vibe. Can't you sense it?"Setsuko kept staring at the door sensing something freaky about this door.
"Actually, yea I do!"Jin started to feel the same sensation as Setsuko did. Setsuko started reaching for the door-knob. As she turned the knob and about to open the door she heard someone calling to them.
"Hey are you girls lost, un?"
They turned around to see a senior student."Umm yes we're headed to the assembly."Setsuko replied nicely to the senior.
"Oh well it's just down the hall, un" .The senior lead them the hall where straight ahead was the assembly. "Thank you very much".
"Yeah sure no problem, un". The senior replied with a grin, "By the way I'm Deidara ,un"
"I'm Jin and this is Setsuko!"Jin said introducing herself and Setsuko waved slightly. She still wondering about the door and decided to ignore it for now.
"Um… Jin we really need to go" Setsuko whisper into Jin's ears.
"Oh right!!! Sorry Deidara we got to go see ya!!!"Jin said as she and Setsuko ran past him and ran towards the assembly.
"That was close, un" Deidara thought to himself feeling relief as his look back at the door and close it.
"Well he seems very nice and even told where the assembly and...Um… Setsuko?" Jin looked at her friend spacing out. "Oh yea he's really nice I guess…"Setsuko said and put on a fake smile for Jin.
"You're still thinking about that door right?" Jin said clearly not convinced by her smile.
"Well yea I just felt something about it" Setsuko said feeling curious of the door. Jin grabbed her shoulder and shook her...hard.
"Snap out of it!!! It 'tis just a door!!!!" Jin yelled out really annoyed with Setsuko. "Ok I forget just stop shaking me will ya??!!!"Setsuko said grabbing Jin's arm and releasing herself from Jin's grip. Jin smiled as Setsuko was tidying herself. Then, Setsuko saw a pink and yellow arm sticking out Jin' bag. She raised an eyebrow. "Is that...Polly?"Setsuko asked pointing to Jin's bag. She pushed Polly's arm back in the bag. "When I say wherever… I mean… wherever. Anyway try and forget about the door. It's none of our business. Come on we need to get to the assembly!" Jin said trying to convince Setsuko.
"Ok then, shall we go now?"Setsuko suggested. They headed to the assembly when Setsuko saw Tsukie and called out to her. She has not really forgotten about the door incident but will leave it be.
Tsukie turned around and smile when she Setsuko entering the room. She ran to her but on her way tripped and nearly fell if it weren't for Setsuko and Jin catching her before she fell.
"Jeez, when ya said she's clumsy you weren't kidding!"Jin said as she helped Tsukie up on her feet. She quickly got and looked at Jin then to Setsuko.
"Tsukie, this is Jin my roomie and she has the same classes as we do"
"Ahem!" Jin hinted as she slightly pulled out her doll out of her bag. "And that's Polly." Setsuko said to satisfy Jin.
"Hola, Tsukie!"Jin said as she put on her usual smile.
"By the way this is my roomie." Tsukie as she showed them a dark girl about 4 cm taller than Jin. She had long wavy black hair with brown streaks in her hair with sapphire-coloured eyes. "Hi my name is Sashine!" She then spotted something sticking out of Jin's bag. She then took a closer look and her expression turned to disgust.
"What is that??!!" Sashine asked she pulled out Polly out of Jin's bag.
"She's Polly she my wonderful little doll!" Jin said as she didn't notice the look on Sashine's face.
"Doll??!! Its looks like a dirty dishrag!!" Sashine said as she dropped Polly on the floor. Jin grabbed Polly and put it back in her bag then glared at Sashine. "Dishrag?" As Jin and Sashine argued about Polly, Setsuko and Tsukie were left in the background.
"Should we like...Stop them before it worsens?" Tsukie asked Setsuko as they watch the argument turn into a catfight. "And get involved? No way!!" Setsuko said as they slowly backed away. While Setsuko was stepping backwards, she bumped into someone, someone she thought she would never have to meet again.