Company Best Practices
Best Practices Manual
This Best Practices handbook is being assembled to support supervisors in a comfortable shift into our company. A vital element in turning out to be a victorious leader is using best practices. Any feedback that our employees can provide regarding best practices previously in use is welcomed. The guidelines of this company, backing permitted, is to allow for sufficient staff training. “As higher education has learned over the years, investing money in development yields results such as improved performance, higher morale, and an employee base that is educated on current trends and issues.” (Hopkins and Hampton, 1995)
Supervisors are not only encouraged to use best practices, in addition we offer training to every other employee. Executing best practices have upshot in elevated moral and increased production from every one involved. Leadership's approach should be evidently tacit at every level of the organization. To remain victorious with in-house communication, it is necessary for all who are involved to understand fully his or her position in becoming successful, in addition to what is anticipated all the way through the progression.
Despite the fact that there are constant changes in procedures, our company sustains high goals and values through sanctioning our employees. Once you have completed the reading, feel free to offer feedback. We are open to any opinions you may have and we are excited to know what all team members have learned from this manual
Best Practices used for Demonstrating Communication Skills:
Communication skills are necessary, not just intended for management but for all other employees the same. In an organization, details should be recognized and comprehended, as poor communication skills donate to disappointment. Individuals open up regarding pertinent issues because they understand and ask questions.
Staying unbiased when communicating with others shows that one has alienated the person hindered from the issue. Being deficient of communication skills can donate to an essential collapse in our department's capability to correspond closing date changes.
Communication within an organization is a critical success factor. The fuzzier the goals, the more chaos in an organization; the more clearly goals are communicated the easier it is for employees to decide what needs to be accomplished. If employees are part of the process, they will understand more clearly. If they know there is no employee participation, it does not matter how good the plan, it will not work.
(Drucker, P. February 1997)
Producing a culture of alteration is necessary to the improvement made all the way through the 21st century. Employees having issues pertaining to not accepting work changes has shown to be consistent. When communicating positive culture changes, various perspectives offer plentiful ideas.
In some cases, a culture change was precipitated by the realization of a customer-driven planning process; in other cases, it was the culture change that actually facilitated the accomplishment of the customer-driven planning process. For effective customer-driven strategic planning organizations, the status quo is simply not an alternative.
(Drucker, P. February 1997)
Best Practices for Orientation and Training
Throughout the orientation and training procedure, employees are shaped into becoming the finest employees a company has representing them. A company has a better chance at their employees being happy and remaining with the company, once all information is made upfront to the employees.
Training may not be a common activity in all companies; therefore there is a possibility that the new Supervisor may not be familiar with the process. Making an investment by hiring individuals to train our new employees will be a worthwhile investment. This will also show the new employees that our company is dedicated to them.
The number one connection in communicating expectation is done through training, by motivating development and stimulating individual performance. The development of sales efforts barely ever hit the mark, but with clear expectations for activity and performance, then the mark is more reachable. An employee who is allowed ownership will make certain the accomplishment is in the direction of long-lasting change. Over time, improvement is a result of calculated, deliberate procedures. The single most important skill of management is recruitment and selection of the best talent needed for each position.
Best Practices for Improving Productivity for Teams
First-rate and supple management is identified to produce optimistic attitudes and a fruitful place of work. When individual strengths and skills of each team member are acknowledged, contemplating the best way of using these skills and strengths is used to become a team of much production.
Each individual team may have to take on more responsibilities. Once the employees recognize that they are being trusted to take charge of supervisor or management responsibilities will show that the team is trusted. Organized systems and processes in addition to, secure and satisfying work surroundings add to self-confidence and success.
Positive attitudes that produce group synchronization are accomplished through teamwork and team building. The team becomes part of the organization resulting in improved attitude through greater job satisfaction. High productivity in an organization is often rewarded to the team players. Rewarding each team members must take in consideration of what will motivate each employee. Bonuses are often used to reward, but not all individuals will be motivated with the same technique; therefore knowing each employees needs and wants is essential.
Recognizing and being perceptive of what de-motivates employees is as important for the course of production as ones stimulating skills. Production is decreased severely when individuals are de-motivated. “There are four common de-motivators found in the work force: politics, confusing messages, unclear expectations, and unproductive meetings.” (Spitzer, D. 1997) When de-motivators are permitted in a labor force, team members are exhausted of their productive energy used. Supervisors, at all cost, need to avoid this kind of practice
A supervisor must be able to construct trust in ones team, persuade cohesiveness, encourage participation, communicate clearly, set a good example, eliminate problems, sustain, and attain goals for the entire team. To follow the saying of “Do on to others, as you would want done on to you” will guide a supervisor in the positive course.
Best Practices for Conducting Performance Appraisals
The performance appraisals offer a controllable base for constructing staff choices such as education desires, income modifications, promotions, reassignment, sustained employment, or terminations. “Both the supervisor and employee need to know that there is a performance problem prior to any major annual review. The longer a problem is allowed to continue, the more difficult it is to take corrective action. Frequent performance appraisals should eliminate the surprise element and help to modify performance prior to any annual review.” (Boice, D. and Kleiner, B. November, 1997)
Performance appraisals are composed of: measure employees’ aptitude to execution and completion of task, meeting demeanor standards, and performing further work necessities at preferred rank of capability. Performance appraisals are required to be conducted on an expected basis, such as six month increments; to permit everyone involved to be updated concerning strengths and weaknesses of employees. To have employees observe appraisals in a positive way will create a positive experience.
Familiar errors discovered in appraisal systems consist of evaluations tending to be non-specific toward the employee, conflicting remarks relating to actual performance, a supervisor leading the meeting with the employee who in essence gives the individual employee little or no input, and management not offering suggestions for improvements during the interview. All the common errors have proven to create hostility in the employees.
Best Practices for Resolving Conflict
Recognize that the conflict exists; examine the concerns, search for the resolutions, keep the focus on the problem and not the individual, and create a preparation to set right the situation. To react properly and instantaneously to whichever disagreement is essential when working with a dilemma. If the proper channels are not followed, it is possible the conflict will remain unresolved and will also initiate the “snowball effect”.
It is imperative to attain feedback when resolving disagreements, without the risk of reprimand. Disagreements of a more personal note should be dealt within a one-on-one fashion, with the party involved. Communication skills must be effective when applied when dealing when disagreements. One must listen carefully, provide feedback at any point needed, keep both ears open to pick up on any compassion needed and care about his or her feelings in order resolve the disagreement.
Disagreements could escalate if they are not settled the moment they occur. By openly exhibiting one is concerned and attentive, reveals to employees that he or she is sincere about the situation. Disagreements of all kind entail discretion and reassurance from a supervisor.
Multiple perspectives provide multiple ideas, enhancing greater creativity which will allow for ideas which are not monotonous; therefore sales will improve. In some cases, a culture change was precipitated by the realization of a customer-driven planning process; in other cases, it was the culture change that actually facilitated the accomplishment of the customer-driven planning process. In all cases, however, the culture changed. For effective customer-driven strategic planning organizations, the status quo is simply not an alternative.
Drucker, P. February 1997
Best practices for Improving Employee relations
There are numerous methods a supervisor can make use of when striving in enhancing employee relations; this is an issue of finding what works best for each individual. An organizations moral and ethic system play an enormous role. When employees examine a supervisor who is trustworthy and fair in all judgments, the bar has been set for all to emulate. Employees need to be comfortable working for the company he, or she is representing. Displaying respect, interest, empathy, patience for each individual will allow for reciprocation.
In the event an employee starts displaying performance management issues, one needs to initiate immediately a one-on-one meeting with that employee to discuss the problem. Not resolving issues from the start can have severe blows to the organization, such as a decline in productivity, higher employee turnover, low confidence, and needless permissible disagreements.
By involving employees in brainstorming regarding personal opinions and concerns sends a positive message. A principle component of employee relations is to value the knowledge, skills, and abilities of ones team. Promote equality and diversity in the workplace, so every employee can participate and has the opportunity to fulfill his or her potential.
Acting as a leader of the team one has to construct thriving, valued optimistic employee relations. Support an all-inclusive staff with the principle of valuing, distinguishing and rewarding excellent routines. By supplying compensation for valued employees will assist in producing a surrounding in which each employee will give all of their ability and skills to the success of organizational goals. A supervisor should in addition make certain compensations stay competitive. Upholding exceptional communication with ones employees is the most important device any supervisor can sustain.
This handbook concentrates on concerns which conceal a wide range. A supervisor’s everyday jobs are tremendously vital for all to be familiar with, comprehend, and value when executing in an affirmative method. Communication is a key to being a successful supervisor. Recognizing how to listen enthusiastically and correctly are important tools. An employee who pretends to hear what was being said will find that actively listening and retaining what is being communicated.
People skills will permit team members to work together successfully. Listening, recognizing, assisting, taking action and explaining will assist one to lead a strong team to triumph. “This list is just the beginning - something to get one started and thinking about employee development. My challenge to managers everywhere is to try these ideas and create new ones specific to your company -if one takes the challenge, one will be on the right path to more motivated employees and higher morale.” (Hopkins, Hampton, 1995)
Boice, D. & Kleiner, B. (1997, November). Designing effective performance appraisal systems. Journal. 46, (197 – 201) Retrieved July 2, 2008, from
Drucker, P. (1997, February) Best Practices in Customer-Driven Strategic Planning. Serving the American Public. Retrieved July 2, 2008 from:
Hamilton, B. (1990, August). Hearing, analyzing, empathizing, and succeeding in management. Training & Development Journal, 44 (8), 16-16. Retrieved May 31, 2008, from General OneFile
Hopkins, Hampton (1995, January). A challenge to managers: Five ways to improve employee morale. Executive Development, 8(7), 26. Retrieved July 23, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 9320377).
Robbins, R. (2002, October). Orientation: necessity or nightmare? Supervision.63(10) 8(2).Retrieved June 1, 2008, from General OneFile.
Spitzer, Dean R (1995). The seven deadly demotivators.Management Review, 84(11), 56. Retrieved July 23, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 7045968).