The bladder forms a part of the urinary tract and is a very sensitive area. If afflicted by any infection, it affects the overall health of the person. The kidneys, uterus and the urethra form the other parts of the urinary tract. The bacteria moving up towards the bladder is flushed, when urine is passed. However, sometimes the flow of the urine is not sufficient enough and that causes various infections in the bladder. The symptoms of a bladder infection could be a burning sensation while urinating, need for frequent urinating, urine appearing as bloody or cloudy, not being able to pass enough fluid, though it might seem so. This infection might occur in men, women and children though women run the risk of bladder and other vaginal infections much more than men or children. Seeing specialists and following proper medications can treat bladder infections. It is advisable to drink plenty of water, to flush out the harmful bacteria from the system.
Yeast is one of the most common and painful fungal infections developing in the vaginal area. Yeast can occur due to the consumption of alcoholic beverages, and excessive use of birth control pills. Yeast infections take place when the monthly pH acid base, in the vagina fluctuates and is replaced by a yeast friendly environment, from a non-yeast friendly environment and causes growth of these bacteria. The symptoms of a yeast infection can be noticed prior to menstrual periods, which tend to go away or lessen once the period is cleared.
Yeast infections have a direct relation to high blood sugar, performing oral sex with a partner who has developed yeast infection, by consuming bakery products and pastries, and low immunity levels of the body. Sexual partners carrying yeast fungus in their genital organs may also transfer the infection to the other partner. This infection is also known for occurring and re-occurring after the treatment is completed.
Proper care and hygiene should be maintained to avoid and prevent yeast infections. Proper treatment should be done if affected by yeast and a relevant diet should be followed, as prescribed by the doctor. Also, use of synthetic and other materials should be avoided, and only cotton innerwear that are skin friendly and help skin in breathing, should be used.
Canine Bladder Infections
Bladder Infections are caused due to various reasons and are known by different names such as cystitis, bladder stones, and urolithiasis causing tumors or cancer on the wall of the urinary bladder. However, it is mostly caused due to bacterial infection, which multiplies itself moving up the bladder, and can affect humans and animals alike. The small crystals present in these bacteria merge with one another to form bladder stone and other bladder infections.
Animals including canines as young as two month olds can be affected by these bladder infections, although the most common age to get affected would be something between two to ten years. Both male and female canines can develop such infections. The symptoms of these infections are similar to the symptoms of a human being. These include urinating frequently in uncommon places, discharge of blood with urine, excessive weakness, and strained appearance, little or no appetite including regular vomiting and pain in the intestines. Also, the urine passed by the animal may carry a foul smell. Passing urine might cause strain and difficulty, and sometimes might be accompanied with fever.
In order to save and protect the animal from any extreme consequences, an early diagnosis is extremely important. In that way, the animal can be saved from acute pain and can avoid an expensive and complicated treatment. A change in the diet can help immensely whereas if affected, the use of antibiotics may help in reducing the intensity of the infection and pain. Some animals inherit the infection through their genes and hence special medication and diet are required regularly to maintain their health. This infection can extend from the bladder to the kidneys, prostrate, heart, and other organs very quickly in case of animals, and thus timely detection and proper medication, with relevant diet is absolutely essential.
Bladder Infections and Sex
As the bladder forms an integral part of the urinary tract, actions related to the urinary tract are directly related to all kinds of bladder infections. Sex is definitely one among them. Safe sex can reduce the possibilities of bladder infections, failing which can lead to dangerous consequences.
A partner, who has already developed any kind of fungal infection in the genital areas or prostrate, increases the chances of the other partner being prone to get infected. Also, in case of an infected partner, the ejaculation of the semen in the vagina may cause infection to the other partner, which might be avoided by using condoms. The close proximity of the anus and vagina makes it possible, for the migration of the gut organisms in case of improper personal hygiene. In case a partner is already infected with the infection, and performs oral sex, the other partner tends to get affected. Also, the saliva of the partner contains the infection and might affect the other partner. People might get infected or re-infected performing an unprotected or unhygienic sex. These possibilities can be reduced to a minimum and might help in avoiding bladder infections. The possibilities of getting the infection from a sex partner are highest, when one of the partners’ immunity levels is extremely low.
The use of condoms can help to avoid such infections. Also, maintaining proper hygiene and cleanliness goes a long way to prevent such infections from affecting individuals. Also, urinating within a short time after having sex may help to avoid bladder infections. People should drink plenty of water to flush out all the unhealthy bacteria from the body. Use of synthetic or tight under wear should be avoided and skin friendly cotton material should be used, to provide breathing space to the skin. Keeping the genital areas clean and dry is also very important to maintain health and hygiene.
E. coli and Bladder Infections
E. coli is the short from of the word Escherichia coliform, one of the main fecal bacteria which moves upwards the urinary bladder to multiply itself and cause bladder infections. This overgrowth of bacteria in the urinary bladder causes severe infections, sometimes even resulting in death. The bacteria have various strains present in the intestines, which are not very harmful. However, a particular strain known as E. coli is considered to be the most harmful of the strains. This strain can be found in drinking water, which contains high levels of toxin. Drinking such water can cause severe diarrhea, abdominal cramps and other bladder infections. The most common symptoms are burning sensations while urinating, blood with urine, frequent urinating urge and not being able to pass enough fluid even though feeling like doing so.
Water containing E. coli infection can be the result of animal wastage getting mixed up with the water, and allowing the extremely small size of the strains to pass through various filters. This might result into fatal occurrences. Sometimes, in case of children, the infection causes the destruction of red blood cells and kidney failures. Symptoms of this infection might take from two to eight days to surface. Proper treatment should be undertaken to cure this infection and sometimes, depending on the case, antibiotics may also be used. The recovery time may vary depending on the severity of the disease.
Proper filtration and water purifying measures should be taken, to prevent the drinking water from getting contaminated by e-Coli strains.
Boling the water before drinking may be a very good option to ensure safety. Various other water purifiers available in the market can also be used to make the water, germ free. Protecting the nearby water bodies from being infected from animal wastes can also help prevent the spread of the infection. However, if infected, immediate care and medication should be taken to examine the intensity of the infection, and treat it accordingly.